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  1. S

    Thousands rally in La. to support Jena 6

    Most of the whites protesting alleged racism in Lousiana and New Orleans in particular are not from here. They are generally northern libs, many are jewish and most are privelaged. They have been aloof from all the real world plights of being a white subjected to black violence and the constant...
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    "reverse" racism in New Orleans

    First of all racism is racism so use of the word "reverse" is yet another shot at whites. In New Orleans the DA, Eddie Jordan (black) was found guilty by a civil jury for firing 56 highly experienced white employees and replacing them with blacks the first days he was in office. He was not held...
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    2007 Louisville Cardinals

    a white freshman ran back a kick off for Syracuse against Louisville.
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    Hate Crimes Bill

    I heard there is yet a new hate crime bill (speech). This type of legislation is primarily enforced against whites and it is a direct infringement on free speech. It just gives more ammunition for non whites to use in lying as they systematically do in police reports and such. Blacks are the...
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    mike hass is doomed :(

    I am still pissed at the Saints about that cut !
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    Barry Bonds

    I apologize if someone has already commented as I am about to comment but I have not been keeping up with the posts. A lot of the anti white Jew media cliche' if you will is that whites can't stand to see Bonds break Aaron's record. Hello, Aaron is black too. We don't necessarily dislike Aaron...
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    Ann Coulter

    Thanks. I think it may be Hugh Downs I am thinking of but I could be wrong. What are some of Hugh Downs' views on the border etc ?Edited by: Sean Carlisle
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    Ann Coulter

    What is that guy from 20/20 who speaks his mind regardless of partisanism ? I can't think of his name but I really like his no nonsense rhetoric. He has great points on the border issue among many other matters. He pisses a lot of status quo people off on both sides.
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    Ohio inter racial dating

    I like Sharapova but she has been not as consistent as she looked like she was going to be a few years ago when she burst on the scene. Her and most other European women are feminine women who just happen to be great tennis players while the Williams sisters are great in large part to their...
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    Ohio inter racial dating

    A pro-white man was once giving a speech and to piss him off a pretty white girl and a black man snuggled the whole time front row and center. Upon the speech ending and feeling they hadn't rattled the speaker as they had intended the couple baited the speaker by the black man asking if he was...
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    Another white player assaulted

    That makes me mad. They gang up on one of us even when the single black aggressor out matches one of us. Mean while other whites stand around and watch under the false impression they are dissattched. Instead of "dissattched" they may be "next." I have witnessed too many similar episodes...
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    Ohio inter racial dating

    I don't agree with you 301 but I appreciate your honesty. Dating is just a nice way to say sex and sex ultimately of course is the life blood of our very existance and perpetuation so inter racial dating is indeed an extremely big deal. In a very real way it signals an end of a line for our...
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    Ann Coulter

    In other words its all a game and she is just another willing participant in the game, albeit an always growing richer participant. That makes sense.
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    Ann Coulter

    In the last few days the slanted media grossly took her statements out of context and now I saw on msn they are actually trying to twist it into comprable to racism. At some point legal action should be taken for liable.
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    Ohio inter racial dating

    Just think of all the resources and efforts being expended on the murderred race traitor woman. She still has a surviving result I am sure the good taxpayers of Ohio and the general federal tax base will have to support for the next 60 years or more not to mention its inevitable offspring...
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    The fact this candidate is getting so much media attention and the fact Obama is a serious contender makes a sad commentary on the large number of naive white voters in America. He has actually raised a lot more money than Hillary(not that she is much better). Who are all these arses with...
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    anybody but Blacks

    The Jews want to feel safe by being one of many ethnic groups. They like being safe as one fish in a school of fish rather than being the loan non mainstream ethnic group (like a loan fish). That way they drop the odds of being singled out and made to pay for their manipulative actions and...
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    Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

    From the get go when the reality of this scam "officially" came to light the DA's office and other misc authorities were quick to specify that they were not going to pursue charges against the stripper. Now that sends the wrong message. On another note I am pleasantly surprised the DA actually...
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    anybody but Blacks

    A lot of people are fortunate enought to live in lilly white areas of the country and wax philisophically about self righteous condescending egletarian idealisms. Lucky them ! For us who live in constant contact and as a direct result constant fear (realistic) for our physical well being, life...
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    Orleans Parish Prison (New Orleans)

    My friend got sent to jail for a week for missing drill for the Army. While in there of course he was grossly overwhelmed with negroes. There was a scroungy elderly white man half out of his right mind mumbling to himself yet not bothering a soul. For no reason a young able bodied negro savagely...
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    Brian Leonard 23

    I am sorry I missed the unfavorable comments Faulk made about Leonard. Please restate. Thanks.
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    Teddy was a profound rough rider. The news networks hid it but in the aftermath and anarchy after Katrina ******** were targetting whites in the Superdome among other places. Whites of all political agendas huddled together to protect themselves remaining vigilant. For example a formerly aloof...
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    The media puts Reagan down for giving amnesty to 3 to 6 million illegal aliens in 1986. I just found out the whole story however. Reagan's full plan did involve the amnesty issue as a concession but his major initiative was to impose a $1 million, check that one million dollar fine to businesses...
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    They spoke today going to the streets once again openly waving anti Euro American banners touting the fall of America and the reconquest for native Americans or whatever they actually are now. Sadly to say I don't see anything stopping it because the left wants the votes and the right wants the...
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    Quinn vs Russell

    I am pro white and I am an LSU fan but even so I can be objective on Russell. He is overrated ! These insecure egotistical anouncers love him because he is huge and strong and can throw a mile but the truth is if LSU had Matt Flynn playing in the Florida game they would have won and the same for...