Sean Carlisle
A lot of people are fortunate enought to live in lilly white areas of the country and wax philisophically about self righteous condescending egletarian idealisms. Lucky them ! For us who live in constant contact and as a direct result constant fear (realistic) for our physical well being, life in the reality that is multiculturalism is not merely theoretical and defenitely not idealistic.
Personally all races and sub races I have encountered can relate and identify with me and I can actually have honest meaningful conversations with them. That is except for blacks. I have had countless experiences with blacks and they overwhelmingly, not 100%, but pretty close come across as arrogant, rude, offensive, stubborly simpistic, irrational, unreasonable and close minded not to mention apt to violence with little or no provocation. They are bullies plain and simple !
Accross the board all races especially dislike the ******* race. From personal experience, again, I know countless Vietnamese, some Chinese, non black Hispanic, East Indian, and middle eastern people who even have special indiginous derogatory words for blacks. Its not without cause either and its not due to the old cliche' of have and have nots. Blacks try and often succeed in bullying and intimidating anyone not of their kind. Its primitive, basic, and instinctual but we are not in the jungle any more and we have laws and social norms that dictate against that. The black churches around the nation must not have gotten that memo or have chosen to ignore it similar to how they ignore common decency and manners, regular showers, deoderant, female chastity, condoms, studying/homework, deep thought, compasion, respecting other people's rights, self control against violence, not buying crack, not cheating on wives/husbands, avoiding prison time, among other things etc etc.
If Mexico was full of blacks trying to get in we would be doomed but with primarily Mexicans sneaking in and a president who supports it at least we have a half way shot of avoiding third world status in the next 50 years based merely on our vast natural resources. If we were infiltrated by tens of millions of additional blacks instead we would be sunk in a decade. The Mexicans and other non whites will bring us down and screw us in the process through direct discriminatory policies to come but I give it about 75 years before the US enters third world status under those circumstances.
Personally all races and sub races I have encountered can relate and identify with me and I can actually have honest meaningful conversations with them. That is except for blacks. I have had countless experiences with blacks and they overwhelmingly, not 100%, but pretty close come across as arrogant, rude, offensive, stubborly simpistic, irrational, unreasonable and close minded not to mention apt to violence with little or no provocation. They are bullies plain and simple !
Accross the board all races especially dislike the ******* race. From personal experience, again, I know countless Vietnamese, some Chinese, non black Hispanic, East Indian, and middle eastern people who even have special indiginous derogatory words for blacks. Its not without cause either and its not due to the old cliche' of have and have nots. Blacks try and often succeed in bullying and intimidating anyone not of their kind. Its primitive, basic, and instinctual but we are not in the jungle any more and we have laws and social norms that dictate against that. The black churches around the nation must not have gotten that memo or have chosen to ignore it similar to how they ignore common decency and manners, regular showers, deoderant, female chastity, condoms, studying/homework, deep thought, compasion, respecting other people's rights, self control against violence, not buying crack, not cheating on wives/husbands, avoiding prison time, among other things etc etc.
If Mexico was full of blacks trying to get in we would be doomed but with primarily Mexicans sneaking in and a president who supports it at least we have a half way shot of avoiding third world status in the next 50 years based merely on our vast natural resources. If we were infiltrated by tens of millions of additional blacks instead we would be sunk in a decade. The Mexicans and other non whites will bring us down and screw us in the process through direct discriminatory policies to come but I give it about 75 years before the US enters third world status under those circumstances.