We Are Living In A Cartoon

The Abridged Family
January 8, 2019 by CH



How much blame for the low fertility of developed nations can be placed on the disappearance of the geographically convenient extended family? In all the debates about below-replacement TFR I’ve read, this angle is criminally under-explored.

Maybe it’s not just high housing costs (read: high diversity costs) that are the culprit of low TFR; maybe a primary driver of reduced family size and childlessness is the expense of out-sourcing extended family care to unrelated third parties (corporations, daycare, nannies, etc).

If grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins significantly contribute to easing the financial and emotional costs of having children, then their geographic dispersal and separation from any family connections would have a big impact on the willingness of young couples to take on child-rearing.

Globalism and its consequences (free movement of labor, job insecurity, fleeing from diversity) provides incentives to spread out geographically and away from the family “home base”. A low TFR decreases the number of extended family members with each generation, until even extended families that remain local don’t have enough members to assist young parents with the quasi-communal child-rearing.

A vicious negative reinforcement feedback loop sets up, until TFR crashes and outposts of high TFR White subgroups like the Amish inherit the future.

The virus in the code of Western society is the abridged family, and as usual the vectors of this virus are mass immigration, forced multiracialism, and rapacious wage-cutting oligarchism.

PS A reader insightfully theorized that the introduction of child car seat laws had a depressive effect on fertility, because car seats take up a lot of room, and middle class couples who want more children are forced to decide between buying a bigger, more expensive car, or not having that third kid.

This supposedly passes for "comedy" (I read that the female author is supposedly a "comedian") these (dark) days:

This supposedly passes for "comedy" (I read that the female author is supposedly a "comedian") these (dark) days:


I don’t know what that ‘thing’ is supposed to be, but “it” needs to have its ‘breath’ taken away...permanently!
"Traditional Masculinity" is now considered "harmful" in new "Mental Health Guidelines" published by the APA (American Psychological Association).

In 1973, the APA stated that homosexuals should no longer be considered mental ill...
"Traditional Masculinity" is now considered "harmful" in new "Mental Health Guidelines" published by the APA (American Psychological Association).

In 1973, the APA stated that homosexuals should no longer be considered mental ill...

I would submit that the “APA” is (in fact) mentally ill...as are the deviant s0d0mites & degenerate “transformers”.
Stubbing Your Toe While Rushing to Judgment

by Jim Goad

On Sunday, December 30 2018 near Houston, TX at around 6:50AM, a seven-year-old black girl named Jazmine Barnes was shot to death in the backseat of her mother’s car.

Her mother—who is named Laporsha Washington and allegedly has a long history of felony arrests—and her fifteen-year-old sister, Alxis Dilbert (note that all three of these black females managed to be part of the same “family” despite having three different surnames), told police that a white man in a red pickup truck was the killer. They conflicted in other descriptive points, with Laporsha describing the killer as having a pot belly—which might have been hard to see from behind a pickup truck door, I’m just sayin’—and Alexis describing him as looking “sick and skinny.” Using her best broken English, Alxis got even more specific:

He was white and he had blue eyes, and that was it cause he had a hoodie on.

That’s quite an interesting tidbit, seeing as how the shooting occurred a full half-hour before the sun rose in Houston on December 30. Little Alxis may not have a highly developed vocabulary, but apparently nature gifted her with a keen sense of night vision that enabled her to see a driver’s blue eyes in the darkness.

Black activists, horny as hell for ANY evidence to support their antiquated notion that blacks are imperiled in America by anyone besides other blacks, grabbed this story and ran with it like thieves fleeing Walmart with a big-screen TV.

Writing for Salon—which routinely uses the word “white” as if it were synonymous with “evil”—a black alleged academic named D. Watkins broke all known rules of journalism and unquestioningly accepted Washington and Dilbert’s narrative, apparently because it gave him yet another opportunity to shame and scold and demonize white America.

Usually when one is reporting a murder story that has not been adjudicated, common courtesy and established libel laws require one to toss in an “alleged” or “reportedly” or “according to,” but D. Watkins is apparently on a holy mission that transcends journalism’s secular shackles. It doesn’t matter that Watkins was nowhere near the shooting—he pretended he knew not only exactly what happened but also why it happened:

Last Sunday morning, around 7 a.m., 30-year-old LaPorsha Washington sat in her car with a family group in a Walmart parking lot in Cloverleaf, Texas, a suburb of Houston. As she made her way to the exit, a white man, roughly 40 years old with a salt-and-pepper beard and wearing a red hoodie, drew a firearm and emptied rounds into her car….Barnes was being raised in the world where the current administration loves to paint Mexicans or Muslims as the bad guys. But it seems like every time a television is flicked on, there’s a new story about some disgruntled white man expressing rage by shooting at people. Sometimes they call him a loner or tormented soul in need of help — I say call them what they are, domestic terrorists.

Whoa there, Smoky—do we live in the same world? It seems like every time I’m confronted with a racially hysterical news story, there is a manic rush to judge any potential white perpetrator as a rabid, bloodthirsty, hate-marinated psychopath who seeks to prevent black people from rising to the full potential that they amply demonstrate in places such as Haiti and Swaziland and other paradises where white domestic terrorists don’t seek to chop down these beautiful flowers before they can bloom.

Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee—infamous for stating that hurricane names are too “lily-white” and that Neil Armstrong planted a flag on Mars—told a mob of hootin’ and hollerin’ co-Negroes to rush to judgment as if they were Usain Bolt in a judge’s wig: “Do not be afraid to call this what it seems to be: a hate crime.”

Houston Texans wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins donated his upcoming paycheck to the Barnes family in their quest to find the evil killer.

NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal offered to foot the bill for Jazmine’s funeral.

A Houston-based, bowtie-wearing black activist who calls himself Deric Muhammad stood outside the Harris County Sheriff’s Office howling about how he believes the shooting was racially motivated.

Trans-black race-baiter Shaun “Talcum X” King, easily the dumbest person to ever be financed by both Harvard and the New York Post, arranged with a lawyer to offer a huge cash bounty for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the “evil coward…white man” who shot and killed Jazmine Barnes.

In February 2017, an eight-year-old black girl named De’Maree Adkins was killed by bullets that hit her as she slept in the backseat of her mom’s car.

Four months later, a 10-month-old black male named Messiah Marshall was shot to death while being held in his father’s arms.

A month after that, a black teen named O’Cyrus Breaux was shot to death at his own birthday party.

In March of 2018, eight-year-old Tristian Hutchins was killed in a drive-by shooting while sitting in a car with his sister.

But there was no equivalent outrage for any of these murders. There were no Twitter hashtags, no black Salon academics, no black Congresswomen, no bowtie-wearing black guys with the surname “Muhammad,” no black superstar athletes, and no white Shaun Kings who pretend they’re black screaming for blood vengeance.

The difference? In each of those cases, the murder suspects were black from the outset.

In this case, the murder suspect was white…for a few days, that is.

Acting on a tip given by none other than Shaun King—I give credit where it’s due, and I’m both surprised and impressed that King was willing to help find the perps even though it demolished his narrative—police arrested 20-year-old Eric Black, Jr. and have charged him with capital murder in the case. Black has reportedly confessed to the crime and said that it was a simple case of mistaken identity—he and his accomplice targeted the wrong vehicle. Black has allegedly fingered 24-year-old Larry Woodruffe as the gunman.

In a bitterly amusing twist, the news outlets that have updated their reports on the murder went out of their way not to identify Mr. Black as black—but his name gives it away.

Laporsha Washington told a news outlet that detectives had contacted her to announce they’d arrested two males in the murder of her child and she added that “the gentlemen were black.”

Yes, she actually referred to the alleged killers of her daughter as “gentlemen,” presumably because they are black.

Sure, little Jazmine remains chronically dead, but many black activists and their white enablers are taking comfort in the fact that she was killed by another black person, just like 90 percent or so of all black murder victims.

Although they are hardly surprised, they certainly seem disappointed.

I am neither surprised nor disappointed—but I’m more than a little disgusted.

... in a carnival illusionist nasally voice: "Down the rabbit hole as fast as she goes and where it stops nobody knows..."
Notre Dame University to cover up murals of Christopher Columbus.

Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins announced Sunday that Columbus’s arrival to the new world "was nothing short of a catastrophe" for the native peoples.

"Whatever else Columbus’s arrival brought, for these peoples it led to exploitation, expropriation of land, repression of vibrant cultures, enslavement, and new diseases causing epidemics that killed millions," Jenkins stated.
Notre Dame University to cover up murals of Christopher Columbus.

Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins announced Sunday that Columbus’s arrival to the new world "was nothing short of a catastrophe" for the native peoples.

"Whatever else Columbus’s arrival brought, for these peoples it led to exploitation, expropriation of land, repression of vibrant cultures, enslavement, and new diseases causing epidemics that killed millions," Jenkins stated.

I wish people like this would move to Africa or China since they hate white people and our culture.
There are millions more of those original indigenous people living today in much better conditions then back when Columbus showed up. Even those in very poor countries live much better lives then they did at that time. Also virtually all of them are in some part descended from the Europeans or the africans that came shortly after. What do these revisionist idiots think would have happened if Columbus had not sailed? No one from elsewhere would have ever showed up? The natives would have developed democratic-socialism and be living in a prosperous environmental paradise? Columbus was a bit of a dick for sure, but no worse they the murderous local leaders, and it wasn't him that brought the disease and land appropriation. That was going to happen no matter what. Is rational thought too hard for these people?
There are millions more of those original indigenous people living today in much better conditions then back when Columbus showed up. Even those in very poor countries live much better lives then they did at that time. Also virtually all of them are in some part descended from the Europeans or the africans that came shortly after. What do these revisionist idiots think would have happened if Columbus had not sailed? No one from elsewhere would have ever showed up? The natives would have developed democratic-socialism and be living in a prosperous environmental paradise? Columbus was a bit of a dick for sure, but no worse they the murderous local leaders, and it wasn't him that brought the disease and land appropriation. That was going to happen no matter what. Is rational thought too hard for these people?

Rational thought and logic is apparently too hard for these people. Mostly they are parrots, blindly repeating words, slogans and catch-phrases spewed out from anti-White, anti-Christian Leftist hatemongers. They are truly filled with hate.

Lurkers: Save your hard-earned dollars and NEVER send your child to college unless you want a brain-damaged fool that hates you and godly values in return.
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Brace yourselves. The Media has announced that it's going to be extra cold this week. Something about a "polar vortex."

Sounds bad.
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Brace yourselves. The Media has announced that it's going to be extra cold this week. Something about a "polar vortex."

Sounds bad.
polar vortex? isn’t this time of year what just used to be known as “winter?” we are surrounded by idiots.
But by framing it in new language like it is an unprecedented event, they can blame it on man-made climate change. The only solution is to sacrifice your liberties, money and standard of living and let government “fix” it.
If liberals belief in global warming they should support Trump's tariffs. Trump's tariffs bring back manufacturing to the USA where there are superior environmental protections.

But they don't. They just want to use global warming to attack white people.
polar vortex? isn’t this time of year what just used to be known as “winter?” we are surrounded by idiots.

At some point recently winter "storms" started being named, as hurricanes traditionally have been. (Hurricanes used to have only female names but that was found to be "sexist" and now they alternate between male and female names, as do the winter storms.) Now any system that threatens to dump a few inches of snow is given a name and played up to the hilt.

The local news broadcasts here often lead off year-round with breathless weather updates. That never used to happen unless there was a major weather event occurring or imminent. Even the national (fake) news broadcasts now lead off with weather fairly often. It plays into the agenda of always stirring up anxiety and fear in the populace, and also is force-fed into the hysterical narrative of "climate change" nee "global warming" nee "new ice age" zealots.

And sometimes weather dominates the fake news broadcasts because there just isn't much going on on a particular day. But we're not allowed to feel any kind of normalcy or stability; dramas and crises must be omnipresent, to be dealt with by the Globohomo Empire's beneficent, all-knowing "authorities" and "experts."
There are some disturbing articles on this site, including this one:

What is Happening to Céline Dion?


Seems like Céline has gone over to Satan after the death of her husband. Sad.

Of course the two “fashion designers” that are using Céline to peddle their “gender neutral” kids clothes are androgynous members of (((the tribe))). Truly the synagogue of Satan as Revelations warned.
American Freedom News