Johnny Manziel

Good for Doug Flutie. He was a hell of a caste screw over himself back in the day.

Yep, glad to see him sticking up for Manziel but also speaking the truth about what Manziel needs to own up to.

Flutie was probably my first real wake up call to the caste system. When he burst onto the scene and I saw him, he instantly became my favorite player. A big reason for that was he would run around and make plays and left many a black defender looking stupid in the process. At the time when I was unaware of the caste system, seeing this undersized white guy taking the league by storm was something very powerful for me as a teenager.
Unlike a lot of people here I'm glad Manziel is partying his ass off and essentially giving a big middle finger to the critics. We need some bad asses in football to be able to crack the caste systems. The boy scouts aren't going to do it. I can see that after 10 or more years of waiting for it to happen.

Great White athletes used to be notorious partiers like Joe Namath and John Riggins. They were high testosterone guys. It's no coincidence that the White defensive player has disappeared as the culture of the sports has limited White NFL players to be cut from one mold--polite, quiet, often religious, and generally wussies.

Until a bunch of bad attitude, bad behaving, hyper aggressive White guys start asserting themselves then the NFL is going to be majority black, because those guys don't dial it down.

I don't like that people on this site pile on our White brothers that want to do some things like a little bar and bed hopping, and instead side with the culty marxy media and want them in bed by 9PM after washing behind their ears and saying their prayers.
Unlike a lot of people here I'm glad Manziel is partying his ass off and essentially giving a big middle finger to the critics. We need some bad asses in football to be able to crack the caste systems. The boy scouts aren't going to do it. I can see that after 10 or more years of waiting for it to happen.

Great White athletes used to be notorious partiers like Joe Namath and John Riggins. They were high testosterone guys. It's no coincidence that the White defensive player has disappeared as the culture of the sports has limited White NFL players to be cut from one mold--polite, quiet, often religious, and generally wussies.

Until a bunch of bad attitude, bad behaving, hyper aggressive White guys start asserting themselves then the NFL is going to be majority black, because those guys don't dial it down.

I don't like that people on this site pile on our White brothers that want to do some things like a little bar and bed hopping, and instead side with the culty marxy media and want them in bed by 9PM after washing behind their ears and saying their prayers.

Jaxvid, that is all good and well, the guy can party and have a good time but he needs to be more careful because his partying (which personally I have no issues with) is becoming a "red flag" for the media. Once the draft comes around they will try to perform an assasination of his character. It has already started.

I would rather him keep his act together for th enext 9 months and than get drafted high and become a successful NFL qb that likes to have a good time. Namath and Riggins existed in a different time so that comparison isn't the best and they were both in the NFL as established players when their partying/wild ways became well known. Manziel can be low key and still party if he wants however he needs to make it to the next level first.
Unlike a lot of people here I'm glad Manziel is partying his ass off and essentially giving a big middle finger to the critics. We need some bad asses in football to be able to crack the caste systems. The boy scouts aren't going to do it. I can see that after 10 or more years of waiting for it to happen.

Great White athletes used to be notorious partiers like Joe Namath and John Riggins. They were high testosterone guys. It's no coincidence that the White defensive player has disappeared as the culture of the sports has limited White NFL players to be cut from one mold--polite, quiet, often religious, and generally wussies.

Until a bunch of bad attitude, bad behaving, hyper aggressive White guys start asserting themselves then the NFL is going to be majority black, because those guys don't dial it down.

I don't like that people on this site pile on our White brothers that want to do some things like a little bar and bed hopping, and instead side with the culty marxy media and want them in bed by 9PM after washing behind their ears and saying their prayers.
The problem with this is that it will affect his draft stock and whether he gets to start in the NFL. They are trying to sabotage his career. All of the people are saying "well if he were playing a different position it wouldn't matter as much, but qbs can't act like that". Good thing social media wasn't around when Eli Manning was in college. I think you are a little too fixated on how players are acting off the field. Some of our guys just let the play on the field do the talking. Now bashing yourself like Kovacs is a definite no no, but to think that White players partying and getting into trouble will help them, I just don't see it. Its going to get blown up and spin in all kinds of different directions. This isn't the old NFL where Bart Starr and Jim Taylor can get in bar fights every week and nothing be said about it. Different standards for White players now. Just let the play on the field do the talking. Guys like Harrison Smith, JJ Watt have done this, as well as other White players. Back in the day Dick Butkus let the play on the field do all of the talking and from what I have read didn't do much off the field like drink etc. Gronk parties and is called a stupid meathead and has his injuries blamed on his lifestyle.

The only thing that needs to change is the "ill do anything for the team coach" mentality. Black players are looking out for themselves. Comments like playing the waterboy will screw you over. Even then there is a fine line, like Hillis who was confident, but wanted to get paid and acted like any typical black rb, now can't get a starting gig.
This isn't the old NFL where Bart Starr and Jim Taylor can get in bar fights every week and nothing be said about it. Different standards for White players now.

Excellent dwid. Not just White players, but ALL white men. I have learned from having 9 uncles that the older generation (baby boomers, and their parents) seems reluctant to admit that part of it. They choose to go with the ol "Whatever happened to our people? We had it so hard back in our day. Walking to school barefoot in the snow uphill both ways. This new generation is weak, and soft."

That kinda rubs me the wrong way because they were born into a world I can only dream about. (Mostly white, jobs in abundance, good music, good education, righteous family values, very little crime). Yet THEY werent able to maintain it, and by the time the 80s rolled around it was almost gone. Now it is gone.
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We are watching a classic media "campaign," spearheaded by ESPN, to sabotage Manziel's NFL chances. They are jumping on him for behavior that is perfectly normal for a college student, especially someone in his position.

Where were all the "Outside the Lines" investigations of Cam Newton and so many other black college players? Why didn't Cam's admitted cheating on exams and theft of a laptop, not to mention his record-breaking number of traffic tickets, or his father's attempted "sale" of his son to the highest college bidder (which we are supposed to believe Cam was unaware of), affect his draft stock? How did he still get picked #1 overall?

Just as in the Riley Cooper case, we see once again that the standard for acceptable conduct for whites is something virtually no black player could meet. Manziel is now a pariah to NFL teams because of the "crime" of having a fake ID? And partying too much? Now, we hear he may have accepted money for autographs? But somehow, every year, countless black college players who physically batter others, sexually assault women, get caught DWI, cheat academically, and do so many other far more serious things than Manziel is being accused of, still become high NFL draft picks and are welcomed by everyone in the league.

I said it when Tebow was a freshman- the NFL would not let him play. And now, an even more athletic white QB in Manziel, is already having his NFL chances destroyed, by all the usual suspects. These new, exciting "read" or "pistol" or "spread" offenses are for blacks only. No "white boys" need apply.

If Manziel is screwed over and not allowed to start in the NFL, I hope Doug Flutie speaks out further. Something tells me that Flutie realizes exactly what's going on. He was a victim in his own way of the Caste System, and who can forget how he earned the enmity of one of the system's biggest proponents in Jimmy Johnson. Johnson showed just how immoral and indecent he really was when he stomped on a box of "Flutie Flakes" cereal after a game when his Cowboys beat Flutie. The cereal was a promotional product to raise funds for the malady Flutie's young son suffered from (I think it was autism). Johnson displayed real class and character there.

Thinking about it, there may not be a better person to speak out against the discrimination whites face, and the double standard the media and the league employs when dealing with players, than Doug Flutie. Let's hope he is as decent and principled as he appears to be, and can summon up the resolve to be a real profile in courage.
We are watching a classic media "campaign," spearheaded by ESPN, to sabotage Manziel's NFL chances. They are jumping on him for behavior that is perfectly normal for a college student, especially someone in his position.

Where were all the "Outside the Lines" investigations of Cam Newton and so many other black college players? Why didn't Cam's admitted cheating on exams and theft of a laptop, not to mention his record-breaking number of traffic tickets, or his father's attempted "sale" of his son to the highest college bidder (which we are supposed to believe Cam was unaware of), affect his draft stock? How did he still get picked #1 overall?

Outside The Lines had daily features about Cam during the 2010 season. It was practically 24/7 coverage.

Outside The Lines: Auburn Quarterback Cam Newton Denies Money Allegations

Outside The Lines: The Latest On Cam Newton

ESPN - Was Cam Newton Bribed to Play for Auburn?

Outside The Lines: What's Next For Auburn

Cam Newton: Cheater & Thief at Florida?

ESPN obsessed about Reggie Bush and housegate, Terrelle Pryor and Ohio State's Tattoogate, and Miami's Nevin Shapiro's boostergate.
Outside The Lines had daily features about Cam during the 2010 season. It was practically 24/7 coverage.

Outside The Lines: Auburn Quarterback Cam Newton Denies Money Allegations

Outside The Lines: The Latest On Cam Newton

ESPN - Was Cam Newton Bribed to Play for Auburn?

Outside The Lines: What's Next For Auburn

Cam Newton: Cheater & Thief at Florida?

ESPN obsessed about Reggie Bush and housegate, Terrelle Pryor and Ohio State's Tattoogate, and Miami's Nevin Shapiro's boostergate.
These are all excellent finds, Roadrunner. You'll note by reading through most of them, that they are mostly "news" pieces that are not judgmental, with the possible exception of some of Reggie Bush "housegate" items which can be found using similar searches.

What is fun to note is the marked difference in tone between the above referenced links and the stories on Manziel and on Riley Cooper. Also that none of these had any effect on Newton's draft stock, although judging from his behavior in the NFL they should have.
These are all excellent finds, Roadrunner. You'll note by reading through most of them, that they are mostly "news" pieces that are not judgmental, with the possible exception of some of Reggie Bush "housegate" items which can be found using similar searches.

What is fun to note is the marked difference in tone between the above referenced links and the stories on Manziel and on Riley Cooper. Also that none of these had any effect on Newton's draft stock, although judging from his behavior in the NFL they should have.

I think the comments sections speak volumes about what the normal fan thinks. They really believe that Manziel is a criminal that will party his way out of the NFL. These are the same people that think that Jamarcus Russell is worthy of another shot and still a great talent for dropping from morbidly obese to regular obese.
This just in, ESPN Radio's Jay Bilas, who is one of those sports journalists who is for "paying" student athletes, came to Manziel's defense.

"[The NCAA says] they’re a student like any other student. They’re a student first who just happens to be an athlete. They’re to be treated like any other student. Well the truth is the college athlete is the only person in a multi-billion business, the only student on campus, who is restricted in any way. No other person is told, 'You get expenses only, and they are just expenses that are incidental to this multi-billion business.' If the money keeps going up and it gets into the billions and goes higher, the tension between amateurism and the commercial-professional enterprise of college sports is going to continue to grow and we’re going to continue to have these kinds of issues."

Here's audio of the Bilas radio hit from SportsCenter:
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Unlike a lot of people here I'm glad Manziel is partying his ass off and essentially giving a big middle finger to the critics. We need some bad asses in football to be able to crack the caste systems. The boy scouts aren't going to do it. I can see that after 10 or more years of waiting for it to happen.

Great White athletes used to be notorious partiers like Joe Namath and John Riggins. They were high testosterone guys. It's no coincidence that the White defensive player has disappeared as the culture of the sports has limited White NFL players to be cut from one mold--polite, quiet, often religious, and generally wussies.

Until a bunch of bad attitude, bad behaving, hyper aggressive White guys start asserting themselves then the NFL is going to be majority black, because those guys don't dial it down.

I don't like that people on this site pile on our White brothers that want to do some things like a little bar and bed hopping, and instead side with the culty marxy media and want them in bed by 9PM after washing behind their ears and saying their prayers.
Yes guys like the Tooz, Alzado, Conrad Dobler and others took no guff from opposing linemen and were hated and feared by opposing players. Who can forget the welcome to the NFL moment that Alzado did to a rookie lineman where he snapped his helmet off and tossed it down the field during his comeback attempt in his late 30's.
I think the comments sections speak volumes about what the normal fan thinks. They really believe that Manziel is a criminal that will party his way out of the NFL. These are the same people that think that Jamarcus Russell is worthy of another shot and still a great talent for dropping from morbidly obese to regular obese.
Haha so true about Russell until I see a shot with his shirt off I still think he is going to look like Jabba the Hut on Slimfast........:becky:
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from reading around, it appears that this has gained him some sympathy among a few fans, more than probably expected. I guess they can't deny that college affletes are getting paid to play, and that Johnny Football is making a lot of money for the school and some seemed to rethink the other attacks on his personality, although I read a few comments about Newton "handling is off the field troubles better", not really, it just wasn't talked about so negatively, and his issues were worse.
I hope the public continues to stay behind Johnny Football. I have never seen such an explosive exciting athlete at the qb postiton. The kid can do a 360 degree dunk on a regulation basketball court. Simply amazing vertical, acceleration, coordination, strong arm, smart on the field, a great leader.

The problem is off the field. I think most of us here would struggle to stay away from the parties, the booze and the girls at 20 year of age. He is a wanted man. That being said, he has to get a control on it so he doesn't ruin his career. To see him not get a chance when be devastating. He could even play running back if they said his arm wasn't good enough and this kid could lead the nfl in rushing. He is that good. Hoping for a non suspension on this issue or a very short one if that. I also want to see him prove the skeptics wrong again this year. It will be very difficult as he lost his best receiver and now defenses have seen film on him. He can still have a big year but he will have to work twice as hard. The defenses will have a spy on him constantly. Ready to root on the Aggies and Manziel though.
It sounds like all he has to do is pay the 7500 dollars he made off the signed memorabilia and he will be good to go.

He really needs to make it through the season without scandal. I wish someone would just tell the kid to lay low and explain how the press is out to crucify him.
Looks like Johnny will get a 1/2 game suspension. The NCAA for appearance sake is attempting to weld justice. If they had anything on him it would be more severe. Just more BS from them.
from reading around, it appears that this has gained him some sympathy among a few fans, more than probably expected. I guess they can't deny that college affletes are getting paid to play, and that Johnny Football is making a lot of money for the school and some seemed to rethink the other attacks on his personality, although I read a few comments about Newton "handling is off the field troubles better", not really, it just wasn't talked about so negatively, and his issues were worse.

Newton committed a felony and left school, losing a year of eligibility. Yup, he handled that real well.
The irony is that Tebow got the media beat down for being a "God-freak' goody-two-shoes, now this kid for the opposite reason. Damned if you do, damned if don't.
Glad Manziel beat this attempt at his career. Looking forward to him playing in 11 1/2 games this year.
Black racists such as Deon Sanders are already making comments comparing his suspension to that of Dez Bryants. Sanders stopped just short of playing the race card on his one.
I hope this entire incident has served as a wakeup call for Manziel. They are gunning for him. He needs to be governed accordingly.
NCAA realized it's a lot harder to profit off amateur athletes when they aren't allowed to play.
Here is a criticism of the guy that some DWF on my Facebook was agreeing with:

Didn't seem the game but it seems like he was responding to taunting from the other team in every instance. It is incredible how whites are held to a much higher standard. Wasn't this the sort of brashness that helped define Mohammed Ali as "The Greatest Ever" (the self-proclaimed Greatest Ever)?

This brashness is exactly the technique you use against blacks. Blacks are emboldened by modesty and self-effacement in their opponents. They have no way of understanding it and view it as weakness. But if you respond tit for tat, they get it through their thick skulls, you really are better. Do we loose our whiteness by lowering ourselves to their un-sportsman-like conduct? Hey, if you are going to play Tarzan, be ready to chuck a couple of Gorillas from the tree top and make that obnoxious Tarzan call. It's the only thing they will understand.

Gorillas are purely a metaphor in this context. Of course. :biggrin:
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