We Are Living In A Cartoon

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

- George Orwell

The whole apparatus of the corporate globohomo left (including the current administration) seems intent on cancelling/getting rid of Joe Rogan for spreading "misinformation". This is going to be another big event to red pill more normies IMO.
Rogan had to figure the censorship would happen when he sold his soul for 100 million to Spotify.. So far they've "censored" 113 of his episodes. I do agree this wakes up the normies.
This whole idea of “canceling” Rogan is stupid. Spotify needs him more than he needs them. He shouldn’t have apologized at all. He has a contract. What can Spotify do? Release him and eat the money? Also, Rogan built his huge audience on his own without Spotify. Leaving them wouldn’t change anything, other than having freedom of speech again. If I were him, I’d push the envelope more and force Spotify’s hand. There is no bad option for him but instead he’s cucking.
The "Crapification" of the U.S. Economy Is Now Complete

by Charles Hugh Smith

The U.S. economy has fundamentally changed, and not for the better.
There are numerous dynamics behind this decay, and I'll discuss a few of the more consequential ones this month.

One consequential dynamic few mainstream pundits dare discuss is the "crapification" of the entire U.S. economy. That isn't my description, "crapification" is now in common use. If the word offends you, substitute terminal decay of quality, competition, utility, durability, repairability and customer service.

One aspect nobody seems to notice is the transformation from a society that once drew its identity from producing quality goods and services to a society that draws its identity from consuming crapified goods and services. Now that Americans define themselves by consuming, they are enslaved to consumption: to limit consumption is to disappear--and 'spending time" on social media is a form of consumption, even if no goods or services are purchased directly, as one's attention / time are valuable commodities.

In other words, Americans have been trained like Pavlov's dogs to consume, no matter how poor the quality and service. We just buy it anyway, and grumble over the decaying quality and service--but we won't take the only action that would impact corporations and the government: stop buying the products and services. Opt out, drop out, make it at home, cancel the service, just stop buying abysmally made junk and pathetically poor services.

Corporations and the government are monopolies or quasi-monopolies, and so they don't have to care whether customers are appalled by poor quality and service: they know the customer has to consume whatever is offered, no matter how crapified.

Go ahead and issue worthless warranties, products designed to fail, products designed to be unrepairable, software that is routinely declared obsolete so we have to buy the new crapified version that demands insane amounts of memory and processing power--go ahead, because the herd will continue buying the same garbage products and services because to stop consuming is unthinkable: I consume, therefore I am.

Governments know we have no choice and since we continue electing the same "best democracy money can buy" politicos, nothing will change. Those in power know the grumbling is just background noise because the herd will dutifully vote for the same crapified, corrupt, dysfunctional system every two years.

Consider the IRS, the agency with a monopoly on collecting taxes. I am sympathetic to the employees of the IRS, those tasked with the thankless task of collecting taxes, a task made more arduous by underfunding and understaffing. It seems the super-wealthy decided that if the IRS was starved of funding, the odds of their tax evasion being caught by an audit would plummet, and so voila, the IRS has been starved by the Demopublicans - Republicrats for decades, as Demopublicans - Republicrats all answer to the same small pool of super-wealthy donors and corporate sponsors.

Meanwhile, the average powerless taxpayer suffers the terminal decay of service and accountability. I am sorry to report that my Kafkaesque experiences with the IRS are also shared by many others. Our tax payments are immediately deposited (surprise!) but our tax returns that were delivered with the payment are declared non-existent-- the agency reports no record of the return being received.

This has happened to me year after year. And of course the crapification of the nation's core record-keeping-- taxation--then bleeds into other agencies and crapifies their records. So the Social Security Administration reports my 2020 income as zero, meaning I get no credit for the immense sum I paid in Social Security taxes (being self-employed, I pay 15.3% of all earnings in Social Security taxes--both the employee and employer shares).

Since the IRS claimed it had no record of my 2020 tax return, I wrote the IRS a letter asking if they wanted me to resubmit the return. Some months later I received a reply to my previous address--despite the fact I'd submitted an official IRS Change of Address form--saying "we're working on it." Uh, sure. Fine.

After repeated tries, I finally figured out that the only tax year in my file the IRS system recognizes in 2016. If I want to pay my quarterly estimated taxes online, I have to enter the data from 2016. Any other tax year data will draw a blank. In effect, I only exist in the year 2016, six years ago.

My estimated tax payments are duly deposited, and my payment attached to my return is duly deposited, but my tax return doesn't exist. Others have reported the same circumstance. News items report the IRS has a backlog of 10 million unprocessed returns, and you'd think our elected officials might show some modest interest in the crapification of the nation's tax and Social Security agencies, but no--they have zero interest in the crapification of the nation's core record-keeping as long as their super-wealthy donors and corporations can continue evading taxes via armies of tax attorneys and special giveaways slipped into several-inches-thick congressional bills.

Since Corporate America is now nothing but a collection of rapacious cartels and quasi-monopolies, they don't care about the terminal decay of their quality or service, either. They know we're going to show up and buy their garbage anyway because we have no choice, and they know the quality of their "competitors" (hahaha) products and service is equally noxious.

They can count on well-trained Americans continuing to fly, eat out, sign up, and buy, buy, buy no matter how wretched the quality and service because consumption is all we have.

In the Technicolor fantasy of corporate promoters, enterprises gain sales by making higher quality products than competitors. Two generations ago, this was still a cultural / economic dynamic.

But then everyone with a line of credit bought everything, and so now everyone owns everything. This saturation of all demand means sales can only decline, since durable goods last a long time. The only way to juice sales higher is by making insecure consumers crave the latest fashion, but this artifice has limits.

The solution was to crapify all products and services via planned obsolescence and endless loops of lousy, over-priced service. Products are now designed to be impossible to repair (eliminating cheapskate do-it-yourselfers) and by using the lowest-quality, lowest-cost components, manufacturers guarantee that the entire product will fail once the lowest-quality component fails.

And since many components are now digitized, the cheapest electronic component failing will cause the electronics to fail--a $1 chip fails and the entire $600 product fails--and so the entire product is then destined for the landfill-- what correspondent Bart D. termed The Landfill Economy, a term I now use to describe the entire global economy of planned obsolescence.

Discerning consumers have long noted the crapification of ingredients and the accompanying decline of value via shrinkflation. Discerning DIYers have noted how products are sealed, warranties voided, and simple maintenance jobs like changing the oil in a vehicle are now complicated by various perverse means.

As for service--Corporate America doesn't have to care about poor quality because they know we have no choice. All the members of the cartel offer the same rapacious pricing and pathetically poor service, so no corporation or institution (hospital, university, local government agency, etc.) has to fear a competitor might disrupt the cozy profiteering--there is no real competition in healthcare, higher education, defense contractors, telecom providers, pharmaceuticals, fast food, agribusiness, etc.--none.

The crapification of the U.S. economy is now complete. The only thing left is the tiresome waiting for the implosion of the entire travesty of a mockery of a sham.

Smith hits it, but then again telling everyone that everything is crap is the easy button. I'm far from pure luddite as I type this out on a budget priced Mac but I don't think of myself as a consumer my mindset is for long term durability and usefulness. I start by looking for Made in the USA, not that I will end up with an American product but it keeps me from impulse buys and forces me to look for quality.
Smith hits it, but then again telling everyone that everything is crap is the easy button. I'm far from pure luddite as I type this out on a budget priced Mac but I don't think of myself as a consumer my mindset is for long term durability and usefulness. I start by looking for Made in the USA, not that I will end up with an American product but it keeps me from impulse buys and forces me to look for quality.

I am definitely a "best bang for the buck" guy and I buy used quite often. Ebay, Reverb, CL, flea market, whatever works. I'll buy WallyWorld if and only I have to on a rare maybe once a year occasion. Every man for himself and fight the system the best and unique way one can in his own corner of the world. Loyalty to God and all is fair in love and war. And we are certainly in a war. Those who don't realize that are most pitiable.
Nothing wrong with buying used, I just personally buy so little or so infrequently at my age that I am a non entity beyond firearms and doo dads for that hobby. Last piece of clothing I bought was a combat shirt in Marine's desert marpat camo for 20 bucks at a second hand store along with a .50c Ed Abby book. And don't get me going on Wally World, in 88 they came to my former sleepy farming and light industry town where on Sunday in the summer you could have napped on the highway, total 'Murkan sh*t show now.
Science Class in today's Amerika:
The Empire of Lies. The same people who mindlessly absorb this anti-White hate propaganda and think it is accurate are for the most part the same people who always mask up and who now "stand with Ukraine," a country they had never heard of until two weeks ago:

CBS’s ‘The Equalizer’ Smears NYPD as Racist, Falsely Blames ‘Anti-Asian’ Hate Crimes on White People

by Warner Todd Huston

The CBS action drama The Equalizer pushed a heavily left-wing — and false — narrative in Sunday’s episode calling the NYPD racist and portraying white people as those responsible for anti-Asian hate crimes in the Big Apple.

In Sunday’s episode,”Chinatown,” hero Robyn McCall (Queen Latifah) sets out to put an end to a crew of racist white people who are going around attacking Asians in New York’s Chinatown neighborhood.

McCall hops on the trail of these thugs after a neighborhood grannie named Mrs. Li (Jo Yang) is killed when her Chinatown bakery is burned down around her.

Our action hero then joins forces with ex-New York Police officer Ray Lai (Perry Yung) who tells McCall that he left the force because he was tired of seeing cases involving Asians “t-boned by a racist system.”

In another scene, Lai tells Detective Marcus Dante (Troy Kittles) that when he was an officer, it was harder for Asian cops to “protect and serve.” Lai added, “Not a lot of fine print when it came to people who looked like us.”

Naturally, Det. Dante — who is black — just had to agree, saying, “Some things haven’t changed.”

Guest star Perry Yung even pushed the false narrative in an interview with AsAm News, saying that the episode is a wonderful attack on “the system,” and an exploration of America’s racist “us versus them” mentality.

AsAm News crows that the episode was “Hitting close to reality.” Unfortunately, there is not much “real” about the episode. After all, pinning anti-Asian hate crimes on evil whites is far short of “reality” since the majority of anti-Asian attacks in America are perpetrated by black men, according to U.S. Department of Justice data.

More to the point, as crime researcher Heather MacDonald noted, most anti-Asian hate crimes in New York City are black on Asian crimes. “A black New Yorker is over six times as likely to commit a hate crime against an Asian as a white New Yorker, according to New York Police Department data,” Mac Donald wrote last year.

“In 2020, blacks made up 50 percent of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in New York City, even though blacks are 24 percent of the city’s population,” Mac Donald added. And whites? They made up a mere ten percent of all suspects in Anti-Asian attacks.

Yet The Equalizer is laying anti-Asian hate crimes at the feet of evil white people. It’s not a very “ripped from the headlines” approach for this “close to reality” episode. But it is another example of the lies pushed by woke Hollywood.


Stacey Abrams is "President of Earth" in the latest Star Trek episode. What's more striking to me is the demographics of this short clip. Overwhelmingly female beginning with the narrator and all the important characters, and mostly non-White. It looks like most TV commercials in that sense. But don't dare mention anything about a "Great Replacement" taking place; only racists make those types of absurd claims.

Stacey Abrams is "President of Earth" in the latest Star Trek episode. What's more striking to me is the demographics of this short clip. Overwhelmingly female beginning with the narrator and all the important characters, and mostly non-White. It looks like most TV commercials in that sense. But don't dare mention anything about a "Great Replacement" taking place; only racists make those types of absurd claims.

This is a white sh1tlibs wet dream. They have a weird obsession with Abrams and long for her to become President. Meanwhile she can’t even win a local election in a heavily black state….
Stacey Abrams is "President of Earth" in the latest Star Trek episode. What's more striking to me is the demographics of this short clip. Overwhelmingly female beginning with the narrator and all the important characters, and mostly non-White. It looks like most TV commercials in that sense. But don't dare mention anything about a "Great Replacement" taking place; only racists make those types of absurd claims.

Geez you figure in the future they would have developed a pill to stop black women from being such lard asses. Probably just have a lot of synthetic pancreases, livers, and the like to keep them going.
Geez you figure in the future they would have developed a pill to stop black women from being such lard asses. Probably just have a lot of synthetic pancreases, livers, and the like to keep them going.
Back in the late 90's SNL had a gag on Janet Reno being the ugliest famous woman in the world(the PC police weren't as vigilant in the late 90's), at the time I thought it was a near dead heat with Reno and Madeline Albright but now Abrams is probably in second place to the Living Dead star Lori Lightfoot..
American Freedom News