
Jan 1, 2006
They spoke today going to the streets once again openly waving anti Euro American banners touting the fall of America and the reconquest for native Americans or whatever they actually are now. Sadly to say I don't see anything stopping it because the left wants the votes and the right wants the cheap labor for big business so we don't have anyone going to bat for us.

Us being the blood descendents of the founders of the nation are stuck in the middle. Of course the blacks don't give a dam either way and are anti American by nature in being anti establishment and pro criminal.

Many decades from now we will be persecuted and have to fight and take refuge consolidating in stong holds. History is not on our side. I hope the winds of history shift in our favor one day. A higher white birth rate is badly needed.Edited by: Sean Carlisle

We must ALL stand up and defend our Republic. Become politically active and fight for your birthright and Nation, or the Globalist Elite will destroy our borders, sovereignty, economy, way of life and our children's future!!! Don't just vent on this website, contact your Congressmen, Senators and our sellout President and demand the borders be closed, birthright citizenship end & that absolutely NO amnesty (aka - "pathway to citizenship", "temporary" work permits, etc.) be passed!!! Run to the battle, don't sit on the fence!
smiley1.gif Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Forget your congressman, run for office yourself or fund a campaign. We need to stop illegal immigrants offspring from becoming citizens.
How is it that in a country where 3/4 of the population wants some form of immigration restriction, that there is not a single mainstream candidate that has a platform even mentioning it? Pure madness.

The most idiotic thing about big business and cheap labor: as the middle class vanishes and the poor swells with 3rd worlders, these mega corporations lose thier main source of income, and thus end up detroying themselves. Sound like a virus much?
InfamousOne said:
How is it that in a country where 3/4 of the population wants some form of immigration restriction, that there is not a single mainstream candidate that has a platform even mentioning it? Pure madness.

Because the "mainstream"/frontrunner candidates are all Globalist shills (Hildabeast, Obama, hEadwards, Flip Romney, RINO Rudy, McAin't, etc.). The only real candidates are Tom Tancredo and the great American patriot Ron Paul</font>. Tancredo's an outstanding Congressman, BUT Dr.Paul is indeed "Founding Father Material"!!!
It's the story of our lives: caught between the capitalism uber alles wealthy and the hands out underclass.

I hate to say it but this battle has already been won --by the immigrants, and their domestic allies. There are 1 million illegals in the greater LA area alone, do you honestly believe we have the political will to even put a dent in that number? No.

Look, even when we win, we lose. Look at the Bakke case in the 1970s, that was supposed to end "affirmative action," right? It only strengthened the will of colleges and universities to go out of their way to recruit blacks, mestizos and others. California's Proposition 209, Washington Initiative 200, the "One Florida Intitiative" program, and the Supreme Court's refusal to overturn Texas v. Hopwood all won on their merits but white people are still losing.

Maybe its time we went in a new, more "agressive" direction? When you work the system and it fails to respond what else are you supposed to do?
Dixie: Yes, they are presidential candidates, but are they mainstream? The media goes out of it's way to make them both non-factors in the election. In fact, they portray them like they are old cooks with crazy ideas and/or racist ideals. Thus the people are never hearing the ideas that these men support.

With the new direction of the neocon republican party it may well be possible to foster a new, third party that runs on a disgruntled conservative base that is not being heard. Dems are wasteful and thier social policies cost the taxpayer. Republicans are in bed with big business and do not have the peoples best ideas in mind. It's easy to meet the middle ground and associate with 70% of the voting majority in America. All you need is to be seen, or talked about.

Since most people want to curtail illegal immigration, it would be a great platform to launch the party. The idea is to focus on positive agendas that would not frighten mainstream (aka sheeple) audiences while meeting an agenda for the common person. Yelling "send blacks back home" is much less effective then truthful studies of social programs that point out thier ineffectiveness. We need to get people talking, not yelling.

They could call themselves the American party, and associate with the ideas of thefounding fathers. Most people would eat up the idea of a party that represents thier ideas and challenges the status quo. There has never been a better time for a third party.
The media puts Reagan down for giving amnesty to 3 to 6 million illegal aliens in 1986. I just found out the whole story however. Reagan's full plan did involve the amnesty issue as a concession but his major initiative was to impose a $1 million, check that one million dollar fine to businesses caught employing illegal aliens. Of course Democrats and even fellow Republicans screwed him and as a result us by renigging on the whole plan. Of course the amnesty part went forward.

I am glad to hear this truth about Reagan because I always thought he was a great president. He cannot be lumped in with the sell out Republicans of today. He was a true conservative and a stand up man. I am sorry they screwed him on the plan because I think a million dollar fine for businesses would have been the silver bullet for all practical purposes.

I am aware that is the past and we must move on. I actually have gotten active with the Minutemen. They are a great American organization. If you are interested please check out thier web site at or just do a search on Minutemen. Just look at what they do and their iniatives- you don't have to join but just check it out at least.
There is a global warming commercial out now where a middle age man is spouting the dangers while standing on a train track. The locomotive is barreling toward him; however, at the end he says that the problem won't become evident until 30 years later and it's not his problem. He then steps to the side to safety and an 8-9 year old girl is left on the tracks as the train is about to hit.

Ironically, a liberal environmental commercial summed up our above mentioned multicultural, nonwhite invasion we are faced with. Appropriately, both actors in the commercial were white.
What about Pat Buchanan? He should be president. I don't like everything about him, but I hear him. He's kind of like a "We all know what needs to be done" kind of guy.
IO, Congressmen Tancredo & Paul are being buried and painted as "bottom-tier" by the bogus "mainstream" media. I totally agree with you regarding the direction of the Globalist puppeteered DNC & GOP "leadership".I've have a few friends in the Constitution Party, and I've thought of joining the CP (because I love their platform). However, after being a loyal Republican for 14 years (& seeing the NeoCONs totally sell out their real conservative base), I'm hesitant to commit to another party right now. I'm officially an Independent (paleo-Conservative/ Nationalist/Constitutionalist with a pinch of Libertarian & "Goldwater" Republican).

Although Dr.Paul is currently in the GOP, he's the biggest/best supporter of the Constitution on Craptiol sHill (bar NONE). His record speaks volumes, and I fully support him. I suggest all CasteFootballers checkout Dr.Paul's positions and voting record. He's a rare man of integrity in DC & as solid as they get!

While the verminous Globalist Elite who control White House will never allow a non-puppet (from the GOP or DNC) win the Presidency, I'm done choosing "the lesser of two evils". You see...the "lesser" will still be a Globalist pawn!
smiley5.gif Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Here's what Teddy Roosevelt had to say in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Teddy was a profound rough rider. The news networks hid it but in the aftermath and anarchy after Katrina ******** were targetting whites in the Superdome among other places. Whites of all political agendas huddled together to protect themselves remaining vigilant. For example a formerly aloof British rugby team got wind that the ******** were going to start stabbing whites at night fall in the dome so the rugby team formed a circle around the whites and slept in shifts to vigilantly guard against attacks. That made the British papers at least but not the US papers.

My point is that is a microcosim of our future. We will get backed into a corner and I predict severe economic crisis in the US. We will have it tough but at least we won't have the constraints of job security fears, legal problems, our health or even fear for our potetial death and such to encumber us from actually standing up for our people and fighting to the death for our people's very existance. History has proven caucasians are some tough resourceful sobs so don't ever count us out. It won't be pretty but we will persevere. Anyone who thinks I am being melodramatic or overstating things just wait we'll see. It may be 50 years or more but it is inevitable.

Pat Buchannon came close in getting major mainstream support but he failed so his time is past. He is still a great advocate for us but I don't think he will ever get close to being a poetential contender for major office. I wish David Duke had won the governor's office in Louisiana but it was too good to be true. He gave it a great run coming in second.
The people rose to overthrow an wealthy and elite, powerful government many times in history. There is no representation of opposition for the people to associate with, hence thier despair and apathy towards politics. That does not mean that these people are not desperately looking for someone to push thier views. There is a huge potential, even in a movement that starts grassroots, to muster strength over time.

Imagine if one were to answer questions with actual plans for the economy instead of double speak so commonly used by todays political leaders. How refreshing. I imagine after the Democrats have had thier run after the Bush debacle (and further damaged the US - mostly middle class whites -in the process) it would be quite easy to get people's attention who are disillusioned with current governmant.

We could move towards a government that produces it's own money (greenbacks!) and finances it's own military instead of outsourcing to defense contractors. This would decrease inflation.

We could move to taxing outsourcing of jobs so that it is just not cost efficient to use foreigners for labor. This would produce more jobs and keep companiesin syncwith American interests.

We could focus on tightening immigration laws by punishing companies for being caught hiring them, and by forming permanent border patrols that regulate immigrants. People wanting to enter the USA would require a background check, this filters the good from the bad, and pass a waiting period. Anyone captured illegally in the USA will be deported and denied legal access to the USA in the future.

We could focus on a foreign policy of non-intervention, and focus on the defense of our countryman, including the immigration screening and border patrols listed above, along with a government agency dedicated wholly to counter-terrorism.

We should reevaluate our social programs as well. Let's put a cap on welfare, similiar to unemployment. Women should not get more money for having additional children, putting additional strain on the nation. Charity is wonderful, but the government forcing us to pay into what is essentially a charity would be considered unconstitional at best. Affirmative action (aka racial black quarterbacks) also needs to be reevaluated for it's effectiveness.
Sean,you are not being melodramatic at all,and when you talk about the horrors that took place in the Super Dome in New Orleans you are backed up strongly by the fine website of American Rennaisance,

As far as a third political party is concerned,the good folks at the American Nationalist Union, have some solid ideas.
InfamousOne, are you stealing your platform from Ron Paul?
Just kidding, but most of what you have written is advocated by Ron Paul.

Tancredo seems to be hinging his entire campaign on curtailing illegal immigration. If 70% of the American people see that as the primary issue facing the nation, he should win in a landslide. We'll see.
Heh, i never really read Ron Paul's platform until recently, but we both agree on about 90% of subjects. (What is his stance on abortion? That's a tough one because the government should not impose itself per the constitution, and seperation of church and state must stand. So where does Ron Paul stand on this subject? I haven'theard and his site mentions nothing. I am pro-choice, by the way. Flame on.)

Ron Paul needs a party behind him, as he isn't really a republican. Wasn't the GOP debate proof of that?

He would be bestleading a conservative party seperate of the big business republican party, and that is why I believe athird party should be born - one that supports theinterests of the American People. His numbers were quite high during the GOP debate, this wouild be a perfect time to use that momentum and go further with it.

He would make an excellent leader for said party with his views and genuine belief in improving the lives of American citizens.

It may be best to seperate politically from the publican party in the grounds that any association with Bush will be a political suicide at this point. I really fear that we will vote Hillary or Obama in to office in a public backlash to the neocon agenda. I fear for the middle class at the end of that term.
Don't be scared, be attentive. Be industrious and try to better yourself. Make yourself more capable in athletic and intellectual activities. Make others and your children capable because capability is ultimately the only way to have freedom.

The situation is not as bad as it looks from the immigration perspective, because well in Teddy Roosevelt's time it was worse. In 1907, there were fresh memories of the Haymarket Bombings, and immigrant crime was very high.

T.R. is my all time favorite president.

A lot of immigrants had anti-American sympathies. However,
eventually this was weeded out of them for the most part.

Remember operation wetback for deportation. We should give welfare aid in exchange for sterilization.Edited by: Freedom
Freedom: I am a private business owner and avid exercise fanatic. I am constantly in search of the truth hidden from me by the media. I have a great pride in the strength of my people, and no propaganda machine can mask the achievements of the white race. Being told we are bad for being what we are is ludicrous. I make no apologies for being one the more successful races on the earth. What would the world be like if the roles were reversed? There would be silence, as they do not have the compassion of my people to share the world.

I think we all agree on this and that is why we post on this forum. It is outrageous to be cast the way the media presents white men, as weak and inept. We are quite the opposite, and it scares them. It should. Let the immigrants remember what those men did at the Alamo when they try to separate from the United States. Perhaps that will wake the rest of my people up.

In other words, you are preaching to the choir brother.

Edited by: InfamousOne
American Freedom News