We Are Living In A Cartoon

House Bill 741 is Set to pass in Florida. Some of the “highlights”



For added chutzpah, Gov. Ron DeSantis will be jet setting to Jerusalem to sign the bill
So free speech takes yet another blow. And Jews further secure their status as the most protected group in the world. When will such a law be implemented for White people?
This bill has to be unconstitutional, you can't criticize a sovereign nation? So the next time Israel bombs Palestinian civilians by "accident" or assassinates a "terrorist" anybody that opposes this is could potentially do jail time in Florida? Doesn't the justice department in Tallahassee have rub and tugs to bug to frame Johns....https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinio...mination-20190507-yxkti5ws3zetvmlu6mpgytlv4i-

This paper isn't controlled by Jewish button pushers as they state the obvious.......
San Francisco: An Expensive, Poop-Covered Cesspool Marked by Crime and Depression

Thanks to high-crime, squalor, relaxed drug laws and an excruciatingly high cost of living, San Francisco has become one of the nation’s most depressing places to live, according to the City-Journal‘s Erica Sandberg.

And it’s not just the ****-covered streets which require highly-compensated “poop patrollers” to try and keep up with the fecal fiasco, or the thousands of used drug needles littering the ground, or the shocking number of aggressive homeless people terrifying tourists; San Francisco is a bastion of property crime – in fact, it’s the worst city in the nation when it comes to burglary, larceny, shoplifting and vandalism, according to the report.


The rate of car break-ins is particularly striking: in 2017 over 30,000 reports were filed, and the current average is 51 per day. Other low-level offenses, including drug dealing, street harassment, encampments, indecent exposure, public intoxication, simple assault, and disorderly conduct are also rampant.

When compounded with other troubles for which the city is now infamous (human feces, filth, and homelessness, which is up 17 percent since 2017), San Franciscans find themselves surrounded by squalor and disorder. –City-Journal

According to many in law enforcement, the crime wave is being fueled by a 2014 law, Proposition 47, which downgraded possession of illegal narcotics for personal use as well as theft of items below $950 in value from felonies to misdemeanors.

All of this has left residents depressed, according to Marina Times EIC Susan Dyer Reynolds, who said “A lot of people are ready to leave because the crimes are causing depression,” adding that so-called homeless navigation centers “are not sober facilities, and people steal and break into cars to feed their habits. Crime will go up. We know this.”

Meanwhile, rampant low-level crimes are intensifying the death of retail in San Francisco.

Landmark Mission District stores are shuttering, citing theft and lack of security. In April, CVS closed two pharmacies that had been ravaged by constant shoplifting. Mom-and-pop businesses, wracked by so-called minor losses, find it impossible to survive. Empty storefronts dot once-vibrant neighborhoods. –City-Journal

“Property and low-level crimes shrink the space for everyday people and enlarge them for the people committing them,” according to criminal prosecutor Nancy Tung, who is running for District Attorney in the 2019 election. “If we continue down this path, we will see more people leave San Francisco.”

Crime hits the poor the hardest

“In the Tenderloin we have vulnerable populations—people of color, the most children, the second-highest concentration of elders, and they are held hostage by drug dealers and theft, and the city tells them these crimes are not that bad,” says Tung. “We are failing to protect them. The police do a good job, because the criminals are caught, only to be released back on the streets over and over.”

“The everyday wear and tear on your psyche gets to you,” said David Young – board president of his South Market building which suffered four window smashings in a six-month period. “When we walk out the door, we know that there is a 100 percent chance we’ll see someone on drugs, in various states of undress, blood on sidewalks, and discarded sharps. These are crimes no one in city hall seems to care about. When you say something about it, you’re called a fascist.”

San Francisco used to be an amazing place to live, says Young. “Now people look at the city as an abscess … The cost of housing compared to the quality of life is way off. Everyone is talking about it. Crime has been ignored for so long, and it’s gotten so huge. Serial repeat offenders have no problem making bail, especially drug dealers, as they see it as the cost of doing business.”

Fighting back

Some local residents are taking matters into their own hands. Activist Frank Noto, who co-founded “Stop Crime: Neighborhood for Criminal Justice Accountability,” says he had heard too many stories from locals who were suffering from smash-and-grabs and home burglaries. In 2016, Frank helped win a City Hall grant to fund crime prevention tools, such as installing security cameras and tracking devices.

Neighbors had come together for an art project, which drew crowds—but also crime rings. First tourists’ cars were hit, then residents’ cars, and then homes. So the group started a court-watch program. They attended hearings and observed decisions, and they noted a casual judicial approach to these cases. Their presence didn’t go unnoticed. Judges know that they’re being scrutinized; one actually recused himself. “We have to take a stand,” says Noto. “We talked to one guy, an electrician, who’s been burglarized six times, and all of his tools have been stolen. All we want is for the DA and judges to take this seriously.” –City-Journal

The SF police say they’re ‘doing their best’ for whatever that’s worth. “It looks like hell here, but we are getting those people,” according to SFPD Department Captain Carl Fabbri, who heads up the tenderloin police station. “In our district, robberies are down 17 percent, burglaries are down 28 percent, and auto break-ins are down 26 percent. These results don’t just happen. We’re getting the people off the streets even for two days. When they’re in jail, we see an impact.”

That said, the San Francisco judicial system is letting criminals free too soon, according to people like Fabbri, Tung and Noto. “We could be keeping them and be giving services while they’re in jail,” says Fabbri. “It could really be effective. We need changes in the law and policies, to amend Proposition 47 and strengthen quality-of-life laws.”

We won’t hold our breath… well, maybe.

Gillette just does not want my business. I can't decide whether they are clueless or evil. Either way they are screwing themselves. 3000 comments to the article, I didn't see one positive. How can they ignore that kind of feedback?
Gillette just does not want my business. I can't decide whether they are clueless or evil. Either way they are screwing themselves. 3000 comments to the article, I didn't see one positive. How can they ignore that kind of feedback?
This is a key component to globohomo / globoschlomo: Woke Capitalism. These large mega corporations corner a particular market, like shaving products, so that the 2 or 3 big players can push cultural Marxism in tandem. If they all put out communist propaganda, the average person cannot really successfully boycott.

That’s the beauty of the communism / capitalism dichotomy; (((they))) control both. Leftists now support big corporations because they push SJW crap and conservatives support big corporations because of “muh free markets”. Checkmate.

So true and so depressing! There is nowhere to turn when you want to boycott a company because the other ones are just as bad. It's like every commercial is anti-white and anti-male, isn't there some advertising company that wants to appeal to it's actual customers??

I saw that cartoon you posted elsewhere too, the guy that is doing those is doing a great job. How long before he is censored?
I saw this on Steve Sailer's blog site. Sailer is a caste pusher but at least he has the albeit small chance of redemption unlike so many other of his ilk. This caught my eye. Comedian John Cleese was waxing poetic about old London which got up the nose of the Muslim Mayor. So Sailer posted some pictures reflecting "old" London --swinging 60's and modern day London. Gave me a chuckle.

"Old London"


"New London" Whatever happened to the word progress?

I find it appropriate that the 75th anniversary of D-Day coincides with "Pride" events in every major USSA city. Ninety-five and one hundred year old WWII veterans are being wheeled out and feted -- by the same power structure that is working overtime to eliminate every form of "whiteness."

The communists won WWII, the "good war" that can never be questioned in any way, even as today's commissars fine-tune their triumph by eliminating every last vestige of the nation the WWII soldiers thought they were fighting for. But the WWII generation and subsequent generations for the most part remain as clueless as ever to what is being done to them and the country they love.
I find it appropriate that the 75th anniversary of D-Day coincides with "Pride" events in every major USSA city. Ninety-five and one hundred year old WWII veterans are being wheeled out and feted -- by the same power structure that is working overtime to eliminate every form of "whiteness."

The communists won WWII, the "good war" that can never be questioned in any way, even as today's commissars fine-tune their triumph by eliminating every last vestige of the nation the WWII soldiers thought they were fighting for. But the WWII generation and subsequent generations for the most part remain as clueless as ever to what is being done to them and the country they love.

Greetings Don and fellow CFers,

Couldn't agree with you more.

What irony from so many sides. The America these men fought and died for no longer exists but is only a testament to the benefactors "rescued from the horrors of totalitarian fascism". That's exactly what these veterans (dying daily to the glee of the ungrateful spawn of evil) are now living in on their soil. A shamelessness unmatched in modern history and escalating in debauchery daily.

Obviously I've not been posting for an extended time but still have enjoyed visiting the site for news unkosher for the masses.

Keep strong my friends. The ride is going to get rougher...

Best regards,
Greetings Don and fellow CFers,

Couldn't agree with you more.

What irony from so many sides. The America these men fought and died for no longer exists but is only a testament to the benefactors "rescued from the horrors of totalitarian fascism". That's exactly what these veterans (dying daily to the glee of the ungrateful spawn of evil) are now living in on their soil. A shamelessness unmatched in modern history and escalating in debauchery daily.

Obviously I've not been posting for an extended time but still have enjoyed visiting the site for news unkosher for the masses.

Keep strong my friends. The ride is going to get rougher...

Best regards,

Sadly I think even most of the posters here are oblivious as to what's going on. White America, sitting back, waiting to die. . .
As part of my job I was at a HS yearbook company and had the chance to look at dozens of yearbooks for the graduating class of 2019. Lots of different schools across the country. Lots and lots of fresh faced white kids, most schools with only a few brown faces.

I think it's too easy to get down about things with the medias anti-white slant. While I agree that white culture is taking a beating there are still millions of white kids being born and coming of age. Yes old white people are dying, that happens, but there are still a lot of whites getting married, having kids, and keeping the culture alive.
Obviously White kids continue to be born. How exactly are they "keeping the culture alive" these days?
Obviously White kids continue to be born. How exactly are they "keeping the culture alive" these days?

I am a Scoutmaster for a Boy Scout troop. Lots of white kids in my troop, learning and practicing the virtues of our culture and country. And to be honest kids of other races also, but mostly White kids. I would call that keeping the culture alive. When I see dozens of kids like that in my community, and hundreds and thousands across my state and other states, it gives me motivation and energy to keep going and fighting the good fight. Doing God's work.
No one is saying not to keep up the good fight, especially me.

What it is, is a numbers game. Yes, there are still White majorities here and there; so what. Whites are going to be a minority soon, and from there a tiny minority, and they already are psychologically. If you think anything is being done in this country to counter that, please enlighten me. You're also the one who thinks Trump is "accomplishing miracles", please let me participate in these miracles.
I think there are things going on all around the world to help whites become more racially conscious and to question the official propaganda narratives. I think this website is an obvious example. The rise of nationalism and the actual empowerment of nationalist parties in the US, Canada (Ontario, Quebec, Alberta elections), Brazil, Russia, Australia, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, UK, France, Belgium, Austria are more obvious examples. Tons of other websites also; you know who they are. Infowars, Breitbart, Burning Platform, Zerohedge, etc.. And the Left and globalists are melting down everywhere. They aren't defeated by a long shot but they are being exposed and are panicking and have had to change their plans of attack repeatedly the past three years. Anti-abortion laws being enacted in many states. Trump has also pulled the US out of several international treaties which has strengthened our national sovereignty. He is trying to build the Wall despite so much opposition by the traitorous Congress. And more people wake up constantly despite the never ending media bullshi$. We have inflicted many defeats on them but there is a long, long way to go.

Trump I think is achieving miracles by how he has taken on the Deep State and the globalists and has halted their agenda in many ways. I'm not saying we have defeated them, but we have had alot of successes. The Mueller probe went nowhere, and hopefully there will be indictments of alot of the conspirators. His administration is going forward with pursuing antitrust action against the big tech giants, which will be huge. We'll see if Trump and his allies invoke the Insurrection Act to deport illegal aliens. It is a very dynamic, fluid situation.

We are in war of attrition. The 4th Turning. We have to stay strong and positive and win victories every day, no matter how small. Just stay the course and you will win new people over constantly, as you already have done. Just keep the pressure on the enemy long enough and eventually they will break, because they are soulless, godless, empty, weak-minded vermin. If we remain strong and have faith, our victory is inevitable.
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Our victory is inevitable by "remaining strong," i.e., continuing to do nothing.

You're right, there are populist/nationalist parties in almost every European country. But in the good old USA, nothing. That's my point.

The fourth turning, blah, blah, blah. Nothing going on in the world capital of globalism and communism. Sad but true. But none of you will admit it, let's pretend being a Boy Scout leader will turn the tide. Or White babies continuing to be born. But hey, Trump is "accomplishing miracles." In the meantime "dissent" is being wiped out before our eyes. An open communist couldn't have accomplished what has been done the past two years.
Whatever. I'm not pretending anything. Who do you think could have actually become President of the United States and done more positive things than Trump? Anyone? No. I think things have gotten better the last three years, but it will take alot longer. In fact the fight against the evil one and his minions will never end. Just keep doing good things Don, as you've been doing for a long time. This site is great.
Yeah, whatever. That's what annoys me about posters like you who routinely post rabidly anti-Jewish stuff yet also claim Trump is accomplishing miracles. Maybe some of your posts will be used as the pretext to ban Caste Football, but whatever, right?

Trump is the most pro-Jewish president ever, but somehow is also performing miracles in your clown view. I guess I should let it go, but maybe not. You're either a political troll or a know nothing. As for me, my name is on this site, so yeah, whatever.
I have been coming to this site for a long time. I am neither a political troll nor a know nothing. If my posts could be used as a pretext for banning Caste Football then just about anyone who posts here's posts could be used for the same thing.

It's not good to eat your own, so I will just stop this conversation.
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I have been coming to this site for a long time. I am neither a political troll nor a know nothing. If my posts could be used as a pretext for banning Caste Football then just about anyone who posts here's posts could be used for the same thing.

It's not good to eat your own, so I will just stop this conversation.

You're a solid poster and a solid person, my apologies for getting carried away. I'm disgusted right now with Trump, with dumbed down America, and with the 99% of racially aware Whites who won't do anything but watch as their way of life is being taken away from them and their progeny at warp speed, so currently don't have much patience with anyone who claims Trump is fulfilling his core campaign promises and is "making America great again," but again my apologies.
You're a solid person also Don. You have said before you didn't want anyone posting things about Trump anymore so I will refrain from doing so in the future. I understand your frustration with him. You are right, there are alot of campaign promises he made that he has not kept.

But I am glad I can keep coming to this site without being a lurker.
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American Freedom News