Ubiquitous Man Hating

I just watched Vikings again tonight and Ragnar's wife (who has outfought and killed a couple dozen men so far in the mini-series) is an Earl now, and she commands a squad of female warriors who are going to help Ragnar raid England. If they'd only had some girls like that...

You know the saying "you can't make stuff like this up." Well, you can make stuff like this up.
Thought you all might get a kick out of this.
While GNOME has been riding high lately with driving the development of its Wayland-based compositor and being the first major desktop getting there natively for most of its applications, and the overall work on the recent GNOME 3.12 release being fairly exciting, on the foundation side they are running into a budget shortfall and funds are becoming very tight within the GNOME Foundation.

The GNOME Foundation has run into cash flow problems and as a result is freezing non-essential expenses. The GNOME Foundation has eliminated their cash reserves leading to this dire situation, but should be recoverable in the months ahead. The GNOME Foundation got into this situation through its Outreach Program for Women (OPW) and managing the program (and funds) for a number of other participating organizations. The GNOME Foundation staff and board fell behind in their processes with being overwhelmed by administering OPW. GNOME's Outreach Program for Women is explained as "The Outreach Program for Women (OPW) helps women (cis and trans) and genderqueer get involved in free and open source software." They've had around 30 interns for their most recent cycle.

So a successful open source program is being overrun and destroyed cultural Marxist dykes. Meanwhile literally all the development on the actual program is done by men.
I just watched Vikings again tonight and Ragnar's wife (who has outfought and killed a couple dozen men so far in the mini-series) is an Earl now, and she commands a squad of female warriors who are going to help Ragnar raid England. If they'd only had some girls like that...

You know the saying "you can't make stuff like this up." Well, you can make stuff like this up.

so ridiculous. I like the show but their"Amazon warrior" women is a definite turn off. Either way that blood war eagle was pretty brutal eh?
despite the constant barrage of derision directed toward White men, it is still exclusively White men who rise to the occasion when a fearless warrior is needed. perhaps the most recent example is that of White athlete (University of Alabama swimmer) John Servati.

Servati sacrificed his own life in order to save that of his girlfriend during a horrific storm on Monday night. you can read the whole story here. i will provide a brief excerpt below.

Monday night, as deadly storms tore through parts of the Deep South, Servati and his college girlfriend took shelter behind a retaining wall at a residence in Tuscaloosa, Ala. The wall gave way, according to reports, and Servati held it up just long enough for his girlfriend to escape unharmed. Servati, however, could not get out. He died at a nearby hospital. He was 21.

The people of Tupelo are reeling, not only from the devastation in their community but from the loss of Servati, a top athlete and student who was, in Smith’s words, “just one of those golden children.â€￾

all respect and honor to this young man.

In this Western Gynocracy/Sodomocracy, the unremitting “shaming†of heterosexual males for acting in a normal, healthy manner starts very early in life. In this cute little story, a white California boy in 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] grade named Cameron Thompson got into trouble for “making fun of†another boy after the little weirdo brought a Barbie Doll to school for “show and tell.†Well, after a few months of staunch “anti-bullying†propaganda and inoculation from his Cultural Marxist “mother†and presumably-female “teacher,†this poor kid felt so sorry for his thought crimes that he started his own “anti-bullying club†at school. From the article…

BEAUMONT, Calif., May 23 (UPI) --A California second-grader who used to be a bully but learned the error of his ways has started a club at his elementary school to discourage bullying in Beaumont.

Cameron Thompson made fun of a boy who brought a Barbie to Tournament Hills Elementary School for show-and-tell, but he was caught and disciplined for his actions.

Thompson's experience gave him an idea.

"He asked me why he still felt bad [a couple months later] and I explained shame to him," Cameron's mom Jessica Southard told the Temecula Patch. "He then told me he knew how he could make it better. He asked me if he could start an anti-bully club at school."

The first meeting of Thompson's anti-bullying club had 76 attendees, and the group plans on continuing to meet on Fridays at lunchtime.

"Please help me spread the word on bullying and it's effect on others," according to the group's Facebook page. "I'm just a student who wants to make a difference."

Cameron is a 2nd grader who has changed his bullying ways and want to put a stop to bullying. How many followers can we get for Cameron?
— Cameron's Anti-Bully (@CamsAntiBully) May 13, 2014

“Anti-bullying†is an analogous term to “diversity†or “tolerance.†They don’t translate to anything more than heterosexual whites stomaching freaks, ****, and the palpable differences between whites and non-whites. Poor kid...

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And here I thought that a bully was someone who abused others on a regular basis, not someone who once made fun of a boy for having a Barbie doll. The article claims he "convinced" others to join in. Knowing what little boys - normal boys - are like, I don't think they needed much convincing.

Given that this other boy not only had a Barbie doll, but felt the need to bring it to school for show and tell, it's quite obvious that his parents, or perhaps the singular, must be pretty screwed up.

The reaction of any normal person to a boy with a Barbie doll is, "That's weird and kind of creepy." Only cultural Marxists feel the need to try to convince people that that is normal, and even they know deep down inside that it's weird.

Sick of this crap really.

As someone who had full custody of 2 daughters for 3.5 years without any help, it got annoying. The kid acts up a tiny little bit in public, then some stupid ****er will make some incompetent dad joke. Then I meet my now wife 4 years ago, she has a 2 year old. He's now 6 and does boy things sometimes and I get ****ing blamed for it and she gets all the credit for how well behaved the girls act.

Then of course my favorite is if I'm out in public with our infant and hes starts crying, I'm incompetent. With mom, its just the obvious diaper or hungry.
When minority guys (when I say minority, I do not include Asiatics or Indians from the Asian subcontinent, as they are more family-oriented) ditch their women and go around fathering multiple kids outside of wedlock, and needless to say, financially support NONE of them, it's somehow made into the White man's fault.

"Oh, if only the White man were less racist so that minorities could have opportunities to have yuppy jobs and yuppy educations, etc."

—as if the REAL truth: that Hispanic men and African men are intrinsically less responsible (and therefore generally make sh*tty leaders) did not exist.

Anyway society today is generally trending against marriage being a useful proposition for the man, because the woman pretty much holds all the cards.

If the guy doesn't do all the traditional things, as in bring home money and share it, protect the family, be a strong leader and provider, take care of his home and his woman, then he is a "bum."

Meanwhile, women are not expected to do anything traditional, like take care of the home and her man, raise children and be supportive.

Instead there's this "equal partner" stuff and all this feminist idealism, which would be acceptable in a lot of ways if the woman had to compromise and lose some of the traditional things the man brings to the table, but she doesn't.

She still gets doors opened for her, definitely no man would (nor should he) deck her in the face if she gets lippy, she still can be expected to be feted and dined during courtship.

Women are encouraged to just be happy (which is code for "do everything for yourself and screw responsibility to other people). A woman who expects her boyfriend to buy her dinner is just being a woman.

A MAN who expects his girlfriend to fix his breakfast is being a d*ck.

I'm fortunate in having married a sensible woman but for a lot of guys, it must suck to be stuck with some worthless troll who doesn't feel like she should have to make love to you, or do anything for you, meanwhile society expects you to still do all these things for her, otherwise you're not a man.

Oh, please.

When I was dating I can't begin to count the number of women who talked a big game about equal rights this, equal rights that, feminist this, glass ceiling that, "I'm an activist," blah blah blah.

These are all red flags to begin with when women harp about sh*t like that and all you want to do is enjoy their company, but watch: close to 100% of women who talk about how they're modern and forward thinking won't think twice about having you pay for their sh*t.
Marvels new Thor will be played by a woman. Guess where I found it out? yahoo.
Why Feminism Fails in the Third World

by Dota

The brutal rape that occurred in Delhi two years ago was followed by unprecedented national outrage and demands for legislature reform. They were also followed by a spike in sexual assaults including the shocking rape of 2 peasants girls whose corpses were hung on trees. India is but one country in the global tapestry we know as the third world. Why does the third world reject feminism? I will for the sake of clarity attempt to answer the question by using India as a case study.

Those that have followed my articles over the year, (and my comments on Robert Lindsay’s blog over the preceding years) will know that I place an enormous degree of importance on culture when analyzing politics, history, and society. However, after reading the “Anonymous Conservative” I’ve come to realize that perhaps there are other factors that warrant scrutiny. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, consider the following: [go to original article to see the graphic]

I think the Anonymous Conservative provides us with a clue as to why feminism can’t succeed in the third world. Feminism has infested the West because western societies are abundant in resources and have strong states to allocate those resources to those that feel entitled to them for taking the trouble of being born with a vagina.

As I’ve pointed out on numerous occasions, feminism has merely shifted women’s need to be provided for away from the family and onto the state. The nanny state provides women with resources that enable them to rise in society without merit. Some of these resources are (but not limited to): affirmative action, preferential treatment in education (Universities), and various non profit initiatives like “Women Entrepreneurs of…(whatever).

Feminism fails in the third world precisely because third world nations are lacking in resources and effective governments.

In India for example, the state lacks the resources to arrest and prosecute rapists, let alone spare any officers to respond to domestic disturbance calls made by women who wish to eject their husbands from their property following a minor domestic spat. For rural women, divorce is an omen of doom as the state has no means of enforcing alimony and child support on non compliant husbands. The infamous Shah Bano case illustrates a scenario where an effete state backed down under societal pressure. Many Third World nations lack the resources to protect their women from physical harm, let alone consider and debate the gender bending lunacy of Western gender feminism.

Western feminists tend to gloat over female encroachment into men’s space and often bemoan any instance where female entry into male domains is barred. Yet this is precisely the case in India where women are still underrepresented in elite schools like the Indian Institute of technology (IIT). In the absence of abundant resources, women will generally fail to break through the glass ceiling. Naturally, this doesn’t apply to ALL women as some are exceptional but we are discussing general principles here.

Schopenhauer referred to female independence as an “unnatural state” and perhaps now we may begin to appreciate why. In our species, women were never meant to be the independent sex. Note that by “independent” I am not referring to a woman’s ability to work and earn a living outside the home, but rather, the erroneous feminist belief that women MUST pursue work outside the home to truly self actualize. Female independence comes at a cost which must ultimately be borne by society. When women outsource motherhood to daycares while they chase their corporate fantasies, their offspring develop lower IQs and emotional stability as demonstrated by studies. The cost of lower IQ citizens is borne by society. Similarly, children raised in single mother households are statistically more likely to take to crime than those raised in traditional households. Who bears the cost for bad decisions made by “strong and independent” single moms? Society does.

The feminist enterprise has a massive financial upkeep that third world nations are clearly unable to bear. If feminist “equality” were truly natural to our species there would be no need for an upkeep. Some would blame entrenched patriarchy and culture but lets not forget that these are shaped by environment. When resources grow scarce, women lose their petulant rebelliousness and support patriarchy, not out of selfless love for men, but out of self interest as the mechanism of patriarchy deems them a protected class entitled to sustenance and protection.

During the roaring 1920s, the thriving Flapper subculture of women flouted societal conventions pertaining to modesty and propriety as they pursued a lifestyle of hedonism. There is a great volume of online feminist literature that glorifies these rebellious heroines as models to be emulated but little is said about their downfall. How did the Flapper subculture fall? It declined with the onset of the Great Depression when resources became scarce and female survival instincts jettisoned “independence” in favour of patriarchy’s protective embrace.

Good article Don...thanks for posting. I like how it calls out how women are artificially prop'd up via affirmative action, etc. I always (figuratively) roll my eyes when I hear of a woman governor, PM/President or CEO. We know full well those "successful" ladies have several pushes up the ladder based solely on their gender. Yet, we're supposed to grovel & heap accolades upon them. I chalk it up as more " cultmarx cr@pola".
The UVA False Rape Fabulists

by Chateau Heartiste

As most CH readers know by now, a gaudy account of alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity (Rapegate) was exposed as a hoax, or, more charitably, as a freakin’ lie. Many feminists and lapdog betaboys were left shell-shocked by the sudden undermining of their religious belief.

This isn’t the first rape hoax. The Duke lacrosse stripper rape never happened. And more recently, Lena Dunham, SWPL heroine, was outed as a fabulist for concocting a story about a “Republican conservative” who raped her in college. In Dunham’s case, she named a man. Hopefully he will sue her to kingdom come.

What makes the current false rape accusation (FRA) craze so dissonant is that it’s happening in a social climate where actual reported rapes are in decline and at a 40-year low, at least among whites. It’s almost as if feminists WANT to gin up a rape culture because the current rape-less society they live in is unsatisfactory to them.

The Jane Jones hysteria demands explanation. What is motivating all these rape hoaxes? I have some theories.

1. “Rape-culture culture”, driven by white females, and particularly by academic white females of a highly ethnocentric minority tribe (Erdely, Merlan), and targeted primarily against the white fraternity brother archetype, is revealed hatred of a certain majority group’s men for being, well, what they are: The tribal bogeyman. Sexual desire for these men and warped shame for feeling that desire must underlie some of that irrational hatred.

2. Rapegate is the proxy mechanism by which underattractive white females get to express their true resentment of the sexual aggression of black men and the asexual indifference of white men. As iSteve commenter countenance writes,

Because “rape culture” is how white men in frat houses get the blame for black men raping white women.

White women do get real raped (and sometimes killed)… disproportionately by black men who look like this guy: [see picture in original article link]

But of course, because race is the ultimate totem of intra-white status whoring, academic white females can’t come out and say “Hey, a lot of black guys are raping us.” So they release that anger through a convenient proxy: white frat bros. And why are white frat bros, mostly harmless even when drunk, the preferred alternative rape culture oppressor? Because they don’t give unattractive feminists the time of day. Thus, their expediency as punching bags for feminists is rooted in the latter’s resentment at being overlooked as sex objects by high mate value white men.

3. The sex ratio on college campuses — 60%+ women and rising — favors men in the dating market. Female students are thus put into a position, by virtue of their natural hypergamous instincts, of being one of the shared side dishes of a popular male student, of dating less desirable nerd betas, or of getting shut out of the dating market altogether. At the margins, this lopsided sex ratio and its consequences will cause some mentally unbalanced women (feminists) to act out like lunatics.

4. This is the darkest theory, and the one therefore favored by CH priests. Rape fantasy is a staple of subliterary erotica, aka female porn. A fair number of women are sexually and romantically aroused by violent men. Death rows are filled with the clutter of love letters and even marriage proposals from swooning women. Lurid rape hysteria really may be psychological projection of lurid sex fantasy in a world full of sexless betaboy drones. It’s a parsimonious explanation for Lena Dunham’s obsessing over a “Republican conservative” man having sex with her many years ago, and her current transmogrification of that consensual event into a latter day Regret Rape political stance. Five minutes of right-wing alpha. She just cannot get enough of that memory of real man ****. Manlet SJWs, limp-wristed male feminists, and slobbering white knights will never get this about rock-ribbed feminists: Most of them despise the company of the weak men they feel forced to endure. These feminist rape-mongers dream of being assertively taken by a strong man torqued with unstoppable lust. (Related: I have a theory that women secretly desire men of opposite political persuasion, and that the reason most couples align politically is largely a result of convenience sorting and arid subconscious calculations of child characteristics.)


Some sadistic thinkers dismiss feminism as a relevant social force. I disagree with them. For example, look at this latest feminist flop; will the rancid ideology finally pay a price? UVA is Peak Feminism, right? No wait, that was Duke lacrosse. No, it was Lena Dunham. Seems Peak Feminism has yet to arrive. Lesson: Feminists benefit from power elite shielding. Individual feminists may be mentally unhinged and emotionally scorched, but their insipid politics finds its way into government and private policies. Women in the military, Title IX, affirmative consent laws, and bans on paternity testing, to name a few. Feminist propaganda matters. It has real world consequences that victimize real men, in ways direct and indirect. The Hivemind masters — the Lords of Lies — protect feminists from their own malignancy and prevent them from suffering due punishment for their slander and caustic beliefs.

Everything rotten about 2014 America is exposed by rape and race hoaxes: Leftoid duplicity, media boosterism, anti-white male animus. CH is doing its part to help bring balance to the force, which has tilted for too long in the direction of the Snark Side. But we can only do so much. Others must step up. You can start here: A website devoted to exposing corruption among our journalistic, political, and academic elite. Call them out on their lies, record it for posterity, ruin their reputations, and hope that the righteous backlash has only begun to start.

What I really appreciate about MRA's like Roissy is that he takes race into account. I can't stand all these so called "red pilled" ******* who oppose the idea of gender equality but yet strongly tow the Cultural Marxist party line when it comes to race. They think there's no difference at all between black men and White men. If a woman accuses a black guy of rape, like Jameis the Rapist, then she's obviously lying. White men barely rape, so of course black men barely rape either. Crime statistics be damned.

If a non-black woman accuses a black guy of raping her than I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt almost every time. Bill Cosby is being accused of rape by multiple woman right now and I'm inclined to believe them. If say for instance Mel Gibson or some other White actor were being accuses of rape by all these women then I'd definitely be hesitant to believe. It's not that I support Whites 100% of time, it's just that it's a matter of statistical probability.

If I have to support one or the other; I'll definitely support feminism over racial egalitarianism. Feminism can actually be used to wake people up to the realities of race. Anyone remember the Jewess who was filmed walking around NYC for 10 hours and was subjected to a lot of "cat calling" ? Well a lot of people took notice of the fact that almost everyone harassing her were blacks. And some people even accused the creators of the recording of being racists.
The UVA False Rape Fabulists

by Chateau Heartiste

As most CH readers know by now, a gaudy account of alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity (Rapegate) was exposed as a hoax, or, more charitably, as a freakin’ lie. Many feminists and lapdog betaboys were left shell-shocked by the sudden undermining of their religious belief.

This isn’t the first rape hoax. The Duke lacrosse stripper rape never happened. And more recently, Lena Dunham, SWPL heroine, was outed as a fabulist for concocting a story about a “Republican conservative†who raped her in college. In Dunham’s case, she named a man. Hopefully he will sue her to kingdom come.

What makes the current false rape accusation (FRA) craze so dissonant is that it’s happening in a social climate where actual reported rapes are in decline and at a 40-year low, at least among whites. It’s almost as if feminists WANT to gin up a rape culture because the current rape-less society they live in is unsatisfactory to them.

The Jane Jones hysteria demands explanation. What is motivating all these rape hoaxes? I have some theories.

1. “Rape-culture cultureâ€, driven by white females, and particularly by academic white females of a highly ethnocentric minority tribe (Erdely, Merlan), and targeted primarily against the white fraternity brother archetype, is revealed hatred of a certain majority group’s men for being, well, what they are: The tribal bogeyman. Sexual desire for these men and warped shame for feeling that desire must underlie some of that irrational hatred.

2. Rapegate is the proxy mechanism by which underattractive white females get to express their true resentment of the sexual aggression of black men and the asexual indifference of white men. As iSteve commenter countenance writes,

Because “rape culture†is how white men in frat houses get the blame for black men raping white women.

White women do get real raped (and sometimes killed)… disproportionately by black men who look like this guy: [see picture in original article link]

But of course, because race is the ultimate totem of intra-white status whoring, academic white females can’t come out and say “Hey, a lot of black guys are raping us.†So they release that anger through a convenient proxy: white frat bros. And why are white frat bros, mostly harmless even when drunk, the preferred alternative rape culture oppressor? Because they don’t give unattractive feminists the time of day. Thus, their expediency as punching bags for feminists is rooted in the latter’s resentment at being overlooked as sex objects by high mate value white men.

3. The sex ratio on college campuses — 60%+ women and rising — favors men in the dating market. Female students are thus put into a position, by virtue of their natural hypergamous instincts, of being one of the shared side dishes of a popular male student, of dating less desirable nerd betas, or of getting shut out of the dating market altogether. At the margins, this lopsided sex ratio and its consequences will cause some mentally unbalanced women (feminists) to act out like lunatics.

4. This is the darkest theory, and the one therefore favored by CH priests. Rape fantasy is a staple of subliterary erotica, aka female porn. A fair number of women are sexually and romantically aroused by violent men. Death rows are filled with the clutter of love letters and even marriage proposals from swooning women. Lurid rape hysteria really may be psychological projection of lurid sex fantasy in a world full of sexless betaboy drones. It’s a parsimonious explanation for Lena Dunham’s obsessing over a “Republican conservative†man having sex with her many years ago, and her current transmogrification of that consensual event into a latter day Regret Rape political stance. Five minutes of right-wing alpha. She just cannot get enough of that memory of real man ****. Manlet SJWs, limp-wristed male feminists, and slobbering white knights will never get this about rock-ribbed feminists: Most of them despise the company of the weak men they feel forced to endure. These feminist rape-mongers dream of being assertively taken by a strong man torqued with unstoppable lust. (Related: I have a theory that women secretly desire men of opposite political persuasion, and that the reason most couples align politically is largely a result of convenience sorting and arid subconscious calculations of child characteristics.)


Some sadistic thinkers dismiss feminism as a relevant social force. I disagree with them. For example, look at this latest feminist flop; will the rancid ideology finally pay a price? UVA is Peak Feminism, right? No wait, that was Duke lacrosse. No, it was Lena Dunham. Seems Peak Feminism has yet to arrive. Lesson: Feminists benefit from power elite shielding. Individual feminists may be mentally unhinged and emotionally scorched, but their insipid politics finds its way into government and private policies. Women in the military, Title IX, affirmative consent laws, and bans on paternity testing, to name a few. Feminist propaganda matters. It has real world consequences that victimize real men, in ways direct and indirect. The Hivemind masters — the Lords of Lies — protect feminists from their own malignancy and prevent them from suffering due punishment for their slander and caustic beliefs.

Everything rotten about 2014 America is exposed by rape and race hoaxes: Leftoid duplicity, media boosterism, anti-white male animus. CH is doing its part to help bring balance to the force, which has tilted for too long in the direction of the Snark Side. But we can only do so much. Others must step up. You can start here: A website devoted to exposing corruption among our journalistic, political, and academic elite. Call them out on their lies, record it for posterity, ruin their reputations, and hope that the righteous backlash has only begun to start.


This piece is a good example of why Roissy is required reading on a regular basis. I don't go for the "notch count is everything" view of the world, but social commentary of this depth and quality is pretty rare. He "gets it".
Recently, I was out of state driving along an interstate with a colleague for work and he was listening to a “Top 40†radio station, which was the only station that had clear reception in the area. Like any rational person, I despise “pop†music with all my heart, but in listening to the song that was playing I found myself captivated and revolted by the pure misandry, fundamental inanity, and militant female chauvinism contained in the song’s lyrics. I didn’t know the song or the artist, but I searched online afterwards and found that the song was entitled “Dear Future Husband†by a chubby, hook-nosed, flat-chested, wiggerish “artist†named Meghan Trainor…


Let’s examine the lyrics, shall we?

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life

Take me on a date
I deserve it, babe
And don't forget the flowers every anniversary

'Cause if you'll treat me right
I'll be the perfect wife
Buying groceries
Buy-buying what you need

You got that 9 to 5
But, baby, so do I
So don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies
I never learned to cook

But I can write a hook
Sing along with me
Sing-sing along with me (hey)

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy

Tell me everything's alright

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things you'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband,
If you wanna get that special lovin'
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night

After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong
[Laugh] You know I'm never wrong
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy

Tell me everything's alright

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life (hey, baby)
Dear future husband,
Make time for me
Don't leave me lonely
And know we'll never see your family more than mine

I'll be sleeping on the left side of the bed (hey)
Open doors for me and you might get some [head] kisses
Don't have a dirty mind

Just be a classy guy
Buy me a ring
Buy-buy me a ring, (babe)

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband,
If you wanna get that special loving
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night

(That's right!)


Future husband, better love me right

So, to recap, this chubby wretch’s “ideal†husband is a male companion that is willing to pay for dates, buy her flowers, put up with her complete inability to cook for him, treat her like a goddess even when she’s “acting crazy,†beg her for sex, compliment her beauty every waking moment, be the first to apologize during arguments, accept the fact that she’s “never wrong,†won’t dare to disagree with her, consent to never seeing his own family, open doors for her in exchange for a chance at oral sex, and buy her expensive jewelry.

This putrid “song†is quite symbolic of the attitudes held by most “liberated†modern females. Oozing imitation manliness from every rancid pore, it’s abundantly clear that these domineering, loud-mouthed, man-objectifying, sexually-promiscuous (only when profitable), self-aggrandizing, misogynistic, self-centered, greedy, hyper-materialistic parasites aren’t seeking “sexual equality†with men whatsoever.

These beasts view themselves as “princesses,†but what regal feminine virtues do they possess? Most are physically average looking (or downright ugly) without make-up. Most can’t cook/bake whatsoever, as they were usually raised by a “liberated†mother. Due to their extreme sense of entitlement, many have no work ethic and are far too languid to clean or keep a notice household. Most make awful mothers due to their irresponsible, self-absorbed, medicated lifestyles. Most make awful wives, as the cruelty towards the men that actually care for them reeks of malevolence. Their political views are usually a vile concoction of Marxism, Socialism, and “Feminism,†with the utmost attention concerning civil rights for homos, minorities, and women, pro-choice on abortion, pro-immigration, and anti-racism. Their interests usually include clubbing, reality TV, teasing bar flies whilst inebriated, following pop culture, napping, gossiping, and mascara-dripping DUI arrests.

So what’s in it for this “future husband?†After being rendered into a docile yes-man, this poor fool “wins†the Grand Prize of getting bossed around by a low-IQ harpy, spending all his money, providing for an insatiable sponge, and groveling for the right to fornicate every once in a while with a “vixen†like Miss Trainor...


By the way, that terrible song is currently #14 on the Billboard Music Chart.
Just more endless and ubiquitous Tribe propaganda to further their JWO agenda...akin to their Hollywood propaganda like the latest "Mad Max" movie.

It's definitely having the intended affect as I see plenty of girls that I would rate a 4 that go around acting like they are a 9 or 10 and have this attitude. Sadly, it's going international. I think this particular video has almost a half billion views.

The "reset" cannot come soon enough for me...
Just more endless and ubiquitous Tribe propaganda to further their JWO agenda...akin to their Hollywood propaganda like the latest "Mad Max" movie.

It's definitely having the intended affect as I see plenty of girls that I would rate a 4 that go around acting like they are a 9 or 10 and have this attitude. Sadly, it's going international. I think this particular video has almost a half billion views.

The "reset" cannot come soon enough for me...

The upside of the internet is that it allows for virtual communities like the one here at CF; the downside is that it makes the global exportation of U.S. "culture" that much easier.

The girl who sings this song is just 21 years old, and already an entitled fatty.
Listened to about 10 seconds of that stiff and shut her down mighty quick. Sounded like so much manufactured copy-cat repeats. Surprisingly, that video and recording are likely not an all women production; many jellyfish men likely had a hand in it.
Listened to about 10 seconds of that stiff and shut her down mighty quick. Sounded like so much manufactured copy-cat repeats. Surprisingly, that video and recording are likely not an all women production; many jellyfish men likely had a hand in it.

I've made better "tunes" on the commode. I have complete disdain for the entirety of modern "pop culture"...especially the plastic, soulless, manufactured, cookie cutter 'audio excrement" (mislabeled as "music").
I've made better "tunes" on the commode. I have complete disdain for the entirety of modern "pop culture"...especially the plastic, soulless, manufactured, cookie cutter 'audio excrement" (mislabeled as "music").  
That just about sums it up right there!

I should note that this future diabetic flopped onto the music scene with her "fat acceptance" anthem, "All About That Bass".

Trigger Warning if you dare watch:

6 Reasons For The Planned Obsolescence Of Men

In my beta days, I dated a career girl in a big city. We dated for two years, it ended poorly, and played a large part in my finally swallowing the red pill. She was a 30 year old career woman, and a few weeks into the relationship she revealed she had never dated a guy for more than a couple of months. I soon concluded this was because she did not have a need for men in her life. Sure, she enjoyed the occasional attention, flirting, and possibly even enjoyed sex, but she did not NEED a man. Here are six ways that you may recognize men as becoming outdated in the modern dating and relationship marketplace.

1. They don’t need a man to be the breadwinner

The girl I mentioned had a nice career as an accountant, and was paid well enough to have her own condo in a good neighborhood overlooking many beer gardens, restaurants, and sources of entertainment for her. She was encouraged throughout high school to pursue a career in whatever field she wished, and in college was recruited by a black quarterback-hiring firm, and likely interviewed by a feminist HR worker who quickly found a cubicle for her where she could begin filling out TPS reports.

She owned a car, a nice condo in a very desirable part of town, a trendy wardrobe, and had a generous budget for entertainment. She can (and probably will—she is approaching the wall) go the rest of her life without needing a man to provide any material things to her.

The days of a man providing a home, doing repairs, giving her food, clothing, shelter, and trinkets, are gone. A woman can graduate any public university (she attended a mediocre school) with the ability to find a career which provides her all the basic necessities. If a woman doesn’t make it into corporate America, there are a variety of special government programs—tailored specifically to and only for women—which will help pay for her housing, food, childraising, and education costs.

2. They don’t need a man to defend them

The West is a quite safe place, statistically speaking. A woman can go about her business, and as long as she doesn’t make any glaringly stupid mistakes, like getting pass out drunk and stumbling around in a miniskirt, or hanging out in the hood after dark, she has a very low chance of any serious harm coming to her. Most crimes are petty crimes, like theft, and with today’s prevalence of credit cards and digital currency, thieves can’t make much money by robbing strangers, other than perhaps scoring a smartphone.

The modern woman has very little risk of any serious harm coming to her, especially as compared to the past, or to women in developing countries.

3. They don’t need a man to entertain them

The level of extremity needed to attract attention about 10 years ago

In the past, being a funny or interesting guy was a huge plus. And yes, clown game can work, to an extent. Women simply are not funny, and are often miserable to talk to, and they are naturally drawn to a man who can tell them interesting, funny, or ironic things, make them smile or blush, or simply pass the time.

But today, every woman has a flat screen TV in her apartment, with hundreds of channels of digital content beamed to it electronically, with a huge variety of entertainment choices at her fingertips, 24 hours a day, not to mention carrying a computer in her purse that offers most of the same content, as well as social media, time wasting apps and games, and attention-whoring programs like Tinder, that are available to them free of charge.

While men struggle to find any program where the male character is not portrayed as a useless idiot, there are dozens of programs created specifically for feminists, not to mention trannies or gays. Also, many women’s friends are also single, and they are perfectly content to go out with the girlfriends and do the same old thing every weekend, no man needed.

4. They don’t need a man to build a family

Many modern women are brainwashed against raising a family. For those who do want children, sex is easily and readily available at any time of day by sliding her finger across a custom engineered and well-designed screen of scratch-resistant capacitive glass approximately one inch to the right. They can turn a hookup into a single parent family, and often can force the sperm donor to contribute tens of thousands of dollars in payments while she gets to raise this child alone. Indeed, according to Johns Hopkins, the majority of children (57%) born to millennials are bastards.

5. They don’t need a man for sex

Almost every woman today has a vibrator at home, that can operate whenever, wherever, and for as long or short, at the perfect intensity, at the touch of a button. And if a woman does prefer the old fashioned regular rogering, she can obtain that through anonymous one night stand sex, where she will beg to be choked, slapped, spit on, or worse, and then can go home, never to think about or call the man again.

6. They don’t need a man for even basic social exchanges

I ran into a female friend this weekend, and told her about a fun event happening that she expressed interest in. She asked for some details and I said, if you want to go, I’ll text you the details later (I am somewhat old fashioned and do not carry a telephone with me 24/7). She replied, “Oh, no need, I will just look up the details on google.”

That’s exactly what she did, and she ended up attending the event. She is an independent, strong “career girl” who does not need a man to even do her a favor of texting her an address, because she literally has no need for men. I should mention that despite being physically attractive, she has been single for as long as I’ve known her, and has expressed interested in artificial insemination because she can’t find the right man, but wants to have a family.

Contrast that with one of my Latina women who regularly message me saying “Amor, necesito tu ayuda” (Baby, I need your help). And I happily oblige.

So what are men good for?
The fact is women today do not NEED a man. When you do not NEED something, you do not value or treasure it. This explains why men are disrespected and ignored in modern society. Game can be used to extract sexual favors from women, or even enter into mini-relationships, but the fact is, a woman who does not need you can never truly devote herself to you.

Patriarchy established clear roles and boundaries for the sexes. The men appreciated and admired the woman’s feminine traits. The woman adored and relied on the man for fulfilling his duties. If you decide to marry, it had better be a woman from a traditional, conservative household, and those are all but nonexistent in the West. Until men are needed again (financial collapse, war, utter breakdown of infrastructure), they will continue to be ignored and disrespected.

American Freedom News