We Are Living In A Cartoon

Can you elaborate? I'm sure it's total cowardice if it's what I think. I don't understand the bill nor the consequences. Forgive my ignorance.
Only 17 members of Congress had the guts to vote no on HR 246 today, the anti first amendment bill to condemn the global BDS movement against israel.

Only three white males and one republican. All the others were predominately POC including 3 of the 4 members of “The Squad”

This is the J-Left and the neocon right coming together to destroy the 1st amendment via combating “anti-semitism”. These Congress critters who voted yes are either brainwashed “Judeo Christian” shabbos goys or deviants who mossad agents (think Epstein) have blackmail material over (think video of sex acts with children). We need to remove these people.

PS - respect to Tom Massie. He deserves our support as he’ll have a target on his back now.
Here is the resolution. Being a resolution, it doesn't carry the full weight of the law, and is targeted at international anti-Israel movements. Read through it, I'm not sure where the language is that limits US citizens and our first amendment rights, though. But I'm in a hurry to get out the door here....
Omar seemed to celebrate Rand Paul getting attacked back in 2017 and having several ribs broken by a Leftist neighbor. But oh yeah, Whites are privileged:

This should go under the thread of we are living in insanity! Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, who is gay, and claims to be a Christian quoted scripture last night during the debates. When is someone going to quote to him the many verses that condemns homosexuality?
"Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes, nor HOMOSEXUAL OFFENDERS, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of GOD. And that is what some of you were." I Corinthians 6:9-11.
I could name many other verses in both the old and new testaments that condemns homosexuality. What does he and his husband do when they come to these verses? What's even worse is I believe they were married in a Catholic Church?
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" Isaiah 5:20.
Transgender weightlifter's gold medal sparks fierce debate

  1. Cached
2 days ago - Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard’s gold medal-winning performance at the Pacific Games continues to reverberate long after the event, with a New Zealand women’s group demanding sports authorities put a stop to “unfair” competition. Hubbard, who competed for New Zealand in ...
The interesting thing is that these loony people thought they were helping women's sports with the Title9 garbage. But with all such concepts, there's always that point of going too far. We've reached it with the so-called Trans movement. At some point, young women will just be up the creek with their sports. They will no longer be able to compete with these guys.
This should go under the thread of we are living in insanity! Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, who is gay, and claims to be a Christian quoted scripture last night during the debates. When is someone going to quote to him the many verses that condemns homosexuality?
"Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes, nor HOMOSEXUAL OFFENDERS, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of GOD. And that is what some of you were." I Corinthians 6:9-11.
I could name many other verses in both the old and new testaments that condemns homosexuality. What does he and his husband do when they come to these verses? What's even worse is I believe they were married in a Catholic Church?
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" Isaiah 5:20.
Carolina Speed if you want to see the direction the Democrats are trying to take us, read "The Equality Act of 2019" that was passed in the house this spring. Basically, it says that in ALL cases LGBT rights trumps religious freedom. Thereby making religious freedom a secondary right. It has to pass in the Senate which right now is very unlikely, but if the Democrats take the Senate in upcoming elections and they pass it, Christians can no longer use a religious freedom defense in court cases.
Carolina Speed if you want to see the direction the Democrats are trying to take us, read "The Equality Act of 2019" that was passed in the house this spring. Basically, it says that in ALL cases LGBT rights trumps religious freedom. Thereby making religious freedom a secondary right. It has to pass in the Senate which right now is very unlikely, but if the Democrats take the Senate in upcoming elections and they pass it, Christians can no longer use a religious freedom defense in court cases.
This is just one of the ways these c-nts (not just females. I'm an equal opportunist) are trying to destroy Christianity and specifically the 1st Amendment as it was intentionally created. I'll have no problem taking up arms at that point to overthrow the "Government" for the simple fact that the American Government will no longer exist as it was created. We're pretty much there already but I hold out hope for the time being.

If the Supreme Court is somehow "adjusted" by additional/supplemental members as Jew Communist Bernie Bolshevik has suggested as he is just licking his chops to do we're toast. Just do some searches and see what he has suggested for adding supplemental SCOTUS members. If the Dems take the Senate they would do this as easy as breathing. A lot of the Left's rage of Trump winning was the setback in their plans for the Supreme Court future picks. They were in fits of rage and seething anger on just this one issue.

Full-on Communism is the goal of these pukes. We have to remember that it wasn't that long ago the same effing crowd led the Russian Communist Revolution with the very same tactics they are using here, just that now they are adapting to current circumstances to get their end goal. Nothing is out of line for them. Nothing at all.
Caitlin Johnstone hits it out of the park with this one. i’m no supporter of Tulsi Gabbard (though i do like her positions on pulling the US out of its regime change wars and on the tyrannical police state), but she has the media talking heads in a tizzy after what she did to Kamala Harris on night two of the Democratic National Convention. The Lefties are eating each other, and it is glorious!

Victoria’s Secret just hired their first transgender model. ‘nuff said.
Pure communist insanity:

Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo is slammed for 'racist' remarks after she called 2020 Democratic hopeful Kamala Harris 'overconfident' when defending her record during debate


Today any criticism of a non-white by a white is called "racism" by the liberals, no matter what the criticism is or how valid it is. The liberal leaders have decided that whites are not allowed to criticize non-whites for anything whatsoever.
Today any criticism of a non-white by a white is called "racism" by the liberals, no matter what the criticism is or how valid it is. The liberal leaders have decided that whites are not allowed to criticize non-whites for anything whatsoever.

There's nothing liberal about modern day leftists. They are mostly just Marxists, who in their hatred, anger, stupidity and resentment just want to destroy anything in the society and civilization that is already existing. After all, all change is good, according to the idiot Left.
There's nothing liberal about modern day leftists. They are mostly just Marxists, who in their hatred, anger, stupidity and resentment just want to destroy anything in the society and civilization that is already existing. After all, all change is good, according to the idiot Left.

Riggins44 you are spot on, but I would add to your last sentence that to them (Leftists) all change that overturns societal Christian norms is good to them. They are typically either jews or those duped by them. Either directly or indirectly. Always.
Epstein is dead. Supposedly hung himself and was found this morning. I hope he named some names but this may just go away. Glad he's dead, but dead men tell no tales...
Or maybe it was more like this :

Ex CIA Officer Robert David Steele said in an interview about a week ago that he was told the Mossad were planning to smuggle Epstein out of prison.

Interesting how the "cameras malfunctioned" at the right time.
So bizarre, it's almost like the deep state has lost the will to keep up the fake premise that we are a nation of laws. The Trump attempted coup and this un-excusable execution of a witness. It's like the train is going off the rails.
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I don't believe this whole thing about Epstein being dead like I don't believe anything else our media distributes.
Michael Moore will possibly die sooner now. Is anyone disappointed?

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