We Are Living In A Cartoon

Check out the gagworthy video at the link below. I'm not able to embed it here.

Late Stage Imperium Recruitment
February 6, 2019 by CH



My god how the mighty have fallen.

The U.S. Army hopes this video of rapping soldiers will help recruit gen-Z.

Hopefully gen-Z doesn’t want to die needlessly in ZOG wars.


10:45 AM - Feb 3, 2019

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I wouldn’t be surprised. Both events had many signs of an anti 2nd ammendment, stagged psy-op.

The way the (((media))) hoisted David Zogg into the spotlight after the event at Parkland felt super forced and contrived. He came off as a well coached actor on the media tour that ensued. No “normal” high school senior would have behaved that way following a real traumatic event like a school shooting.
I wouldn’t be surprised. Both events had many signs of an anti 2nd ammendment, stagged psy-op.

The way the (((media))) hoisted David Zogg into the spotlight after the event at Parkland felt super forced and contrived. He came off as a well coached actor on the media tour that ensued. No “normal” high school senior would have behaved that way following a real traumatic event like a school shooting.
Plus, the "Lanza" one looks younger than the Zogg (ha) one, so it matches up with the timeline of the Sandy Hook hoax vs the Parkland false flag (where kids were actually killed).

Heretic and Freethinker,
Do you guys actually believe no children were killed at Sandyhook? Seriously? You guys, and everyone that posts here at CF are level-headed intuitive people. I am surprised when people are duped by the more outlandish conspiracy claims. No, I wasn't there...but hundreds of people from Police, EMT people, coroners, teachers, parents(!) in on a multilevel hoax? Bullsh_t.
The enemies of our People would love to make us Whites look like fools believing in something of such a tragic day in those people's lives. Those parents are without their children forever. Its denigrating to ourselves to be buyiing into the circus conspiracy nuts, ala Alex Jones and others.
Heretic and Freethinker,
Do you guys actually believe no children were killed at Sandyhook? Seriously? You guys, and everyone that posts here at CF are level-headed intuitive people. I am surprised when people are duped by the more outlandish conspiracy claims. No, I wasn't there...but hundreds of people from Police, EMT people, coroners, teachers, parents(!) in on a multilevel hoax? Bullsh_t.
The enemies of our People would love to make us Whites look like fools believing in something of such a tragic day in those people's lives. Those parents are without their children forever. Its denigrating to ourselves to be buyiing into the circus conspiracy nuts, ala Alex Jones and others.

Do you think the JFK assassination happened exactly the way the media and the "official version" tells us it did? 9/11? Pearl Harbor?

Every time a major event occurs there are people who dig into it and present different interpretations of what did or didn't happen. It's not a racial thing at all. And calling Alex Jones a "circus conspiracy nut" is, whether you realize it or not, a common ploy of the far left to discredit those who don't buy everything the media feeds them.

I happen to believe Sandy Hook was an obvious hoax. We had a lengthy and at times quite contentious thread about it here: http://www.castefootball.us/index.php?threads/wow-there-is-something-rotten-in-t̶h̶e̶-̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶-̶o̶f̶-̶d̶e̶n̶m̶a̶r̶k̶-sandy-hook.15375/

There's another, shorter thread in Happy Hour about it, 50-some posts if you want to re-read it. I'm not real interested in seeing Sandy Hook rehashed in this thread, though you can certainly add to the two existing Sandy Hook threads if you want. Actually the longer one was locked, so let's just let the topic of Sandy Hook be for now.

But I'm surprised that a poster who regularly denounces the media and in particular a certain tribe known for deception in the strongest possible terms, refuses to be open-minded regarding the possibility that what went down at Sandy Hook and elsewhere may or may not be the same as the media's nearly instantly concocted explanation.
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I'll hold off in this thread. But I never stated it happened "exactly" as reported in lying media. I'm sure every one can understand at least that.

I will discuss it in the available thread you linked when I have time.
I didn't mean to bark at you, BFU, but let's let Sandy Hook be for now. It was discussed exhaustively here years ago, and without looking I would guess that most of the YouTube videos linked in the Sandy Hook thread have been censored by now. Nothing deviating from the party line was allowed on YouTube in regard to the Parkland High School shooting.

I certainly don't think David Hogg is "Adam Lanza," but Hogg is the son of an FBI agent. There are crisis actors as well as professional actors, and I don't know how many people in this country have to sign confidentiality agreements of one kind or another, but I'll bet the number is substantial. Maintaining a scenario isn't all that difficult as long as the "free press" plays along.
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Understood and agreed. Thanks, Don.

The Leftists would have us argue amongst ourselves as awoke Whites. CF is one of the last truly great avenues where views can be shared without fear even though there may be at times differences of opinion on the finer points. The good and rare thing is here we all see the big picture and are agreed on that. Keep up the fine work.
Heretic and Freethinker,
Do you guys actually believe no children were killed at Sandyhook? Seriously? You guys, and everyone that posts here at CF are level-headed intuitive people. I am surprised when people are duped by the more outlandish conspiracy claims. No, I wasn't there...but hundreds of people from Police, EMT people, coroners, teachers, parents(!) in on a multilevel hoax? Bullsh_t.
The enemies of our People would love to make us Whites look like fools believing in something of such a tragic day in those people's lives. Those parents are without their children forever. Its denigrating to ourselves to be buyiing into the circus conspiracy nuts, ala Alex Jones and others.
I’ll keep this brief, out of respect to Don’s request to not derail the thread. But I was directly asked a question so I’ll answer. Yes, I do believe the event was more likely an entirely staged event than a real shooting where children died. You can read my posts from the thread Don linked for more details. Honestly I don’t remember all the finer points now since it feels like a decade ago (things have accelerated politically so fast since!).

BFU, I enjoy your posts and share your frustrations at (((The Powers That Be))). I think we agree on at least 90% of issues, especially the ones that matter. On this one, we can disagree like gentlemen. Cheers.
One brave patriotic American woman recites the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the personal American flag she brought in while being jeered by members of the Santa Barbara Community College Board of Directors. The Communists on the Board (all but the woman reciting the pledge) voted to ban the flag and the traditional recitation of the "Pledge of Allegiance" at their previous meeting.
Those ungrateful Communist c_nts, male and female, should go live in the most savage Muslim area on Earth...
Amazing and disgusting:

1/10 landwhale gets hundreds of likes within first hours and matches way above her looksmatch

This lends justification for allowing states to legalize prostitution, if they choose to do so, with minimal regulations...18+ and mandatory weekly STD testing. Some type of female competition has to be implemented. Is it any wonder that Internet porn and human sex trafficking are thriving...along with female sex bots on the immediate horizon? None of those are good or healthy, or in some cases, legal options, but only with some form of female competition can this be dialed back.

Few men, especially young adult men, can afford a trip overseas (either direction) or south of the border to Columbia, etc. to look for a wife to start a family with or to just sow some wild oats over a couple week vacation. Absolutely brutal and unreal.
Whatever happened to standards? I was a 20 something single guy at one point and it would of never crossed my mind to go after a slam pig like that. All of the guys who actually showed interest in that have no self respect and that whale is the end result of whatever wave of feminism the commies are currently riding.
Just stumbled upon this from a link on some blog I follow:

Report: Netflix Bans Employees from Looking at Each Other for More Than Five Seconds

American Freedom News