Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

An exciting game to say the least. Duke came back from 6 goals down to tie the game in the last period. They hit the post twice while trying to tie it up again in the final minutes. Too bad Duke lost, but it was a great game anyway.
A wonderful game, and Duke came up one goal short. Each of the shots that hit the post ricochet-ed all the way to the midfield line. Some bad luck for Duke. But a glorious game for White Men playing lacrosse in America
Well it looks like Nifong is out. Now the question is whether he will lose his license and/or be prosecuted.

Nifong quits
Hopefully he will get both. We need to set an example for other people like him. People are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in this country. Americans seem to have forgotten this cardinal rule of law. It's sad, really.Edited by: InfamousOne
N.C. panel disbars Duke prosecutor

RALEIGH, N.C. - A disciplinary committee said Saturday disgraced prosecutor Mike Nifong will be disbarred for his disastrous prosecution of three Duke University lacrosse players falsely accused of rape â€â€￾ a punishment the veteran prosecutor admitted was appropriate.

"This matter has been a fiasco. There's no doubt about it," said committee chairman F. Lane Williamson.

Nifong sat motionless, one hand resting over his mouth, as Williamson recounted how he engaged in dishonest and deceitful conduct. The veteran prosecutor would not appeal the punishment, his lawyer said.

"He hopes this helps restore some of the confidence in the criminal justice system of North Carolina," said attorney David Freedman.
Now all we need is a lawsuit by the players against both Nifong personally and the police department, and criminal charges filed against Nifong for wrongful prosecution and misuse of official position.
Ding dong, the witch(hunter) is dead, the wicked old witch(hunter), the wicked old witch(hunter). Ding dong the wicked old witch(hunter) is dead!

It's now official:
N.C. Panel Disbars Duke Prosecutor

District Attorney Mike Nifong was disbarred Saturday for his "selfish" rape prosecution of three Duke University lacrosse players - a politically motivated act, his judges said, that he inexplicably allowed to fester for months after it was clear the defendants were innocent.

Full article: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20070617/D8PQF6R00.html

Edited by: Don Wassall
White Shogun said:
Now all we need is a lawsuit by the players against both Nifong personally and the police department, and criminal charges filed against Nifong for wrongful prosecution and misuse of official position.

How about a lawsuit against Duke University and the black panthers as well. These guys will clean house after all is said and done and be able to buy 100 Crystal Mangums.
At least when the system picks on whites with resources, they sometimes have the money to fight back. I think the families of the wrongly accused will file and eventually win civil damages against the witchhunter.
William L. Anderson has been all over this hoax from the beginning. He deserves an award of some kind for his yeoman work. Thank God we have the Internet to get the truth out (sometimes) in an era when the corporate media is "embedded" up the fedgov's arse.
<H1 align=center>My Final Open Letter to MichaelByronNifong</H1>
by William L. Anderson

As I survey the human wreckage of this case and try to comprehend the utter damage that you did to so many people - including yourself - I hardly know where to begin. I have been writing on this subject almost since the beginning, and I will tell you that I received a lot of hate mail in those early days when I publicly declared you were not telling the truth. Let me further say that there was no event - nothing - that transpired that even tempted me to change my mind. I knew that what you were doing was wrong, even as the media, other prosecutors, and the talking heads on television trumpeted your every word as though it were the Oracle of the Gods from Mount Olympus.

Thus, as I address you for a final time, let me tell you that I am not writing as a Johnny-come-lately in this case. I saw through it from the beginning, and I saw through you and what you were doing.

But let me also say that I do not take a single whit of pleasure in what I am writing. I have shed tears for you and your family just as I have shed them for the others. You are about to embark on a very, very painful journey, one that did not end yesterday, but only began.

The final outcome of the North Carolina State Bar's action against you was unprecedented, and I suspect you never thought such a thing could happen to you. As I saw you leaving the courthouse following your bar trial yesterday, accompanied by your wife, I saw an utterly-humiliated man, something that no one could have pictured a year ago, and it is very hard to see someone being so humiliated in such a public way.

Do you remember how you showed confidence and, yes, bravado in the various hearings as you sparred with attorneys, laughed out loud when the late Kirk Osborn requested to Judge Ronald Stephens - your close ally - that Reade Seligmann's bond be reduced from $400,000 to $100,000? You controlled the process then, and I suspect that you believed you were untouchable.

As I return to the experience of humiliation, let me also say that you did your best to humiliate three innocent young men. First, you demanded that they be arrested while in class, something that even Judge Stephens could not agree with doing. You wanted maximum news coverage and for those young men to be utterly humiliated in front of their classmates, as police clipped handcuffs on them and led them to be thrown into the back of police cars.

Do you remember the threats made against Reade Seligmann's life on that horrible day when he appeared in Stephen's Durham County courtroom? Do you remember that Reade found out on his mother's birthday he was to be indicted? Do you remember that he had his picture on the cover of Newsweek as an accused rapist? That, Mr. Nifong, is humiliation, and he and his family suffered greatly because you wanted to gain an extra $15 grand a year on your pension.

As difficult as this was, I doubt that Newsweek will place your mug on its cover. First, you are not important enough to them; second, Newsweek is interested in convincing its readers that the leftist paradigms of sex and race really are true, and this case destroys that dishonest worldview, and the editors and writers there really do not like to be reminded that they are just as dishonest as you have been. Third, Newsweek, like everyone else, does not like to be caught on the losing side, and this whole affair has been a major defeat for them. They fell for a hoax they wanted to be true, just as they had fallen for the Tawana Brawley hoax 20 years ago.

The Book of Proverbs says that he who "sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind," and that is what we will see now. The process you went through last week is only the beginning, not the end. Yes, disbarment means your legal career is over, over, and the life that you had planned for yourself and your family also is over. There will be no book deals, and your ability to earn even a decent living has been severely impaired.

Furthermore, this process you began has grown into the monster that has swallowed you and your career, and that means that there will be lawsuits and surely criminal charges in the wake of this hearing. Even if all of the families decided today not to file suit against you, your troubles would not be over. As an attorney for Reade Seligmann, Jim Cooney, has stated, "We are not through yet with Mr. Nifong."

Yes, you can look for criminal investigators to come after you, as well as some of your confederates and allies, such as your investigator Linwood Wilson, and some members of the Durham Police Department. It has been ugly, and it will even become uglier.

I don't know how or when this affair will end for you, but I think that when Rae Evans told "60 Minutes" that you will pay "every day for the rest of your life," she was not kidding. It is not that Mrs. Evans will be the one hounding you - she will get on with her life, trust me - but rather that the process you so dishonestly began in March 2006 will be what follows you.

So, I believe you will lose much of your wealth due to lawsuits and attorneys' fees, and you are likely to do a stretch in prison, most likely federal prison. I do not say this with glee - indeed, I do not - but I think that is the future that awaits you, and it is grim.

Let me now say that your life does not have to be one in which you are remembered by what has transpired in the Duke Lacrosse Non-Rape, Non-Kidnapping, and Non-Sexual Assault Case. Yes, most people will remember you as such, but let me introduce you to someone who came into the public eye in a notorious fashion, but now has turned around his own life in a spectacular way.

In 1968, the most notorious terrorist for the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi was a young man named Thomas A. Tarrants III. One night that year, while attempting to bomb the home of a rabbi living in Meridian, Mississippi, he was ambushed and chased by police. Tarrants' partner, a young female schoolteacher, was killed in the shootout and Tarrants himself was shot numerous times and was near death.

However, he recovered and went to prison in that state. After almost being killed in a spectacular prison break, he was put in solitary confinement and became converted to Christianity. After his release from prison, he ultimately went to seminary, became a campus minister and later the pastor of a racially-mixed church in Washington, D.C. Today, he is president of the C.S. Lewis Institute in Washington and has earned a doctorate from Fuller Seminary.

Granted, this is one of those stories of unbelievable change in a human being, although I would bet that there are people today who still want to believe that Tarrants is faking everything - just as you have insisted that "something must have happened" at that party, even though we already know the facts, and they are not what you claim. I give you this example, however, because there really can be redemption, even for people who do terrible things to others.

Right now, I doubt your heart really is right for change. Yes, you have been to the woodshed and, yes, you have been utterly humiliated. But we cannot forget that it was your goal to utterly humiliate those three young men who had done nothing to deserve the hatred and force of the law that descended upon their heads.

You, on the other hand, brought on the process that ultimately stripped you of your law license and your dignity. But I want to hold out to you that even in this dark time, you can change, and you can reclaim something of your life. No, you cannot reclaim your income, and there very well may be a time in the near future when you cannot even reclaim your own freedom, as a perp walk may be something you are going to experience. However, in time you can begin that road to really changing what you are and what you became this past year.

Because the North Carolina State Bar had the courage to stop you even while the original case against the three young men was proceeding - something that was unprecedented and was passed with only one vote to spare - you were not able to successfully prosecute these men into prison. I tell you that you ought to be on your knees thanking God and thanking the NC Bar that they prevented you from carrying out this loathsome act. If you think the consequences for you are severe now, just think what they would have been had you carried this fraud of a case to trial.

You were right when you declared on the stand that this case defines who you are. Acts of violence and hatred once characterized the life of Thomas A. Tarrants III, but that no longer is the case. Likewise, the hijacking of the apparatus of the law and falsely accusing people of crimes that never occurred currently define you, but that does not have to be the case.

I do hope that there will come a time when you come to understand what has happened, and why you and your family have gone through this truly awful experience. I say this because I am not sure you truly understand. Right now, you see yourself as a faithful public servant who was trying to bring justice for a poor, black woman who was beaten and raped, and somehow these wealthy, white families were able to keep you from carrying out the process of justice. You simply cannot see clearly that nothing happened except lies, and you used your powers of office to promote an even bigger lie than what Crystal Mangum told the police that morning of March 14, 2006.

Yes, you tell yourself that perhaps you were "overzealous," but well-meaning. That is something I can tell you is not acceptable, not to the bar, not to the families you have wronged, and not even to yourself. Only when you come to understand the enormity of what you did and why - why - it was so wrong can you begin that road to reclaiming your life.

I hope and pray that day comes. I hope it comes for you, your family, and for those who you have harmed. But, unless you come to grips with what you really did, that day will never come, and that will be the biggest tragedy of your life.

<DIV align=right>June 18, 2007
<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>William L. Anderson, Ph.D. [send him mail], teaches economics at Frostburg State University in Maryland, and is an adjunct scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He also is a consultant with American Economic Services.
Looks like Duke university capitulated pretty quickly, and settled with the 3 players. One down three to go. Any estimates on the settlement amounts?

By Anne Blythe, Staff Writer

DURHAM - Duke University has reached a settlement with each of the three former lacrosse players and their families.
The university made the announcement this afternoon.

According to a press release issued by Duke, the terms of the settlement will not be disclosed.

In a statement, Duke officials said the board of trustees and Duke President Richard Brodhead had determined that it was in the best interests of the Duke community to eliminate the possibility of future litigation and move forward

"This past year has been hard for many people who care about Duke -- for students, faculty, staff, alumni, families and friends -- and for the three students and their families most of all," the Duke statement said. "We resolve to bring the Duke family together again, and to work to protect others from similar injustices in the criminal justice system in the future. "

The players, Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, also provided a statement.

"Years ago, each of us made a decision to attend Duke because it is one of the greatest universities in the nation," the players stated. "We were drawn to Duke because of its sense of community. The events of the last year tore the Duke community apart, and forcibly separated us from the university we love.

"It is impossible to fully describe what we, our families and team endured. As we said from day one, we are innocent. But it took three-hundred and ninety-four days, and the intervention of the North Carolina Attorney General, before our innocence was formally declared. ...We hope that today's resolution will begin to bring the Duke family back together again, and we look forward to working with the University to develop and implement initiatives that will prevent similar injustices and ensure that the lessons of the last year are never forgotten."
Don Wassall said:
At least when the system picks on whites with resources, they sometimes have the money to fight back.  I think the families of the wrongly accused will file and eventually win civil damages against the witchhunter. 


Don, the closer you study this hoax, the more sinister it is. It was no coincidence the 3 players with the wealthiest home zip codes were picked.

The accuser had some legal advisers who were advising her before the critical lineup. William Anderson wrote this at the Liestoppers Board.
Is that all black people do? Find new ways to scheme and screw over white people for free money? It's like a profession to them.

Go after that stripper and her "legal advisors" too!
From the get go when the reality of this scam "officially" came to light the DA's office and other misc authorities were quick to specify that they were not going to pursue charges against the stripper. Now that sends the wrong message. On another note I am pleasantly surprised the DA actually and expediently I might add paid the piper so to speak.
I was glad to see the falsely accused lacrosse players actively participating in the process because so many times victims ironically are reluctant to relive injustices in court facing their offenders. I would guess a lot of those victims I am speaking of inevitably regret not pursuing injustices so I am glad the Duke players stood strong and followed through with what needed to be done. A couple hours of rehashing bad stuff for a good purpuse is better than decades of regretting letting justice go unserved for yourself and others.

I am with you on a civil case against the stripper. I don't care if she never has a dime to actually make civil restitution, to the lacrosse players it is a matter of GP. And on a grander scale to our society in general it would be making the right statement.
Check this out:
<H1 =storyTitle>Nifong admits 'no credible evidence' in Duke lacrosse case</H1>
Disgraced former prosecutor Mike Nifong acknowledged Thursday there is "no credible evidence" that three Duke lacrosse players committed any of the crimes he accused them of more than a year ago, offering for the first time a complete and unqualified apology.

<DIV =inline-mug>


"We all need to heal," Nifong said. "It is my hope we can start this process today."

Nifong's apology came as a judge began considering whether to hold the former Durham County district attorney in criminal contempt of court for his handling of the case.

Rest of article: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=2949847

The "healing" should begin after Nifong goes to prison for his crimes.
Nifong sentenced to one whole day in jail.

[url]http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8RCITJ00&amp;show_a rticle=1[/url]

DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - From the day he took over the Duke lacrosse rape case, Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong charged forward with a strident determination that the guilty would end up in jail. Ultimately, the since-disgraced former prosecutor only succeeded at putting himself behind bars.

Nifong was sentenced Friday to a single day in jail, having been held in criminal contempt of court for lying to a judge during his pursuit of rape charges against the three falsely accused lacrosse players.

Superior Court Judge W. Osmond Smith III could have sentenced Nifong, who had already been stripped of his law license and had resigned from office, to as many as 30 days in jail and given him a fine as high as $500. Instead, he opted for a largely symbolic punishmentâ€â€￾the public humiliation of sending a prosecutor to jailâ€â€￾that he said would help protect the integrity of the justice system.

"If what I impose with regard to Mr. Nifong would make things better or different for what's already happened, I don't know what it would be or how I could do it," Smith said. ....
InfamousOne said:
Is that all black people do? Find new ways to scheme and screw over white people for free money? It's like a profession to them.

If you had worked with black people, you know that is what they do. They longed to be the winner of a lawsuit against whitey. They could work instead, but that would take too much effort.
I caught a bit of that on the news, GW, but I hadn't read anything about it yet. Thanks for posting it.
yeah, I saw that too, I was thinking of starting up a collection to help him out, anyone interested?
jaxvid said:
yeah, I saw that too, I was thinking of starting up a collection to help him out, anyone interested?

I'll donate. How about a gun with one silver bullet for him.
I'm sure the Rev. and his buddies will pitch in to help him out.
As what's true, lying can bring you nothing. I don't know why she did that but I guess, that blonde, almost disbarred for prosecutorial misconduct, goofball Nancy Grace backed the wrong horse, because Crystal Gale Mangum. She's also charged with resisting arrest and child abuse. She initiated fraudulent charges against others in the past, and is now looking at very real charges against herself. God help her poor children.
American Freedom News