White man and black women in hollywood/media

DixieDestroyer said:
Man, I don't know about ya'll fellers, but I'd have been much better suited growing up/living in the early 1900s (or even late 1800s). I can't stomach this God awful, hell-bent "modern" society...rotted with cultural marxism, the entrapment of the Globalist Elite and all its ill effects. I pine for days I never saw.
Yes, I know Dixie! My home is about 300 yards from the highway with house's all around, but i also have a home back in the mountans, and every few years i grab the dogs and family and go there, it's about two miles from any homes, and all that there is the wildlife, wind, and saddos.
You could always learn Russian and move to Siberia, not being sarcastic, because that seems like the type of place were people like us would thrive (despite the cold weather)
Edited by: jcolec02
In America, this is the typical White "man" that's with a black "woman"...


"All the black men literally pushed (us) out the way to talk to the blondes," said Jones, who soon declared, "I'm going to date whoever."

He (the daddy) has a horse-face and pipe-cleaner arms. The kid will be a supa-
afflete, though...




I don't get what the "hype" is about. BOTH almagamations are BLACK! Look at the rotund jaw and wide-set eyes on the "lighter" one.

This is one of the sickest pics I've ever seen, though. I would rather butcher a pod of dolphins than see sh*t like this!
Heidi Slume, holding the typical hybrid chillun:


What's the name of Kermit the Frogs "girlfriend?" Anyhow, she's married to Mike Singletary..


Is she a Tribeswoman? Anyways, look how dark their son is. I guess Race is Real.


Oh, but, we have another "White twin, black twin" story... Gather your children, this is so "scientific"..



First off, the gross buck obviously has some mixture himself. Secondly, the older girl, on the right, appears to have her father's skull and chin. Not to mention... her nose is getting wider ALREADY!

You know how there are black TV shows, where the black children have grown up "before our eyes?" For anyone that doesn't understand facial development, I would tell them to watch some of those programs. For those blacks that have the wide-nose genetics, the growth is often times explosive throughout the years of puberty.


OH, there's another case?... of this "miracle?"


"Amanda said people are 'quite amazed' at their daughters"

Uh, how stupid are people? First, I see the one on the left as sort of an Albino, but not quite, as it's clearly DUSKY. To me, the facial-structures of BOTH look eerily similar, and the coloration is just a bit different, that's all. In all honesty, what is "earth-shattering" about the above?

Those 2 mixers look like unfeminine crackheads, but then again, are there any "feminine" WOMEN left in the UK? So, 6 daughters there, but they'll be able to find weak-ass White boys. Is there ANY hope??

Wrestler, Kurt Angle, dabbles in the arena of dark flesh, too. I've never liked him, anyways.

The following appeared in the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of Americas Bulletin

The Canadian Intelligence Service â€" Excerpt from September 1952 issue â€" submitted by James Moorhouse. â€" The following speech was given by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952

"The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

"Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people."Â

(end of quote) N.P. Purvis, Editor

Miscegenation truly is genocide. "THEY" know it, and it's about time that we know it.

Edited by: Deadlift
whiteathlete33 said:
So Mike Singeltary is another black who bagged himself a white trophy wife.


Their two daughters must feel inferior.. because daddy chose something that's lighter than them...
Interesting video!

She always struck me as having a mixed "Latina" look.
Deadlift said:
Interesting video!

She always struck me as having a mixed "Latina" look.

When I was young I always thought Carey was 100% white. I often wondered why she always had tons of black guys in her videos. Well now i know. It's amazing how all these stupid Hollywood women such as Carey think they are going to look young forever. She refused to do some movie because she thought she looked ugly without makeup.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Mudsharks (male & female) are such a disgrace to the great White race. After church today, I took the kids to a pizza joint. I noticed TWO seperate mudsharks totin' their mongrel offspring. Society has (intentionally) been made to decay to the point where race mixing is supposedly just fine.

Deadlift, Kurt Angle recently divorced his (White) ex-wife Karen Angle (née Smedley). Karen's supposedly (now) been dating wrassler (& TNA co-founder) Jeff Jarrett (who's wife died of cancer in 2007). I'm not a "fan" of Kurt Angle, but he's a helluva an athlete & would have done very well in MMA (had he started earlier, vs. going into pro wrasslin). Angle said he chose the WWF/WWE (instead of MMA) because it paid much more at the time.

***Karen Angle



Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Mudsharks (male & female) are such a disgrace to the great White race. After church today, I took the kids to a pizza joint. I noticed TWO seperate mudsharks totin' their mongrel offspring. Society has (intentionally) been made to decay to the point where race mixing is supposedly just fine.

Amen brother!

The mudsharks don't get to me anymore because I just see them as colored (they're no longer White and ALL should be disowned IMO) themselves and when they die they'll basically never have existed, leaving no visible genetic legacy behind only colored kids who look nothing like them or anyone in their disgraced, shamed family. They may as well have adopted a colored baby and saved themselves the pain, weight gain and stretch marks since an adopted colored baby will look just as much like them as their mongrel child will.
the original male mudshark...
omega man heston.
In all fairness to the chararcter played by Heston, wasn't she the last woman on earth?
what if you go out with a hispanic or indian woman? I have a little of both in my ancestry and my family is white. We all have black or brown hair and I cant think of a single blonde in the family.
jcolec02 said:
what if you go out with a hispanic or indian woman? I have a little of both in my ancestry and my family is white. We all have black or brown hair and I cant think of a single blonde in the family.

Race mixing is wrong IMO!

I go by the motto "looks White, acts White, is White" when defining a White person. If you look White and are proud of that heritage it doesn't matter if you have a some non-white ancestors. I don't believe in the one drop rule (though I prefer Whites to be at least 90% White without any known negro ancestors) since nobody knows for sure that they're 100% anything racially and it really doesn't effect our current culture or future survival against NWO plans of extinction of Whites and White culture.
DixieDestroyer said:
Man, I don't know about ya'll fellers, but I'd have been much better suited growing up/living in the early 1900s (or even late 1800s). I can't stomach this God awful, hell-bent "modern" society...rotted with cultural marxism, the entrapment of the Globalist Elite and all its ill effects. I pine for days I never saw.

I'd love the late 1800's early 1900's period. I'd be dead or on my way there by time this rotten s*** started. If there's ever a way to invent a time machine, you know where I'm going.

Sometimes, I hope a race-based civil war starts.. it might be the only way to stop this BS quickly.
Jack Lambert said:
I'd love the late 1800's early 1900's period. I'd be dead or on my way there by time this rotten s*** started. If there's ever a way to invent a time machine, you know where I'm going.

Sometimes, I hope a race-based civil war starts.. it might be the only way to stop this BS quickly.

You're hoping for a war to "stop this BS?" And everyone lives happily ever after right?
jcolec02 said:
what if you go out with a hispanic or indian woman? I have a little of both in my ancestry and my family is white. We all have black or brown hair and I cant think of a single blonde in the family.

Hispanic culture is Christian! Many, Native Americans (particularly white admixture ones) are Christian these days too and seem to get along with white folks well when they aren't protesting Columbus Day and getting riled up against whites for past transgressions, (albeit the Natives as a group committed wrongs against whites as well). If I was going to pick a race that mixes well with whites, I'd say Amero-Indian/ white is the best mix, followed by white/any Asian (other than South Pacific Islander- although that is usually listed as part of Oceania), white/Arab (so long as it isn't a RADICAL Mohammedan). Jcolec, you are indeed a white man culturally and mostly genetically and we are glad to have you on board cheering on white athletes.

Black/white mixing is a foolish decision because it isn't a real good fit genetically and is a HORRIBLE fit culturally! I hear that some Spaniards, Portugesse and Sicilians have some black blood though going back to the Moorish conquests. Although the Moors had a lot of north African non-black blood, the mixing during the conquests brought a black admixture to most Moors. As someone said, not all Euros considered white are of 100% Caucasoid stock. I don't think being a Eugenics purist is the best strategy to have these days for cheering on athletes. If they are an underdog to the caste system we should cheer for them. And if they are mostly white than genetically we would want to cheer them on as our 20th/30th cousins too lol.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
jcolec02 said:
BTW, who is that on your avatar Riggins?

It's RB Jesse Lumsden. He was a star in the CFL for a very short while and starred for McMaster up here in Ontario in college as a tailback. He won the Hec Crighton Trophy for the best college football player in Canada. I am getting tired of the same avatar though, and will probably get around to picking a new one one of these days.
Menelik said:
Jack Lambert said:
I'd love the late 1800's early 1900's period. I'd be dead or on my way there by time this rotten s*** started. If there's ever a way to invent a time machine, you know where I'm going.

Sometimes, I hope a race-based civil war starts.. it might be the only way to stop this BS quickly.
<div>You're hoping for a war to "stop this BS?" And everyone lives happily ever after right?

I think we have a naive view of war in the United States. We have not had a war on our soil since the 1860s and only two single attacks since then. The classroom narrative of all of our wars is that we were the good guys and successfully defended our liberty, accrued new territories, or thwarted some evil regime. We currently have been at war since 2001 and it isn't even noticeable other than the news or for people with friends and family in the military. For most people the sole tangible effect of war is spending a few dollars on a yellow ribbon.

The truth is that war is devastating for the host countries. It cripples economies, demolishes infrastructure, jeopardizes liberty, and robs a nation of its youth. A racial/ethnic war would be characterized by incessant atrocities and reprisals. There would be no concept of non-combatants thus it would be a total war. You shoot a couple roving thugs, well, their comrades go pillage and ethnically cleanse a nursing home in revenge. Lastly, racism along with anti-Semitism are the last great sins left in the United States so a race war would simply be a tiny fraction of the white population fighting against the non-whites and the U.S. government and the state governments. Basically a "race" war would mostly be SWAT and U.S. military raids on white resistance targets.
No, I don't want war, but living with this B.S. can be unbearable sometimes. Sorry for my last post.
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