Ann Coulter

Jan 1, 2006
In the last few days the slanted media grossly took her statements out of context and now I saw on msn they are actually trying to twist it into comprable to racism. At some point legal action should be taken for liable.
I agree with you. But Ann makes alot of money off all this attention and all this hate doesn't seem to get to her all that much.Edited by: guest301
In other words its all a game and she is just another willing participant in the game, albeit an always growing richer participant. That makes sense.
She's indeed laughing all the way to the bank!
It's the American way and I am usually laughing with her. She speaks her mind and the liberals hate her for it. I hope she has bodyguards because one day she will likely get more than a attempted pie thrown in her face.
While Ms. Coulter sometimes offends me I think she has the correct attitude for the current environment. If you say or write anything about discrimination against caucasians or the special privalges enjoyed by, and or the behaviour of any other racial or ethnic group you will be called a racist. So the only path is to take an attitude of " You are entitled to your pinions even the wrong ones " toward those who want to give you grief.
What is that guy from 20/20 who speaks his mind regardless of partisanism ? I can't think of his name but I really like his no nonsense rhetoric. He has great points on the border issue among many other matters. He pisses a lot of status quo people off on both sides.
I love her! Whenever I start to think maybe she's a little too extreme in her attacking, some Michael Moore/Al Franken/Jane Fonda/Kanye West/Diane Feinstein type will spew their usual leftist verbal diarrhea, and then I'm glad she says what she says. We need someone who (Verbally,at least) really fights fire with fire. That's what it takes to beat these marxist SOB's.
Sean Carlisle said:
What is that guy from 20/20 who speaks his mind regardless of partisanism ? I can't think of his name but I really like his no nonsense rhetoric. He has great points on the border issue among many other matters. He pisses a lot of status quo people off on both sides.

Sean, that's John Stossel. I've read his book "Gimme A Break", and found it quite refreshing. Here's more on Libertarian Stossel (a rarity at ABC, aka "Always Bolshevik Crap")... by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Sean Carlisle said:
What is that guy from 20/20 who speaks his mind regardless of partisanism ? I can't think of his name but I really like his no nonsense rhetoric. He has great points on the border issue among many other matters. He pisses a lot of status quo people off on both sides.

Sean, that's John Stossel. I've read his book "Gimme A Break", and found it quite refreshing. Here's more on Libertarian Stossel (a rarity at ABC, aka "Always Bolshevik Crap")...

Nice line Dixie. ABC "Always Bolshevik Crap". I haven't heard that one before.
Thanks. I think it may be Hugh Downs I am thinking of but I could be wrong. What are some of Hugh Downs' views on the border etc ?Edited by: Sean Carlisle
No, it was Stossel. He was the same guy who Dr D. David Schultz slapped on 20/20 back in '84 for asking him if pro-wrestling was fake
Lance Alworth said:
No, it was Stossel. He was the same guy who Dr D. David Schultz slapped on 20/20 back in '84 for asking him if pro-wrestling was fake

What was Dr Schultz answer? I still say that pro wrestling is legit. It is the Superbowl and the world series that are fixed.
Here's the clip of Dr.D jackslappin' Stossel. Eventhough I like Stossel, this is hilarious...I'd like to see some of the current "mainstream" reporters/puppets get the same treatment (for spreading their lies & BS propaganda). Enjoy!
smiley2.gif by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Here's the clip of Dr.D jackslappin' Stossel. Eventhough I like Stossel, this is hilarious...I'd like to see some of the current "mainstream" reporters/puppets get the same treatment (for spreading their lies & BS propaganda). Enjoy!

Dr. D David Schultz was the shyte. I remember one time on Tuesday Night Titans, Vince McMahon and Lord Alfred Hayes came to his house and he was showing off his gun collection. Schultz was pointing around a huge rifle that he said wasn't loaded while McMahon and Hayes started getting scared. Then accidentally Schultz ends up shooting a hole through his roof while McMahon yells at him "YOU STUPID IDIOT!!" That was great

Also when Schultz slaps Stossel, check out Mr Fuji in the background laughing
Ann Coulter is too neocon for me. She thinks liberal Joe Lieberman is a great Senator and thinks he should switch to the republican party because he would fit in. He probably would fit in, support for the war is all you need these days nothing else really matters.
Coulter has some good points, but she is a war-mongering neocon, and that supersedes her views about everything else as far as I'm concerned.
DixieDestroyer said:
Here's the clip of Dr.D jackslappin' Stossel. Eventhough I like Stossel, this is hilarious...I'd like to see some of the current "mainstream" reporters/puppets get the same treatment (for spreading their lies & BS propaganda). Enjoy!

I'd love to see it happen to Chris Matthews (Clinton loving limousine liberal) or Sean Hannity (kiss-ass war monger).
Ann Coulter's father just passed away and I urge every one here to read her latest column about his death and what he stood for in life. I couldn't post the link but it's worth reading. Go to Drudge and click on her column.Edited by: guest301
WOW. This gal is fearless. So many common sense points.

Ann Coulter on Fusion TV (Fusion TV won't release this)

Ann Coulter deserves credit for speaking out about the immigration issue.
Ann Coulter was outstanding in that interview. She demonstrated a rapier intellect, with spot-on retorts to the obviously biased and racist "host."

I especially liked, "Were not more diverse, we more Mexican." Plain and simple for the common-core SHW (self hating Whites).
Ann Coulter appeared on "Real Time With Bill Maher" in June 2015 and drew hyena-like laughter from everyone in attendance when she predicted a Trump victory in the general election a year and a half before it occurred...

How "funny" is her assertion today? Now they must get on their knees and grovel for President Trump, haha.
Ann Coulter appeared on "Real Time With Bill Maher" in June 2015 and drew hyena-like laughter from everyone in attendance when she predicted a Trump victory in the general election a year and a half before it occurred...

How "funny" is her assertion today? Now they must get on their knees and grovel for President Trump, haha.

If I could give you fifteen likes for this post I would.:campeon:
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