White man and black women in hollywood/media

If you've ever spent time in a prison ( im a contractor and recently had to work in Folkston Prison in South GA.) you will know that last line to be a true statement.<div>Sickening.</div><div>BTW this prison was 90% black, 5 % white 5 % amigos.</div><div>For only 12% of the population they sure own the leaderboard in a lot of the wrong categories don't they.</div>
gatorprideFL said:
If you've ever spent time in a prison ( im a contractor and recently had to work in Folkston Prison in South GA.) you will know that last line to be a true statement.<div>Sickening.</div><div>BTW this prison was 90% black, 5 % white 5 % amigos.</div><div>For only 12% of the population they sure own the leaderboard in a lot of the wrong categories don't they.</div>

Yes but supposedly whites created AIDS to keep the black population of the US at bay.
whiteathlete33 said:
gatorprideFL said:
If you've ever spent time in a prison ( im a contractor and recently had to work in Folkston Prison in South GA.) you will know that last line to be a true statement.<div>Sickening.</div><div>BTW this prison was 90% black, 5 % white 5 % amigos.</div><div>For only 12% of the population they sure own the leaderboard in a lot of the wrong categories don't they.</div>
Yes but supposedly whites created AIDS to keep the black population of the US at bay.
If white did make AIDS and gave it to black, It was a smart move! Black's breed like rabbits! And can't feed their kids, They will S**** anything that moves! and it's white people that have to feed them! And the more you feed them, the more they F*** around and make more of them for you to feed! And it just go's on and on!
gatorprideFL said:
Dixie who said anything about parading around with em.<div>im not talking about wining and dining.</div><div>just getting a quick one.</div>

gatorprideFL said:
I know i get a taste for chocolate every now and then, my brother pretty much sleeps with 90% non white ( a mix of black and hispanic) nothing wrong with banging em just don't marry em.<div>I mean we are the dominant race right?</div><div>That means we take what we want.</div><div>gotta be the easiest P*ssy out there plus me and my friends really get a kick out of the looks on the brothers faces when we pick out the finest ones in the club.</div>

gatorprideFL said:
when i was younger i had many puerto rican, mexican, all different kinds, never tried an asian, but would like to.</div><div>The vast majority of women ive been with are white and i prefer them.</div>

gatorprideFL said:
So you admit that a few are hot?<div>for the most part i don't see that many hot black women either but if i do and im attracted to them im not gonna lie to myself and tell myself they aren't attractive, for the "sanctity of the white race"</div><div>that's just stupid.</div><div></div>

GatorprideFL, your posts on this topic are alarmingly juvenile. Specifically your prideful claim of having whored around with a woman of every single race (and God knows how many white women)"¦yet you expect white women to date within their race? You remind me of the male version of those slutty twits from "Sex and the City."Â￾ You're a completely fraudulent "white nationalist,"Â￾ at best.

Your "guy talk"Â￾ in this thread reads like a true wigger spilling his guts"¦complete with nonsensical grammar and wretched MTV-contrived slang. I imagine my words to you will be an exercise in futility, but it's always difficult for logical beliefs to break through a Negro cranium such as yours.Edited by: Thrashen
gatorprideFL said:
Hey we didnt make that n*gger f*ck that monkey.<div></div>

You're moving into troll territory with obviously inflammatory comments. On the off chance you are not a troll and really want to discuss the caste system, please end the blatently racist posts.
Quite ironic that the racism of f3dor and gatorprideFL far surpasses any of the traditional white nationalists here on CF. It's the same way with my liberal and neocon DWF friends, though they take the moral highground with any real debates.
I agree that the posts have gone way too far. I'm going to delete a few of them due to the respect of the board. This is not a hate board. Let's keep it clean guys.
Good grief, this is the first time I've seen posts like this. Those posts by f3dor and gatorpride are far and away the most racism I've ever seen on this board.

I agree with Thrashen, no supposed "white nationalist" would go with women from every race.
The masses of self-righteous DWFs and white people no longer know what racist is thanks to the mass media. If you're white, it is "racist" to have pride in your race (and act like it), while other races can act however they please. Racism is no longer a term that denotes hatred of other races, but a way to slander anyone who steps out of line of the NWO/ Zionist agenda.
In England, where the thread starter claims to be from, the miscegenation is more rampant than in much of the USA, and he claims to be seeing more White males with black women. I have no reason to doubt that.

In the USA, there is somewhat of a difference... While the MSM in both countries push the mulatto as magical and supremely "gifted" (as singers, etc).. mulattas in the USA "entertainment" industry are much more likely to stay in the black or "other" gene pool. In the "other" department, I include Jewish males as well.

I got tired of the Mariah Carey and Bayy-on-sayy worship years ago, but at least they are with bruthas... so all the white boys that are worshipping them are just WASTING their time!!

I've NEVER been attracted to Halle Berry or Naomi Campbell, and, my goodness, Gabrielle Union is simian in appearance. I'm not afraid to call it like I see it.

I did read that the mulatta from the movie "Idiocracy" has two daughters with (what appears to be) a pudgy White Gentile man from the movie industry.

For the most part, we are unlikely to see White American alpha-males with black women. I guess that's the good news... From England and Germany, though, I've seen pictures of Aryan-type (physically-speaking) White "men" with black women, and these broads were usually fat and had the big negro forehead. That's just CRAZY. I don't think these cases represent men that were after some kind of revenge because they have seen White females race-mixing with ********. No, White Guilt and self-hatred (and a desire to pander) must be the culprit.
The guy that's with Zoe Saldana is genetic garbage. There are some White males with black "models" - but they are usually built like Leo DiCaprio.

Call me when a "Jason Witten-type" (White American) is with a Hollywood sistah or singer or model...
When I look at the case of Robert De Niro (all-time negress suitor), I think he drew inspiration from Marlon Brando (who dated many colored women). He just went one step further in his case.

OJ Simpson probably learned his taste for white gals from HOF boxer Jack Johnson.

Nowitzki's first GF was white, but soon to be fiance was a typical mulatto woman. I think he was following a trend set by both Boris Becker & Detlef Schrempf, who both have mulatto wives. At least the Schumacher brothers have white wives.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope Dirk settles for someone better looking. An Asian or Latina girl would be okay to me. White guilt and self-hatred is a by-product of the post-WW2 era.

I've seen some movies that promote the White man-Black woman romance:

Soul Man (1986)
Die Another Day (2002)
National Security (2003)

Edited by: j41181
gatorprideFL said:
Dixie who said anything about parading around with em.<div>im not talking about wining and dining.</div><div>just getting a quick one.</div>

As a happy married man & a Christian (fundementalist Baptist), I don't cotton to "whoring about". We're all free to do as we choose, but I'd not "recommend" or "at'a boy" sleeping around. BTW...even in my single days, I had zero interest in dating any non-White gals. I won't say there aren't any good looking women outside our race, BUT White women are (far & away) the best looking gals on the planet.
Colonel_Reb said:
Before I got married, I had never had sex. I do not believe it is right to practice sex outside of marriage. If I didn't have that belief, I still wouldn't have had sex with non-whites. As it is, I wouldn't like the idea of my wife having screwed around before I married her. I know she thinks the same way about me.

I just thought I'd weigh in my thoughts on "interracial" marriage and abstinence until marriage. I also don't like this James Edwards talk that "miscegenation" is for "perverts". There really is only ONE human race. Homo Sapiens Sapiens is a sub species of Homo Sapiens that has been around for about 150,000 years (at that time all of us shared a Mitochondrial Eve ancestor in Africa reducing the variability of our DNA) then there is one current human race (as all human beings have shared a common Y chromosomal Adam ancestor in the last 75,000 years) and then there are sub races based on ethnicity. Latin Europeans could actually be considered a separate sub race from Central/ Western Europeans (Celts) or Eastern and Northern Europeans (Slavs) rather than just lumping all Euros in as Cro Magnons.

My wife is just slightly over half white (about half Sicilian, 1/16 Italian, 1/4 Egyptian and about 3/16s Amero-Indian), but she is the nicest (and moral) girl I've ever met. Dating or marrying outside your race is fairly common in the Toronto suburbs I grew up in. Rarely do me and my wife like to go anywhere without each other. My and her friends have to coax us to have a boys or girls night out. As I've said before, when you truly love someone, their race doesn't matter, it's how you spiritually, emotionally and socially connect.

Colonel, I made the mistake of having a one night stand once in college with a girl who I didn't respect very much when I learned more about her. I wish I had waited for my wife. I never had it easy finding girls when I was younger and didn't find friends I could trust to put in good words for me, or introduce me to nice attractive girls until I was out of college and in my mid 20s, so I guess you could say I got desperate that night. I had only kissed a couple girls to that point. I hung with a couple people (who were part of two different groups) who talked about me behind my back because I spoke out against them when they did things that were wrong (like mistreating someone) and wouldn't brown nose them. The two aforementioned people mistreated me and/ or took advantage of me over my disability when I was in H.S and college. This brought me to find nicer people/groups over the last 7 years of my life.

My wife is a committed pro-life Catholic and was glad that she waited for me to share the ultimate intimate experience (which was easier for her to wait that long- since she's more than 4 years younger than me). And believe me I could tell she was legitimate about this lol. We didn't quite make it to the wedding like we originally planned, but we knew by that time that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.

It is immoral to take your pants off for someone you aren't ready to have kids with. Sex with someone you love- you have a spiritual connection with is so much better. It is truly guilt free without any lust.

To meet girls out at bars isn't easy for most nice guys, there's a lot of cut throat alpha male, "playa" types that do better there, (although it isn't quite as crazy at bars here in Ontario as what I saw in dirty Jerz- where MOST people are pricks). The best way to meet a nice girl is through a good friend or family member. I met my wife through my best friend introducing me to his younger sister's best friend.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
What's in the German water? This is the type of madness I'm talking about..


They now have a baby boy. I bet it looks like "daddy".. Seriously, though, she's masculine! Just WOW. It's OFFICIAL.. there's a Dirk Nowitzki Syndrome.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Before I got married, I had never had sex. I do not believe it is right to practice sex outside of marriage. If I didn't have that belief, I still wouldn't have had sex with non-whites. As it is, I wouldn't like the idea of my wife having screwed around before I married her. I know she thinks the same way about me.

I just thought I'd weigh in my thoughts on "interracial" marriage and abstinence until marriage. I also don't like this James Edwards talk that "miscegenation" is for "perverts". There really is only ONE human race. Homo Sapiens Sapiens is a sub species of Homo Sapiens that has been around for about 150,000 years (at that time all of us shared a Mitochondrial Eve ancestor in Africa reducing the variability of our DNA) then there is one current human race (as all human beings have shared a common Y chromosomal Adam ancestor in the last 75,000 years) and then there are sub races based on ethnicity. Latin Europeans could actually be considered a separate sub race from Central/ Western Europeans (Celts) or Eastern and Northern Europeans (Slavs) rather than just lumping all Euros in as Cro Magnons.

My wife is just slightly over half white (about half Sicilian, 1/16 Italian, 1/4 Egyptian and about 3/16s Amero-Indian), but she is the nicest (and moral) girl I've ever met. Dating or marrying outside your race is fairly common in the Toronto suburbs I grew up in. Rarely do me and my wife like to go anywhere without each other. My and her friends have to coax us to have a boys or girls night out. As I've said before, when you truly love someone, their race doesn't matter, it's how you spiritually, emotionally and socially connect.

Colonel, I made the mistake of having a one night stand once in college with a girl who I didn't respect very much when I learned more about her. I wish I had waited for my wife. I never had it easy finding girls when I was younger and didn't find friends I could trust to put in good words for me, or introduce me to nice attractive girls until I was out of college and in my mid 20s, so I guess you could say I got desperate that night. I had only kissed a couple girls to that point. I hung with a couple people (who were part of two different groups) who talked about me behind my back because I spoke out against them when they did things that were wrong (like mistreating someone) and wouldn't brown nose them. The two aforementioned people mistreated me and/ or took advantage of me over my disability when I was in H.S and college. This brought me to find nicer people/groups over the last 7 years of my life.

My wife is a committed pro-life Catholic and was glad that she waited for me to share the ultimate intimate experience (which was easier for her to wait that long- since she's more than 4 years younger than me). And believe me I could tell she was legitimate about this lol. We didn't quite make it to the wedding like we originally planned, but we knew by that time that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.

It is immoral to take your pants off for someone you aren't ready to have kids with. Sex with someone you love- you have a spiritual connection with is so much better. It is truly guilt free without any lust.

To meet girls out at bars isn't easy for most nice guys, there's a lot of cut throat alpha male, "playa" types that do better there, (although it isn't quite as crazy at bars here in Ontario as what I saw in dirty Jerz- where MOST people are pricks). The best way to meet a nice girl is through a good friend or family member. I met my wife through my best friend introducing me to his younger sister's best friend.

i agree. I am not against interracial marriage perse. As long as they are culturally patriotic, christian, and pro white values, i will like them.

For me its not just about looks why i prefer white women, it more to do with culturally we get on better. White women will have better sense of humour than say japanese, or chinese women, although they are, and i have gone out with some very attractive chinese and japenese women.

Also i agree with your tough about the alpha male thing. I would put myself under that category, i am known as a manwhore. its a evil habbitt i must get rid off as unlike your good self who has found a wonderful women, i will hit 40 and end up with nothing.

So for me, its not actually about race, its about culture. Culturally the indians and the chinese are far superior to the blacks. They are of course excetions to the rule. I like pastor manning and alan keys for example, both ironically are hated by the media and the blacks, and are known as "uncle toms". but i would much rather have someone like them, than w1gger like juston bieber, who hates his own race.
Deadlift said:
What's in the German water? This is the type of madness I'm talking about..


They now have a baby boy. I bet it looks like "daddy".. Seriously, though, she's masculine! Just WOW. It's OFFICIAL.. there's a Dirk Nowitzki Syndrome.

That is one of the most disgusting creatures I ever saw.
DixieDestroyer said:
gatorprideFL said:
Dixie who said anything about parading around with em.<div>im not talking about wining and dining.</div><div>just getting a quick one.</div>

As a happy married man & a Christian (fundementalist Baptist), I don't cotton to "whoring about". We're all free to do as we choose, but I'd not "recommend" or "at'a boy" sleeping around. BTW...even in my single days, I had zero interest in dating any non-White gals. I won't say there aren't any good looking women outside our race, BUT White women are (far & away) the best looking gals on the planet.
I'm a baptist too..
I think I can top that, whiteathlete33!


Pardon the "hate" I'm about to "spew"... but, with her gap-teeff, she look-a-like a crackhead.

And, a message for the "race-deniers"... NOTICE how ******* "their" son is. This is SICK and SICKER and SICKEST.

I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
That will not go for very much longer! Just like the "Free love" of the 60's, There's nothing good in it for women, Or about it for them, The free love women were beating baby diapers on a rock And living in a tent, And their mom had a washer, a home, car, and a man with a job! And money coming in! And white women are waeking up about race mixing! There's nothing good for them in it, Most black men will not work, They will never make a home for them, They will leave them, Beat them, So Race mixing between black men and white women is dieing from the grass root's level.
American Freedom News