Ubiquitous Man Hating

Interesting look at the fast growing "dark enlightenment," a coalition of interests on issues of concern to thinking White men, here and around the world, who don't know each other but who are connected through various internet sites. Individual White men withdrawing support from a system out to destroy the White man's civilization and way of life is the most (and perhaps only) way to effectively oppose the beast. As one of the commenters notes, "dark enlightenment" is an oxymoron, a typical negative labeling by the totalitarian left of their opponents.

This "Dark Enlightenment" certainly is exciting as Caste Football falls squarely into the prevailing line of thinking. I've been reading Taki's increasingly more frequently and plan to check out The Spearhead and vdare more going forward. I might even start posting in the comments sections if time permits.

I think the time is ripe to get some crossover appeal from those sites to join the discussion here and vice versa. I know some "enlightened" White mean have no interest in sports but some do and some could if they saw how Cultural Marxism is using athletics as a vehicle against us. Also, if one follows the comments that Drudge links generate, there are thousands more angry, yet less "enlightened", Whites out there on the web. Can't we find a way to tap into this? Come together more and grow this movement? Are there better ways then dropping our discussion forum link in the comments? Don't want to come off as "spammers"....
This "Dark Enlightenment" certainly is exciting as Caste Football falls squarely into the prevailing line of thinking. I've been reading Taki's increasingly more frequently and plan to check out The Spearhead and vdare more going forward. I might even start posting in the comments sections if time permits.

I think the time is ripe to get some crossover appeal from those sites to join the discussion here and vice versa. I know some "enlightened" White mean have no interest in sports but some do and some could if they saw how Cultural Marxism is using athletics as a vehicle against us. Also, if one follows the comments that Drudge links generate, there are thousands more angry, yet less "enlightened", Whites out there on the web. Can't we find a way to tap into this? Come together more and grow this movement? Are there better ways then dropping our discussion forum link in the comments? Don't want to come off as "spammers"....

Probably the best way is to establish credibility on a site or two you like and then reference this site when it's appropriate in a discussion. (But don't post less here, you are a valued contributer.)

I was going to re-post a Steve Sailor article that I ran across on Taki on one of my other sites today -- until I read down further and he had written something about blacks being better jumpers than Whites, and I quickly deep-sixed that idea. Sailor has mentioned Caste Football at times, and never negatively, but he still clings to some Jon Entine-type myths about "natural black superiority" in sports. Another reason why cross-pollination and continual reinforcement is important, because that's what's created the "dark enlightenment."
Probably the best way is to establish credibility on a site or two you like and then reference this site when it's appropriate in a discussion. (But don't post less here, you are a valued contributer.)

I was going to re-post a Steve Sailor article that I ran across on Taki on one of my other sites today -- until I read down further and he had written something about blacks being better jumpers than Whites, and I quickly deep-sixed that idea. Sailor has mentioned Caste Football at times, and never negatively, but he still clings to some Jon Entine-type myths about "natural black superiority" in sports. Another reason why cross-pollination and continual reinforcement is important, because that's what's created the "dark enlightenment."

Sailer claims sportswriters for PC reasons, avoid "noticing" certain things. He misses the point that sportswriter do "notice" that blacks are faster. Not only do they "notice" it, but eagerly proclaim it.

On the other hand, sportswriters deliberately do not "notice" that white quarterbacks are far better at quickly reading defenses and finding the right receiver.
an important event in france:


the "gender theory" should be called "gender constructivism" as they teach the children that you can be born male or female, but then you can decide to be a man or a woman in the way you act

i'd be interested in knowing if this theory exists in your country (whatever country you live in) and how does the population react to it, and how you call it
Absolutely sickening

Welcome to Pussytown

How Sweden is winning the war against gender

U.S. Gender and Marriage expert David Popenoe has described Sweden as “the world’s most androgynous society“. David has never lived here. Had he lived here he may have used a different word. Androgyny is defined as “Being neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine, as in dress, appearance, or behavior.†I think Swedish men past that point somewhere in the 1960′s.

Sweden is one of the world’s most socially-engineered societies. Its been a hobby that Sweden’s elected officials have dabbled in since the 1940′s. These engineering feats are meant to produce impressive statistics. This is all very appealing to the rational mind. But history has taught us that behind the impressive numbers, social engineering often has unforeseen human consequences. In the case of gender equality in Sweden that unforeseen consequence is the effective emasculation of the Swedish male psyche.

From the perspective of a middle class American raised in New England, Swedish men seem feminine. It was Swedish women who first brought it to my attention, usually in social situations after a few drinks. I suppose it was a way of flirting. It was always the same: Winging about Swedish men and what emasculated pussies they are. I would reply “I can’t believe you are telling me this. It was your archaic brand of 60-style feminism that has effectively neutered the male of your species. And now you are telling me you pine for real men from southern Europe?†It doesn’t make sense. But if you live in Sweden long enough you understand that unexamined acceptance of logical contradictions is as Swedish as surströmming (and about as palatable to foreigners).

It’s hard to miss the general absence of masculinity here. I met a British woman in London recently. She told me how she and her girlfriend, also from London, visited Stockholm for three days. It was their first time in Sweden. I asked her how she enjoyed it. “Not very much†she said. “We went to Cafe Opera because everyone said it was the place to go, but I wish someone had mentioned that it was a gay bar.†After that, they went to two other bars in Sture Plan, central Stockholm, but the same deal. She said “I didn’t know Stockholm had such a pervasive gay scene.†I laughed. None of the bars she mentioned were gay bars. I’m sure few of the men there were gay, they were just Swedish. A recent article on the topic in the New York Times commented on this point “In this new world of the sexes, some women complain that Swedish men are too politically correct even to flirt in a bar.â€

Swedish blogger Anders Janson observes that “Finns think that the comparatively talkative and urbane Swedish men are homosexuals.†I would not go so far as to call them homosexuals, but they certainly lean towards the metrosexual side of things. And its not just because they are so extraordinarily studied in their appearance. The general demeanor of Sweden men exudes a lack of backbone, even when they try to assert themselves. It’s as if its been beaten out of them and they are resigned to their subservient position in society now.

This perception is reinforced for me daily on my walk to work. Each morning I struggle to negotiate my way through the maze of pram-pushing papas who dominate the sidewalk. They stroll leisurely along, often two abreast gossiping on their way to a cafe or pedicure, obstructing the way for the women and me who need get to work. Today 85 percent of Swedish fathers take government-paid parental leave. They are entitled to take up to 13 months off if their wife agrees.

Swedish men acknowledge the demise of their manhood. In a recent study in Sweden, “51 percent of respondents said Swedish men were more masculine in previous times, with men in particular (58 percent) agreeing with the statement. Only 13 percent of men and women felt today’s men were more masculine than their predecessors.“ This decline in masculinity bothers no Swede, in fact it is widely hailed as progress. Having talked with many Swedish men about this, I get the sense that they have been so marinated in Swedish-style feminism since birth that they accept without question that masculinity itself is fundamentally wrong, a defect. There is an unspoken guilt associated with their masculinity and that keeps men from addressing it. Like masturbation for Catholics, it comes with the territory of being human, but I’m not going to march through the streets of Boston declaring my right to self-love.

The Swedish media are onboard with the agenda. In deference to women males are uniformly depicted as impotent fools in all Swedish advertisements. If there is anyone demonstrating a glimmer of intelligence, it will be the woman. If there is an apron to be warn, it will never appear draped across a women’s breast. Same goes for any other domestic cleaning or cooking aids. This has worked. In real life I’ve never known a Swedish woman who knew how to use a cooking or cleaning utensil. I’ve lived with three so far. Love them dearly, but they have been the most domestically-challenged roommates I’ve ever had (and that’s going back to my frat brothers when I was 18).

The Times article summed up the state of affairs like this “In this land of Viking lore, men are at the heart of the gender-equality debate. The ponytailed center-right finance minister calls himself a feminist, ads for cleaning products rarely feature women as homemakers, and preschools vet books for gender stereotypes in animal characters. For nearly four decades, governments of all political hues have legislated to give women equal rights at work — and men equal rights at home.â€

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is also the more absurd fall-out from Sweden’s gender engineering. Just a sampling of the headlines induced by this social experiment:
•The political debate to allow women to ride topless on the subway because men were allowed to do so (by the same logic women are already topless in city parks, municipal swimming pools and, of course, on beaches).
•The elementary school system in one Swedish city mandating that for one week all male children had to wear dresses to school to help break down stereotypes (female student’s, however, were not obliged to reciprocate by wearing mens clothes).
•Organizers of the Miss Sweden contest forced to cancel the event due to “feminist harassmentâ€. When the Miss Sweden pageant returned the next year the rules were changed to allow men to compete, remove the swimsuit portion and to declare that physical appearance had nothing to do with the judging. Yah, right.
•Sweden’s government paving the way for the development of road signs at pedestrian crossings that portray women rather than just men.
•A feminist group at Stockholm University is campaigning to ban all urinals from campus, and one Swedish elementary school has already removed them based on the “logic†that a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women.
•Last year after the Pirate Bay file-sharing trial, Annika Qarlsson, a female member of Sweden’s parliament, wove a meandering web of “logic†that went something like this: Since most of the people sharing files are boys, and they support the right to share files, then they are protecting their privacy, and most Swedish woman who are raped are raped by people they barely know, if the woman barely knows the rapist then the rapist is protecting their privacy, therefore Pirate Bay supporters are rapists. ““I realize that my earlier post can be interpreted to mean that I’m accusing all Pirate Party supporters and all young men of being rapists.†she later said.
•Tiina Rosenberg, a professor of gender studies at Stockholm University, and the brain trust behind Sweden’s politically influential feminist movement who boldly asserted that “women who sleep with men are traitors to their gender.â€
•The case of Ragnar Bengtsson, the 28-year-old Stockholm father who wants to breastfeed his children. He spent three months last year pumping his breasts in public to try to stimulate lactation. It didn’t work. He says he did it because he wanted to be closer to his children. He is a student at Stockholm University. Maybe he was trying to get some extra credit from Tiina Rosenberg. (see YouTube commentary below).
•Sweden’s Trade Ethical Council against Sexism in Advertising (ERK) which deems practically any depiction of a woman as sexist and protects the Swedish population by having it banned.
•And then, of course, there has been the recent outrage over the fact that Sweden’s princess Victoria had her father walk her down the isle at her wedding which was heavily criticized as sexist here in Sweden and widely touted as an outrage against all women.

And that’s just what makes the papers. I experience the effects of all this gender bending every day in both my professional and private life. It’s as if masculinity is an itch and Swedes love to scratch it. So they constantly seek it out and then claw it to pieces. To me Sweden’s zeal in this endeavor is not so much about equal rights for men and woman. That’s not the focus. I suspect there is another silent, perhaps subconscious agenda. It may be misplaced anger and frustration, false entitlement, or part of a larger political agenda.

Direct observation has taught me that Sweden is every bit as sexist as any other developed country. I see the same disrespect, the same bullying and the same political and workplace abuse, and the same submission to power. Its just that here the tables have been turned and its the women wearing the pants. This is modestly disguised under a thin veneer of girl power (as if that is supposed to justify it). I just wonder how long it will be before erections are outlawed.

There is one question Swedes may want to ask themselves as they progress with their gender cleansing campaign: Is masculinity just some vestigial remnant from the Neanderthal mind that should be scrubbed from the gene pool or is it an essential part of what makes us human? I think both Swedish men and women should ponder the consequences of the utopia they are engineering before it is too late.

Personally, I think true discrimination should be engineered out of society ( I preface it with “true†because the word discrimination is widely misapplied today). But the Swede’s won’t solve sexual discrimination by neutralizing gender. No more than we would solve racial discrimination by neutralizing skin color.

The level of masculinity-bashing in Sweden is frightening, but most of the rest of the Western world is not far behind. It seems almost impossible for normal people to get into the minds of these freaks and degenerates and see just what led them down such a stupid path. I've always been a tomboy (probably wouldn't be on a football site if I wasn't) and in relationships I'm usually the "top," but I often find myself looking for the man who can put me on the bottom. Phony machismo won't cut it, it takes genuine strength, which seems to be in short supply these days, and not only in Sweden.
The level of masculinity-bashing in Sweden is frightening, but most of the rest of the Western world is not far behind. It seems almost impossible for normal people to get into the minds of these freaks and degenerates and see just what led them down such a stupid path. I've always been a tomboy (probably wouldn't be on a football site if I wasn't) and in relationships I'm usually the "top," but I often find myself looking for the man who can put me on the bottom. Phony machismo won't cut it, it takes genuine strength, which seems to be in short supply these days, and not only in Sweden.
Really what you see in Sweden other Western countries adopt in 20 years or so. black quarterbacks for females in fields where they aren't naturally inclined to be in. Social engineering on sexuality ie porn, on male aggression whether normal male aggression or deviant(both are lumped together). One thing Swedish youth have a fairly strong counter culture that is quite aggressive. Rock music is violent, I saw a protest against the pansification of the society and two audience members engaged in intercourse as a protest against the Swedish establishment. But I don't know if this was the equivalent of the increasingly disenfranchised working classes who are becoming welfare classes or people that have starter white collar jobs.
The Swedish media are onboard with the agenda. In deference to women males are uniformly depicted as impotent fools in all Swedish advertisements. If there is anyone demonstrating a glimmer of intelligence, it will be the woman. If there is an apron to be warn, it will never appear draped across a women’s breast. Same goes for any other domestic cleaning or cooking aids. This has worked. In real life I’ve never known a Swedish woman who knew how to use a cooking or cleaning utensil. I’ve lived with three so far. Love them dearly, but they have been the most domestically-challenged roommates I’ve ever had (and that’s going back to my frat brothers when I was 18).

The elementary school system in one Swedish city mandating that for one week all male children had to wear dresses to school to help break down stereotypes (female student’s, however, were not obliged to reciprocate by wearing mens clothes).

•A feminist group at Stockholm University is campaigning to ban all urinals from campus, and one Swedish elementary school has already removed them based on the “logic” that a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women.

The case of Ragnar Bengtsson, the 28-year-old Stockholm father who wants to breastfeed his children. He spent three months last year pumping his breasts in public to try to stimulate lactation. It didn’t work. He says he did it because he wanted to be closer to his children. He is a student at Stockholm University. Maybe he was trying to get some extra credit from Tiina Rosenberg. (see YouTube commentary below).

This abhorrent “gender phenomenon” in Sweden is important for those who feel as though the United States in the international nucleus of the Female Supremacy Movement. It isn’t. I’ve been reading articles such as this concerning Sweden (and other European nations) for several years now. Of course, the metrosexual “men” being discussed seem to exist in every major city on the planet, from Jew York to Stockholm to Manila to London to San Francisco to Calcutta to Tokyo to Seoul to Rio. Regardless of a lifetime of brainwashing, if any heterosexual “man” isn’t strong-willed enough to see that being highly effeminate is wrong…do they really deserve our sympathy? American men are conditioned, from manger to mortuary, to view Negroes as the world’s greatest athletes…but we at CF resisted this lie.

There are “real men” in Sweden. Take the #2 ranked Light Heavyweight MMA fighter on the planet, Alexander Gustafsson. He was raised in rural Sweden and is a true Viking Warrior. His legendary battle with Jon Jones this past September is hailed as one of the greatest performances in UFC history. Do you see any “metrosexual” in this Swede?

[video=youtube;6S9SP9L0ajk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S9SP9L0ajk [/video]
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This abhorrent “gender phenomenon†in Sweden is important for those who feel as though the United States in the international nucleus of the Female Supremacy Movement. It isn’t. I’ve been reading articles such as this concerning Sweden (and other European nations) for several years now. Of course, the metrosexual “men†being discussed seem to exist in every major city on the planet, from Jew York to Stockholm to Manila to London to San Francisco to Calcutta to Tokyo to Seoul to Rio. Regardless of a lifetime of brainwashing, if any heterosexual “man†isn’t strong-willed enough to see that being highly effeminate is wrong…do they really deserve our sympathy? American men are conditioned, from manger to mortuary, to view Negroes as the world’s greatest athletes…but we at CF resisted this lie.

There are “real men†in Sweden. Take the #2 ranked Light Heavyweight MMA fighter on the planet, Alexander Gustafsson. He was raised in rural Sweden and is a true Viking Warrior. His legendary battle with Jon Jones this past September is hailed as one of the greatest performances in UFC history. Do you see any “metrosexual†in this Swede?

[video=youtube;6S9SP9L0ajk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S9SP9L0ajk [/video]

it used to be russia, but now the USA are the main jewish country

To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother,and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’

Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘Wewill make the West so corrupt that it stinks.


the frankfurt school was made of jews from europe who moved to the USA

as for sweden, it's easy to understand why they are just a shadow of their former selves, since the best swedes left for france and england a very long time ago
A lot of the aggressive genes have been drawn away from Sweden. First all those that went viking, several centuries of drain. Then immigration to the New World drew away some of the remaining adventurous types. The more timid and passive men were left behind. All this may just be genetic destiny asserting itself, with the help of the Rosenberg types of course.

I understand that Sweden has a very high suicide rate.
The feminist and homosexual agendas are moving from strength to strength, victory to victory. At some point nature will take care of things, but I'm afraid it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Bit by bit, macho stereotypes lose ground

NEW YORK — Traditionally, the American male was measured against the stoic hero who shook off all doubts, vanquished all foes and offered women a muscular shoulder to cry on.

But that was before feminism, gay-rights activism, metrosexuals. Husbands took on a greater share of housework and child care. The military welcomed women and gays. A romantic movie about gay cowboys, "Brokeback Mountain," won three Oscars. And this week, the ground shifted under the hyper-masculine realm of America's most popular pro sport — the National Football League, it seems, will soon have its first openly gay player.

Off the playing field, in their daily lives, countless American men are trying to navigate these changes. For some, it's a source of confusion and anxiety.

"Men are conflicted, ambivalent," said James O'Neil, a psychology professor at the University of Connecticut who has written extensively on men's struggles over gender roles.

"On one hand they've been socialized to meet the old stereotypes." he said. "On the other hand, particularly for men in their 30s and 40s, they begin to say, 'That's not working for me. It's too stressful.' They're looking for alternative models of masculinity."

But for other Americans, the upheaval is a good thing.

"Ultimately, confusion about modern masculinity is a good thing: It means we're working past the outmoded definition," wrote journalist and blogger Ann Friedman in a nymag.com article last fall titled "What Does Manhood Mean in 2013?"

After World War II, at least on the surface, there seemed to be an overwhelming consensus of what American manhood was all about. It was typified by Gary Cooper and John Wayne on the movie screen, by the GIs on America's foreign battlefields, by the executives with homemaker wives and no corporate worries about gender diversity.

The feminist movement that emerged in the 1960s fractured this consensus and fueled significant, though gradual, changes in many Americans' perceptions of gender roles and stereotypes. By now, although women remain underrepresented as CEOs, they comprise close to half the enrollment in U.S. medical and law schools, and are being welcomed into military combat units.

Over the same period, perceptions of manhood and masculinity also have evolved. Surveys show that husbands are handling far more housework and child-care than they used to, though still less than their wives. Soccer icon David Beckham proved that a male sports star with a celebrity wife could embrace nail polish and flamboyant fashion without losing his fans.

"The women's movement showed that women didn't want to be restricted by their gender role, and it's opened things up for men to not be restricted as well — they can be stay-at-home dads, they can be nurses," said Bonnie Grabenhofer, a vice president of the National Organization for Women, though from her perspective the pace of change has been "agonizingly slow."

Fatherhood remains a key element in the discussion of masculinity, and there seems to be broad support for encouraging fathers to be more engaged in child-rearing than they were in the past. As evidence, Christopher Brown, president of the National Fatherhood Initiative, notes that the military is investing more energy these days in supporting soldiers' roles as parents.

"Fathers are really embracing that broader role," said Brown. "It's become accepted that they can share more of the work, and more of the joy."

Ask Tom Burns of Ferndale, Mich. He chose his current job with a Detroit-area publishing company because it offered flexible working hours that give him more time with his daughter, who's in second grade.

"I could have taken a better paying job with less flexibility ... but I can't imagine how I would function," said Burns, 36. "I use the time piecemeal to make sure I can attend concerts, do class functions. It was important to have a career that allowed me that work/home balance."

Among the growing (but still small) cohort of stay-at-home dads is Ben Martin of Brookline, Mass., husband of a physician.

"My wife, Wendy, brings home the bacon, I cook it, and our two kids (ages 9 and 7) would eat it, except our 7 year old is too picky to eat bacon," Martin wrote recently on his blog.

In a telephone interview, Martin, 35, said his goal "is to be as good a husband and father as I can be."

"I'm going to do what's practical, what's right for my family," he said. "I like to think of that as a trait that a lot of men would appreciate."

Still, Martin says he knows few other stay-home dads. "I get curious looks sometimes when I drop the kids off at school," he said. "It's a little isolating at times."

James O'Neil, the UConn professor, would like to see an expansion of psychological support for men wrestling with changing expectations.

"There's denial about men having problems related to gender roles," he said. "We need to break through that."

Gays as well as heterosexuals have played a role in the changing concepts of masculinity. Certainly, Michael Sam — the all-American defensive end who this week told the rest of the country what his University of Missouri coaches and teammates already knew, that he was gay — is already helping break down stereotypes about gay men..

But there were many examples before him, including Olympic diving champion Greg Louganis and NFL players such as Jerry Smith and David Kopay who came out after they retired. Louganis, while still in the closet, impressed the world with his fortitude at the 1988 Seoul Olympics by winning the gold medal despite suffering a concussion in a preliminary round.

"When it comes to gay men, the script is being rewritten," said Sarah Kate Ellis, president of GLAAD, a leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organization. "It's a wonderful thing happening as the definition of manhood evolves, and it becomes more inclusive of more types of men."

Merriam-Webster defines manhood as "the qualities (such as strength and courage) that are expected in a man." Such qualities should be preserved, even amid all the changes, says Holly Sweet, a Boston-area psychologist and co-director of the Cambridge Center for Gender Relations.

"There are so many good things about being a man — being a provider, being honorable, taking care of others, taking responsibility, being fair," she said. "It's not about picking on gays or dissing women."
Sometimes I read too much pessimism. The brilliance of our civilization is largely the result of white man's brain. Are our minds suddenly going to go to sleep? Does anyone truly believe our woman will make us servile to them? Can woman do better without us? Could woman exist without us? No. Nonsense. No. No matter what the trends, no matter what direction the planners and speakers of popular culture try to do, no matter what lies they attempt to enforce, simply, no matter what is done to try and stop the white man from succeeding on his lands he continues to frustrate those that covet his power. But why? How is this so?

While our adversaries try to ruin us, or send us to servitude, they cannot succeed because we observe and we think. We are reason, stubbornly. It is our nature.

To our others: do not fear us. We are good. The best among us are the greater number and power. We will not ruin you as those that have tried to ruin us. Our love of liberty and peace means we will also protect your liberty and peace. We do not will harm on our fellow man. Because we are good.
Parade of Humiliations

Do whites living in the West have a right to bitch about anti-white hatred? You bet. As PA clarifies in a comment over at GLPiggy,

In order to function normally, to keep a good mood, one has to intentionally blind himself to the organizing principle of the very society he lives in: White genocide.

I’ll occasionally feel its sting in a comment by Elk, or blogger THRASYMACHUS, a gentle-souled, thoughtful writer who relays observations from the edge. I can’t get Kayla Peterson out of my thoughts. Or, every time there is an internet article about schools, you see the cherubic faces of black kids, like a scene form Ghana rather than America — except when Yahoo posts “America’s Worst Schools†— you get a photo of white kids.

Hate fills any human being who opens his eyes to the horror and the humiliation of whites. Emma West’s ordeal — on that train with the animals growling at her and her little son, and then under the British police state.

And to stay sane, one looks away because there is not a thing he can do about any of this.

What PA is framing is what CH calls the “parade of humiliationsâ€. Like the tactics of totalitarian communism before it, anti-white ideology thrives in part by its inquisitors visiting upon the victims an endless succession of humiliations. It’s not enough to propagandize with lies; the subject must be coerced to suffer the lies in silence, to accede to the primacy of the lies, and even to intone the lies as if they were the truth. Economic and social terrorism break the heart and mind, but humiliation breaks the soul.

Let there be no mistaking what this parade of humiliations is: It is a war of hate, psychologically bloody if not yet physically bloody. The aggressors — the ruling elite and their useful Section Hate shock troops — despise whites, despise the concept of whiteness, and despise especially the idea that the territory and nation and culture from which they parasitically suck the lifeblood was created and sustained primarily by white men.

A parade of humiliations is a nefarious elite and a gullible bureaucratic class importing thousands of Somalis and dumping them in whitest Minnesota, where they multiply on the generosity of their host’s welfare largesse and then aggressively oust from power the very benefactors who opened doors to them.

A parade of humiliations is a disingenuous promise by condescending moralizers to fellow citizens that wildly foreign immigrant pawns will easily assimilate to local norms of conduct, and that any difficulty encountered during the assimilation process is proof that the natives have not been sufficiently welcoming and must be reeducated in the goodness of their displacers and the badness of their own self-consideration.

A parade of humiliations is a subhuman beast with an extensive criminal history free on probation by a sympathetic system, coldly gunning down a retiree in his home. The beast, shot through with demonic hatred, lied about needing assistance and exploited his prey’s naivete and magnanimous responsiveness. This incident in form and intent is a microcosm of the overarching assault on white America.

A parade of humiliations is the mass media studiously ignoring to the best of its plausible deniability the above stories of whites churned to bits by the anti-white death machine while trumpeting to the high heavens as vile hate crimes hoaxes targeted at whites.

A parade of humiliations is exiling from society any whites who dare notice their debasement.

Elite leftoid status whoring is all fun and games when nobody is the wiser and the costs are too diffuse to measure by endorsed economic formulae. But now the pain bites, and the parade of insults grates. The people on the sidewalks dumbly acquiescing to participation in their disparagement feel something they haven’t felt in a long time…


Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman

I have a bank of rotating stock questions I ask women that let me know how I should proceed with my game. One of the questions I used to ask was “Do you need a man?” Out of the dozens of times I asked it, not a single girl answered yes. Even in Eastern Europe, a woman needs a man as much as a cat needs milk. They would prefer the best man or the best milk, but they can surely live without.

There is definitely not a single woman alive in the Western world who needs a man. While in the past a woman had to put forth effort to obtain a husband who would help her survive, today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street. Even a child she has out of wedlock from a drunken night out will not have to suffer from her mistake, and that’s in spite of the fact that many nations already provide her with free contraception to compensate for her lack of judgement in selecting worthy mates.

Anything required for a woman’s survival or pleasure can be easily achieved without her having to put forth commitment, sacrifice, or labor. She can shave her head, gain 50 pounds, and disfigure herself with tattoos yet still have many suitors to—at the minimum—have sex on demand. Her food and shelter will be provided by a state which has embarked on an extraordinary effort to compete with men for her devotion and loyalty.

I started asking a different question to women: “Do you want a man?” I began receiving “I don’t know” answers (the more they hesitated to respond, the more I considered their true answer to be a yes). Only in a few instances did a woman outright say yes, and these usually happened in Ukraine. It’s no surprise that I eased into mini-relationships with these yes girls without the standard flaking or game-playing you would normally receive from girls who see men as milk instead of water. The girls who said yes weren’t exactly hurting for food or shelter, and they didn’t try to reach into my pockets for resources, but through their attitude and demeanor it was clear that they did want a man in their life who could provide it with a measure of happiness that could not be gained from their environment or government.

You’re a lucky man if you can find this type of girl in the West. From a young age, girls are brainwashed to believe that they don’t need men and that the key to their happiness is self-empowerment by sleeping around and becoming a corporate wage slave. It’s hard to dispute the notion that a woman who believes she doesn’t need a man won’t make as good of a relationship partner as one who does. She will treat you as a distraction to her more important job, girls’ nights out, and social networking validation happy time. Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life. Her interest in a man is not unlike her interest in a new television show or Apple product, and your only hope is to have sex with her as many times as possible until her attractions diminishes and she moves on to the next guy in line.

Women don’t seek out comfort or stability in men anymore—they seek entertainment. They seek distraction. They seek hedonistic pleasure. This is why provider men (beta males) are so hopelessly failing today to secure the commitment of beautiful women in their prime, and this is why even lesser alpha males fail to enter relationships with women beyond a few bangs. Once the entertainment or novelty you provide her declines—and it inevitably will—she moves on to something or someone else. In essence, the only way you can keep a girl is if you adopt the mentality of a soap opera writer, adding a cliffhanger to the end of each episode that keeps a woman interested when being a good man no longer does.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall. Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat? Either she makes the impulsive decision to buy the skirt or not, because odds are she won’t come back for it. There are so many stores with so many skirts that she will soon forget it, forever. We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.

We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns. With our tight game we have to be entertainers who create drama and excitement in a girl’s life, just long enough so that she spreads her legs and makes sexy noises, and even though she did commit such an intimate act with us, she will soon lose interest or simply get bored, and then move on to the next shiny **** that catches her eye. The other side of this coin is that we no longer need women. We don’t need them to maintain our home or cook good meals for us. We don’t need them in an age where having children is no longer important or valued. Whatever natural connection that once existed between the sexes has now been severed. Neither sex needs each other so we dedicate ourselves to corporations, entertainment, and base pleasures instead, and this is a great tragedy that most people believe is a sign of progress, a cause for celebration.

For the next girl I meet, I’m not going to ask her if she needs a man, because I know she doesn’t. Instead I will simply ask her if she wants a man, and if the answer leans yes, I will perform like the good clown I am so that she is entertained enough to have sex with me. Either she or I will eventually get bored and the relationship will end. Then I will simply repeat my performance on a someone new, because I’m a skilled clown, and that’s exactly what women today want.

I think Roosh goes overboard quite a lot, I cannot condone his philosophy of the notch count (though I do see where he's coming from), and I don't think sex should be nearly as central to our lives as he does. Maybe I'm just getting older or something. THAT SAID, he is dead-on right about feminism and its negative impact on our culture. For those of you who don't read him, you are missing out. The comment sections are even better than his posts!
I'm not a big Roosh fan. His forum is very "anti-racist". Blacks who aren't even part of our species are given free advice on how to bed white women, as if the enormous amount of help from the media isn't enough. I like heartiste though , he links to a bunch of evil racist sites and many of his commentators are aware.
I think Roosh is Turk or of some kind of Middle Eastern background, so he's probably not overly concerned about the war against White men (though he has another excellent article on "The War Against Men" http://www.rooshv.com/the-war-against-men).

I am appalled by "game" for the most part, though I see why it is pursued as a counter-strategy to the way in which feminism has let loose and glorified the worst aspects of female nature. When government replaces men in families and in society, women are no longer held accountable for their bad actions and decisions and are often rewarded for them instead (with government support). But game is at heart another way of kow-towing to women merely to have a short fling or more commonly a one-night stand. It is to submit to what feminism has wrought and one's most base nature simply for a quick release. But a "good guy" now has close to a zero chance of finding a "good girl" in most Western countries and Roosh's article is brutally honest in that regard.
Whomever that writer is, he's not writing anything new. Remember these lyrics:

When you know she's no high climber
Then you find your only friend
In a room with your two timer
And you're sure you're near the end
Then you love a little wild one
And she brings you only sorrow
All the time you know she's smilin'
You'll be on your knees tomorrow"

Steely Dan
Don and Ambrose, both good posts. I know I'm a blessed man to have one of the few "good ones" as my wife.
Don and Ambrose, both good posts. I know I'm a blessed man to have one of the few "good ones" as my wife.

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs, 31:10.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised..
Proverbs, 31;30.

Here, here, Colonel_Reb. I too am one of the few fortunate ones to be blessed with a fine wife!
The high school where the White kid went on a stabbing rampage yesterday is in a suburban/semi-rural area to the east of Pittsburgh. The school district only has 1% blacks, similar to some other suburban Pittsburgh areas, and a sprinkling of Asians and hispanics, who were pretty much non-existent in this area until 10 to 15 years ago.

I don't know this yet definitively because of the understandable reluctance of the media to publicize something so contrary to the party line, but it appears all the stabbing victims were male, and that was not because the perp didn't target girls, but because many of the boys stepped in front of girls the perp was lunging toward and were stabbed in their place.

Those showing such valor are White boys who have been demonized their entire lives for being cads, losers, and future child abusers, women abusers, and rapists in training. And "remarkably," none of the girls who have been raised on a diet of female superheroes jumped in front of any of the boys being targeted to protect them. Cultural communist indoctrination instantly went out the window during a real life emergency situation.

Just another incident that shows the uniquely heroic qualities of White men, and which will change absolutely nothing as far as the way they are demonized daily by the media and government schools.
The high school where the White kid went on a stabbing rampage yesterday is in a suburban/semi-rural area to the east of Pittsburgh. The school district only has 1% blacks, similar to some other suburban Pittsburgh areas, and a sprinkling of Asians and hispanics, who were pretty much non-existent in this area until 10 to 15 years ago.

I don't know this yet definitively because of the understandable reluctance of the media to publicize something so contrary to the party line, but it appears all the stabbing victims were male, and that was not because the perp didn't target girls, but because many of the boys stepped in front of girls the perp was lunging toward and were stabbed in their place.

Those showing such valor are White boys who have been demonized their entire lives for being cads, losers, and future child abusers, women abusers, and rapists in training. And "remarkably," none of the girls who have been raised on a diet of female superheroes jumped in front of any of the boys being targeted to protect them. Cultural communist indoctrination instantly went out the window during a real life emergency situation.

Just another incident that shows the uniquely heroic qualities of White men, and which will change absolutely nothing as far as the way they are demonized daily by the media and government schools.

I've always said that if a Titanic sinking happened today the feminists would fully expect white men to place them (white females) in the lifeboats and go down with the ship. White feminists would suddenly discover the benefits of white man's chivalry when their own lives were in danger.
American Freedom News