Another white player assaulted


Oct 15, 2004
We could have an extensive thread on white athletes that get their ass kicked by black teammates. A thread that had whites beating up blacks would be very short. It's a metaphor for what is going on in out society. Whites are too civilized, too polite, too aware of the consequences, of fighting with someone else, especially a teammate, to summon up the rage to win these altercations.

The Zambozo incident with the Cubs was the most high profile but I bet it happens a lot.

The Tigers triple a team just had an incident. Romon Colon an immigrant job stealer from the Dominican Rupublic was on rehabilitation assignment with the Toledo Mudhens, which by the way was just the Tigers managements way of hiding him from the big league roster as they have too many pitchers that they want to keep and not enough options.

Anyway the clown had his music turned up too high in the clubhouse, I'm sure it was after a loss and and he was blaring some salsa crap, and since he's just on "rehab" he almost certainly doesn't give a rat's ass what happens to the lowly minor leaguers team. A fellow hispanic turns the music down and he explodes.

A white guy tells him to calm down which makes the mestizo warrior even angrier, another white guy gets into a shoving match with him and then a fight ensues and the white guy trying to break it up, Jason Karnuth, gets beat up pretty badly. Although it was "accidental".

It's bad enough that the police are charging Colon in the incident with felonius assault so there are obvious details missing. Colon must've went savage on Karnuth after he was accidentally hit trying to break it up. I've seen it with blacks before, as soon as a white guy is injured and vulnerable to attack they really turn it on and try to kill the poor guy. You see the same thing with wild animals, probably for the same reasons.

Colon plays the race card soon after: "I should not be the only one suspended," Colon told the Free Press. "Why should I be suspended when they were calling me a [expletive] to my face?"

Wonder what expletive they were calling him, couldn't have been n*gger or else they would have been suspended, although he might be claiming that even though it's not true.

Colon told the Detroit Free Press he believes race played a factor in his suspension.

"When they called people into the office to ask what happened in the fight, there were no Latino people in there," he said. "So, I was alone."

Doubtful Colon will be returned to the team after his suspention. He most likely will make his way into some unwary white community in America where this type of behavior will play out many times again.
Good find and even better analysis JV. I too get sick and tired of seeing white athletes get sucker punched, screamed at, threatened and otherwise abused by a bunch of ungrateful interlopers many of whom literally would not even exist were it not for the charity of the West.

Part of the reason whites lose (or at least seem to lose)so many of these types of fights is because, as you pointed out, we are civilized people. We tend to labor under the delusion that the non-whites (I'm talking about blacks and browns here) are just like us when it comes to civility. They are not. Any effort to make peace or to compromise or to defuse the situation is perceived by them as weakness and only wets their appetite for doing you harm. Instead of giving these jerks credit they don't deserve the athlete (or any white in general) should just dispense with the etiquette and either run or attack full bore.

It's a shame that we should have to be in fight or flight mode whenever we around these people but that's what it's coming to.
That makes me mad.
They gang up on one of us even when the single black aggressor out matches one of us. Mean while other whites stand around and watch under the false impression they are dissattched. Instead of "dissattched" they may be "next." I have witnessed too many similar episodes that you bring light to. I regret not getting involved in one despite being too small at the time. I also regret not popping one despite the consequences as we were in a police station- He was talking down whites in general and smarted off to a fat white kid like a typical smart ars ni**er.

A lot of black players are classified as Hispanic as opposed to black just because they are from an Hispanic nation. The FBI does the same crap with crime stats. They even take the second step of classfiying the Hispanic blacks as white Hispanics and thus merely white to make the crime stats look more pc.

The pro black Jewish media crys about there being not enough black in mbl but a lot of blacks are incorrectly not classified as black due to the Hispanic crap. A lot of them look like typical blacks but get the Hispanic label. A negro is a ******* no matter where it was born or what language it slurs.
Edited by: Sean Carlisle
American Freedom News