Is there salvation for the "white self-loathing" brother?

If any of you want to deny this and blame let's say Italy, Spain, Austria, Greece, Argentina etc. Equally the same with the role the US has played in the white genocide, then my friends you are being in a serious denial. Heck, you even (not you personally) a black president. Are we going to blame the caste system for that too when it's estimated that 50% of white Americans voted for him? Maybe some of you in this forum don't or can't accept the fact that some people of our white kind, and especially in the US, they REALLYYYYYYY fancy (in a natural way) Negroes? Have you ever thought about it?

White Americans voted for Obama because the propaganda they have been subjected to since the time they were born. You see they thought they were proving that they are not racist by doing so. Now they can say "you see everybody, Im not racist. I voted for Obama!"

I think your irrational hatred for Anglo Saxons is blinding you in many ways. Also your contradicting yourself constantly. I got love for you, but I have to say Im starting to believe that you are suffering from several different complexes. Therefore making rational discussion with you near impossible.
Heck, you even (not you personally) a black president. Are we going to blame the caste system for that too when it's estimated that 50% of white Americans voted for him?

Less than 39% of whites voted for Obama. White voters stayed home in droves in the 2012 election. Those white voters for Obama are largely in the Northeast and on the West Coast; the parts of the USA that most want to be just like Europe. Stick with what you know, which is not the politics of the USA. I'm sure you are a smart guy in certain fields, but your statements about white Americans reveal some blinding ignorance. It's a big place, most of which is not portrayed on your television screen. Now, what is portrayed on that television screen is quite evil. You should focus on that, as should we all.
White Americans voted for Obama because the propaganda they have been subjected to since the time they were born. You see they thought they were proving that they are not racist by doing so. Now they can say "you see everybody, Im not racist. I voted for Obama!"

I think your irrational hatred for Anglo Saxons is blinding you in many ways. Also your contradicting yourself constantly. I got love for you, but I have to say Im starting to believe that you are suffering from several different complexes. Therefore making rational discussion with you near impossible.

I have no hate for Anglo-Saxons, not even close. I understand the way you think though. Correct me if I am wrong, but you have probably never lived outside the US? If you had you would know that Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and especially French have suffered EXACTLY the same propaganda from the time they were born. They didn't vote for no Niglet though, instead they vote more and more for right-wing extremist groups! To give you an example: back in 1998 the Jewish-commanded prime-minister of Greece Konstantinos Simitis tried to pass an EASILY RECOGNIZED ZIONIST law. He wanted to ban religion and race from our ID's. The two things that kept us alive pretty much all these centuries. The Greeks rioted in the streets for nearly a month and he was forced to retire his "brilliant idea" for a law. Now would Americans do the same? You tell me.

You might consider impossible to keep a rational discussion with me and I respect your opinion, but at the same time I feel like certain nations like Greece and Italy for example have been wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long on this planet and have suffered way worse things than the cultural propaganda you guys cry about all the time. They have suffer things such as: occupation, ethnic cleansing, wars inside their countries, extreme poverty and so on. Maybe the racial-ethnic survival is in some people's DNA more than others? What racial or ethnic pride an American (of any race for that matter) can have compared to a Greek or Italian or Chinese? Irrational or not, this is food for thinking now :smiley:
Less than 39% of whites voted for Obama. White voters stayed home in droves in the 2012 election.

I am quite sure I saw in CNN 51% but I won't put my hand in fire....It could well be a specific age group or white women, so I will take your word for it. Nearly 40% is not that much lower though, is it? As for "White voters stayed home in droves in the 2012 election" if that statement doesn't prove all I keep saying in here, then I don't know what will. This my friend is the biggest proof of "defeat and white towel" I keep mentioning. Imagine if all those Greeks stayed and home and didn't go to vote for Golden Dawn. They would still culturally rape us and say thank you too. Guys, it's obvious that my way of thinking with your way of thinking is two different things. I guess we have different views!

I still believe that a site and endless conversations won't solve anything though.
Now USA is undoubtedly the root of evil and the source of interracial breeding, interracial matching and worshiping of Niglets, Mexicans and every minority there is really. The UK follows with a close second nowadays. If there was no USA there would be no reason for Negroes to be worshiped all around the world nowadays. Hip-Hop, Jazz, NBA, American Boxing, Hollywood (especially recently), Track and Field (add Jamaica in the mix)........All these things made Negroes and their Jewish promoters rich, famous and icons.

This is 100% right.
Now USA is undoubtedly the root of evil and the source of interracial breeding, interracial matching and worshiping of Niglets, Mexicans and every minority there is really. The UK follows with a close second nowadays. If there was no USA there would be no reason for Negroes to be worshiped all around the world nowadays. Hip-Hop, Jazz, NBA, American Boxing, Hollywood (especially recently), Track and Field (add Jamaica in the mix)........All these things made Negroes and their Jewish promoters rich, famous and icons.

This is 100% right.
It really the MUCH LARGER NUMBER of Jewish Supremacists in the USA that's the source of all that. There are far more so-called "chosen" ones in the USA than in any country outside Israel.

In no other predominately white country has it's the media so completely controlled by the "chosen" ones. No where else are the white people subjected to as much media brainwashing as in the USA.
It really the MUCH LARGER NUMBER of Jewish Supremacists in the USA that's the source of all that. There are far more so-called "chosen" ones in the USA than in any country outside Israel.

In no other predominately white country has it's the media so completely controlled by the "chosen" ones. No where else are the white people subjected to as much media brainwashing as in the USA.

I think I have mentioned it many times before (to the point it looks as butt-kissing lol) but Carcharias is my favorite member in this forum. Definitely I would have a cold beer with lot's of gyros and Greek salad talking for hours with this one. However I will partly agree and partly disagree with him this time:

A) It's really the MUCH LARGER NUMBER of Jewish Supremacists in the USA that's the source of all that. There are far more so-called "chosen" ones in the USA than in any country outside Israel.......Can't argue with that. If anyone paid attention to my posts, he would easily notice that I never debate or even worst "insult" someone who talks facts and numbers, even if he proves me wrong or disagrees with me 100%. It's irrational fools that their insecurity stinks millions of miles away like Thrasen for example. This boy keeps talking THE SAME things for nearly 3 years now. Broken record, anyone? Back to our topic, you are right on this observation Carcharias.

B) Now my question mate. Wasn't that the case once upon in Egypt? Spain and Isabella anyone? Germany and Hitler? Soviet Union post Stalin? Didn't they ALL act and reacted for their salvation WAYYYYYYYYYYYY sooner than the Americans who haven't reacted in nearly 100 years but instead they keep shrinking and shrinking? Comics, porn, junk food, trash-TV, televised sports, yellow press and trashy magazines, gay lifestyle, video games, a comfortable "consuming" life (that leads to death sooner because of the bad lifestyle) and so on is the "medication" and it looks like that in USA, IT WORKS WELL!
If you had you would know that Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and especially French have suffered EXACTLY the same propaganda from the time they were born.

No, the propaganda is not EXACTLY the same at all. Apart from the French, most of those you listed have barely even seen a negro in person. What are there, a couple hundred thousand in all of Greece? I'll see the equal of the total negro population of Italy when I go to the grocery store tonight. That was probably the best part of my travels in Europe. It's easy to say how well the Greeks would have dealt with several million half-apes in their midst for a few centuries, but it's purely hypothetical. Hell, even the French don't really have all that many. Greece has what, 5 or 6 thousand Jews in the whole country? There's 10 times that number in Atlanta, GA. No, it's not the same at all. It's real over here.
No, the propaganda is not EXACTLY the same at all. Apart from the French, most of those you listed have barely even seen a negro in person. What are there, a couple hundred thousand in all of Greece? I'll see the equal of the total negro population of Italy when I go to the grocery store tonight.


That's why I don't take seriously most "attacks" or even respectful debates in here anymore or in all honesty I don't give a crap if I do get banned again and again! I try to hard to enlighten the people in here who don't know much outside their "reality and world" but it's like talking to a wall.

OFFICIAL "CHOSEN" ESTIMATIONS INSIST THAT GREECE HAS "ONLY" 2,5-3 MILLION NON-WHITE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN HERE. This is nearly 25% of the total population. According to Golden Dawn however the non-white illegal immigrants are nearly 4 million with half million being Niglets.

I think the vast majority of the guys in here don't have A CLUE about the "world" really and that's not an insult but reality. I think I rest my case after this post. It begins to tire me so much ignorance (I apologize if I insult you but when there are BLACK GHETTOS in both Athens, Rome and Naples and you talk so much nonsense I can't keep going. It's a waste of time really)

That's why I don't take seriously most "attacks" or even respectful debates in here anymore or in all honesty I don't give a crap if I do get banned again and again! I try to hard to enlighten the people in here who don't know much outside their "reality and world" but it's like talking to a wall.

OFFICIAL "CHOSEN" ESTIMATIONS INSIST THAT GREECE HAS "ONLY" 2,5-3 MILLION NON-WHITE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN HERE. This is nearly 25% of the total population. According to Golden Dawn however the non-white illegal immigrants are nearly 4 million with half million being Niglets.

I think the vast majority of the guys in here don't have A CLUE about the "world" really and that's not an insult but reality. I think I rest my case after this post. It begins to tire me so much ignorance (I apologize if I insult you but when there are BLACK GHETTOS in both Athens, Rome and Naples and you talk so much nonsense I can't keep going. It's a waste of time really)

And that's why I can't take you seriously. Half a million? Multiply that times 6 or 7, then we'll talk. With a couple thousand Jews? in the whole freaking country? Greece is about the size of the State of Georgia in area and population. I can't imagine how wonderful that state would be with only a half million of them. Please, what a joke.
I totally understand where Zeus is coming from on this one. As a whole, white American men ARE soft, de-racinated, lazy and extremely emasculated. That doesn't mean that there are literally millions of American men that aren't. I mean all you need to do is watch reality tv for 10 minutes to see how far the american male has fallen.
I also understand the aggravation of american media and "ideals" affecting the mindset of europeans and other whites. Think of how annoyed we become with the commercials and messages sent in media in our own country. It would be even worse if it was coming from another country. Particularly when the whites of this country don't do anything to change it. We can blame the jews until we are blue in the face but in the end the true blame of the state of affairs in this country falls on our shoulders. Plus, say what you will about the Greeks but they are headed in the right direction in regards to race and immigration.
And that's why I can't take you seriously. Half a million? Multiply that times 6 or 7, then we'll talk. With a couple thousand Jews? in the whole freaking country? Greece is about the size of the State of Georgia in area and population. I can't imagine how wonderful that state would be with only a half million of them. Please, what a joke.

Georgia would be close to a utopia with half a million blacks.
Even though some might take it that I am being sarcastic, or that I am ducking your "observations", the truth is (and considering English is my fourth language) I simply can't follow you as usual. I don't understand your writing-style or what you are saying. Try to speak plain English if that's easy for someone as highly intelligent as you:lol:.

I also can't understand when you are being serious or funny, because like the typical coward you are, you always claim to "just joking" every time you get destroyed by the facts. You have done it plenty of times in our previous debates, so don't even try to deny it. The only thing I clearly understood from all the angry nonsense and "hot air" your bruised ego allowed you to type, there was this small piece I am answering to (of the whole piece of feces your wrote there) and I only got one question....Which one from your brave kind would break all my teeth and destroy us the "whimp, pygmy-sized cronies of Golden Dawn" ? Which one from all in this video mate? :crazy:


I bet my life that what I witness in this video and I can't even describe the anger and shame I feel as a white man, could happen ONLY IN THE USA!

As for you being of German heritage.....I hope you know what kind of fame German Women are having right? Just google "Black men and German women" and you will get thousands of results:

No wonder why our German brothers are always mad and look constipasted ala Hitler, Merkel etc.

Heidi Klum anyone? LMAO

Greek women sleep with black and non white men too.Simon Webb a black British singer who was part of the boyband Blue[3 white members,1 black]has a very hot Greek girlfriend who is a model.GOOGLE SIMON WEBBS GREEK GIRLFRIEND and you and other members here will see pictures of her.She's hot but now tainted.
It really the MUCH LARGER NUMBER of Jewish Supremacists in the USA that's the source of all that. There are far more so-called "chosen" ones in the USA than in any country outside Israel.

In no other predominately white country has it's the media so completely controlled by the "chosen" ones. No where else are the white people subjected to as much media brainwashing as in the USA.

Undeniable truths. Anyone who disagrees with this post loses credebility beyond repair.
Based on the demographic info we have the most Anglo-Saxon/north European* areas voted mostly for Romney or stayed home. Greek-Americans are overwhelmingly Democrats so we can assume most voted for Obama. Remember Michael Dukakis, his Jewish wife, and his Neil Diamond 'Coming to America' campaign theme song?

*Scandinavians in Minnesota and Washington might be an exception but I'm not sure.

Greek Americans back Obama:

OK, it's only an online poll but there's little doubt Greek Americans lean well to the left of most white Americans.

Readers were asked which of the two would be a better friend of Greece and an international supporter of Hellenic issues and it was no contest. The Obama Administration waived the requirement that Greeks who wanted the visit the U.S. would need visas, although some critics said they believe he has not pressed hard enough on other issues, especially those concerning Turkey and the opening of the Halki Seminary.

Sounds like a Fifth Column only interested in their own concerns at the expense of the US. (Hmm, that reminds me of another south east Mediterranean nation).
I totally understand where Zeus is coming from on this one. As a whole, white American men ARE soft, de-racinated, lazy and extremely emasculated. That doesn't mean that there are literally millions of American men that aren't. I mean all you need to do is watch reality tv for 10 minutes to see how far the american male has fallen.
I also understand the aggravation of american media and "ideals" affecting the mindset of europeans and other whites. Think of how annoyed we become with the commercials and messages sent in media in our own country. It would be even worse if it was coming from another country. Particularly when the whites of this country don't do anything to change it. We can blame the jews until we are blue in the face but in the end the true blame of the state of affairs in this country falls on our shoulders. Plus, say what you will about the Greeks but they are headed in the right direction in regards to race and immigration.

I understand and share his concern over the state of affairs in America, but I don't understand his arrogant attitude that somehow Greeks and other Euros are a whole lot better. Like too many Euros, he has no concept of the scope of this country. He thinks white Americans are like what he sees on reality television and commercials. People around here are as culturally different from those found in New York or San Fran as the Greeks are from the Dutch.

I keep on saying it, the most brain-dead white liberals all want us to be more like Europe. Now I see on this thread that Europe is masculine (though they can't seem to father any white babies), and tough (though they pitch a fit if their 6 weeks of paid vacation and full pension at age 55 are threatened). I'll accept the lecture from somebody else, thanks.
It really the MUCH LARGER NUMBER of Jewish Supremacists in the USA that's the source of all that. There are far more so-called "chosen" ones in the USA than in any country outside Israel.

In no other predominately white country has it's the media so completely controlled by the "chosen" ones. No where else are the white people subjected to as much media brainwashing as in the USA.

Excellent point brought up by Carcharias as always, and this is absolutely true. Zionist influence into American popular culture, public institutions and everyday life has created generations of "brainwashed", "liberal", and "racially unaware" Whites in the USA.

I absolutely despise and have a strong malcontent for Zionism and international Jewry, but to fully blame the situation of racially unaware and liberal Whites in USA on Jewish supremacists is somewhat scapegoating the problem.

White Americans themselves also constitute a leading role in their own state of affairs in the USA. We've seen Whites in other countries revolt to Jews and Zionists (Russia Post WW2, Germany, Iran Current, Greece Current), but so far we haven't seen that in USA. Why not? And why are White Americans allowing their country to be literally taken from them? White Americans are allowing themselves to become a minority in the USA and on some level, that is their own collective fault.

There needs to be a massive paradigm shift, or a violent revolution to take place in USA against this madness and if that doesn't happen in the next 10-20 years, it's probably going to be too late based on population trends in the USA and the fact that Whites are becoming minorities faster and faster every year.

I do fully respect racially aware and conservative White Americans, such as Don Wassall, Thrashen, and others on this site, and of course people like David Duke. Sadly, truly conservative Whites are an ever marginalized minority, and the majority of White Americans seem to have no racial awareness whatsoever, and they probably never will.
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White Americans themselves also constitute a leading role in their own state of affairs in the USA. We've seen Whites in other countries revolt to Jews and Zionists (Russia Post WW2, Germany, Iran Current, Greece Current), but so far we haven't seen that in USA. Why not? And why are White Americans allowing their country to be literally taken from them? White Americans are allowing themselves to become a minority in the USA and on some level, that is their own collective fault.

I watched some of the first half of the Texans-Dolphins game last night. On the field the players were of course predominantly black. But so was the officiating crew. Any time they huddled, there were three black ones and just one White one. (And yes they did botch things up on a number of calls.) A Jew and a black were calling the game in the booth.

Whites were disproportionately vastly under-represented in all the important phases of this production except one -- the stands. And during the game there was some promotion going on by the Texans to award game tickets to the fan(s) who wore the best outfits of all-out DWF Houston Texans gear. So there was one shot after another during the game of these buffoons in the stands, all painted up and sporting Texans headgear replete with horns and other juvenilia. And of course every one was a middle-aged, giddy as can be White "man."

Are these DWFs in their infantile states responsible for their own disenfranchisement and buffoonery? The problem is this is the way they have been brought up, by the government schools and the media, in a completely subverted society that has all but destroyed familial bonds, community bonds, ethnic bonds, and historical memory. They are but the desired end products of an overwhelming, all-encompassing system of indoctrination.

Those few who grow up in strong, racially aware families, or who are educated by a friend, or who have the ability to think outside the box (matrix) and have become aware, are very fortunate. That's why I don't condemn Boobus Americanus nearly as much as I do the PTB. White Americans are putty in the hands of those who practice techniques of control and manipulation thousands of years old and which have been made "new and improved" by wondrous technology that is used not to uplift mankind but to attempt to enslave him forever in a drone-like purely animal state.
I understand and share his concern over the state of affairs in America, but I don't understand his arrogant attitude that somehow Greeks and other Euros are a whole lot better. Like too many Euros, he has no concept of the scope of this country. He thinks white Americans are like what he sees on reality television and commercials. People around here are as culturally different from those found in New York or San Fran as the Greeks are from the Dutch.

I keep on saying it, the most brain-dead white liberals all want us to be more like Europe. Now I see on this thread that Europe is masculine (though they can't seem to father any white babies), and tough (though they pitch a fit if their 6 weeks of paid vacation and full pension at age 55 are threatened). I'll accept the lecture from somebody else, thanks.

I agree mostly. I'm not sure he was suggesting that western europe is much better off than the USA is. I don't believe it is. Eastern Europe is a different story but I don't know personally outside of some personal anecdotes that don't prove anything one way or another. I think the catalyst of this whole thread was that Zeus was suggesting that eastern euros are better at combat sports and weight lifting. I would have to agree with him and I believe history suggests the same. Besides a little ball-busting between white ethnicities is healthy as long as it doesn't negatively affect the overall goals.
I watched some of the first half of the Texans-Dolphins game last night. On the field the players were of course predominantly black. But so was the officiating crew. Any time they huddled, there were three black ones and just one White one. (And yes they did botch things up on a number of calls.) A Jew and a black were calling the game in the booth.

Whites were disproportionately vastly under-represented in all the important phases of this production except one -- the stands. And during the game there was some promotion going on by the Texans to award game tickets to the fan(s) who wore the best outfits of all-out DWF Houston Texans gear. So there was one shot after another during the game of these buffoons in the stands, all painted up and sporting Texans headgear replete with horns and other juvenilia. And of course every one was a middle-aged, giddy as can be White "man."

Are these DWFs in their infantile states responsible for their own disenfranchisement and buffoonery? The problem is this is the way they have been brought up, by the government schools and the media, in a completely subverted society that has all but destroyed familial bonds, community bonds, ethnic bonds, and historical memory. They are but the desired end products of an overwhelming, all-encompassing system of indoctrination.

Those few who grow up in strong, racially aware families, or who are educated by a friend, or who have the ability to think outside the box (matrix) and have become aware, are very fortunate. That's why I don't condemn Boobus Americanus nearly as much as I do the PTB. White Americans are putty in the hands of those who practice techniques of control and manipulation thousands of years old and which have been made "new and improved" by wondrous technology that is used not to uplift mankind but to attempt to enslave him forever in a drone-like purely animal state.

Don, you need to be a professor or political leader or a person of influence to the young and energetic white males coming up in this borderless nation formerly known as the usa. I'm serious. You have a way with words and reason that inspires us, and keeps us feeling sane when the ziobots are like a buzzsaw every waking moment against us. As you said above "The problem is this is the way they have been brought up, by the government schools and the media, in a completely subverted society that has all but destroyed familial bonds, community bonds, ethnic bonds, and historical memory. They are but the desired end products of an overwhelming, all-encompassing system of indoctrination." This is SOOOO true. This is a 24 hr wrecking ball working against not only sports fans, but every person, especially Whites.

I actually came to a point just last week, to where I am literally UNAFRAID of the name-calling, such as: bigot, racist, homophobe, hater, zenophobe, backwards thinking moron, hypocritical Christian, et al, etc, etc. I literally DO NOT care anymore about the names that may or may not be hurled at us, much less about what these wretches are thinking of me between their ears. I am to the point to where reasoning with some people is worthless and a waste of time and oxygen. WHY in the flying hell should we worry about the opinions of lost fools who are totally duped? They won't steal my mind and they can't change truth because truth is truth! The name-calling and the utter fear of one word: "RACIST"...has grown old and boring to me because of something VERY BASIC: The Facts! We are not the evil they make us out to be. We are the voice of sanity crying out to Whites to wake the heck up and the PTB hate us even if we would cower and placate them. Screw them! We are in the swamp of death, and when you're up to your collective necks in alligators hating and wishing to devour you, it's no time to discuss drainin' the swamp. It's over. Its time to do whatever we can in the wisdom we have and the chances we have to snatch some poor saps from the fire, so to speak. Like the kid going along the beach-long stretch chunking all the starfish washed up on the shore from high-tide back into the ocean, he was told he couldn't make a difference. As he threw one back into the water, he quipped "It made a difference for that one". Life is getting too short to F- off behind America's collective computers in our still comfy lifestyles. We are toast unless we move quickly and the elites are licking their chops and have glee at seeing us cower. In just the last few years the crap is increasing exponentially. Well, I for one will go down spitting in their elitist eyeballs. Well, I'll stop there for now...Thanks for letting me vent.
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I think this thread went to the flames, simply because some people as usual totally misunderstood (I think on purpose) what I am saying here, or simply because they are in such denial that they can't see the truth clearly, or simply don't want to accept it. Someone said that I am "Anti-Anglo/Saxon" when in reality my day has been totally ruined from the early morning seeing these grossly anti-white news:

I have been in every Greek forum that reported this news to comment and MAKE sure that everyone knows that the white brother (me "shockingly" refer to an Anglo-Saxon as a brother) was the victim of racism from three RACIST niglets. Of course I mentioned that if it was the other way around our ZIONIST-DOMINATED MEDIA WHICH COMMIT EXACTLY THE SAME PROPAGANDA THEY COMMIT IN THE US, would approach it 100% differently. Instead they mentioned no race in this article. My comment got 77 thumbs up and only 14 thumbs down, which proves me once again that the white brothers in Greece are way more racially awaken than in the US, when in similar comments I made in American sites, they got hidden from the excessive number of thumbs down they received, mostly from Wiggers and self loathing (obese probably) white Americans.

Again, such news comes from the US where whites consist 70-75% of the total population, exactly the same number white Greeks consist in Greece in 2013. However in the US and UK (France too) niglets feel 100% superior, stronger and above the law and keep committing crime after crime against whites. What angers me is that some whites still want to analyze "such phenomenon" or still try make pointless debates about it, when in reality all of you (and white Americans period) should PROTEST civilized for the white brother losing his life in your anti-white country (as you see I am being rational and I am not talking about riots or violence) something that of course you won't do by making funny excuses.

If it makes you feel better keep debating about the obvious, put down me on a personal level, put down Golden Dawn, put down Greece and every Eastern European nation, but the truth is that certain white brothers in certain white nations are brave enough to take action for their survival, while others still cry about justice and "equality" in the countries they consist 75% of the population, but they won't even dare to PEACEFULLY PROTEST for their rights!

I don't know if that will anger or make some of you feel even more insecure about the situation, but this is how WHITE STUDS should look like guys:


This goes for my "friend" Thrasen......Look how "manly and superior" the German "Aryan" journalist, who came to interview GD's members with the glasses and the funny goatee looks like next to the "dark, fat, hairy Greek pygmies".......This guy thinks that with his funny stereotypes which started from the ''CHOSEN" ONES, can discourage or make me feel bad. Hahahahaha. He clearly thinks that he talks to his white friend Bobby, huh?And you tell me someone who uses every anti-white stereotype the "Chosen" ones started for different white nations, is pro-white? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

Don, you need to be a professor or political leader or a person of influence to the young and energetic white males coming up in this borderless nation formerly known as the usa. I'm serious. You have a way with words and reason that inspires us, and keeps us feeling sane when the ziobots are like a buzzsaw every waking moment against us.

BeyondFedUp, thank you for the kind words, but the posters here, other than a few I've known since pre-CF days, have made it clear time and again that they have zero interest in my political activities and writings.
BeyondFedUp, thank you for the kind words, but the posters here, other than a few I've known since pre-CF days, have made it clear time and again that they have zero interest in my political activities and writings.

I keep trying to find the time Don, I have said time and time again, I want more than to just gain a few Whites in sports and expose stereotypes. If that is all we accomplish it isn't much. There are bigger things to accomplish.I

think the internet has been a great tool of bringing us together, but it is also hindering us from going any farther, we get too comfortable behind our keyboard and take little action in real life. Sure we can make sure to make people notice double standards and discrimination but there is a lot more to be done.

many like me contribute to the cause by raising proper White families and it is hard to do much else with so much going against us, but others have been able to make change with a lot on their plate as well.
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Is there salvation for the self loathing white type that keeps ruining our kind, or they are a lost case that should be destructed someway? What's your opinion on this gentlemen?

Yes, I do believe there is salvation for self-hating Whites.
In my opinion it starts & ends with good White fathers. Love & guide your kids to be proud of who they are.. All the dads who've left the house, and/or are allowing their kids to be raised by anti-White movies, news, music, etc is a real poisonous, predatory situation for young minds.

I actually believe kids of all races are being poisoned, but @ this point especially White kids, because of the anti-White strain contained within liberalism. just my opinion tho`
American Freedom News