We Are Living In A Cartoon

About the one person at a time comment above, that basically is how we got here today. You see propaganda works and over time the sources of that propaganda become the authority and then here you come out of nowhere with counter arguments which frankly if adopted will leave that person socially ostracized.

Always criticize the authority that the person draws from. Yes this works on humans that is what they have done to us. And literally that Tucker Carlson/Adam Corolla/Clay Travis nonsense they spew if we cannot destroy that fantasy we perhaps do not have a right to exist.

"So in America where Whites are blamed for everything wrong how could this not effect the people that run sports, and this fantasy of meritocracy of yours is just a cope."
Disney feels entitled to indoctrinate your kids! Exactly why I don't care to be fair to our enemies!

https://www.outkick.com/disney-exec...need-to-be-lgbtqia-minorities-by-end-of-year/View attachment 3457

How did we get here. Well if you pay attention to the propaganda put out by Disney employed activist you will notice they are primarily totally broken white people and how and why is that?

Here is a great primer
Spot on post Wile and John Rivers is one of my favorites to follow on Gab. He always has interesting takes and he's completely right about this one. Disney has always been subversive. They just used to have to work a bit harder to push their message. Now it's in your face.
"So in America where Whites are blamed for everything wrong how could this not effect the people that run sports, and this fantasy of meritocracy of yours is just a cope."

Just a cope is right. I'll be using that.
This will be my last rant for the day. I'll be honest I did not read the article as the title itself is just disgusting. I went onto yahoo.com quickly to hopefully see Tiger at the bottom of the leader board when a side article caught my attention. Apparently the Boston Marathon officials are banning any runners from Russia or Belarus from competing. Not really a woke thing but close. What do most average citizens in the world have to do with whats going on with their government's decisions? I'm 45 and can remember Jimmy Carter barely. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 79' there was quite a great deal of cancelling the winter Olympics and we did boycott the 1980 summer games. Im preaching to the choir I suppose here but why should athletes be punished for what politicians do ? This reminds me of MLB when they got their panties in a twist because the All-Star game was in Atlanta and woke b*tches were upset with changes trying to be made in the voting system. I wish politics was kept out of sports especially woke politics. I don't recall any politicians banning Sudanese or Rwandan athletes from competing in this country for marathons or whatever. It's all just political grand standing. I don't know if their were racial overtones to this but if Kenya invaded Zimbabwe I think it would still be politically viable for the Kenyans to come over here and compete. Not for this COVID half-hoax but these last 2 years has been the most depressing times for this country. It dosen't even compare closely to anything I have witnessed being here.
I see blaming average Russians for the actions of the government there as an extension of the direction our society has been heading to in regards to race.

It’s the secular equivalent of “original” sin. The concept that you carry some unearned guilt that you cannot wash away on your own, and because of that you need to be punished.

You can only earn the “good grace” of society (god) through penance and suffering. It includes confessions, tithing, and the proper amount of suffering to fit the sin. Fortunately we have plenty of priests schooled in the ways of our new religion.

As has been said by others, if you drive religion out of a society you don’t get a religious free society you get a real crappy secular religion ruling over you.
Globohomo has already purged those who don't want to be guinea pigs for gene therapy from the ranks of athletes who are allowed to participate in sporting events, now they're doing the same to Russians and Belorussians. How far will it go? At some point, hopefully before the sports world gets turned into a tiny, circle-jerking echo chamber of the few athletes who are considered "woke" and "pure" enough for the tastes of our (((overlords))), even the DWFs are going to know that something's up.

On the tennis thread I predicted that at some point American athletes will be forced to express support for Biden before being allowed to play in international sporting events. I hope I'm wrong but I fear I'm right, just like I was about the next "new variant" of Covid-1984 that's now being used for the latest fearmongering propaganda.
This is a white sh1tlibs wet dream. They have a weird obsession with Abrams and long for her to become President. Meanwhile she can’t even win a local election in a heavily black state….

She ticks every one of their boxes:

Dykeish-looking (more important than whether or not they're an actual dyke)
Severely obese
Water-buffalo level of ugly
Dumb as a stump
Insufferably self-righteous

Who else can claim membership in so many crybaby woketurd fake-oppressed-but-actually-super-full-of-unearned-privilege far-left fake victim groups? No one else comes close. Kamala Harris is too thin, too attractive, and just not black enough.

I have a story (my uncle's story) from the 1970s that illustrates just how far we've fallen regarding race and crybaby fake-victim groups. In the 1970s, my uncle was a pilot for TWA. One day, he was flying a Boeing 707 at cruising altitude when he noticed another plane in the distance coming from the other direction, steadily growing larger in his view but maintaining the same relative position in the windshield. This meant that there was a risk of collision if they were flying at the same altitude, and any pilot will tell you that it's hard to gauge whether or not another aircraft is level with you when you're at cruising altitude (until it's too late).

My uncle contacted the local air traffic control center to request the altitude of the other plane. This happened to be the Indianapolis control center. Now in the 1970s, affirmative action for air traffic controllers was just getting started. The Indianapolis center was the one used by the FAA to train their new diverse hires, and quickly gained a notorious reputation among pilots.

The voice that responded was clearly a black woman's, and she was unable to provide him with the altitude of the other plane. With the aircraft growing larger and larger in his windshield, my uncle made the decision to execute a hard turn and descend by 500 feet. He notified Indianapolis Control of his action and this time received no reply at all.

At that point, he'd had enough and transmitted, "This is TWA 123, requesting a white male controller, over." Immediately, a white male voice responded, telling my uncle that he had made the right call and giving him a new heading to get back on course as the other aircraft whizzed by 500 feet above and to the right.

After landing, my uncle's chief pilot told him that he had done the right thing - not just with changing course, but with requesting a white male controller. Any pilot who said something like that today would be fired, blacklisted, thrown under the bus by his union, and basically be treated like an unvaccinated Russian marathon runner.
Seems like as good a place as any to put this:

Logically, cuckservatives shouldn't even be real

Let's do a little thought experiment. Imagine there was this guy who thought one religion was the greatest thing ever. He was constantly praising this religion, saying how superior it was, etc.


For some reason, he didn't convert to this religion he was always praising. Instead, he followed another religion and was constantly bashing it and saying how inferior his own religion was to this other religion that he didn't convert to.

Would anybody take this guy seriously? Would anybody even think he was capable of logic?

Of course not!

And yet...that guy is exactly what a cuckservative is. They endlessly praise liberalism as a morally perfect, morally superior ideology, and endlessly bash conservatism as inferior, wicked, and rayciss. Yet somehow, they don't convert to liberalism, and continue to claim membership in a group they consider inferior.

Logically, they shouldn't even be real!

And in fact, they're not.

Cuckservative writers and talking heads are merely paid actors, receiving their paychecks from their liberal masters in exchange for playing a role - that of the controlled opposition. Any self-proclaimed "conservative" who is constantly bleating about the supposed inferiority of his own kind and the supposed superiority of his so-called enemies should be recognized for what he is - a Manchurian candidate, and treated accordingly (either ignored or laughed at). They are never to be debated on a serious level, because their entire existence is intellectually dishonest.

Has all the hallmarks of a fake event. Mass shooting with no motive. Fired “33” shots. Also had explosives?!? On a subway/public transportation. Pictures look fake with crisis actors, fake blood, and tourniquets. Invented perpetrator with suspicious social media posts.

Homeland Security has absolutely nothing to do with its massive budget, except run drills to promote agendas of homegrown terror, gun control, and pre-crime censorship of social media. This was a psyop.
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lol "MF like I was a form of property" another whiney Black Coach.

I noticed San Fran also debuted a female 1st base coach. So progressive.

Everything has to be about race, race, race. Or if not about race, then about some other far-leftist crybaby protected fake-oppressed-but-actually-super-privileged group. Everything has to be about identity politics, everyone has to be either a villain or a victim based on what group they're born into.

Welcome to your country on WOKE.
Twitter Employee Undergoes Therapy Over Elon Musk Takeover
Most here have likely heard about this incident and yes we are actually living in a cartoon. Biden's minders dressed someone in a big bunny suit to follow him around and make sure he didn't speak off the cuff to any media people. The befuddled look on Mr. President's face when the bunny starts to hustle him away...

What makes me mad as crap is our elected leaders are letting him lead us right down the rabbit hole. I had to wait for almost 26 years to vote and wound up with this piece of crap. Never again. Screw them all I don't care what party they are with they are worthless.
I saw an article titled "the unbearable whiteness of coffee." I didn't waste my time reading that garbage, nor will I give them hits by providing a link. I just want to point out the disgusting racism and hypocrisy of bilge like that. Those so-called writers can spew anti-white hatred without any consequences.

Imagine if someone wrote an article titled "The Unbearable Blackness of the NFL." The cries of rayciss would drown out a rocket launch, Jesse and Al and Ben would march, and dark rioters would smash and loot and burn. But us "crackaz" are expected to just bend over and take the hatred spewed against our kind.
Sports Illustrated just keeps getting crazier and crazier:

Get Woke, Go Broke: Sports Illustrated Puts Big Girl and 74-Year-Old on Cover of Swimsuit Issue


What in the flying effing ****?!! Sickening!!
American Freedom News