We Are Living In A Cartoon

I came across this article about Seth Smith and thought I would post it as it captures everything frequently documented on the site. I didn't even know much about this story as it didn't garner the press headlines here in California. It is a long read but sums up all we are facing with the liberal elite, higher ed institutions and their mass indoctrination/ cancer consuming the country. https://karlstack.substack.com/p/his-name-was-seth-smith?s=w
I came across this article about Seth Smith and thought I would post it as it captures everything frequently documented on the site. I didn't even know much about this story as it didn't garner the press headlines here in California. It is a long read but sums up all we are facing with the liberal elite, higher ed institutions and their mass indoctrination/ cancer consuming the country. https://karlstack.substack.com/p/his-name-was-seth-smith?s=w

Great article. Diagnosed and dissected the racial double standard in this country. It really encapsulates everything I have observed since my teenage years in the late 90s/early 2000s. It's shame a promising young, smart, White person was murdered out of pure hate an animosity due to his race.

Substack has become a fantastic resource for news/journalism. It seems to have really grown exponentially over the past couple of years - lots of truth being exposed.
I came across this article about Seth Smith and thought I would post it as it captures everything frequently documented on the site. I didn't even know much about this story as it didn't garner the press headlines here in California. It is a long read but sums up all we are facing with the liberal elite, higher ed institutions and their mass indoctrination/ cancer consuming the country. https://karlstack.substack.com/p/his-name-was-seth-smith?s=w

Thank you for posting this. Not surprise that I'd never heard of this story, which deserves to be shared.
A bit late to the party here, but yes, apparently the trans girl in that viral photo was completely unrelated to the shooting. The shooter was indeed Hispanic though (and given that his name was announced so soon after the shooting, I knew immediately that the school probably contained a large proportion of minority students, haha).

The right wing definitely has a chance to capitalize on this tragedy though. If O'Dourke and his goons continue to embarrass themselves as they've been doing so far, that could net the Republicans a few extra seats in places like Texas and Arizona.
A bit late to the party here, but yes, apparently the trans girl in that viral photo was completely unrelated to the shooting. The shooter was indeed Hispanic though (and given that his name was announced so soon after the shooting, I knew immediately that the school probably contained a large proportion of minority students, haha).

The right wing definitely has a chance to capitalize on this tragedy though. If O'Dourke and his goons continue to embarrass themselves as they've been doing so far, that could net the Republicans a few extra seats in places like Texas and Arizona.

where you said "trans girl," you should have said "tranny boy." you could have added adjectives for emphasis, but that's not required in my made-up news standard.

my sympathies for that poor molested kid.
June 2nd and I'm already over Pride Month. Non stop ****** propaganda by our masters.

That is the tweet. For all the pandering the idiots do for the various Protected Classes I still would rather be a white man. Yesterday the USMC pandered to the sexual obsessives and of course all the conservatives had a field day, but the USMC has been pandering to Protected Classes since the Mid-80s when I was in and that Protected Class was blacks with their MLK observances. Wether one agrees with that or not the pattern was set and here we are and conservatives gave up on fighting that one and now are MLKs big fan.

Anyway conservatives always tailgate the Left I simply am not a conservative as defined by the political opportunists of the current day, I simply want my freedom from the Protected Classes and their authoritarian leadership, they are evil. What's wrong with freedom?
NASCAR has been gone for a long while now. They're just oozing out the maggots from their grave in hell.
Shaneekwah will still be convinced White Supremacy must be the culprit.
That’s awesome :

“That's a reversal from 2018, when Starbucks issued a policy allowing anyone to use its restrooms even if they didn't buy anything. That decision was made after a Starbucks employee called police to report two Black men who were denied the use of a restroom and asked to leave. The men, who were in Starbucks waiting for a business meeting, were arrested; they later reached a settlement with Starbucks.”

I hate their coffee and frankly never understood their success I wish they would close 16stores a week! This made my day
Women are vicious, female herding animals ceaselessly squabble over hierarchy and the only thing that stops them is a still heart. Anyway years ago out of boredom the wife and I watched one of those underwear angel shows and I saw that night trouble was coming down the pike. Of course it had tons of the usual tall gorgeous white girls prancing about in their undies but then they bring on some black chick rapper and she was about as big around as tall and yet they outfitted her in angel undies while the hot white chicks pranced about her and she did not look happy (imagine that an angry black woman). From that night on I knew VS had a target on its back. And I don't care since the owner of that brand was an Epstein associate and no doubt those girls were in many cases high end escorts. Anyway it's time the Shekelbergs to get a taste of diversity.
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