We Are Living In A Cartoon

This week's episode of Radio Renaissance highlights the growing number of examples of the increasingly totalitarianism and cultural Marxism the (((PTB))) and their cronies are advancing, right here in the ussa, under our nose. And yes, it is now about "opinion crimes" among other things for just being White and wanting to have a future.

Yes, it's about an hour long, but worth a listen:

Nipsey Hussle was murdered a few days ago and his alleged killer is on the run. This gang associate is being lauded as a "hero" in the Black community of Watts. Supposedly he has Rolling 60's ties( a Black street gang that was absorbed into the larger Crips gang), couldn't this community latch on to a Michael Brown type who was going on to "greater" things but was murdered in a similar fashion.

This making of a rapper into a saint is the equivalent of the Jewish American community worshipping an associate of Murder Inc being murdered himself back in the 40's in Brooklyn.....
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Postcards From Bygone America

Lichthof reminisces,

I grew up in a 100% white nation.
We had a peaceful idyllic childhood.
No racism, no non whites, no ‘careful what you say’, no white guilt, no affirmation action, no freedom of speech issues…little crime.
Aged 10 in the summers we would be out on bikes from 10am to 10pm.
Women seemed happy too. Raising families, spending the days with other housewives.
My parents would have been married 51 years this year if my Dad was still here.
All their neighbors have been married the same.
Different universe to today.

I recall someone explaining that the goal of Globohomo is to get us to forget that there ever was a beatific, brightly White America. If we are slowly indoctrinated by agitprop and the grind of daily immersion in globalist miseries to the idea that Lichthof’s paradise was a myth and not the reality of just two generations ago…that our present dystopia “was always thus”…then we won’t have any sense of loss of a time and culture that was so much better than the Diversitopia under which we currently labor.

If we don’t feel the loss of something good, then we won’t fight to get it back. If we believe that something so good never existed, or was exaggerated to mythological status by “racists”, then we’ll believe it’s impossible to bring back that goodness. It’s a bigger psychological hurdle to create a reality from a fantasy than it is to recapture a fading reality stitched together and kept alive by still fresh memories.

Hold fast to those memories of day-long bike rides that continued on into the warm summer nights…carefree, exuberant, happy, accompanied by a chorus of crickets and a dazzling firmament. Smiling housewives and proud fathers. Cheerful neighbors. Muted yellow glows from outdoor garage lights that welcomed you home to unworried parents. A backyard of soft damp grass you could sit on for hours, staring at the sky, and never having to glance around for signs of danger.

If you remember, you fight harder to preserve what made those memories.

If you forget, you accept the gloom into your life, and into the lives of those who follow you.


Don, I live in the past for it is really the only way I can keep going on living in today's world. I can remember when blacks would step to the side and let whites go ahead of them. I even remember when all kids respected their parents and did what they were told even if they didn't want to. The picture of Walmarts tells you all you need to know about today's America and what it has become. I stay the hell out it because it represents everything wrong with America.
How Real is White Supremacy?

by Paul Craig Roberts

I don’t share the interest many have in the reported mass shootings. However, there are wider issues associated with the shootings, and I do find these issues interesting. For example, mass shootings are a relatively new occurrence. I believe the first was in 1966 at the University of Texas when a former US Marine who was enrolled as a student shot a number of people from the university’s clock tower. What caused this breakdown in moral behavior? We can’t simply say that the shooter became unhinged or insane. There have always been such people. Had the Marine been on active duty in Vietnam and experienced mass shootings of Vietnamese? Did he decide to bring the horror inflicted by Americans on Vietnamese home to Americans? Did student protests against the Vietnam war in which he was at risk make him feel unappreciated?

I don’t remember if there were answers provided in 1966. I understand people’s frustration with the lack of answers that is often the case in events today. For example, readers ask me, as if I know, why the New Zealand government has criminalized having a copy of the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto. I do not know, but a good guess is that the New Zealand government wants to control the explanation and does not want any competition from the shooter himself.

Remember the 2016 Nice, France, truck attack on Bastille Day when a white delivery van was reported to have run over a large number of people. The only video we had of the truck’s progress was a fuzzy one that showed little taken at a distance from a hotel balcony by the exact same person who provided the only video of an earlier reported terror attack in Germany. That the same person happened to be present with camera ready for back-to-back terrorist events in two different countries struck many as suspicious.

Suspicions mounted when it was reported that Nice city officials had video cameras on every corner, block by block, of the avenue along which the truck progressed, but were prohibited from releasing the videos by the central authorities in Paris who ordered the Nice officials to destroy the only evidence that clearly recorded the event.

Nice authorities resisted this order as it was an order to destroy evidence, which is a felony, but the evidence was never publicly provided. Many who followed the story justifiably concluded that the French government was hiding the evidence in order to control the story. The presstitute media, including the BBC, never expressed any interest in why the actual evidence of what happened was deep-sixed. The presstitutes reported as if the fuzzy video, which in fact showed no one being hit by a truck much less the more than 500 reported killed or injured, proved the official story.

All of these terror events, those that seem to be real and those that seem to be staged, have explanations ready prior to the event. Indeed, the explanation of the event is sometimes provided as the news is reported. This should strike people as suspicious, and it does strike some that way.

Thus, I understand that many wonder why the New Zealand government and the presstitute media are suppressing the shooter’s explanation.

A long succession of poorly reported terror events, together with such blatant and obvious lies told by Washington and its NATO vassals as Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russiagate, the lies about Gaddafi, Maduro the dictator starving his own people, and so on and on, have destroyed trust in governments and the media. People are accustomed to seeing high government officials of Western countries stand in front of a TV camera and tell the most blatant and obvious lies.

Whatever you decide is the case in the New Zealand shooting, take care not to conflate a protest or a defense of the West, however misguided, with “white supremacy,” as the latter is how the story is spun. If a defense of the West is white supremacy, then a defense of blacks is black supremacy and a defense of Jews is Jewish supremacy. It is, of course, much safer to defend blacks and Jews than white gentiles, which shows that whites certainly have no supremacy.

Consider also whether there is a difference between the New Zealand shooter killing Muslims in a mosque and the US and its vassals including the New Zealand government killing Muslims in mosques, weddings, funerals, schools, hospitals, and play grounds during the past 20 years of indiscriminate bombings that constitute “the war on terror.”

Terror is what the Western governments with scant protest inflict on Muslims. Perhaps the New Zealand shooter thought as everyone else was killing Muslims, he could also.

Another interesting question is whether leftwing and Jewish groups who work overtime to demonize white people, especially heterosexual males, have any responsibility for the New Zealand shooter’s reported attack. Was it an act of frustration by a shooter provoked by the constant demeaning of his race, gender, sexual preference, and culture?

Jewish lobbies have largely succeeded in establishing Jewish Supremacy. In many Western countries it is, or borders on, a hate crime to criticize Jews and Israel. Scholars have even been imprisoned for correcting errors in the Holocaust story. In the US Jewish lobbies have succeeded in having half of the states pass laws denying state government contracts to any business or person who participates or supports in any way boycotts of Israeli goods and services or advocates for disinvestment in Israeli companies. President Trump even cut off US aid to the Palestinians whose country has been stolen by Israel. It is considered anti-semitism to even mention what Israel has done, and is currently doing, to Palestinians. Professors lose their university positions. Journalists get fired. Students are sent to sensitivity training.

This is real supremacy. White gentiles have nothing like it. Yet Jewish lobbies—the very people who constantly complain about hate speech—use hate speech to the full extent as they lead the movement to demonize white gentiles. Here is the latest “media advisory” from the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University.


Center for Jewish Civilization
Georgetown University
ICC 305P
37th and O Streets NW
Washington, DC 20057


How Do We Deal with a New Ecosystem of Hate and Anti-Semitism on the Far Right?

A Growing and Dangerous Extremist Movement in America is Combining Old Nazi Ideas with New Tactics and Social Media

Wed., April 10 Georgetown University-sponsored conference at the National Press Club brings together top scholars, journalists and diplomats to explore “Contemporary White Supremacy in America: What are its Links to the Nazi Past?”

WASHINGTON — In the United States and across the globe, attacks by violent networks of extremist hate groups against Jews and other minorities have been on the rise. Building on worldviews from the Nazi era, combined with modern communications and recruitment tactics, white supremacist groups have been gaining new followers. As a result, in the past few years we have witnessed the most deadly anti-Semitic incident in the country’s history at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, where 11 were killed; a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville in 2017 that terrorized an entire city; and the 2015 attack in Charleston, South Carolina by a white supremacist where nine African American churchgoers were killed.

These extremist incidents are connected and cannot be explained away as solitary acts of madmen and bigots. “Extremist groups in America are invoking anti-Semitism and hate through social media and bringing the practices and theories of their Nazi forebears into a new era. Organized hate groups are indoctrinating individuals and cells in a manner similar to terrorist groups,” said Jacques Berlinerblau, Director of the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University, the conference sponsor.

While efforts are being made by social media companies such as Facebook to shut down hate speech, and civil rights groups have been pushing back against extremists through protests and court action, activity by white supremacists continues to grow. On April 10, The Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University will host a day-long conference, “Contemporary White Supremacy in America: What are its Links to the Nazi Past?” beginning at 9 am at the National Press Club in Washington, 529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor.

The conference brings together top scholars, journalists and diplomats to explore white supremacist movements in this country and how hate groups in the United States draw upon ideas, propaganda, and recruiting techniques from the Nazi era, and how they diverge.

Former CBS Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and “60 Minutes” contributor Lara Logan will moderate the morning session. Speakers include reformed violent extremist Christian Picciolini; world renowned expert on Nazi tactics and genocide Father Patrick Desbois, who uncovered links between ISIS attacks on the Yazidis and Nazi practices; other moderators including Jessica Roda, an expert on Jewish music and politics who will dialogue with Kirsten Dyck, an expert on White Power and neo-Nazi hate music; and Kristen Clarke, the president of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, who played an instrumental role in Facebook’s decision last month to ban discussion about “white nationalism” and “separatism” from the social media site.

Some sessions will deal with topics related to women in White Power groups, while others will look at how anti-Semitism has changed between the 1930’s and today’s Alt-Right movement. A complete conference schedule can be found here.

The conference is open to members of the media at no charge. PLEASE RSVP HERE.

Will this meeting be broken up by the “alt-right” “neo-Nazi” equivalent of Antifa? Not a chance. Indeed, in what sense does an alt-right really exist and to what extent is the term a creation of those intent on demonizing white people?

Note that in the Center for Jewish Civilization’s news release, people who went to defend a statue of Robert E. Lee from demolition are described as “neo-Nazis.” Why is it “Nazi” and “white supremacy” to defend a historic statue of a person widely respected in his own time and today even at the US Military Academy at West Point?

The Center for Jewish Civilization’s news release makes it clear that the Jewish group is creating the image of a vast white supremacist plot to terrorize and kill every one else. If any such white supremacist groups do exist, they are isolated and infiltrated by the FBI. Indeed, the FBI may have organized them for purposes of its own.

Are the reckless and irresponsible accusations leveled against white people by the Center for Jewish Civilization intended to produce in reality the bogeyman fantasy in the Jewish lobby’s news release, a fantasy that will grow larger in a conference whose purpose is to further demonize gentiles, Christians, and critics of Israel? Was it demonization of this kind that produced the New Zealand shooter?

Even the SJW's of ESPN could only joke about this divorce but when Jeff Bezos divorced his wife, one female quipped aren't women suppose to get half of the spouses wealth. Then she in a feeble voiced asked what do you do with half of Amazon, and the male co-host said in a joking voice tank the company.... I nearly fell out of my chair, this is how out of control divorce proceedings for the mega rich are. Supposedly she got a quarter of the company without the ability to vote and the potential to tank the company. Hopefully the company tanks on it's own and she is left with some saner total to burn for firewood.....https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47817833

PS when I heard he was getting a divorce and judging by his looks I figured he was running off with male concubine.....
Freak show:

When the Rainbow Goes Over the Cliff

by Jim Goad

From outward appearances, the four little black kids singing a song called “We Are Provided For” seemed happy. Along with two other Children of Color, they had been adopted by a married white lesbian couple named Sarah and Jennifer Hart. This odd menagerie consisted of three siblings adopted from one family and three from another, and along with their sexually atypical moms, they constituted a progressive Brady Bunch who presented a grinning face to the world.


Sarah and Jennifer had adopted their first trio of nonwhite siblings in 2006 and received training in intangibles such as “racial diversity excitement” and “helping abused kids in care heal.” A social worker in Minnesota would write that “The Hart family takes every opportunity to celebrate the children’s ethnic heritage” and “whole heartily [sic]” recommended that they be permitted to adopt a second trio of nonwhite children that were not their own blood and never truly would be due to the fact that the moms were white lesbians.

In 2014 the family gained worldwide notoriety when a frightened-looking Devonte Hart, who’d been toting a FREE HUGS sign at a Portland protest against the acquittal of the officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, was photographed with tears streaming down his face as he hugged a white cop. Social media photos of the children showed them smiling widely and carrying LOVE IS ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL signs. To the outside world, the only hint that all was not as it seemed was an observer’s comment that it seemed the moms would “parade” the children around in public without showing them much affection.

Then came the murmurs of abuse, which seemed to trail the family wherever they moved—and they moved often.

While the Harts were living in Minnesota, state officials received six separate reports of abuse or neglect and found that two of them were legitimate.

In one instance, a child told an adult that Jennifer Hart had bruised her arm, but the state determined that the girl had fallen instead. Another allegation involved slamming six-year-old Abigail’s head against the wall. According to an investigator, “the children talked about not getting supper, getting sent to bed without food, being made to stay in bed all day, or stand in the corner for a long time.” But when Abigail Hart told a school official that her mommy had given her “owies” and presented with bruises all over her body, Sarah Hart pled guilty to misdemeanor domestic assault. The beating had started after Sarah found Abigail with a penny in her pocket and accused her of lying about where she had found it. According to court documents, Sarah had gotten “out of control” with the beating. But rather than having her children seized and sent to jail as would have certainly occurred with a straight white male, the couple only received in-home therapy and training in “skill building activities” because everyone knows that while men are evil, women do bad things because they have emotional problems.

Child-welfare workers said they stopped contacting the Harts because they feared if they continued investigating, the children risked more beatings, which sort of undermines the whole idea of having child-welfare workers in the first place.

When the family moved to Oregon, reports of abuse followed them. Investigators who interviewed friends of the Harts were told that the children were required to raise their hands before speaking, would get in trouble for laughing at the dinner table, and were forbidden from wishing their brother Markis a happy birthday on his birthday. Officials also received calls that the children appeared to be malnourished. In one incident after the children ate more pizza than they’d been commanded to eat, they were forced to lie on their beds for five straight hours.

Things unspooled even more wildly after they relocated to Washington State in 2017. Neighbors said that Hannah Hart once rang their doorbell at 1:30 AM, missing two teeth and appearing very thin. She said she’d escaped the family’s house by jumping out of the second-story window and begged the neighbors to take her to Seattle.

In March of 2018, Devonte Hart—the child who was famous for a photo that showed him hugging a white cop while crying—begged neighbors for food, alleging that his parents withheld food as a form of punishment.

On March 26, 2018, social workers knocked on the door of the Hart family house.

There was no one home.

Three days later, the Harts drove themselves and their six children over a 100-foot cliff in Mendocino County, CA. All of the bodies except Devonte’s have been recovered.

A special jury recently ruled that this was no accident.

Jennifer Hart, driver of the SUV that plunged the Rainbow Brady Bunch to their deaths, had a blood-alcohol level over the legal limit. Sarah Hart had 42 doses of generic Benadryl in her system. The children whom coroners examined all had Benadryl in their system; at least one had been given 19 doses.

While riding in their Death Mobile, Sarah Hart had conducted the following Internet searches:

How easily can I overdose on over the counter medications?

Can 500mg of Benadryl kill a 125lb woman?

How long does it take to die from hypothermia while drowning in a car?

According to authorities, one of Sarah Hart’s final searches was for a no-kill dog shelter.

Chew on that for a minute—while in the process of killing herself and her six adopted children, Sarah Hart was worried about keeping the family’s dogs alive.

According to Lt. Shannon Barney of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:

In my opinion, Sarah and Jennifer succumbed to a lot of pressure. They got to the point where they made a conscious decision to end their lives and take their children with them.

From what I’ve read, only one of the two women worked, and at low-paying job for a Kohl’s department store. They also received approximately $2,000 monthly in governmental “adoption assistance.”

From what I can determine, the only legitimate “pressure” to which these women finally “succumbed” was that authorities were once again breathing down their necks for beating and starving their children.

According to California Highway Patrol investigator Jake Slates:

They both decided that this was going to be the end. That if they can’t have their kids that nobody was going to have those kids.

Pardon me for thinking that this sounds intensely self-centered of these two homicidal dykes. And I beg you to forgive me yet again for suspecting that their adoption of a half-dozen black kids had nothing to do with the black kids and everything to do with posturing as righteous progressives.

This gruesome tragedy can be seen as a metaphor of multiculturalism at large. Whereas the propaganda shows smiles and rainbows, the reality is a pile of smashed corpses at the bottom of a cliff.


Judas Priest! Are they “modeling” freaks for outhouse internment?!! They are the “Elite” alright...of toxic deviancy. :facepalm: :buenrollo:
Paul Joseph Watson has a new site - summit.news and one of the sections to the site is called clown world. He just posted this a video embarrassment of a man crying over Star Wars.


He’s one of if not the best commentator out there who attacks the lefts nonsense.
What an embarrassment....crying over a children's movie. This is why white men have become a punching bag for the rest of the world.
The black cloak over the statue, makes the statue look like the Grim Reaper, hopefully this becomes something like the goat curse for the Cubs or the Bambino curse for the Red Sox. This whole fiasco is a total joke as these songs were released 80+years ago. I think the NHL is even more fearful of PC dogma because of their demographics of the athletes which aren't close to what the dream scenarios of the NBA and NFL have.

PS this mayor of Wildwood NJ isn't bowing down to PC thinking and his town by the shore will stay play this song every morning to welcome guests. The news story even has a reasonable black resident who gives the classic line of those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones .....

If I ever his AC I will drop a few bucks in Wildwood....
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Now that Marvel's "Endgame" finale is out, their future movies will go "Inclusive," adding "Gay" and "Body Positive" heroes:

According to Marvel Studios, the upcoming film Avengers: Endgame “will close a massive chapter in Marvel’s decade of film-making.” But no need to shed a tear. Marvel intends a whole new round of comic book film adaptations, but this time with a new age twist. Nerd culture outlet The Mary Suewrote that, “Marvel head Kevin Feige is looking towards the bold, inclusive future of the brand,” that includes all sorts of LGBTQ and “body-positive” characters.

That’s right. If anyone couldn’t tell by the heavy PC feminist marketing behind their latest blockbuster Captain Marvel, Marvel intended on slowly stepping into the identity politics playing field. Feige told The Mary Sue about next foray into the big diverse world with Marvel’s first-ever Chinese-American crimefighter, Shang Chi.

Feige stated, “We only want to do movies that people seem to think are risks. Doing the story of an Asian-American hero of Chinese heritage is something that is very intriguing to us. It will be really different and special.” All right, fine. Nothing wrong with a Chinese-American crimefighter, but, as this is a play for being the most diverse entertainment company in the universe, the social justice agenda goes way further than that.

Marvel is already in pre-production on another film, The Eternals, starring Angelina Jolie, and super lefty Kumail Nanjiani. Feige’s ideas for finding something “really different and special” involve wrangling up “a gay Asian male lead in what will be their first openly gay character.” Oh, and the film also sports its first-ever woman of color director in Chloe Zhao.


I guess their last few movies which increasingly displayed more black and feminist "heroes" wasn't good enough...the Overton Window must be pushed further.
Now that Marvel's "Endgame" finale is out, their future movies will go "Inclusive," adding "Gay" and "Body Positive" heroes:

According to Marvel Studios, the upcoming film Avengers: Endgame “will close a massive chapter in Marvel’s decade of film-making.” But no need to shed a tear. Marvel intends a whole new round of comic book film adaptations, but this time with a new age twist. Nerd culture outlet The Mary Suewrote that, “Marvel head Kevin Feige is looking towards the bold, inclusive future of the brand,” that includes all sorts of LGBTQ and “body-positive” characters.

That’s right. If anyone couldn’t tell by the heavy PC feminist marketing behind their latest blockbuster Captain Marvel, Marvel intended on slowly stepping into the identity politics playing field. Feige told The Mary Sue about next foray into the big diverse world with Marvel’s first-ever Chinese-American crimefighter, Shang Chi.

Feige stated, “We only want to do movies that people seem to think are risks. Doing the story of an Asian-American hero of Chinese heritage is something that is very intriguing to us. It will be really different and special.” All right, fine. Nothing wrong with a Chinese-American crimefighter, but, as this is a play for being the most diverse entertainment company in the universe, the social justice agenda goes way further than that.

Marvel is already in pre-production on another film, The Eternals, starring Angelina Jolie, and super lefty Kumail Nanjiani. Feige’s ideas for finding something “really different and special” involve wrangling up “a gay Asian male lead in what will be their first openly gay character.” Oh, and the film also sports its first-ever woman of color director in Chloe Zhao.


I guess their last few movies which increasingly displayed more black and feminist "heroes" wasn't good enough...the Overton Window must be pushed further.

I have no interest in the movie or the franchise but did run across this today:

As Predicted, AVENGERS: ENDGAME Genocides Whites—Will Franchise (Like America) Survive?

I have no interest in the movie or the franchise but did run across this today:

As Predicted, AVENGERS: ENDGAME Genocides Whites—Will Franchise (Like America) Survive?

Good article. I stopped watching them after the "Winter Soldier" one from a few years ago and only saw the first Thor movie. Like I mentioned in another post over a year ago, the latest Wolverine was pretty bad and anti-White...not one of the future X-Men children was a White male. I'm done with it.
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2019 Sport Illustrated swim suit model:

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