We Are Living In A Cartoon

And note the poses -- both scowling rather than smiling, and the old-timer has her hands on her hips like she's ready to do battle with some random (hated) man.
Sports Illustrated just keeps getting crazier and crazier:

Get Woke, Go Broke: Sports Illustrated Puts Big Girl and 74-Year-Old on Cover of Swimsuit Issue



It's a Brave New World we are now living in. This kind of thing will make men give up sex all together or go to the MGTOW MOVEMENT.
I'm sorry but big women just don't do anything for me. However older women I can go for. They won't tell, they won't swell, and they are grateful as hell. Well, most of the time.
I'm sorry but big women just don't do anything for me. However older women I can go for. They won't tell, they won't swell, and they are grateful as hell. Well, most of the time.
Well, they won't swell, depending on how old or what is done. One out of three, maybe.
Obesity is unhealthy - obese people on average do not live as long as people at healthy weights, and have less energy and a poorer quality of life.
What kind of person will buy this magazine now? A purple haired blimp? Just who is their present clientele? These people are committing hari-kari. Someone is sabotaging everything worthwhile. A systematic schitt mist over everything.
Sports Illustrated just keeps getting crazier and crazier:

Get Woke, Go Broke: Sports Illustrated Puts Big Girl and 74-Year-Old on Cover of Swimsuit Issue


The senior citizen is Elon Musk’s mother apparently. I’m sure that her fame lead to this to some degree but this is still a new low for SI. And if you think the cover is bad, just wait until you get into the other spreads. They are also featuring “models” from the WNBA. All gross lesbians and tatted up hood rats. Trigger warning below:


I’ve ranted on this in past years, but it bears repeating, as the Swimsuit edition has gotten progressively worse. I used to collect the edition, starting every year from the mid nineties with the exception of the Beyoncé year (can’t stand her personally). I think the last year in which you can “proudly” own the edition is 2015. Starting in 2016 is when they started rolling in the land whales. They had 3 covers that year: a fattie, the very unattractive Ronda Rowsey and an actual pretty model. I purchased accordingly. 2017 was a bit of a reprieve as they brought back Kate Upton (who some might say is fat). 2018 they had a black lady on the cover and I reluctantly purchased it months later from eBay for a few bucks. Nothing against her but the rest of the edition was peppered with woke crap. I threw in the towel at that point, and now see that the following year featured another negress, this time the middle aged and chubby Tyra Banks. The cover of 2020 doesn’t look bad, but the inside is hidden with poison (1st tranny model). 2021 might actually be worse than 2022! 3 covers and all non-White: a fat rapper, Naomi Osaka (lol) and a literal black tranny!!

So as I’ve just documented, please don’t buy this garbage ever again. If anyone feels so inclined, on eBay you can buy any of the editions, so picking anything 2015 or older is the way to go.
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I'm not trying to sound insensitive and I am never for any type of mass shootings but whenever a white guy goes on a shooting spree the dead tally always seems to be much higher than the number of wounded where as when blacks go and spray a crowd you always read like about 16 or 23 wounded but rarely is anyone killed. Could there be a correlation here? Any thoughts?
I'm not trying to sound insensitive and I am never for any type of mass shootings but whenever a white guy goes on a shooting spree the dead tally always seems to be much higher than the number of wounded where as when blacks go and spray a crowd you always read like about 16 or 23 wounded but rarely is anyone killed. Could there be a correlation here? Any thoughts?

I'm not trying to sound insensitive and I am never for any type of mass shootings but whenever a white guy goes on a shooting spree the dead tally always seems to be much higher than the number of wounded where as when blacks go and spray a crowd you always read like about 16 or 23 wounded but rarely is anyone killed. Could there be a correlation here? Any thoughts?
“Mass shootings” are scripted, made for TV, government psychological operations with no basis in reality. Anybody with common sense, and a basic understanding of real crime, can see through these nonsense events.
“Mass shootings” are scripted, made for TV, government psychological operations with no basis in reality. Anybody with common sense, and a basic understanding of real crime, can see through these nonsense events.

The majority are false flags and so many of them have been debunked. They want to take away our rights so they keep the people in a constant state of fear until
the population submits and gives away all of their rights. More people are waking up but I hope it's not too little, too late.
I'm not trying to sound insensitive and I am never for any type of mass shootings but whenever a white guy goes on a shooting spree the dead tally always seems to be much higher than the number of wounded where as when blacks go and spray a crowd you always read like about 16 or 23 wounded but rarely is anyone killed. Could there be a correlation here? Any thoughts?

(Steve) Sailer's Law of Mass Shootings: If there are more wounded than killed, then the shooter is likely black. If there are more killed than wounded, then the shooter is likely not black.

In the same vein is (Anne) Coulter's Law: The longer we go without being told the race of the shooters, the less likely it is to be white men.

There were two other mass shootings this week. A Chinese guy shot some Taiwanese people in a church. Only one death, so this actually breaks Sailer's Law. The only narrative that has been published it that it was a crazy Chinese citizen who was incensed about Taiwan's continued independence. Seems fishy to me.

Meanwhile in Dallas, police finally arrested the black guy who shot up two different Korean nail salons on different days. Would he have continued his streak if he wasn't caught? He was photographed in the act and was obviously black, so there wasn't much media coverage of a rather remarkable serial killer. The only narrative that finds its way into the media discourse is "Asian hate," which despite being done exclusively by blacks, is always linked back to Trump, anti-immigrant bias, and white supremacy. Blacks would be the one demographic to act on "Asian hate" ie China Flu memes because they are uniquely violent and suggestible.

The Buffalo shooting also stinks. The kid was apparently on Discord chatting about his plot for a month beforehand. All those servers and chatlogs are fully-traceable and also full of Feds, so the kid wasn't doing a very good job of hiding. Logistically, he lived in small-town New York State and decided to drive several hours to Buffalo "because of their demographics," picking a grocery store at random. He passed a lot of black people on his long drive there. He also shot and killed two white people apparently, but they aren't being featured in the photo montages.

His "manifesto" is full of inconsistencies and contradictions. A big chunk of it was copy-pasted from the New Zealand mosque shooter. Most of the original material was a long list of gun parts, which conveniently serves as a list of things for the government to ban. He cited three websites: Daily Stormer and two apparently fake websites. Daily Stormer has been getting chased off the internet for years now, and right on cue, China caved to special interest pressure and yanked their "dot-cn" domain. The other forum mentioned was /pol, which is a frenzied bulletin board full of Feds and trolls, but also anonymous real-talk and discourse about forbidden topics. That site has been harder to ban, but this "manifesto" will serve as the lynchpin for renewed efforts. Despite all this fluff, the one big thing that has made all the media shows and articles is the reference to White Replacement Theory. I don't really understand how non-idiots outside of our professional class of liars could dispute this, since it's so obviously true. However, it was apparently a big deal when Tucker Carlson laid it out on primetime TV, so he is now the Big Fish that they really want to yank offline. The "manifesto" also says he was double-vaxxed, which was not encouraged by ANY of the sources he claims radicalized him. Stylistically, it doesn't really read in the voice of a teenage boy. I would guess that a female Fed put together most of it.

Almost none of these villainous white mass shooters really accomplishes their "goal" and in practice work against their stated vision. They pick useless and sympathetic targets rather than anyone with even a tangential role in their stated outrage. I would say the two exceptions are Breivik and Tarrant, who were at least ideologically consistent. All of them are on SSRI's too, which is easily verifiable and never mentioned. Really, we aren't set up to seriously examine any of it. I confess that it's uncomfortable to discuss at all..
“Mass shootings” are scripted, made for TV, government psychological operations with no basis in reality. Anybody with common sense, and a basic understanding of real crime, can see through these nonsense events.
No this was real, similar to the Christ Church video this guy was a terminator with "kindness" towards White strangers as he went out of psycho mode when he aimed at one White man and he screamed to stop and he apologized.

His first victim appeared to be a White woman but that might have been the 30ish woman who had hair like Bo Derek in Bolero so I'm guessing she is partially African.

He gave out so many red flags it's a joke how he wasn't in the loony bin and this would have been avoided. Now he will be in segregation with sissies and shape shifters and snitches for life if he doesn't get executed on federal civil rights violation charges.
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By sheer volume of people in this country there are likely to be literally thousands of nut jobs who want to harm others at any given moment.

some will be white others will be black and the biggest difference is the media attention they get.

Crime stats don’t look good for black folks per capita and it’s pretty well known but that doesn’t excuse this clown.

best thing is to acknowledge he’s a loony and love on
What kind of person will buy this magazine now? A purple haired blimp? Just who is their present clientele? These people are committing hari-kari. Someone is sabotaging everything worthwhile. A systematic schitt mist over everything.
"N-nope, it's just capitalism! They put these models on the magazine covers because they think they'll sell more! That's all! Nothing to see here!"
Another week and another mass shooting. This time Biden won't scream racism as the shooter was I'm assuming an ethnic Mexican who strangely enough resembled the demented late stage of Michael J(F)^%son after Jackson had numerous facial reconstructions.

God bless his victims..
Another fake mass shooting. Nobody died, nobody got hurt. Don’t be entrapped and enslaved by the government/media mind control and their demented fantasy events that have no basis in reality.
Unless photo shoppers have been busy with a fake online profile the dead murderer was a cross dressing alphabet flag waver howling into the wind Wokester.

Now if only "our" side would stop taking the demoralization bait then going to find some helpless dopes to gun down then 100% of this crap would be on the Left instead of the Left being responsible for all the evil psyop and at least 50% of the politically motivated murders. Anyone on our side pushing the "all is hopeless" doom porn thank yourself for adding stupid to evil and allowing the anti-white and outright evil people off the hook for their words and actions.
Beta Male O'Rourke crashed the Texas Governor's press conference and pulled a Shannon Briggs and tried to shout down the governor of Texas as he addressed the media on the details of the shooting incident.

I guess no time is the wrong time to grand stand for votes...
“This was an exhaustive process that entailed hundreds of hours of research, community engagement and internal deliberations,” said retired Navy Adm. Michelle Howard, the chair of the Naming Commission.”

your tax dollars hard at work. Keep supporting the nfl though, and the military!!
“This was an exhaustive process that entailed hundreds of hours of research, community engagement and internal deliberations,” said retired Navy Adm. Michelle Howard, the chair of the Naming Commission.”

your tax dollars hard at work. Keep supporting the nfl though, and the military!!
Says all we need to know...
American Freedom News