Ohio inter racial dating

Jan 1, 2006
Just think of all the resources and efforts being expended on the murderred race traitor woman. She still has a surviving result I am sure the good taxpayers of Ohio and the general federal tax base will have to support for the next 60 years or more not to mention its inevitable offspring.

She made her own choice and has to deal with the consequences. My issue is with white women who date blacks and in effect make an involuntary descision at the same time to jeopordize their white families' well being. A black will savagely sacrifice a white sibling or parent of his love interest in a New York minute. That is not fair to the girls' family to volunteer them for that risk.
Goldfinger, how does it make them no longer a woman?

My points would be:

1) Father issues - rebelling against the father
2) Liberal upbringing - taught that race has no meaning
3) Low self esteem (I agree with that one)
4) Naive
5) Drug & alcohol abuser
6) Loose morals
I will throw in she is STUPID..LOL
True. but she would no longer be a "woman" to me, just be an "animal" by injection. and I definitely agree with your points also.
To Beararms: You perfectly described the mother of Barak Obama.
Barack Obama's mother was a white whore atheist who bed down with both black and Indonesian muslims. People like her should be shot and killed for treason
"Murdered race traitor woman". That's a little much for me. She was very stupid obviously but the whole interacial dating thing just doesn't bother me a whole lot. Don't care if I'm flamed for saying that. Happy fourth of July everybody.
Before we lay all the blame at the feet of our women we should address the problem of the Synagogue in the living room. These ideas aren't being formed in a vacuum, they're part of a carefully planned campaign against normal white America.
Run Stuffing LB said:
Before we lay all the blame at the feet of our women we should address the problem of the Synagogue in the living room. These ideas aren't being formed in a vacuum, they're part of a carefully planned campaign against normal white America.

White Christian Americans should be well aware of this propaganda by now, and should be warning thier children about it as well. My parents did. My father affectionatly calls the t.v. "the jew-tube", and laughs about how stupid some people are in this country who actualy beleive everything the media tells them.

The only thing we watch on t.v. anyway now-a-days are hockey games, MMA fights, and the weather. Between work, school and everything else in my life, I don't have time to watch that much t.v. anymore anyway.
I don't agree with you 301 but I appreciate your honesty. Dating is just a nice way to say sex and sex ultimately of course is the life blood of our very existance and perpetuation so inter racial dating is indeed an extremely big deal.

In a very real way it signals an end of a line for our kind with that white who dates a non white, one small ending but nonetheless a clipped family tree for that person to us as their next generation is no longer one of us.
Lance Alworth said:
Barack Obama's mother was a white whore atheist who bed down with both black and Indonesian muslims. People like her should be shot and killed for treason

Aren't you the same guy who tells us how you yourself date outside of your race?Do you recommend the same"justice" be carried outfor yourself that you want for "white whores"?

At any rate some of the the language used in this thread is way outside the guidelines and what this site stands for, which is intelligent discussion of issues. If you can't restrain yourself when writing, either don't write orelse post on a board that appreciatesanonymously written inflammatorycrapola. Edited by: Don Wassall
I see it more and more all the time. I don't see any less of it with white
women dating blacks, and I also see more and more of them dating
asians, indians, latinos, etc. I think they are by far worse than white men
in this regard.

The main reason they date these guys is that its easy to get a date. ALL
the races want to date whites--both white men and white women. Its just
instant gratification with whites. People can't or won't wait for anything,
like holding out for somebody they really want and have a lot in common

That's what our society has come to--instant gratification and loss of
identity. We're ripe to fall as a country and as a race if this keeps up, and
I suspect it will.

People who see no problem with this have their head on backwards
posting on a pro-white board. Must be that pseudo-egalitarianism again,
probably induced by the pacifist brand of grab-your-ankles Christianity
preached today.
One motivation for the white woman is pity for the black. She believes she can improve him and thereby prove herself kind and clever.

Another motivation is the white woman's belief she can control a black man due to his limited intelligence. Controlling a man of any race is powerful motivation for many women.
I have to pass through a depressed (read black) area on the way to work. Nearly everday I see white women with black men. Recently I have noticed it more. Today I saw a girl with two black guys, they were sitting around, as people like that do, I believe they were pimping her out, but she looked trapped, it was almost as if she had been kidnapped, and in a way she had been. She could escape but she wouldn't.

A while ago I was at a stop light and a white woman with a large group of blacks, men and women and some kids walked by, she looked at me, and I saw something in her eyes. It's hard to say what it was. I could put my own slant on it, to me it looked like she was scared. Anyway there she was, so out of place, a simple white woman with a group of yelling and cussing blacks. Once again it looked like she had been kidnapped. She was so out of place. It just didn't look right.

I know these woman bring this on themselves so they deserve what happens to them but I really feel for them. How could I not? I was raised to be protective of women. It's a very sad situation. And there is almost nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
Ground Fighter said:
The only thing we watch on t.v. anyway now-a-days are hockey games, MMA fights, and the weather. Between work, school and everything else in my life, I don't have time to watch that much t.v. anymore anyway.

Howdy Ground Fighter! A man unto my own heart!

My TV consists mainly of NHL and Weather, much like yours. I throw in some RFD-TV (an all White Rural network, heavy on the horse-training shows) and a bit of NASA-TV, where I ignore the politics and concentrate on the cool technical astrophysics and mechanical engineering.

The beautiful blonde done-in by hideous Black "husband" makes for such a gruesome conversation. I observe it to have a strong, STRONG aspect of very poor intelligence. All the Zionist propaganda in the world shouldn't push a White American woman into the arms of a Negro. Ever. There's also an aspect of serious, extreme emotional disorder, along the lines of "Molested by father" and "acting out hatred of childhood trauma."

The example I see the most of (in my hideous East Coast urban town filled with Africa and Asia) is the fat, ungainly White woman with twisted Black male who likes fat, ungainly White women ... and stupid and self-hating White woman is worked in as well, in large dosage.

One will read in many NS publications that such a woman is "well-removed from the White gene-pool". Hard to argue with that statement.

Happy Fourth of July to all CasteFootball frequent posters!Edited by: Realgeorge
jaxvid said:
It's a very sad situation. And there is almost nothing you can do about it. Nothing.

I guess you've never read the book Hunter by the late Dr. William Pierce. He also wrote The Turner Diaries. His pen name was Andrew Macdonald if I'm not mistaken. I was a little more hard core several years ago.
Don Wassall said:
Lance Alworth said:
Barack Obama's mother was a white whore atheist who bed down with both black and Indonesian muslims. People like her should be shot and killed for treason

Aren't you the same guy who tells us how you yourself date outside of your race? Do you recommend the same "justice" be carried out for yourself that you want for "white whores"?

At any rate some of the the language used in this thread is way outside the guidelines and what this site stands for, which is intelligent discussion of issues. If you can't restrain yourself when writing, either don't write or else post on a board that appreciates anonymously written inflammatory crapola.

I date WHITE Cubans. BIG DIFFERENCE. An atheist whore who dates blacks/muslims is a traitor to America and should be tried for treason and killed. It is not "imflammatory crapola" This "woman" and i use the term loosely is (literally) sleeping with the enemy
Lance Alworth said:
Don Wassall said:
Lance Alworth said:
Barack Obama's mother was a white whore atheist who bed down with both black and Indonesian muslims. People like her should be shot and killed for treason

Aren't you the same guy who tells us how you yourself date outside of your race? Do you recommend the same "justice" be carried out for yourself that you want for "white whores"?

At any rate some of the the language used in this thread is way outside the guidelines and what this site stands for, which is intelligent discussion of issues. If you can't restrain yourself when writing, either don't write or else post on a board that appreciates anonymously written inflammatory crapola.

I date WHITE Cubans. BIG DIFFERENCE. An atheist whore who dates blacks/muslims is a traitor to America and should be tried for treason and killed. It is not "imflammatory crapola" This "woman" and i use the term loosely is (literally) sleeping with the enemy

You seriously need to lighten up on this topic. In this world of yours where white women are tried for treason and killed, is ignorance a excuse for these women. The term race traitor is not exactly in wide usage these days and people feel free to date and marry who they want to. Rightly so, it's called living in a free country. I used to date minority women all throughout my late teens, twenties and early 30's. I was not then and certainly am not now a race traitor. Now I date white women and prefer to continue to date only white women because of all I have learned in my two years or so at Caste Football and what I have learned about the declining white birth rate here. But I don't judge others for dating who they want too. It's not my business and at the end of the day..it's not any of your's either.
I know these woman bring this on themselves so they deserve what happens to them but I really feel for them. How could I not? I was raised to be protective of women. It's a very sad situation. And there is almost nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
A lot of it also has to do with the guilt they somehow feel if they don't say yes to a date, they will be perceived as racist. There is also pretty much nothing you can do about it, because it is very commonplace nowadays. Black guys also have no shame, and will ask out any white woman that they see, married or not. Check out this discussion about this on another message board:
White women with blacks are still outcasts where I'm from, rightly so. They are usually drug addict, toothless wonders. When I travel and see attractive white women with non whites I almost puke.
There are plenty of things braver white men of the past did to prevent any of that kind of filth. They weren't always legal.
KG2422 said:
White women with blacks are still outcasts where I'm from, rightly so.

All is not lost!At least there is one place left in this country where whitesare not submitting to racial suicide.
JoeV said:
I know these woman bring this on themselves so they deserve what happens to them but I really feel for them. How could I not? I was raised to be protective of women. It's a very sad situation. And there is almost nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
A lot of it also has to do with the guilt they somehow feel if they don't say yes to a date, they will be perceived as racist. There is also pretty much nothing you can do about it, because it is very commonplace nowadays. Black guys also have no shame, and will ask out any white woman that they see, married or not. Check out this discussion about this on another message board:

Yes, what is so frustrating is that you cannot do anything about it unless there are obvious threats of violence or the white girl asks for help. Its a very difficult situation. And white guilt doesn't help.
I guess you could try the old question: "is this man bothering you?", but that would be interpreted as racist, as well as grounds for a fight. And in that case then there is the difficulty of guessing the strength of your prospective black opponent. Man, I wish I had the fists and talent of Klitschko--I would ask that question all the time whenever a brother moved in on a white girl. Unfortunately I'm fat and 48 and not in the fighting shape I was when I was in High School!
A pro-white man was once giving a speech and to piss him off a pretty white girl and a black man snuggled the whole time front row and center. Upon the speech ending and feeling they hadn't rattled the speaker as they had intended the couple baited the speaker by the black man asking if he was displeased with him.

The speaker calmly replied that he thought the man looked like a fine upstanding young gentleman but for the life of him he did not understand why a nice young man such as himself would be associating with such a common degenerate low life as his date. The speaker that day was David Duke. Edited by: Sean Carlisle
I see white women with third-world trash all the time where I live
(Chicago area). They are by far the more miscegenating between white
men and women. Some nerdy white guys date asians because they can't
get a date, but almost all white men want white women. And it doesn't
matter how fat and ugly they are, white women can always get a date with
some kind of third-world trash. This is not true for white men.

There are basically two main reasons for this. The first is affirmative
action. If you've ever heard a white women moaning because "there are
no good men out there", remember that all the third world trash gets
affirmative action jobs that would go to white men, including H1-b visa
jobs. Also, don't forget that white women are getting quite a few
affirmative action jobs and displacing white men. So no wonder there are
so few white men with prospects--so many have been displaced by white
women and third world trash. And more third world trash washes up on
our shores EVERY DAY!

Second, in this age of disposable relationships people get used and
dumped all the time. This is harder on women than men. A LOT of white
women have low self-esteem, and also because of our culture, people
want instant gratification. So white women go out with third-world trash
because they know that to colored men, their white skin is a prize--see,
its their hook to get and keep a man! Instead of keeping their head up
and trying again, they settle for the third world trash--they slum, in other
words. Rationalizing that it makes them non-racist is nice too, but the
main thing is that they can always get a date if they are willing to date
third world trash, and they think they have a better chance of keeping
them around becaue they are superior to them.

But women like this are the most racist there are, because they know the
can ace out colored women from a date with a colored man by using their
skin color, and they bank on it!

Its a pretty pathetic state of affairs that will only end with the end of
affirmative action and H1-b visas.Edited by: PitBull
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