White man and black women in hollywood/media

Paleocon said:
Menelik said:
Jack Lambert said:
I'd love the late 1800's early 1900's period. I'd be dead or on my way there by time this rotten s*** started. If there's ever a way to invent a time machine, you know where I'm going.
Sometimes, I hope a race-based civil war starts.. it might be the only way to stop this BS quickly.
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<div>You're hoping for a war to "stop this BS?" And everyone lives happily ever after right?
I think we have a naive view of war in the United States.  We have not had a war on our soil since the 1860s and only two single attacks since then.  The classroom narrative of all of our wars is that we were the good guys and successfully defended our liberty, accrued new territories, or thwarted some evil regime.  We currently have been at war since 2001 and it isn't even noticeable other than the news or for people with friends and family in the military.  For most people the sole tangible effect of war is spending a few dollars on a yellow ribbon.  The truth is that war is devastating for the host countries.  It cripples economies, demolishes infrastructure, jeopardizes liberty, and robs a nation of its youth.  A racial/ethnic war would be characterized by incessant atrocities and reprisals.  There would be no concept of non-combatants thus it would be a total war.  You shoot a couple roving thugs, well, their comrades go pillage and ethnically cleanse a nursing home in revenge.  Lastly, racism along with anti-Semitism are the last great sins left in the United States so a race war would simply be a tiny fraction of the white population fighting against the non-whites and the U.S. government and the state governments.  Basically a "race" war would mostly be SWAT and U.S. military raids on white resistance targets. 
I don't think any wants a war, but isn't this nation being robbed of its white youth through thought controlled socially engineered multi-cultrism anyway. Is it any less sad that whites will eventually disappear from the US without a single shot being fired. In 1950 the white population in the US was around 90%, and by 2050 they are projecting it to be 50%, its anyone's guess what it will be by 2150.

As far as anti-Semitism being a sin of the US. It may have been in the past, but it for the most part isn't today. Most people don't have issues with all jewish people, just the liberal ones. I have a number of conservative jewish freinds, but despise the liberal ones.

I will list of number of factors that I don't like about them and none of them have anything to do with their religion.

- Jewish liberals tend to be the furthest to the left and with their control of the media are largely responsible for the sad state that America is in today

- They love to force multi-cultrism down our throats but are happy for the most part that Israel consists primarly of white jews. Israel does not appear to have any plans of integrating with other religions or cultures, so why don't the liberal jews call for them to be more mutli-cultural and religiously diverse. There was an article that said a business in Israel made Chinese wokers sign a document that they would not have any relations with Israel Women.

They also seem to lead the way in painting white men as evil, promoting self-hate among white youth, and promoting social justice to give minorities special advantages over whites.

- They seem to have an enormous amount of wealth and power for a poplulation that is only about 4% of the country. One would think that they might be smarter than other ethnic groups, but being jewish is not an ehtnicity, it is a religion, therefore there is no other reason for them being wealthier or having more power than anyone else except for the fact that they purposely promote other jewish people for jobs and positions. There is no other explanation.

- It is amazing how such a wealthy and powerful class of people have cleverly painted themselves as victims (anti-sentism). No other class of elite people are considered victims. All other classes of victims tend to be poor (blacks and hispanics).
Did anyone see a T mobile commercial with a white man and black woman with a black son? I didn't hear it because the set was turned down,but it looked like they were a family. Do they have to push that in a mobile phone commercial?
That's exactly the laissez faire mindset that's directly responsible for all the miscegenation in Europe.

I guess, at the end of the day, us "inbred" Americans are going to be the best looking folks on the planet.
American Freedom News