speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
That will not go for very much longer! Just like the "Free love" of the 60's, There's nothing good in it for women, Or about it for them, The free love women were beating baby diapers on a rock And living in a tent, And their mom had a washer, a home, car, and a man with a job! And money coming in! And women woke up, And white women are waking up about race mixing! There's nothing good for them in it, Most black men will not work, They will never make a home for them, They will leave them, Beat them, So Race mixing between black men and white women is dieing from the grass root's level.