Ubiquitous Man Hating

The idea behind “protesting†Barbie seems to be because it’s “sexist†to suggest that women should want to be attractive in the eyes of men. Like most women throughout history, Barbie’s hobbies include feminine activities (cooking, baking, clothes, shopping, nails, shoes, vacationing, and other materialism), which is frowned upon because it entraps women into a life of the “traditional wife†when they could be “empowered†by having a career that robs them of their youth, their time, their happiness, their ability to be a wife and mother, etc. The fact that Barbie seems to actually enjoy the company of Ken, her husband, seems to really irk them (since women shouldn’t rely upon men for anything) as well.

Well said.

There are going to be a lot of very unhappy middle aged women who will end up with no children, no husband and no family. All they'll have is a "career." They'll be very sorry for what they missed out on.

Most jobs involve doing the same thing day after day and being ordered about by a boss. The feminists try to portray this as glamorous and being free.

If you're a stay at home mother you will be doing the same thing day after day but you'll be your own boss and will be able to spend time with your own flesh and blood rather than strangers. And when you get older you'll have a loving family around you and you won't be alone.

Feminism is harmful to women.
So I just learned that the second Hobbit film will have an empowering female warrior character in it specifically created for the movie. This really infuriates me. Whatever happened to following the source material?
So I just learned that the second Hobbit film will have an empowering female warrior character in it specifically created for the movie. This really infuriates me. Whatever happened to following the source material?

It is pretty stupid. They've been otherwise relatively faithful then they decide to randomly create a woman power super warrior for no reason.
Speaking of fathers day. Google has a black man building a dog house as their fathers day artwork. Since black men are such amazing fathers and all.

on MSN's homepage, they also have a "tribute" photo to father's day ... and you guessed it. it's a well-dressed black man holding his young daughter. blacks are the epitome of excellent fathers, as everyone knows. :duh:
Here's 'Rick Levinson' and Bloomberg.com with an article about how much men are actually worth according to 'insure.com' ... as usual, the reader comments are much better than the article itself.


Yup. I read the comments thread. Good ones. That seems to be the norm for the controlled media. Churn out a state propaganda article, have it torn to shreds by much of the reader base. Never has the disconnect been so big.
Speaking of fathers day. Google has a black man building a dog house as their fathers day artwork. Since black men are such amazing fathers and all.

on MSN's homepage, they also have a "tribute" photo to father's day ... and you guessed it. it's a well-dressed black man holding his young daughter. blacks are the epitome of excellent fathers, as everyone knows. :duh:

They've been doing this in television and film as well.
Let's hear it for America's eight new astronauts -- 4 White females, 1 black male, and somehow 3 White men snuck in. The Cultural Marxist agenda to replace White men in every prestigious area of U.S. life continues at a fever pitch.

This only makes me more convinced that the U.S. never landed men on the moon, or that if we did, we certainly never will again under the auspices of the emerging high-tech banana republic total surveillance state.

Don, you've hit the nail on the head about our future. Anyone with just a few active brain cells can see Affirmative Action at work here. Recently, I've become much more acquainted with how AA works in hiring within Amerikan higher education. It truly is sickening, as is the declining number of White men who apply for some of these positions, in part because of these discriminatory practices. White men are most definitely being shoved out of the way to make room for the "benefits of diversities" (sic).
Let's hear it for America's eight new astronauts -- 4 White females, 1 black male, and somehow 3 White men snuck in. The Cultural Marxist agenda to replace White men in every prestigious area of U.S. life continues at a fever pitch.

This only makes me more convinced that the U.S. never landed men on the moon, or that if we did, we certainly never will again under the auspices of the emerging high-tech banana republic total surveillance state.


One woman is a helicopter pilot. That qualifies you to be an astronaut?
Let them have their little photo op if it makes them feel better. It's really just window dressing anyway. Any significant exploration nowadays is being done by robots. Robots no doubt designed by men.
Women don't belong in most work places. Working in a woman dominated field (teaching) I can tell you that even the women admit that they would rather work with men. It's the women that usually cause unnecessary drama. They as a group have the gift of turning the simple into the laboriously complicated. It may be good for small children to be raised by ninny nannies, but grown adults don't need that crap at the work place.
Working in a woman dominated field (teaching) I can tell you that even the women admit that they would rather work with men. It's the women that usually cause unnecessary drama. They as a group have the gift of turning the simple into the laboriously complicated. It may be good for small children to be raised by ninny nannies, but grown adults don't need that crap at the work place.

Based on my own experiences, amen to that!
Shameless self-quote from Post #354 of this thread…

Thrashen said:
Anyway, while she was searching for the “perfect card,” I noticed a truly nauseating card containing an image of a “wedding cake topper” which portrayed a white bride standing erect whilst her white husband crawls obediently beside her on open palms and bended knees, a dog leash lashed around his scrawny neck, his beautiful, powerful “bride” (complete with requisite “malicious smirk” painted upon her dominatrix façade) glaring downward upon this wretched, slave-like being that she has ensnared with her siren’s song. Inside the card read the following abusive “joke”… “Husband - woman’s best friend!” (Or some dog-related insult like that).

I couldn’t find a picture of the exact card itself, but several seconds of searching the internet revealed the source of the ghastly image, which is apparently a plastic “novelty” bride-groom topper available for “decorating” the wedding cakes of new-age couples. The card was essentially a mirror image of the picture below, only with the plastic topper portion cut-out and placed onto a pink background…


CAPTION: C-unt Corrals Cuckhold Canine

Notice the premeditated positioning of this “man-dog’s” backside, which is pursed, tranquil, and prepared for acts of unfathomable sodomy for the remainder of what life he is permitted have under the Vaginocracy of the “Königin Reich.” He of fractured masculinity. He who cowers in the face of womanhood. He without a mind, spirit, or body of his own. He the human-wallet. He the walking-doormat. He the emasculated, manipulated, cowardly, weak-minded, laughable, pathetic, gelatin-spine, house-broken glorified animal with occasionally-utilized genitals. He the conquered, callously lead through the bowels of hell by the chains of a society that detests his every atomic particle (from spleen to sperm).

Now imagine the “public outcry” for an analogous card in which a man is treating a woman in such an abominable fashion…and said object is then sold as a “funny joke card” at family-oriented grocery stores around the country. The only realm in which such a lewd exhibition (a dog-woman on a man’s leash) would be tolerable is that of hardcore pornography. The “next generation” of this “hilarious” card will surely feature our hapless, polyurethane groom character in a more precarious situation…perhaps he’ll assume the role of an impaled boar, roasting naked on a spit, a flame-desiccated apple lodged deep into the teeth of his mandible, an orange-red plastic fire basting his flesh in preparation for a feast in which his hell-harpy wife will, quite literally, consume everything that he once was. Or maybe it’s just a funny card…

The reason for evoking this old post is becasue I noticed another unpleasant greeting card recently at the grocery store. The card featured a pubescent white youngster, perhaps 13 years of age, posing in a photo in which he is garbed in a high school marching band uniform, holding his clarinet. Like the “white buffoons de jour” of modern corporate/commercial lore, this boy is overweight, possesses the unmistakable facial/cranial attributes of Anglo-Saxon stock, sports blond hair, light eyes, freckles, and is generally presented as the archetypal “nerdy white weakling.” A brief internet search revealed the vile photo utilized on the card’s cover…


CAPTION: Child Exploitation Causes High-Decibel DWF Merriment

How benevolent of these hook-nosed, flea-ridden, dingleberry-sporting Heebs to print this young kid’s marching band photo for everyone to “laugh at.” Ha-ha-ha! Isn’t he a lard-ass? Isn’t he gay? Isn’t he a pussy? Isn’t he feeble and effete and necessitating a proper beating? He’ll certainly never “get laid,” will he? I know… I’ll purchase a greeting card featuring his pathetic likeness for $4.99, so that my friends and/or loved ones can disparage this random snapshot of a portly “white boy” at his lowest, most embarrassing moment. Yes, I’ll be the proverbial life of the party!

At the top of the card read: “AWKARD FAMILY PHOTOS,” which is apparently some asinine company that utilizes real-life portraits of white families and applies the omnipresent mean-spirited, psychosexualized, perverted, unfunny, socially-noxious, anti-family, anti-white, anti-male Yiddish distortion (complete with humorless, witless, unoriginal “captions” at the bottom) …


CAPTION: Bestiality – The Newfangled Enthrallment of the Jewish Maggot

A transient scan of their fatuous website revealed that only embarrassing photos of white people are subjugated in their dreidel-dildo “comedy.” This practice is in accordance with all traditions, customs, and laws here in the “Red, White & Jew.” Non-whites must be furnished with an endless cavalcade of praise, must never be insulted or questioned or made to appear inferior, must always be included at all times (unless the subject is deleterious, in which case “diversity” always seems to evaporate), 24-7, 365, for all eternity.

As the pestilence of modern Marxism swells, I predict that the mocking and belittling of whites shall occur at a younger and younger age. From manger to mortuary, the white psyche is lashed to the wrecking ball, white masculinity is prepared for a demolition-style TNT implosion, and white civilization is razed by the bulldozers of the “JudeoMarxist De-Construction Company.”
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Women don't belong in most work places. Working in a woman dominated field (teaching) I can tell you that even the women admit that they would rather work with men. It's the women that usually cause unnecessary drama. They as a group have the gift of turning the simple into the laboriously complicated. It may be good for small children to be raised by ninny nannies, but grown adults don't need that crap at the work place.

They certainly don't belong in leadership positions over men. Most women execs are glorfied AA promotions and have benefited from the cultmarx black quarterback several times in their career. :thumbdown: Whenever I see a lady exec, I always roll my eyes (mentally or physically) because I know they didn't fully and truly earn their position. :icon_rolleyes: I automatically lose respect because of that fact.
Gentlemen, Agreed, this is terrible stuff, but as far as women go, they are our wives, mothers, sisters, etc. We are men and it is our duty to find the way to save them. We have no choice in the matter. It is what men are about, saving women. My wife beefs and moans about me telling her what to do, but then does it. Because she knows I would never tell her something wrong. She trusts me completely. That's the key, win their trust.
They certainly don't belong in leadership positions over men. Most women execs are glorfied AA promotions and have benefited from the cultmarx black quarterback several times in their career. :thumbdown: Whenever I see a lady exec, I always roll my eyes (mentally or physically) because I know they didn't fully and truly earn their position. :icon_rolleyes: I automatically lose respect because of that fact.

THis is so true. I feel the same way when I see a woman, or a minority man in some glorified position. You can be damn sure that many better qualified white men were passed over so that the woman or the minority could have the position. THe fact is if the best person for the job was always the person who got the job, well women and minorities would not be able to get employment. A white man is always the best for the job.
THis is so true. I feel the same way when I see a woman, or a minority man in some glorified position. You can be damn sure that many better qualified white men were passed over so that the woman or the minority could have the position. THe fact is if the best person for the job was always the person who got the job, well women and minorities would not be able to get employment. A white man is always the best for the job.

This is truth! :)
Another great video Don and it's so true. Especially for us single guys out here. As guys get older, most of us grow apart where women stay friends for life. Even when married with children, women keep in touch and sometimes grow closer to their friends. I can't tell you how many friends I've love due to them thinking they don't need anyone other than their girlfriends, wife or children. Big mistake men make. We need to stick together whether single or married. Men also need to admit that sometimes they too need help and support. Thanks for posting this video. The suicide rates are scary to think about when it relates to men especially.
Bill Price, who runs the influential men's rights site The Spearhead, has always been naïve on other issues due to his upbringing in the Seattle area, which is as rigidly cultural communist as any city in the country. But maybe he's beginning to see the light now, as this piece on "Cultural Secession" indicates. As always, there are some good comments after the article:

Cultural Secession

As I look at what passes for “mainstream†opinion in major media outlets and approved cultural channels, I find myself starting to seriously question whether it will ever be possible to find any common ground, or even engage them at all. It’s almost as though they live in an entirely different country and speak a different language. Their values, religion, and sense of normalcy simply don’t match up. I don’t think I’m alone in this; it’s pretty clear that wide swaths of the US are occupied by people who can’t relate to the urban metaculture that dominates the narrative.

While writing and publishing articles for this site, it was my intention to exert some influence, limited as it may have been, on this prevailing narrative. That is, after all, the conventional route one takes to effect change. It is commonly thought that in this country, with a democratic political system and free press, it is possible for dedicated, independent actors to make a difference through perseverence and some ability.

However, as I gain some perspective on history and society, I’m starting to doubt this is true. On some reflection, it seems to me that these independent actors and their achievements were products of their time rather than the other way around. Barack Obama, for example, is not a great man who willed himself into power to change the world to suit his image, but rather a part of a collective vision, thrust into power by the aspirations and beliefs of millions. Nor is he an agent of change so much as the culmination of it; he is the crown on the head rather than the boots on the ground.

But every dream comes to an end, and this end is characterized by the cultural shift that inevitably occurs in the restless hearts of the people who, being mortal, strive for their own place in the sun as they come of age. This being the case, I wonder whether there’s much point in trying to work within the system now, or to fight it. Instead, I think the right way to go is to abandon it and move on to what is springing up in its place.

Jack Donovan has advocated this approach (with his own twist on it), and I’ve always paid attention to him. The emphasis on the “paleo†lifestyle that many young men have adopted strikes me as a statement rejecting the dominant culture, as does the movement toward psychosexual realism (i.e. Game).

One of the most remarkable sites (and most popular) that I have come across that embodies rejection of the narrative is The Art of Manliness. I used to think the site was a generally positive, but not particularly consequential, place for young men to explore masculinity in a healthy but not raw, extreme manner. However, I’ve since come to see it as one of the most profoundly subversive sites online from a “Cathedral†perspective. Site owner and author Brett McKay, rather than attempting to work within or against the narrative, brazenly bypassed it, creating an enormous online presence with how-to and advice articles that flatly ignore the holy tenets of contemporary discourse. His approach, ultimately, will have a far more profound cultural effect than my own.

So how did Mr. McKay do it? I think it helped a great deal that he lives in Oklahoma, and was a cultural outsider to begin with. Many of the urban folk among us – myself included – often forget that there’s another world out there. A world where your car won’t be vandalized if it has a Republican bumper sticker, there are no “Pride†victory marches, you don’t have to lie about your beliefs to keep your job and neighbors actually talk to each other. We tend to think the narrative is all-pervasive, and sometimes it affects our perspective. For McKay, on the other hand, it is relatively easy to ignore, and bypassing it probably seemed not only natural, but entirely plausible and even more convenient.

However, we don’t all have to live in suburban Oklahoma to “secede,†and in fact we may have little choice no matter where we are. The logic of the narrative will eventually shove out even the most supplicating of us because – let’s face it – there really is no place for middle or working class white men in their vision of the future. Their vision is fundamentally similar to many Latin American countries, wherein a small, white, technocratic elite rules over an ethnically (and possibly linguistically) distinct plebeian mass. California is already halfway there.

So at this point, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort fighting the narrative any longer. Instead, I’d counsel men to do what they can to ignore it and bypass it wherever possible. This alternate culture will grow, swelled with recruits and racial and class refugees from the coastal bastions of the narrative. Someday, it may even surpass its rival in strength. However, until we adopt not only an attitude, but the actual practice, of cultural secession, it will be a painfully slow process.

Great read Don. Living in what now is considered a Chicago suburb i too am forced to deal with unreal liberal presence and the wonders of diversity. To me it seems most white people have accepted this and are just trying to ignore the problem and continue living the comfortable life as the ruling class. They have established through hard work and education. However i feel like more people of all ages are starting to wake up. Especially if you live in an urban area! If a guy from Seattle can realize this then anyone can. Might not be the progress that some want but men are so afraid these days to speak their mind!
American Freedom News