We Are Living In A Cartoon

One imagines as Whites become more and more of a minority that they will eventually be forced to vote in accordance with their racial interests. Certainly the low reproduction rates and attitudes of Whites who don't feel that way is much less then those that do. We are talking about hundreds of millions of White people, a sizable block no matter how many Somalis and mestizoes invade. Many Whites today are comfortable enough to dismiss the clear signs of societal collapse, but when it comes it will impossible to avoid. That's not to say it doesn't suck and could easily be avoided if White people got off their asses right now.

When you number in the millions, have a lot of capitol, are naturally more intelligent and capable, it's never "too late". It's just harder to set right then it has to be.
One imagines as Whites become more and more of a minority that they will eventually be forced to vote in accordance with their racial interests. Certainly the low reproduction rates and attitudes of Whites who don't feel that way is much less then those that do. We are talking about hundreds of millions of White people, a sizable block no matter how many Somalis and mestizoes invade. Many Whites today are comfortable enough to dismiss the clear signs of societal collapse, but when it comes it will impossible to avoid. That's not to say it doesn't suck and could easily be avoided if White people got off their asses right now.

When you number in the millions, have a lot of capitol, are naturally more intelligent and capable, it's never "too late". It's just harder to set right then it has to be.
I mostly agree with your sentiments which is why I’m optimistic in the long term.

When you take out jews and add in a certain percentage of hispanics, like Tino Martinez and Keith Hernandez who are obviously White, the US White population is around 200 million. I believe that is the highest amount of White Americans in US history. Now that will probably peak when baby boomers die in the coming decades, but as you point out, we still have a huge group of intelligent, physically dominant (especially compared to the average squatamalan) individuals. Add in the fact that many of these folks have firearms and military training and you are looking at the most capable group in the USA if they ever decide to organize as such.

Our job is to continue the information war and reverse the mind-f*cking that has been going on for 60 plus years unabated. Some people can be reached and others will only wake up when it touches them personally so the continued acceleration of the left and the coming collapse of any sort of functional White society are in our long term interest. We need more suffering. We need hard men to be forged in those times. The United States as a White country is over. We need to kill off this globohomo monstrosity so we can form a new White homeland(s) on North America.

As I’ve said before, we just need to regain our will and be unapologetic in our right to self determination in lands that prioritizes White wellbeing.
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this thread has a lot of interesting perspectives. i thought it would be appropriate to link the below video that was recommended to me recently. thoughts, as always, are appreciated.

Interesting video. It just so happens I've been watching a long documentary on the Spanish Civil War. In their case the military revolted against a leftist government. So it's a different situation than ours, but one thing that is similar is that both sides had reached the point where they absolutely loathed one another. Once the war started it was a nasty one. If one side gained control of a town they would round up anyone they thought supported the opposition and shoot them. Take them to the nearest bullring or truck them out of town and kill them. No mercy. They just hated each other. Rather like the American left and right hate each other right now.

One funny aspect was at one point the Anarchists were dominating the leftist side. The other factions offered to let them take control of the government but they refused. Why? Because they were anarchists. In their minds everything would just spontaneously organize itself if given the chance with no help from any government of any kind. If I understand their philosophy correctly. Hard to believe any adults could believe something that stupid but evidently they did. In the end it was all the leftist factions working against each other and the amateur approach to warfare that did the them in.

I don't know that a civil war is inevitable. People have to much food in the fridge and too much on the TV to watch. From what I know of it, war is a lot of work. A huge disruption. I'm not ready for that myself.

One thing I enjoyed seeing is how limited an area is blue. Take their control of the media and education away and they ain't sh*t. Just a bunch of conceited pricks cooped up in cities. A lot of them anyway.

I do hope this guy is wrong about civil war as a sure thing.

But time is running out.
Speaking of time running out, everyone should watch this:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=330&v=taXvjHsHYaoWith Burgess Owens stumbling over the word restitution one could think he is punchy, but he is pushing for restitution not reparations?

I can't believe this lunacy has gotten discussed before a senate committee, obviously it's dead in the water with a presidential veto, but to have this idea floated beyond the ivory tower is frightening.....https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/19/burgess-owens-democrat-party-restitution-black-americans/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=330&v=taXvjHsHYaoWith Burgess Owens stumbling over the word restitution one could think he is punchy, but he is pushing for restitution not reparations?

I can't believe this lunacy has gotten discussed before a senate committee, obviously it's dead in the water with a presidential veto, but to have this idea floated beyond the ivory tower is frightening.....https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/19/burgess-owens-democrat-party-restitution-black-americans/
I have a Germanic name. Do you think I might be able to get some cash for my two cousins, Hans and Karl who were taken by the Roman legion in 21 AD and brought to Rome to die in the coliseum in a Sat afternoon matinee to the delight of the Roman mob? Every day when I get up, I'm sad for my cousins upwards of 9 seconds. That must be worth something. Do you think there's a lawyer to take my case?
By the time of this filters into the deep ghetto by word of mouth they'll think reparations is a done deal and when the checks don't show up they'll start rioting.

Somebody call Al Sharpton! Where my money?
Interesting video. It just so happens I've been watching a long documentary on the Spanish Civil War. In their case the military revolted against a leftist government. So it's a different situation than ours, but one thing that is similar is that both sides had reached the point where they absolutely loathed one another. Once the war started it was a nasty one. If one side gained control of a town they would round up anyone they thought supported the opposition and shoot them. Take them to the nearest bullring or truck them out of town and kill them. No mercy. They just hated each other. Rather like the American left and right hate each other right now.

One funny aspect was at one point the Anarchists were dominating the leftist side. The other factions offered to let them take control of the government but they refused. Why? Because they were anarchists. In their minds everything would just spontaneously organize itself if given the chance with no help from any government of any kind. If I understand their philosophy correctly. Hard to believe any adults could believe something that stupid but evidently they did. In the end it was all the leftist factions working against each other and the amateur approach to warfare that did the them in.

I don't know that a civil war is inevitable. People have to much food in the fridge and too much on the TV to watch. From what I know of it, war is a lot of work. A huge disruption. I'm not ready for that myself.

One thing I enjoyed seeing is how limited an area is blue. Take their control of the media and education away and they ain't sh*t. Just a bunch of conceited pricks cooped up in cities. A lot of them anyway.

I do hope this guy is wrong about civil war as a sure thing.

But time is running out.

The blue cities don't produce anything tangible for themselves. They don't produce food or electricity, and their water comes from somewhere else. When the sh%t hits the fan, the red areas just need to blockade the blue cities and cut off the water and electricity and also cut off all shipments of food. The blue cities would have no choice but to capitulate and agree to anything the red areas demand. What are the blue cities going to do? The red areas have alot more gun owners and veterans, people who know how to actually fight. The blue cities would be helpless.
Speaking of Blue Cities, Portland, OR. is full-on Communist now with the Mayor and Police FULLY on the side of Antifa. Concrete milkshakes assaults and kicking "non-conformists" ON VIDEO are the latest to do in LITERAL BROAD DAYLIGHT is not only okay, it's sanctioned, advocated and endorsed by the City Empire:

This is another reason I've come hate Trump to the core. He should be kicking ass on this sanctioned criminality across Amerika. He's a worthless piece of sh:t.
This could have easily been in the "Women these Days" thread but this is full goose bozo psycho Lefist on display. She belongs in a straight jacket:

Need further confirmation that Feminazis are insane? I guess you guys didn't know "Fart Rape" is real...

News of Natalie Portman as female Thor divides film franchise fans


And perhaps Donald Duck will no longer be a duck, but a transsexual chicken?
Some levity...Female entitlement extends to spelling:

Some levity...Female entitlement extends to spelling:

This brings a smile to my lips. When I walk around sometimes with my political signboards/sandwich boards (front and rear) I deliberately spell word wrong. This drives people crazy, mostly women. I just stand there and tell them I'm a multiple speller and it's right. Once, a woman walking with her husband called me on a misspelled word and I gave her husband a wink and he took my side and said he didn't know what was wrong with the spelling. Lord, we had a good time with her. My wife of course says I'm an idiot.
I don't know the facts here and I only found this on bitchute, but someone tell me how this happened? Are these actually Police? How was not every round of every clip not used? Yeah, I know I'm exaggerating, but what in the flying crap??!!

More of the barbarism (although this one isn't violent) on display and nary a bit of consequences:

Only 17 members of Congress had the guts to vote no on HR 246 today, the anti first amendment bill to condemn the global BDS movement against israel.

Only three white males and one republican. All the others were predominately POC including 3 of the 4 members of “The Squad”

American Freedom News