Ohio inter racial dating

Bart said:
KG2422 said:
White women with blacks are still outcasts where I'm from, rightly so. 

All is not lost!  At least there is one place left in this country where whites are not submitting to racial suicide.

Yeah, CNN is pissed. They came down here and did a special "forum on racism" last december. I would say what I think about them but I'm sure you can guess and it's outside the forum guidelines.
The last thing I would say on this topic is that since white women do this to
increase the number of guys they can date, white men should refuse to date
them and reduce that number drastically. They might wisse up a little then.
PitBull said:
The last thing I would say on this topic is that since white women do this to
increase the number of guys they can date, white men should refuse to date
them and reduce that number drastically. They might wisse up a little then.

No way. That might make it worse. We just need to make sure that everyone knows that it's not cool within our social groups. Women are all about conforming to the social norm. We must dictate the norms. I was at work the other day and this woman I work with was telling me about a team of "hispanics" that was threatening them at a softball tournament. She said that one of them threatened a fella on their team by saying that he was "gonna gut him like a fish" after the game. I said "did he tell that (slur) that he would shoot him in the face if he tried it"? There was a mestizo customer in there so it ruffled a few feathers. But people know how I feel about things. I don't suffer in silence like many men who are secretly racially aware. As men, we have the responsibility to take care of things of this nature. We can't cower down to some social norm that was created by the televison. That being said, I know there are many jobs where discretion is necessary. But away from work, let people know.Edited by: KG2422
My friend just got back from a cruise that went to Jamaica. He met a girl from Dallas on the boat and they are now "dating". She told him he was the first white guy she has ever dated (she is white). I told him this sounds like a troublemaker, but he doesnt think so.
KJV1, I think your friend needs to not be so close minded and foolish. No offense but I wouldn't go near that woman with a 10 foot pole.
Venus Williams' boyfriend is pro golfer Hank Kuehne.


I wonder what Papa Williams thinks of this. He once left a message on the Williams' family phone message machine saying that those that married outside of their race should be killed. He would get along fine with some of the posters on this thread.
KJV1 said:
My friend just got back from a cruise that went to Jamaica. He met a girl from Dallas on the boat and they are now "dating". She told him he was the first white guy she has ever dated (she is white).

Let me offer some friendly advice. He should first have her tested for signs ofbrain damage or mental retardation. There must be an explanation for her previous stupidity and lack of common sense.Then have her tested for Aids, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Intestinal Parasites, Tuberculosis, Bubonic Plague,Leprosy, etc.If she checks out OK --it's still too damn risky. A Platonic relationship is the only way to go if he persists.Edited by: Bart
i wonder what he see's in Venus.I dont like judging or putting women down based on their looks but they are grotters and their persona's dos'nt exactly make up for it either.
Don Wassall said:
Venus Williams' boyfriend is pro golfer Hank Kuehne.


I wonder what Papa Williams thinks of this. He once left a message on the Williams' family phone message machine saying that those that married outside of their race should be killed. He would get along fine with some of the posters on this thread.
He must be into "junk" videos.....
KJV1 said:

Actually it is Serena that has all that Junk, all that junk in that trunk!

Yeah not only that, but she looks more manly than he does. I have to admit I don't want a woman who is more muscular and "manlier looking" than I am. Just doesn't feel right.
I like Sharapova but she has been not as consistent as she looked like she was going to be a few years ago when she burst on the scene. Her and most other European women are feminine women who just happen to be great tennis players while the Williams sisters are great in large part to their masculine like qualities. Navratalova was like that too.

Men have an unfair advatage over women which takes away or lessens the skill factor, that's why men and women play separately. The Williams sisters are pseudo men if you will. They probably have natural testosterone levels above some of the male players in fact so they should be barred from playing with women under a false pretense. It takes away from really skilled women players and makes a farse of the fine sport.
jaxvid said:
A while ago I was at a stop light and a white woman with a large group of blacks, men and women and some kids walked by, she looked at me, and I saw something in her eyes. It's hard to say what it was. I could put my own slant on it, to me it looked like she was scared. Anyway there she was, so out of place, a simple white woman with a group of yelling and cussing blacks. Once again it looked like she had been kidnapped. She was so out of place. It just didn't look right.

In a situation like that, I probably would have followed them. I am the curious-type, and an instance like that would have sparked curiosity in my psyche. I mean seriously, say something DID happen. Her blood would be on my hands because I ignored the situation and I probably wouldn't be able to live with that kind of guilt.
First I don't buy the "kidnapped" thing because they wouldn't have had her out in public to begin with. Second, if she had any kind of brains what so ever she wouldn't have been with them in the first place.
I wanted to relate an anecdote which I think shows the part of the syndrome we have been talking about. Fortunately, it has a happy ending.

I taught part-time for a few years at the US Naval Academy, and lived in Annapolis.

On weekends, I would usually go downtown to hit the restaurants and listen to some music.

It was a Sunday or Saturday afternoon. I was walking up from the small dock area to the circle at the top of the hill to go to one of my favorite pubs. There were two attractive white women walking about 10 yards in front of me. On the side of the street was a black naval officer. I don't think he was a midshipmen because he looked a bit older and taller.

As the two women walked past him, his eyes and face followed them. They neither paid attention to him nor did they pointedly ignore him. They were just two white girls minding their own business. After they had passed him, he said: "I guess you just don't like black men".

One of the white women whirled around, and with a look of surprise and withering scorn said "Excuse me????" The man did not reply--it shut him up. She then turned back, continuing towards her destination.

It made my day, and I smirked as I walked past him.

What the anecdote shows is that as soon as a black man attains a respectable status--e.g. lieutenant in the Navy, he immediately assumes he has some sort of automatic "access" to white women. The other thing it reveals is *how quickly the black man plays the race card if his advances are unwelcome.* When all else fails: "give me a date or you're a racist."

This incident is obviously not as serious as the main story of this thread or as Jax's anecdote, but it begins with stuff like this.
Goldfinger said:
First I don't buy the "kidnapped" thing because they wouldn't have had her out in public to begin with. Second, if she had any kind of brains what so ever she wouldn't have been with them in the first place.

Let me clarify my story from above. The woman was clearly NOT kidnapped. There were some mixed kids in the group which were almost certainly hers. What I was trying to convey is that this woman was with a group of people that she probably had to be around 24 hrs a day. And it seemed to me that she did not want to be there but was trapped in the sense that she had made a decision to go with this crowd, probably by involvement with a black man and now she was sentenced to them for life. I guess she deserved her fate but the look in her eyes was one of wanting to escape from it, and there was no hope of it for her. She was sitll one of my people and I felt a kinship and a sorrow at her fate. But perhaps I misread the whole thing. It is just that I see many white women with black men, they do not look all that happy to me.
Yes, I understand what you are trying to say. Of course she would be miserable and yes she did deserve her fate because she shouldn't have made the choice to be with a black man in the beginning or get herself whatever situation that she was in. Again I state that any white woman with any ounce of brains in her skull would not even get themselves in a situation where she would have to be "stuck" or rather "trapped" with a black man. If any white woman was "smart" enough to begin with or had any sort of common sense, she would stay within her own race. It seems as though in her case, she was probably some white trash female who had no stable family life and wasn't educated about different races and how to stay within her own. Looks as though she found out the hard way. I guess we'll never know.
These harsh, but natural, realities of "jungle-life" is one of the few cures for those that suffer from "Denzel Washington Syndrome" (but as of yet haven't entered that "life"). In other words, they must be deprogrammed and "saved" BEFORE they mix. SAVE your cousins and family members first. Don't think "that it won't happen to your family."

Good-looking buck or ugly buck; Successful buck or unsuccessful buck, the results are much the same. The cheating, the STD's, the beatings, the rapes, the cruelty and control -- and the eventual single mammyhood.

All because you believed one of the BIGGEST LIES of ALL-TIME.... that the buck possesses superior masculinity and actually cares about YOU and YOUR WELL-BEING. Sorry, but the buck kills and abandons THEIR OWN "sistahs" at an outrageous rate --- so what made you think that you would be treated any different?? And, NO, White skin is not exactly ARMOR.

If anything, the buck can't comprehend that GLOWING skin and won't resist that strong temptation to savage it. A lady or a slave: The choice is yours.
Well, as has been said, it is a free country and people can do whatever (or whomever] they want, but it's pretty sad how a lot of white women who willingly bed down with other races -- again, their choice, whatever -- sooner or later want to come back to bedding down with white men, and they (the white women) act all shocked and indignant to discover that no white man wants them anymore.

These white women feel it's okay to exercise their right to choose who they want to have sex with, but feel that the white men they previously rejected shouldn't have the right to say "they can keep you, thanks and don't let the door hit you on your way out."
GiovaniMarcon said:
Well, as has been said, it is a free country and people can do whatever (or whomever] they want, but it's pretty sad how a lot of white women who willingly bed down with other races -- again, their choice, whatever -- sooner or later want to come back to bedding down with white men, and they (the white women) act all shocked and indignant to discover that no white man wants them anymore.

These white women feel it's okay to exercise their right to choose who they want to have sex with, but feel that the white men they previously rejected shouldn't have the right to say "they can keep you, thanks and don't let the door hit you on your way out."

Giovanni my friend, that is why I have invented a little thing I like to call "the n*gger test". Let me explain now what exactly "the n*gger test" is. For example, when I was single, if I met a girl somewhere and we had some general conversation throughout the course of the evening. Ok, great, now say everything is going well and we are making a good connection. Then out of nowhere, I use the word "n*gger" in any random sentence and I watch closely for her facial expression and reaction to what I just said. If she gets all huffy and calls me a racist, then I KNOW she's a pig and she potentially f*cks n*ggers. BUT, on the other hand, if she laughs and smiles like she would any ordinary joke, then she's good to go. The facial expression is actually more important than the verbal reaction. Trust me, I'm a pro at this. You cannot cheat on "the n*gger test".

All the information you need to know about her sexual history (racially anyway) can be determined with "the n*gger test". Women who get offended by that word "n*gger" have usually been brainwashed to some extent and cannot be trusted. You want the girl who laughs and smiles every time you drop the n-bomb. Now thats a keeper.

And that, gentlemen, is my speech of the day for you all.
That is the stupidest thing i have ever heard
Ground Fighter said:
GiovaniMarcon said:
Well, as has been said, it is a free country and people can do whatever (or whomever] they want, but it's pretty sad how a lot of white women who willingly bed down with other races -- again, their choice, whatever -- sooner or later want to come back to bedding down with white men, and they (the white women) act all shocked and indignant to discover that no white man wants them anymore.

These white women feel it's okay to exercise their right to choose who they want to have sex with, but feel that the white men they previously rejected shouldn't have the right to say "they can keep you, thanks and don't let the door hit you on your way out."

Giovanni my friend, that is why I have invented a little thing I like to call "the n*gger test". Let me explain now what exactly "the n*gger test" is. For example, when I was single, if I met a girl somewhere and we had some general conversation throughout the course of the evening. Ok, great, now say everything is going well and we are making a good connection. Then out of nowhere, I use the word "n*gger" in any random sentence and I watch closely for her facial expression and reaction to what I just said. If she gets all huffy and calls me a racist, then I KNOW she's a pig and she potentially f*cks n*ggers. BUT, on the other hand, if she laughs and smiles like she would any ordinary joke, then she's good to go. The facial expression is actually more important than the verbal reaction. Trust me, I'm a pro at this. You cannot cheat on "the n*gger test".

All the information you need to know about her sexual history (racially anyway) can be determined with "the n*gger test". Women who get offended by that word "n*gger" have usually been brainwashed to some extent and cannot be trusted. You want the girl who laughs and smiles every time you drop the n-bomb. Now thats a keeper.

And that, gentlemen, is my speech of the day for you all.

What about the f*g test? I was with this one girl and she would have a fit if I used the word "f*g" in any sort of way. Even if I was just saying "Oh what a f*g" about whatever. Needless to say I wasn't that surprised to find out 2 of her "closest" friends were indeed GAY! Talk about weirdness. I had to conversate with these 2 homos(nothing against gay people just awkward at times). Oh and for the record this relationship did not last very long.
So I like you test GroundFighter and will be using it from now on in addition to the **** test. lol. Still just in general I hate white people that get sooooo offended by the word n*gger. There is nothing inherently bad about the actual word, just the negative connotations that these PC a$$holes attach to it. I loathe the political correctness movement, but that's a whole other ranting...
Edited by: whiteCB
C'mon guys, I want you to have fun but let's remember the posting guidelines. It's not whether someone gets offended by a word, it's the approach we want to take here that matters.
celticdb15 said:
That is the stupidest thing i have ever heard

Well Eminem, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, now aren't they? And whether or not you think its stupid, the bottom line is that it has worked for me countless times.
Don Wassall said:
C'mon guys, I want you to have fun but let's remember the posting guidelines.  It's not whether someone gets offended by a word, it's the approach we want to take here that matters. 

I know Don, I was just trying to give the guys some advice and maybe a quick laugh or two. Ground Fighter knows the rules

I'se a gonna behave massa, sho nuff.
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