We Are Living In A Cartoon

Back in the late 90's SNL had a gag on Janet Reno being the ugliest famous woman in the world(the PC police weren't as vigilant in the late 90's), at the time I thought it was a near dead heat with Reno and Madeline Albright but now Abrams is probably in second place to the Living Dead star Lori Lightfoot..
I was a bit surprised nobody posted about Albright dying the other day. I don't want to go into the dark issues and what she was like but I'm sure most who post here didn't "look too favorably" on her...to say the least.
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Honestly it wouldn't shock me if Hollyweird staged the whole thing for ratings
It looked phony with the slap that looked like something out of a bad campy wrestling interview but his foul language wouldn't make it pass network sensors. If it was real WTF was going through his mind as that criticism was tepid. It's not like he delved into the alleged closeted homosexuality of both husband and wife and their being blackmailed by Scientology.
Honestly it wouldn't shock me if Hollyweird staged the whole thing for ratings

100% staged, publicity stunt. The Oscars (and Hollywood) are becoming desperately irrelevant. No different than the Ms America pageant with Steve Harvey announcing the wrong winner. The Grammy’s with Kanye jumping on stage to protest Taylor Swift…nobody watches these dinosaur events anymore, so they need a “shocking” moment to even make the news.


Lol, this is quite funny that the Academy Awards is slowly turning into the BET Awards, with all the ghetto high jinx that comes with it. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group. In a few years, we may see rival cliques shooting at each other of the feel disrespected.

I was thinking along the same lines. The then I think was this real? Maybe something like the Kaufman vs Lawler feud? But maybe not. Maybe somebody end up gettin' capped on their way to the strip club yo.

If not planned a sudden idea for Smith to get some street cred and make up for his bubblegum rap career?
Lol staged or not.. Will Smith was triggered. I do think he's hit a mental break. Years of his wife boning random lovers and a comment about her bald head sets him off.. Lol Tom Iron Rule
Lol staged or not.. Will Smith was triggered. I do think he's hit a mental break. Years of his wife boning random lovers and a comment about her bald head sets him off.. Lol Tom Iron Rule
Not that this deserves the attention and “analysis” but here goes anyway.

I saw the video and when Rock makes the joke initially, Smith actually laughs. Then moments later after his wife has a talking to him, he goes up for the slap. Smith is a totally cuck. He lets his wife sleep around and still “white knights” for her when she demands him to. Between the succubus wife and the tranny / weirdo kids, Smith must have a very sad life. For fame and fortune it certainly looks like he made a devil’s deal and is already living a hell on earth.
100% staged, publicity stunt. The Oscars (and Hollywood) are becoming desperately irrelevant. No different than the Ms America pageant with Steve Harvey announcing the wrong winner. The Grammy’s with Kanye jumping on stage to protest Taylor Swift…nobody watches these dinosaur events anymore, so they need a “shocking” moment to even make the news.
Either way, the whole world got to see that wealth and fame can’t take the jogger out of the jogger. So much for “socio-economic factors” being the excuse for their well over represented violence.
Either way, the whole world got to see that wealth and fame can’t take the jogger out of the jogger. So much for “socio-economic factors” being the excuse for their well over represented violence.

“can’t take the jogger out of the jogger” LOL I’m stealing that one.
I have a Mexican buddy that shared an article claiming the rise of White Hispanics as White Nationalist is alarming LOL.
100% staged, publicity stunt. The Oscars (and Hollywood) are becoming desperately irrelevant. No different than the Ms America pageant with Steve Harvey announcing the wrong winner. The Grammy’s with Kanye jumping on stage to protest Taylor Swift…nobody watches these dinosaur events anymore, so they need a “shocking” moment to even make the news.

We could only wish. It seems that the overwhelming qualification for a journalist in the MSM now is being extremely delusional and in need of being institutionalized away from other humans. These "ideas" for articles and wokey-woke points of view come from very dark sources. No human in their right mind could come up with this stuff. Spot-on response article by the way.

Yep. Definitely staged. All too convenient when their ratings and public interest are in the tank and has been for years. Even grasping for the "after talk" this kind of thing brings.
This stems from the cataclysmic divide between a leftist and a right winger / traditionalist in terms of their worldview. The person on the right will try to better themselves and their position in the world and natural order of things. They understand that it means struggle. A Leftists will try to mold or change the world to their failed and warped state of humanity. Their struggle is to bend or break the natural order to their whims.

This fundamental difference is the existential struggle of our time.
This stems from the cataclysmic divide between a leftist and a right winger / traditionalist in terms of their worldview. The person on the right will try to better themselves and their position in the world and natural order of things. They understand that it means struggle. A Leftists will try to mold or change the world to their failed and warped state of humanity. Their struggle is to bend or break the natural order to their whims.

This fundamental difference is the existential struggle of our time.

Very well put. It's come to the point where it's a battle between those who are reality-based vs. those who more and more live totally divorced from physical and spiritual reality. No matter how the current turbulence sorts out, I'll always be grateful to be in the former group.
This stems from the cataclysmic divide between a leftist and a right winger / traditionalist in terms of their worldview. The person on the right will try to better themselves and their position in the world and natural order of things. They understand that it means struggle. A Leftists will try to mold or change the world to their failed and warped state of humanity. Their struggle is to bend or break the natural order to their whims.

This fundamental difference is the existential struggle of our time.

Well put Freethinker.

But she may be on to something. I've see a lot of black women walking out of McDonald's who are putting up a very visible fight against white supremacy.

"Whiteness" meme, guilty as charged. I really doubt this is from an actual leftist but it makes for a good April Fool's day spoof to get a rise out of them which I applaud since for the most part conservatism is being the stooge to all the leftist drivel.

PS who ever produced that meme is worth his or her weight in real money. As I have said before conservative whites are nothing but tail chasers and laser pointer chasers for the Left. But let me tell you if I produced a magic potion or the genetic sequence that could create "Whiteness" in form and function I could hire Bill Gates, Bezos, Buffet, Musk and have all of them washing and waxing my fleet of cars, planes and battleships.
I was watching Tucker Carlson's show last night. He had a segment with comedian Adam Corolla. I have a ton of respect for Carlson, and Corolla is one of the very few comedians who is an open conservative so he's one of the good guys too.

They were discussing affirmative action, particularly Comrade Joe's Supreme Court pick, who was nominated solely because she's a Black female (and ultra-left wing). Carlson then compared the nomination to the NFL, which he called a "meritocracy" even though it's mostly Black. Corolla then chimed in about "his Rams" winning the Super Bowl with just one White starter on defense. In fact, the Rams started three Whites on defense in the Super Bowl (Gaines, Reeder and Weddle), which goes to show Corolla wasn't watching "his Rams" as closely as he thought (nor did he notice that they are the relatively Whitest team in the NFL).

Both men are completely oblivious to affirmative action in sports, aka the Caste System, as are the vast majority of those on the right side of the political spectrum. It really shouldn't be that hard to put two and two together anymore -- just take a look at the advertising industry for example, where White men have been all but completely phased out in just the last half-dozen years except when a loser, nerd or criminal is needed in the script. So-called affirmative action has been around at the federal level since the Nixon Administration but it's almost totally escaped realization and scrutiny when it comes to sports because most Whites have been indoctrinated by the fake news media to regard Blacks as the greatest athletes in the world and Whites as mostly clumsy and slow. There's no easy answer to the situation other than to keep trying to get the truth out there to one person at a time and hope it comes closer to critical mass at some point, especially as the U.S. continues to go to hell in a hand basket thanks to the cultural communists, the business oligarchs, and the Biden Administration.
Excellent post Don! I heard Clay Travis call Football the ultra meritocracy the other day too. Infuriating people can't put 2 and 2 together! For ***** sake, every system in this country is corrupt, but not Sports! The one honorable system in the eyes of normies I guess.
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