We Are Living In A Cartoon

How did this eliminating the two sexes get to be so prevalent so fast? It shows how powerful and organized the radlibs are.
How did this eliminating the two sexes get to be so prevalent so fast? It shows how powerful and organized the radlibs are.

When I heard about this story posted below and read the first paragraph, I swore out loud over and over and over wishing that the doctor and judge would get from someone there what they so justly deserve and absolutely have the effing sheeot beat out of them. I AM NOT ADVOCATING IT TO ACTUALLY HAPPEN. I AM MERELY COMMUNICATING WHAT I WISH IN MY MIND WOULD HAPPEN...


The article is infuriating. These communist c_nts are taking away parents rights AND threatening to punish them for being protective and loving and sensitive parents and parental authority!! F_ck these pieces of **** all the way to hell!!
When I heard about this story posted below and read the first paragraph, I swore out loud over and over and over wishing that the doctor and judge would get from someone there what they so justly deserve and absolutely have the effing sheeot beat out of them. I AM NOT ADVOCATING IT TO ACTUALLY HAPPEN. I AM MERELY COMMUNICATING WHAT I WISH IN MY MIND WOULD HAPPEN...


The article is infuriating. These communist c_nts are taking away parents rights AND threatening to punish them for being protective and loving and sensitive parents and parental authority!! F_ck these pieces of **** all the way to hell!!
It's absolutely dangerous that a school and a doctor can decide that a 14 year old child can take transgender hormones against the parents will. If I was that father, I would immediately hire a team of lawyers and try to sue the school system and the hospital for as much as possible.
It's absolutely dangerous that a school and a doctor can decide that a 14 year old child can take transgender hormones against the parents will. If I was that father, I would immediately hire a team of lawyers and try to sue the school system and the hospital for as much as possible.
Not only would I sue the hell out of them. I would immediately move out of the school district or wherever need be. May this story inspire normal Whites to get these enemies of our People to be shunned, despised, ridiculed, and culturally eradicated...
Just remember that it costs a lot of money to sue an entity like a school district, governmental entity, or any person, organization or corporation which is wealthy or well connected. Most Americans can't afford to sue those that have done them wrong, and even if they can it doesn't mean they will prevail. In the American "justice" system, the side with the most money and connections almost always prevails. Many Americans, having been weaned from Perry Mason on to today's shows, still have a starry-eyed view of how it works, believing in the "blind scales of justice" weighing each side equally nonsense.
Watch this video about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It's hilarious. At 9:08 she actually says "...unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs." Yes, she actually said that. Lol.


Figured I would put this here since it shows what an insane society we live in. A man in Western PA puts up a billboard calling out black racists and he is of course branded as a racist as the media attacks him rather than get the point that he is trying to make. I tip my cap to him.
Dang that pesky truth and statistics stuff!! Dang it!!!

Truth is controversial and is "hate" to those who hate the truth. Long live controversial truth...

Figured I would put this here since it shows what an insane society we live in. A man in Western PA puts up a billboard calling out black racists and he is of course branded as a racist as the media attacks him rather than get the point that he is trying to make. I tip my cap to him.

Whites are not allowed to say they have rights or that some blacks are racist.

We're living in an insane world. And liberals made it that way.
If the very brief video at the beginning of this article doesn't make your blood boil you're no longer human.

Sweden, West Virginia, Michigan…What’s The Common Thread?

I’m not saying that anyone needs to go looking for trouble, but if you are a white male, you have to be training in hand to hand combat on a regular basis. We also all need firearms training too. Basically all aspects of self defense training. We need to start stepping up and intervening when these incidents occur. Part of overcoming the fear of a physical confrontation is experiencing it. The western white male is completely foreign to physical confrontations because we’ve been raised to never ever fight over anything. We’ve got to change this!
If the very brief video at the beginning of this article doesn't make your blood boil you're no longer human.

Sweden, West Virginia, Michigan…What’s The Common Thread?

I caught that off of someone's Twitter feed yesterday. I notice in the article that a Hispanic man tweeted it. Last week I saw another tweet from a middle-aged East Asian man tweet about the "destruction" of White populations in small-town America "due to opioids and birth rates"...in his tweet he stated "we", including himself in that White population, identifying with the Whites. I found that odd, but it seems like more and more, outside of "deplorables" like the older White man in the West Virginia article, it's some non-Whites that are actually making the most noise about this, while the cucked, "progressive", "liberal" White yuppies seem to be yearning for their own displacement and destruction. Incredible mind-control.
I’m not saying that anyone needs to go looking for trouble, but if you are a white male, you have to be training in hand to hand combat on a regular basis. We also all need firearms training too. Basically all aspects of self defense training. We need to start stepping up and intervening when these incidents occur. Part of overcoming the fear of a physical confrontation is experiencing it. The western white male is completely foreign to physical confrontations because we’ve been raised to never ever fight over anything. We’ve got to change this!


I remember 40ish years ago if somebody in grade school called you an ethnic slur you defended your honor in an after school fight with witnesses, similar to the way men dueled in the 19th century. Now with pacification of male normal behavior, school boards convene with parents threatening to sue whomever they can milk for 6 figures or more. And of course some slurs are worse than murdering somebody......https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/worl...hs-later-the-school-is-struggling-to-move-for
Libtard indoctrination center CU(CK) Denver offers a complete farce of a “course” entitled American Political Thought....which removes all references to White men. What a complete joke! It was almost entirely & solely White men who founded ‘America’ (1.0) and made it great!!! These whiny, bottom of the barrel untermenchen contributed little (at best) to the true America. However, these same cretinous vermin have been (artificially) propelled to the “top” of the dung heap that is this modern “Amerika 2.0”. :eusa_doh: :shakehead:

Libtard indoctrination center CU(CK) Denver offers a complete farce of a “course” entitled American Political Thought....which removes all references to White men. What a complete joke! It was almost entirely & solely White men who founded ‘America’ (1.0) and made it great!!! These whiny, bottom of the barrel untermenchen contributed little (at best) to the true America. However, these same cretinous vermin have been (artificially) propelled to the “top” of the dung heap that is this modern “Amerika 2.0”. :eusa_doh: :shakehead:


Great post DD, and perfectly summed up.

These ludicrous Leftists are swimming in an ocean of fantasy make-believe. They have to make up a new reality because what they so desperately desire to be true isn't. It's not even close, so they are inhabitants of bizarro world, complete with falsified history and wilful ignorance of undeniable truth. It's a heart issue. Period. They are enemies of the only true and living God.
Good grief. Sam Adams dedicating new beer to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I stopped drinking their beer when they left out "by their Creator" back in 2013 (hard to believe it was that long ago, I thought it was just a year or two ago) in one of their commercials, as follows:

“All men are created equal. They are endowed <by their Creator> with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

I'm surprised they didn't change "men" to "people".
American Freedom News