We Are Living In A Cartoon

I had no illusions about Trump. He was a much better choice than Clinton in my opinion, but I was not naive enough to think he was going to turn the ship around 180 degrees. I don’t think that’s even possible at this point. 75% of white Americans don’t care about themselves, so why should I care about them? They will just turn on me in the end. These whites have made their choice...they chose complacency, debt slavery, porn addiction, video games, caffeine, marijuana, alcohol, black entertainer and athlete worship, depression, excessive prescription medication....the list goes on. These whites chose to leave the church of Jesus Christ and worship themselves instead with meaningless material possessions to try and satisfy their own egos. Everyone that posts here is frustrated, and we want to take action, but there really isn’t much we can do. We aren’t organized at all, and every effort is being made to keep us from doing just that. I suppose eventually the fight will come to our doors and we will have to take a stand, but until there is a movement or something that we can join that’s nation wide and too big to be silenced, we are kind of screwed.
I had no illusions about Trump. He was a much better choice than Clinton in my opinion, but I was not naive enough to think he was going to turn the ship around 180 degrees. I don’t think that’s even possible at this point. 75% of white Americans don’t care about themselves, so why should I care about them? They will just turn on me in the end. These whites have made their choice...they chose complacency, debt slavery, porn addiction, video games, caffeine, marijuana, alcohol, black entertainer and athlete worship, depression, excessive prescription medication....the list goes on. These whites chose to leave the church of Jesus Christ and worship themselves instead with meaningless material possessions to try and satisfy their own egos. Everyone that posts here is frustrated, and we want to take action, but there really isn’t much we can do. We aren’t organized at all, and every effort is being made to keep us from doing just that. I suppose eventually the fight will come to our doors and we will have to take a stand, but until there is a movement or something that we can join that’s nation wide and too big to be silenced, we are kind of screwed.

That sums it up well. It frustrates the hell out of me because every European country has a populist/nationalist political party, some more than one, and some of them are making significant headway. And like the U.S. many of them have political systems that are biased toward the establishment parties but they carry on anyway. Hungary has a genuinely nationalist leader in Viktor Orban who looks after his people. But in the U.S., crickets, nothing. Aware White Americans sat back for decades and with very few exceptions did nothing productive to organize or otherwise put up any kind of resistance. And now the takeover is so far advanced that political alternatives are not currently viable. So, yes, right now we're pretty much screwed.
Most of the White People I know don't give a damn about anything besides their social status and how much money they make.. Until trouble comes knocking on their suburban doorsteps, most will continue to be oblivious. Loyalty to family, community, and race are severely lacking. I used to try and shell shock normies with facts but don't even really bother now. Only a select few are worth the breath as NW mentioned.
There’s a few factors that work against us in my view.

The sheer size of the USA. In Europe, the average country is the size of a medium or small sized state. It’s easier for likeminded individuals to meetup and organize protests and rallies. We’ve got hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of right wing / nationalist Americans but we’re spread about the country. Maybe we should consider political migration to states more favorable to our views and consolidate power through local elections? If you live on the west coast move to Montana, Idaho, Utah and if your on the east coast New Hampshire, Maine or rural Pennsylvania. Midwest and south, there are obviously states that are better than others as well.

The two party system. Historically the USA has always been this way and it works to our detriment. To get to a European system with viable 3rd and 4th parties we’ll have to first destroy the Republican Party, which will hand over power to the communists. Even then we’d need to fracture the Democrats into 2 parties as well (maybe happening soon if the progressives and “coalition of color” realize this election that they are at odds with each other’s goals). We want 4 parties: progressive communists, center left (POC party), center right (the cucks) and us (right wing nationalists). We should be accelerating these fracture points, which maybe is the only useful thing Trump accomplishes on the right. For the Dems, point out to leftist Whites that if they ever want universal healthcare they need to eliminate immigration and gibbs programs (welfare to minorities). California is an example of how healthcare for all failed to be instituted. Tell environmentalists that immigration is detrimental to the environment (more resources and more destruction of nature to build housing) and 3rd worlders are horrible stewards of the earth (cite China, India, Africa, Haiti, etc).

The rugged individualism of America. I used to see this as a strength but now I’ve come to realize it’s weakness. Many Whites don’t see themselves as a collective worth helping, protecting and fighting for. Many see a poor White family or a single White mother and utter the useless mantra to “pick yourself up by your bootstraps”. Instead we need to lookout for our own and each other. I know too many White families who don’t even support each other let alone our “extended brothers and sisters”. In Europe people are better at collectivizing. We need to form more collectives or coalitions of “rugged individualists”. No more running to the mountains, stocking up on ammo, and waiting (forever) for the shooting to start.

Muh gun rights. I’m a fan of the 2nd amendment and we should all own firearms but the worship of this right can be a detriment. As mentioned before, too many think that stockpiling guns and ammo and doing nothing else will keep “Amerurica free”. Meanwhile the (((enemy))) has subverted every other right and freedom without firing a shot. The guy with the 38 guns is still waiting for them to “come and take it”. They didn’t need to. They boiled the frog and will wait for these red blooded types to die off. In France, the yellow vests turned the country on its head with no firearms. No firearms means you actually have to get outside, organize and fight. Some food for American thought.

Dollar as world reserve currency. Due to this, our money stays artificially higher than it should giving the average normie the illusion of wealth and a successful economy. Our houses rise in value and our 401ks get fat while the price of flatscreens and smartphones drop. We’re living large off of debt and other countries production and labor. The dollar makes it comfortable to go on lavish trips to Mexico and the Caribbean islands. With a couple grand, a divorced boomer or millennial neat can go on exotic “sex tourism” trips to Southeast Asia or Central America. As others have mentioned, we need people to feel the effects of global capitalism (communism). Meanwhile the elites, are hoarding wealth and buying up everything of value (communist Chinese buy real estate all over the west coast too) as they get these dollars first, at extremely low interest, from their pals and fellow tribesmen. Perhaps cryptocurrency can break the dollar hegemony and central banking. Bitcoin is back to $8,000, as many were calling its demise too soon earlier this year. We could support this alternative currency and promote its adaptation on a larger scale.

I’m sure there are other factors I’m forgetting or overlooking but those are the main obstacles as I see it. Europe is in a much better position but we can change our fate still. We just have to form our collective will to do it. Easier said than done as Don makes clear.
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Excellent post, Freethinker. All of those factors are a big part of it, the two party system being the biggest one. The two monopoly gangs work together to deny "third" parties a fair shake due to extremely unfair ballot access laws, media blackouts (or smears), and campaign finance laws which are tilted toward the Republicrats. One would think in a system in which "equality" and non-discrimination are held up to be the highest goods, that this would not be the case when it comes to ballot access, but the courts (Democrat and Republican judges) routinely uphold the various state ballot access laws that don't allow for a level playing field. The U.S. has a closed, rigged political system much closer to a traditional one-party state than an "open democracy."

The size of the country is also a big factor, but a party or political organization needs to concentrate on organizing at the local and state levels. Even in a relatively small state like Pennsylvania, an event held in Pittsburgh is a 600 mile+plus round trip by car for someone from the Philly area and vice versa. I know because I lived it, going to literally hundreds of Populist Party meetings locally, state-wide, regionally and nationally in the 1980s and 1990s. "We" did have a party for a while that was formally organized in almost every state, ran balloted candidates around the country every year, and had two presidential candidates who were on the ballot in 13 states in 1988 and 16 states in 1992.

But that fell apart for reasons I'm not going get into here, and since then, nothing for 20 years until the rise of the alt-right. I kept waiting for those young rays of hope to leave the safety of their computers and become active, and they finally did, culminating in Charlottesville, the aftermath of which continues to be an ongoing disaster for them. I wanted to see them organize politically rather than engage in direct street action, but I understand why they did what they did and after 20 years with no political vehicle the art of organizing and being active on behalf of a right wing third party no longer existed. There was no template for them to follow and I also understand why so many of them detest the "boomers" and older folks who totally dropped the ball. There are very few people left now who understand how to organize a minor political party as well as deal with ballot access requirements. More recently I was the Executive Director of the American Freedom Party for several years, but left them in 2014 after it became clear most of the leaders had no idea what they were doing and had no intention of learning. The American Freedom Party is a "party" in name only, nothing more than a website.

Building a political organization is a mostly onerous task which requires one to willingly accept failure for a long time in the hope of eventually making enough incremental progress to have some breakthroughs, thus becoming well-known and a force to be reckoned with. But it's not possible now, for the reasons you mentioned and others like doxxing, antifa, and the alliance of government, law enforcement, the courts and communist thugs that bared its fangs at Charlottesville. In 1988 we were collecting signatures around the country for David Duke to be on the ballot as a presidential candidate. Can you imagine what would happen today if Duke or say Richard Spencer were running and their supporters tried to collect signatures for them? It's just not possible now. Similarly, of the hundreds of Populist Party meetings I organized, only a few had to deal with on-site protesters and thugs. It was a different time, and all of the ills we were battling against back then have only progressed that much more.

That's why I often express my frustration at the lack of organized fightback by White Americans, any fightback at all really, when we see it taking place all over Europe, where they too have to battle against entrenched laws and political parties at a decided disadvantage. I also see how much the war on dissent has accelerated under Trump; it's very real and if we haven't passed the point of no return for Middle America we are very close to it. A very strong argument can be made that the demographic trends of the past half-century are now irreversible and the only real question left is just how small a minority Whites are going to become in what until recently was always our own country.

So yes, Trump is a big phony to me to put it kindly, the "last, best hope" to "save America" is mainly interested in serving Israel and banking and corporate interests, not the American People, who once again are being played as Heritage America continues to quickly become part of the dustbin of history. At any rate, what I experienced as a proponent of a pro-White, pro-American political party that was for a while the fourth largest political party in the country after the Republicrats and Libertarians is ancient history now so I'll try to to a better job of not expressing how angry and frustrated I am at seeing us go down "in real time" as the expression goes.
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Don, do you ever plan to move and if so, where are some spots you would consider? Maybe Hungary?

I don't have any current plans to expat but it's a subject I'm interested in, as it should be to any thinking White man in the USSA as the handwriting is on the wall in big letters. Whites are a minority of babies being born and have been for several years. Every major city has been transformed or is being transformed into quasi-independent sovereign entities organized around the animating principle that White men are the enemy and must be destroyed. Whites in rural and deindustrialized areas have been devastated by drug problems and depression similar to what happened in the former USSR in the 1990s.

Trump brags that legal immigration (90% non-White) is at its highest level ever, while illegal immigration (also at least 90% non-White) is also at record levels. Trump has done nothing about the Dreamers, nothing about the huge number of H-1B visas being issued to Indians and Chinese, which are designed to replace White Americans in STEM jobs -- just check the campus of any elite university to see how far advanced the process now is. Oh, and almost 2 miles of Trump's "big, beautiful wall" have been built so far -- at the current pace it should be completed sometime around the year 4250.

A leftist coalition is inexorably being forged -- Hillary's coalition if you will -- that once it regains the presidency will not relinquish it due to demographic and ideological trends. If they can control their lunatic wing they have at least a 50-50 chance of winning next year over the aging and declining mostly White coalition that almost miraculously elected Trump in '16. Once they regain control, will they merely amp up the current anti-White trends or will outright genocide take place? Given how hate-filled and implacable they are, only a fool would think genocide isn't at least a possibility.

As an aside, a very good article to read is "Racial Politics in Latin America": https://www.unz.com/article/racial-politics-in-latin-america/ In most but not all of Latin America, Whites are a minority, but those countries have a racial hierarchy based on whiteness, or lightness of skin color, where Whites are still respected, even admired, and where Whites act, sometimes ruthlessly, to protect their place at the top of the totem pole. Those countries also have small Jewish populations, which explains why Whites are not hated there but are here.

Popular countries to expat to include Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico in this hemisphere. Mexico is far from the stereotype of a giant corral of cartel members shooting it out everywhere. Fred Reed has lived in Mexico for many years and finds it far superior to what the U.S. has become.

Most of Europe suffers from the same turbo-charged toxic feminism as does this country (feminism is the most effective weapon in the communist toolbox), but Russia and parts of Eastern Europe are possibilities, as is Hungary of course. Poland is another country where the population still has a strong survival instinct, as is also the case in Italy and Greece.

Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, the Philippines and Cambodia are popular destinations for expats, retirees and digital nomads. Thailand used to be but due to economic growth and a strong currency the cost of living there has skyrocketed and is quickly losing favor.
I second Dons point on south america. Ive been involved with quite a few columbian and brazilian women, they highly regard white males. The paler, the better. Same with asian women. A brazilian ex of mine told me that in her city, blacks are looked down upon.
I second Dons point on south america. Ive been involved with quite a few columbian and brazilian women, they highly regard white males. The paler, the better. Same with asian women. A brazilian ex of mine told me that in her city, blacks are looked down upon.
This concept of looking down on blacks is mistaken, but entirely human. The fact is black people are just at the bottom of humanity in every way. It's not their fault they can't function in a civilized society. They're just not up to it. Yes, every now and then you'll find one who can muddle through his life without failing in everything they attempt, but it's very rare. Plus, the Jewish cabal is using them to further their anti American/Christian campaign. The Jews know full well it's not "racism" that is behind "police brutality," but the inability of blacks to function in this society. But that's immaterial to Jewish plans. So they continue to fan racism through their media platforms.
YouTube is going all out censor mode in deleting or censoring or demonitizing channels with major viewership. In the last few hours they totally deleted Black Pigeon Speaks who had over a half million subscribers and millions of views. Brother Nathaniel was among numerous ones in the last week. They've gone full on Bolshevik Sovietized mindset and if you say anything differing from the antichrist's NWO Jewish Supremacist agenda you are done. I hope some normies might even wake up given that many of them are anti-Israhell.
I am planning to expat at some point. The Philippines is a place I’ve been and enjoyed it there. I’ve never been to South America but I have a Brazilian friend who is as white as I am and we’ve chatted before about what living there is like. The rural areas in Brazil sound quite nice actually. The Europena nations Don mentioned such as Italy and Poland are on my radar as well. I’m trying to set myself up financially to move within 5-10 years. Possibly rentals or a digital nomad lifestyle somehow making money online will be my best bet I think. I just know the US is screwed and I’m not counting on being here for retirement. Btw - I’m 39, so I have many years ahead to work and learn or adapt to living in another country.
I am planning to expat at some point. The Philippines is a place I’ve been and enjoyed it there. I’ve never been to South America but I have a Brazilian friend who is as white as I am and we’ve chatted before about what living there is like. The rural areas in Brazil sound quite nice actually. The Europena nations Don mentioned such as Italy and Poland are on my radar as well. I’m trying to set myself up financially to move within 5-10 years. Possibly rentals or a digital nomad lifestyle somehow making money online will be my best bet I think. I just know the US is screwed and I’m not counting on being here for retirement. Btw - I’m 39, so I have many years ahead to work and learn or adapt to living in another country.

If you can, or maybe you have already, travel to some of the places you're interested in first, to see where you think you'll feel compatible.

Southern Brazil is a much better place to live than the northern part. Here's an article on Santa Catarina, Brazil: https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/03/Santa-Catarina-Brazil .html

There are thriving English speaking expat communities in Chile and Mexico, and Uruguay is 88% White, though I don't know what the immigration laws are like there.

With conservative Republicans as pro-police state, pro-surveillance state, and pro-immigration as the "liberals," and masters of white knighting even as the country is in ruins socially due to feminism, expatting will continue to become more popular for those looking for options, both for single and married men.
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My father vacations with his wife in Cozumel Mexico every year, usually in January or February. He loves it, although he’s had some issues with the heat due to his weight. The problem though is Cozumel is basically a resort island so not very accurate as to what actually living there is like. I am curious about Mexico, but never really put much thought into places like Uruguay or Chile. I will have to start doing some research and look into these places. One thing that would be nice is if I was able to work or open a small business wherever I land.
If I was young or fairly young I would try to be a digital nomad, at least for a spell to do a lot of traveling. Of course to succeed at that you can't have anything that is "politically incorrect" like this site. There are some YouTubers that teach how to be a digital nomad, I don't know if it's worthwhile advice or not, most of the time internet "teachers" are trying to make money through clicks on their videos and channels.
I have looked into the digital nomad lifestyle a bit and from what I can tell, it kind of goes hand in hand with minimalism. Basically having a couple bags and your electronic devices and that's it. That lifestyle is for sure appealing to me as I've kind of shunned modern consumerism and materialism, however I do enjoy an internet connection so I'm a bit of a hypocrite I guess. I know you can easily live in the Philippines on less than 10k a year comfortably as long as you aren't blowing your money on gambling or prostitutes or something like that. When I was there, I met a German guy who lives in Germany and works construction half of the year and then lives in the Philippines the other half on the resort island called Boracay and he had been doing that for 10+ years. I'm sure he will move there permanently at some point. I suppose a lot of it comes down to what you really value in life. If you want to chase the "American dream" today, you have to accept that you will be working 40 hours per week plus overtime until you are 65-70, living in debt most of your life and at the mercy of the US for retirement and healthcare security. Add to that the cultural and demographic changes occuring here and I have no interest in being a part of it. 20 years ago I may have felt differently.
I've been following this thread all week and I can see validity in everyone who has offered their thoughts. It's a hard situation to summarize because everything that is going on is so obvious yet so many sheep out there have just been brainwashed over the past 50 years under the the cultural communist dogma. For me the globalist corporate communist conglomerate is in total control - the two party system is a joke as both sides get handouts for selling this country out. The border and national sovereignty have been eliminated and everyone is a witness to this yet no one is doing a thing - an act of treason if you ask me. I personally do believe that Soros is either a figurehead or actually the main entity (Soros or his many leftist-communist/anti-white groups) responsible. How he has not been hunted down, captured and charged with treason is beyond me because he is the puppet master pulling all these strings - from funding illegal immigrants, black lives matter, "social justice", open hostility towards whites/victimization of guilty brown people etc. His aim is to destabilize and ultimately destroy the west (which has been on a downward spiral since the 1960s). The lack of pride in community and heritage, the destruction of the nuclear family (among whites/they destroyed the black nuclear family in the 1960s), death of common sense, lack of respect for life and society losing morality/religion have all been the aims of the cultural communists since after the WWII and we are now living in a degenerate society in which the Soros groups are trying to finally break the damn wide open as the final push of this 50 year downfall and end it for good.

If I were a single guy I would probably look into escaping the insanity of the west - I really enjoyed hearing both Don and NWSoccerfan's opinion and information on that topic. I don't want to say I am optimistic but I do see alot more people getting red-pilled. Even if it is just in the comment section of a news story, youtube comments etc - I find that to be a positive as it shows that at least many people share a similar world view. The draconian censorship going on right now by the big tech companies is an other obvious sign that they are trying to silence any type of opposition. I could go on and on listing examples. I do see more bad than good in the current state of affairs and find myself agreeing more and more with Don about Feminism being the cultural communists most effective weapon - whether it be women choosing careers over families, abortions, miscegenation, dykes etc - the irrationality of it all makes my head hurt. Freethinker your post was spot on - agreed with it all.

We truly are living in a cartoon.
Gentlemen, There will probably be some form of explosion here. You're talking about leaving your families friends and neighbors to their fates. You want to sit in some other place and see your people fighting for their lives while you sit safe and sound? I fought for this Republic (so I thought at the time) and got lucky and lived through it. As an old guy, let me tell you, if you all ever did such a thing as run away from this, you'll eat your hearts out for the rest of your days. That type of thing is what started all this. The young men in general by not taking the bull by the horns and doing the right thing during the Vietnam war essentially did what you're talking about. They saved themselves and let others go in their place instead of bringing this government to heel about that war. Don't do what those men did back in the 60s-70s. You'll live to regret it. your place is here.
Due to immigration and low birth rates, the white population will become a minority very soon and will have virtually no power. Without numbers you can’t win, it’s that simple. I don’t think most people realize the war has already been lost, it was already lost when Obama was elected. The fact of the matter is, I care for my family, friends and white neighbors but many of them are liberals who will angrily defend their views. If they want to go down with the ship, that’s their choice.
Gentlemen, There will probably be some form of explosion here. You're talking about leaving your families friends and neighbors to their fates. You want to sit in some other place and see your people fighting for their lives while you sit safe and sound? I fought for this Republic (so I thought at the time) and got lucky and lived through it. As an old guy, let me tell you, if you all ever did such a thing as run away from this, you'll eat your hearts out for the rest of your days. That type of thing is what started all this. The young men in general by not taking the bull by the horns and doing the right thing during the Vietnam war essentially did what you're talking about. They saved themselves and let others go in their place instead of bringing this government to heel about that war. Don't do what those men did back in the 60s-70s. You'll live to regret it. your place is here.

Tom, I'm not recommending it, just putting it out there as an option for the remnant of thinking White men, in large part because I disagree that "there will probably be some form of explosion here." Whites gave up (or were successfully subdued, take your pick) a long time ago -- there was initially a fair amount of pushback to the radicalism of the late 1960s but by the mid-'70s the last collective efforts of Whites to stand up for themselves had effectively ended. Since then there has been over 40 more years of no representation in the U.S.'s closed political system combined with 40 more years of relentless cultural communist/globalist indoctrination, resulting in today's enfeebled young Whites, the ones you often (accurately) complain about.

I look around and I don't see any future revolutionary leaders or even potential grunts. All it takes is a quick trip such as I took to Walmart earlier today to confirm that. The top-down Permanent Revolution in this country has seeped all the way down and the rot and devastation is everywhere to be seen. If there's some sort of "explosion" it will likely be one more reminiscent of the type that took place in Haiti, rather than White Americans suddenly trying to take back the streets or anything else. The miraculous "spark" so many have claimed for so long is all that's needed to "turn things around" is less likely to happen than ever. Hopefully things won't stay that way, but it's also possible that the only way the genius, humanity and creativity of our race can survive long-term is from an exodus from the U.S., a country where White people are no longer wanted, and increasingly no longer needed. The future of the White Race might lie in Russia and/or eastern and southern Europe and parts of Latin America.
Where is Polly Anna when you need him? LOL. Gentlemen. Most of what you are saying is correct. But I am the eternal optimist. I currently reside in Southern California. I live in Simi Valley. The City Council is all Conservative. We all pretty much think the same. There are no bums or rampant drug use like in LA or parts of Santa Monica. It's a well run "Red City" surrounded by our enemies. In 4 years I will retire. My plan is to buy a vacation condo in Fort Walton Beach or Destin Fl. And rent it out when I am not there. Beautiful beaches and dominated by red pill ingesting Americans. I will travel but never ex-pat. The only time I thought about leaving was while watching the great English gangster movie "Sexy Beast." The villa where the retired English Gangster lived. The location was Spain. What a great spread and in a desolate area. If America goes full tank into the Shitter, I will be on my last legs. Right now in the bleachers watching intently.
I live in small town Canada, the population is approximately 38,000 people. This city was raised on whites farming and hard work by whites. There is now more Indians, Asians, Muslims in full garb and Somalians in my city than ever before. They are showing up in droves. The negros are hitting on all the single white women with the goal of watering down the white population here. The looks I get from these groups of Blacks are looks of death, they want to kill white men...it will happen sooner than later. They are not here because ``THEY FIGURED HERE WAS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE FREE AND IN RELATIVE COMFORT `. They are here to destroy what is white. Most of the locals here are ignorant of this fact and welcome them with open arms. I fear for the immediate future.
The Obama administration sent groups of blacks, mostly Somalians and Nigerians into predominately white neighborhoods to, I think to punish them for being successful. Houston, Texas and Minneapolis, Minnesota are two cities I can think of right off the top of my head. Houston is full of Nigerians and Minneapolis is full of Somalians some 60,000 last I read.
Gillette just does not want my business. I can't decide whether they are clueless or evil. Either way they are screwing themselves. 3000 comments to the article, I didn't see one positive. How can they ignore that kind of feedback?

They're evil and they pretty much have a monopoly on razors and the like.
Due to immigration and low birth rates, the white population will become a minority very soon and will have virtually no power. Without numbers you can’t win, it’s that simple. I don’t think most people realize the war has already been lost, it was already lost when Obama was elected. The fact of the matter is, I care for my family, friends and white neighbors but many of them are liberals who will angrily defend their views. If they want to go down with the ship, that’s their choice.
Sir, you don't have to worry about such people you describe. It's my view that when the sh*t hits the fan in this country, those type people you describe will run willingly into the hands of the minorities and be killed just like a moth flying into a flame. But while the minorities are using time to kill such people, the tough White people who are going to fight will have time to prepare for the job in front of them. Even if White people were to lose (I don't believe that would be the case though), they wouldn't be fully exterminated but would set up their own enclaves and life would be good again. I fully believe this is going to be the way it all turns out.
this thread has a lot of interesting perspectives. i thought it would be appropriate to link the below video that was recommended to me recently. thoughts, as always, are appreciated.

American Freedom News