anybody but Blacks

Jan 1, 2006
A lot of people are fortunate enought to live in lilly white areas of the country and wax philisophically about self righteous condescending egletarian idealisms. Lucky them ! For us who live in constant contact and as a direct result constant fear (realistic) for our physical well being, life in the reality that is multiculturalism is not merely theoretical and defenitely not idealistic.

Personally all races and sub races I have encountered can relate and identify with me and I can actually have honest meaningful conversations with them. That is except for blacks. I have had countless experiences with blacks and they overwhelmingly, not 100%, but pretty close come across as arrogant, rude, offensive, stubborly simpistic, irrational, unreasonable and close minded not to mention apt to violence with little or no provocation. They are bullies plain and simple !

Accross the board all races especially dislike the ******* race. From personal experience, again, I know countless Vietnamese, some Chinese, non black Hispanic, East Indian, and middle eastern people who even have special indiginous derogatory words for blacks. Its not without cause either and its not due to the old cliche' of have and have nots. Blacks try and often succeed in bullying and intimidating anyone not of their kind. Its primitive, basic, and instinctual but we are not in the jungle any more and we have laws and social norms that dictate against that. The black churches around the nation must not have gotten that memo or have chosen to ignore it similar to how they ignore common decency and manners, regular showers, deoderant, female chastity, condoms, studying/homework, deep thought, compasion, respecting other people's rights, self control against violence, not buying crack, not cheating on wives/husbands, avoiding prison time, among other things etc etc.

If Mexico was full of blacks trying to get in we would be doomed but with primarily Mexicans sneaking in and a president who supports it at least we have a half way shot of avoiding third world status in the next 50 years based merely on our vast natural resources. If we were infiltrated by tens of millions of additional blacks instead we would be sunk in a decade. The Mexicans and other non whites will bring us down and screw us in the process through direct discriminatory policies to come but I give it about 75 years before the US enters third world status under those circumstances.
Exactly. No other race has the violent mentality of blacks. It happens everywhere they go. Whatever they encounter they destroy. Look at all the cities they have turned to crap. Billions of billions of dollars has gone to waste. Here is an example of what kind of pigs blacks are. Remember the Los Angelos riots. Blacks who owned businesses would put signs up saying black owned so that they would not be destroyed. That is the worst form of racism known to man. Imagine how much better this country would be without them.
Actually I've found that ethnic Pacific Islanders are worse, but there are a lot less of them than west Africans, so people don't complain about them.
Down here in North San Diego county, the Samoans have adopted the black thug dress and lifestyle. Samoans and blacks run together,and fight Mexicans together. The blacks are pissed that their M.O.P.E.(Most Oppressed People Ever) status is being taken by the Mestizos. Samoans, like alot of Asians now, are playing the racial victim card.
Sean Carlisle said:
Personally all races and sub races I have encountered can relate and identify with me and I can actually have honest meaningful conversations with them. That is except for blacks. I have had countless experiences with blacks and they overwhelmingly, not 100%, but pretty close come across as arrogant, rude, offensive, stubborly simpistic, irrational, unreasonable and close minded not to mention apt to violence with little or no provocation. They are bullies plain and simple !

This is why I can't understand why so many white women go with black men. You simply can't reason with them, nor can any decent white people really relate to them. They have been here for hundreds of years and they still are the least assimilated people in the entire country. They are basically a nation within a nation and Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are the unelected dictators of black America. The only reason I could see why any white woman would want to be with a black man is either a) she is a wigger, or b) she wants to taste the forbidden fruit, but if thats the case, then why don't they date Asian or Hispanic men? I have dated women of other races before, but never, not even once, did I ever consider dating a black female
Lance, good points on mudsharks. I've also notice that most mudsharks tend to be trashy whores. I don't run in those circles, so (fortunately) I don't come across much of that in my (red)neck of the woods!

...With that being said, I think the NWO wants to spread division so the chance of a "united front" is minimized. I'm certainly not the dillusional, pantywaist, "Koombyaah"/let's-all-be-friends type, but I think there needs to be a middle ground on some issues. Beneath their socialist/"diversity" lip-service/window dressing, I've no doubt the Globalist Elite truly wants constant racial tension so the Elite's true agenda (NAU, the Amero, Orwellian/dystopian police state, etc.) can be more easily implemented. I'm proud to be a WASP man, and will stand for my rights...but my paradigm has shifted more to fighting the NWO and their attack on our great Republic & Constitution!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The Jews want to feel safe by being one of many ethnic groups. They like being safe as one fish in a school of fish rather than being the loan non mainstream ethnic group (like a loan fish). That way they drop the odds of being singled out and made to pay for their manipulative actions and exploitations of gentiles. In other words they have learned from history and shaped America to suit them.
Sean Carlisle said:
The Jews want to feel safe by being one of many ethnic groups. They like being safe as one fish in a school of fish rather than being the loan non mainstream ethnic group (like a loan fish). That way they drop the odds of being singled out and made to pay for their manipulative actions and exploitations of gentiles. In other words they have learned from history and shaped America to suit them.

I agree with that or something pretty close.Edited by: KG2422
Good Post Sean Carlisle. Like you I have been around blacks for the greater portion of my 31 years on this planet. I'm originally from the south side of Chicago and have plenty of horror stories from my youth.

Four years ago we moved to Australia and never looked back. (My wife is Australian)

It isn't only their lust for senseless violence either. It is nearly everything about them. Their mannerisms, their demeanor, and really their whole philosophy of life that creates conditions that no human should be forced to live under. They take so much joy out of life (for white people) by conducting themselves the way they do. Here in Australia my family and I can take public transportation if we desire to and it is clean and safe. (couldn't do it with the family in Chicago) We go to public parks where the little one runs around and plays. (Couldn't do that either living in Chicago) Yes Sir a large black presence can lead to nothing but agony and pain for the white working class families that are forced to tolerate their anti-social behavior.

Now from what I posted one may think I am some kind of hate monger. No, I am not a hateful person at all. Where I live we have a few chinese, a few Indians, and a few Lebanese and I get along just fine with them. They watch their kids, mow their lawn, and generally don't rob rape and kill at every turn.

The same cannot be said of the African. I honestly believe that the African is a race all unto themselves. They are a unique creature indeed.

I know I ranted a bit But Sean Carlisles post struck a chord in my memory.
aussie, I have read a lot in the news about problems with Lebanese and other Middle Eastern immigrants. What is your perspective on that issue?

Can you share some personal insights about your move there, e.g. any negative cultural adjustments you faced, Australian perception of you as an American, requirements for immigration, etc?
aussieaussie31 said:
Good Post Sean Carlisle. Like you I have been around blacks for the greater portion of my 31 years on this planet. I'm originally from the south side of Chicago and have plenty  of horror stories from my youth.Four years ago we moved to Australia and never looked back. (My wife is Australian)It isn't only their lust for senseless violence either. It is nearly everything about them. Their mannerisms, their demeanor, and really their whole philosophy of life that creates conditions that no human should be forced  to live under. They take so much joy out of life (for white people) by conducting themselves the way they do. Here in Australia my family and I can take public transportation if we desire to and it is clean and safe. (couldn't do it with the family in Chicago) We go to public parks where the little one runs around and plays. (Couldn't do that either living in Chicago)  Yes Sir a large black presence can lead to nothing but agony  and pain for the white working class families that are forced to tolerate their anti-social behavior.Now from what I posted one may think I am some kind of hate monger. No, I am not a hateful person at all. Where I live we have a few chinese, a few Indians, and a few Lebanese and I get along just fine with them. They watch their kids, mow their lawn, and generally don't rob rape and kill at every turn. The same cannot be said of the African. I honestly believe that the African is a race all unto themselves. They are a unique creature indeed.I know I ranted a bit But Sean Carlisles post struck a chord in my memory.


I am aware of the riots that occurred in Cronulla a year and a half ago, and I was wondering if you live near that city. From what I have seen and heard, there were more than 5,000 Aussies defending their streets against Lebanese scum. I hope that is true. If you have more information about the riots, I'd be glad to hear it.
GF, were the Lebanese Christian or Muslim? Lebanese Christians tend to be pretty good people and even though they are of Arab descent, many of them are pretty white looking. Lebanese Muslims are a different story. The reason I ask is being that I am Albanian, we are kind of looked upon the same way as the Lebanese are. I have never had a problem with Leb Christians and I find them to be fairly honorable people.
White Shogun wrote "aussie, I have read a lot in the news about problems with Lebanese and
other Middle Eastern immigrants. What is your perspective on that issue?

There is some truth to that WhiteShogun. The Lebanese (almost exclusively Muslims) do tend to stand out and given certain scenarios can and do sometimes cause problems. This appears to only be the case with the younger crowd. That being said though the vast majority of the Lebanese, Muslim or Christian tend to be quite respectful. For instance when my family and I went to downtown Sydney on Australia day I remember seeing upwards of twenty or so Lebanes youths on the train. Not a single one made any derogatory remarks, nor did a single one act in a manner that was not decent. Now, if I flip the scenario and replace those 20 Lebanese youths with 20 Africans I am not so sure I would have made it through the day without incident.

Know that I am not defending Lebanese. There are many of them that are undesirable to be around. And there are many that take to the Hip Hop culture (I use the term culture liberally) but for the most part the ones that try to adhere to that lifestyle are wannabes. Any European American that spent a great deal of time around Africans would probably laugh at most of the Lebanese that desire to be (gangstas).

White Shogun Wrote "Can you share some personal insights about your move there, e.g. any
negative cultural adjustments you faced, Australian perception of you
as an American, requirements for immigration, etc?

All in all the move was more or less smooth. Since we speak the same tongue it made things quite simple. There have been some cultural adjustments though they have been minor. (I love baseball, they love cricket) I come from the same racial stock as most Australians so the adjustments I have had to make have been minor. I think that most Australians are welcoming of European Americans. Australians do tend to view Americans as war mongers. However most Australians have a strong dislike for Muslims so they do not treat you negatively for it. I will say that Sumner Redstone's (AKA Murray Rothstein's) MTV is having negative affects on the Australian youth though not to the degree of which it has had in America. In terms of immigations requirements it was pretty much cut and dry for me simply because my wife was born in Australia. I was granted instant permanent residency. However I promise you I will do a little research and make a few phone calls and find out more information and let you know what I come up with. I do know when I went for my drivers license I did not have to take any type of test like immigrants from all other countries with the exception of Britain, Canada, and New Zealand. I gave them my Illinois License, they said "have a seat yank so we could take your picture," and bam I received my NSW driver's License. I said I have never driven on the left hand side of the road before and they said "Don't worry, you'll get use to it".

But yea back to the original topic. I have lived with many different types of ethnic groups over the course of my life from Mexicans, Africans, Asians, Indians, and Arabs. The group that unequivocally stands out are the Africans. The blind hatred that they exhibit, their lust for violence, their desire to destroy, and their naked aggression in civil society is unparalleled to ANY other group that I have come into contact with.
Lance Alworth said:
GF, were the Lebanese Christian or Muslim? Lebanese Christians tend to be pretty good people and even though they are of Arab descent, many of them are pretty white looking. Lebanese Muslims are a different story. The reason I ask is being that I am Albanian, we are kind of looked upon the same way as the Lebanese are. I have never had a problem with Leb Christians and I find them to be fairly honorable people.


From what I understand, the "Lebs" (as the Aussies call them) that were causing the trouble were Muslim. The riots supposodly started when a group of them attacked two young females lifeguards on a Cronulla beach. Then, the group of Lebs started talking sh*t outside a local Aussie bar (which is NEVER a good idea), and this caused the local Aussies to retaliate and proceed to kick their little brown Lebanese asses all over town (Hey, you mess with the bull and you get the horns). lol. Good job Aussies. I wish I could have been there with you, kicking ass and taking names.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
I had an interesting conversation with a Lebanese Christian recently about Jews and Hezbollah. He looked like a southern European to me. I asked him if Lebanese Christians often look white because they are descendants of Crusaders centuries ago. He said that is why many of them look European. Do any of you know any more about this subject?
KG2422 said:
I had an interesting conversation with a Lebanese Christian recently about Jews and Hezbollah.

I'm very interested in knowing more about what he said about the "chosen ones". lol. Do tell, do tell.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
Lebanon is an interesting piece of real estate. It was controlled by the Christians until the Zionists displaced the Palestinians (many of whom were also Christian), this upset the balance with the influx of Muslim refugees and now it is ruled through some sort of unholy alliance where 3 distinct groups are represented by the equivilent of their presidency, prime ministership and some other position.

Racially, you have to understand that the Northern Levant (including Anatolia, Lebanon, Assyria, Galilee <ponder that one>) was a mix of Indo-Europeans and other non-semetic peoples who have since been ethnically cleansed. It wasn't until the Turks and later the Muslim Arabs invaded these areas that you see the racial groups occupy this land that exist there today. There is definitely some Crusader blood running through the area, but understand that the pre-Crusader inhabitants of the area also had a large portion of Aryan (Indo-European) blood to begin with. Hell, the Galatians were a Celtic people who settled in Central Anatolia (modern day Turkey) after raising hell from Western Europe to the Hellespont.

The hardest thing to get people to do, I have found, as a student of history is to understand that what exists today did not necessarily always exist. They did a genetic study on the province in Modern Day China where Confucious and Tsung-zu (art of war guy) lived and found that around 1 AD the inhabitants were genetically more like Northwestern Europeans then modern Chinese. The study was even done by Oriental Universities, and I seriously doubt they would have cooked something up like that. We also know for a fact that the Tocharians who existed in modern day Northwestern China (Tarim Basin) were White and spoke an Indo-European language. If you think about the ramifications of that, Whites once literally existed from the shores of the Pacific to the shores of the Atlantic, across the entirety of the Asian continent. Today they are rapidly losing their hold on the small perhaps 1/4 of what they once held. In the U.S. we have dropped from over 90% of the population to less then 75% in half a century. In South America and Southern Africa its been far, far worse.

What we are experiencing is a backlash against Western Imperialism. People convienently forget, or fail to comprehend that our Imperialism was a backlash against non-White aggression against us dating back at least 10,000 years. We are being snookered into giving up our hard earned land to make a few, very, very wealthy and frankly it sickens me to the point where its hard to function on a day to day basis anymore. I go to work and think about the future that my kids will have to face and the past that has already been lost. Things like sports (which used to be near the center of my life) are no longer that important, because I can't help but think that the collapse of the West is at hand. I went from a typical materialistic middle class White Christian suburbian into one of those nutjobs I guess ; ) But hey, you can only have your head in the sand for so long. Sorry for the rant.
Excellent post, socal. Thanks for the history lesson.
reclaimsocal said:
The hardest thing to get people to do, I have found, as a student of history is to understand that what exists today did not necessarily always exist. They did a genetic study on the province in Modern Day China where Confucious and Tsung-zu (art of war guy) lived and found that around 1 AD the inhabitants were genetically more like Northwestern Europeans then modern Chinese. The study was even done by Oriental Universities, and I seriously doubt they would have cooked something up like that. We also know for a fact that the Tocharians who existed in modern day Northwestern China (Tarim Basin) were White and spoke an Indo-European language. If you think about the ramifications of that, Whites once literally existed from the shores of the Pacific to the shores of the Atlantic, across the entirety of the Asian continent. Today they are rapidly losing their hold on the small perhaps 1/4 of what they once held. In the U.S. we have dropped from over 90% of the population to less then 75% in half a century. In South America and Southern Africa its been far, far worse.

At the same time, genetic similarity isn't white. Genetically, I had less in common with one of my Danish teachers than I did with a black girl in class.

What we are experiencing is a backlash against Western Imperialism. People convienently forget, or fail to comprehend that our Imperialism was a backlash against non-White aggression against us dating back at least 10,000 years. We are being snookered into giving up our hard earned land to make a few, very, very wealthy and frankly it sickens me to the point where its hard to function on a day to day basis anymore. I go to work and think about the future that my kids will have to face and the past that has already been lost. Things like sports (which used to be near the center of my life) are no longer that important, because I can't help but think that the collapse of the West is at hand. I went from a typical materialistic middle class White Christian suburbian into one of those nutjobs I guess ; ) But hey, you can only have your head in the sand for so long. Sorry for the rant.

Its population pressure. Whites are making fewer whites, and non-whites continue having multiple children. I don't think its a backlash of any sort, quite honestly, or that imperialism was anything more than whites having the ability and desire to re-order a savage place to their own advantage.

There's no moral compass when it comes to survival, and imperialism was just economics and a sense of duty to uplift non-whites.
I think he's got a little longer time frame than you are recognizing, Matt
Bowen Fan. The reduction in white birthrate is only in the last 30-40 years
(birth control, welfare state, marxism) while he is talking hundreds and
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
At the same time, genetic similarity isn't white. Genetically, I had less in common with one of my Danish teachers than I did with a black girl in class.


Are you not white?Was your Danish teacher white? If you and your teacher are both white, how is it possible for you to have more in common - genetically - with a black girl? If you would have said you had more in common politically orphilosophically, I guess I could understand, but genetically? How so? I had some dental work done and have been taking some pain pills, so perhaps I'm missing the point.
I don't think its so much a matter of birthrates as it is our ability to bypass nature's limiting factors.

As for Imperialism, there is no way that we would be absorbing such a large amount of non-White immigrants into White nations if we hadn't gone out and taught them to mimic us (lingustically, religiously, culturally, etc.) Its no different then when Rome ruled over much of the White world and brought them into the fold. The difference is that my ancestors were on the opposite side of the coin as I find me and my kin today and we have thousands of years of history to provide us with a lesson in what will become of us if we don't heed it. I don't blame the immigrants one bit, but now as a Roman (so to speak) I'd rather see our side win this time around. Bringing in masses of non-Whites, legally, illegally, whatever and assimilating or in actuality attempting to assimilate them is a recipe for disaster. I find it ironic that the Visigoths who first sacked Rome in 410 AD eventually moved into Iberia and settled, the Iberians of course eventually became known as the Spanish and conquered Central America where they bred with the Mestizos who are now the major force threatening to topple the new Roman Empire, aka the United States.

You have to understand the difference between dealing with individuals and dealing with groups of individuals. On and individual level there are good and bad in all ethnic groups. On a group level there are certain traits that manifest themselves in groups of individuals of like ethnicities. To mistake the first for the second can be fatal. Race-mixing, if done by only a few is harmless, but when the numbers start to add up it can mean trouble for the homogenous races being mixed. The list of White ethnicities that no longer exist because they were bred out by non-Whites is vast. The aforementioned Tocharians and Galatians are prime examples. The Vedic Aryans in India and Iran who once dominated Central Asia are no longer with us. The Vandals and Alans disappered into the sands of North Africa and the Berber gene pool. The Bactrian Greeks held out for centuries before being absorbed into the Mongol/Turkic peoples of Afghanistan.

In a perfect world everyone would probably embrace one another's ethno-cultures and there wouldn't be any problem. However, in the real world Whites are the only one's currently playing the game this way. It is only OUR nations that are being ethnically cleansed through non-White immigration and misgenation. In 100 years Mexicans will still be the majority in Mexico, Blacks will still be the majority in Africa, the Chinese will still be the majority in China, but Whites will no longer be the majority in the United States and the majority of European nations are going down that same path.
it seems like i learn something new every time i peruse the boards.

i hope you guys keep sharing more knowledge on these kinds of topics, because i am sorely lacking in a long-term understanding of how we got to be where we are now.

thanks, and keep up the good work!
Love the history lessons, socal. Keep them coming.
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