Ubiquitous Man Hating

This has probably also led to their increasing morbid obesity rates. Story from yesterday: For First Time, More Than 4 In 10 US Women Obese

When women no longer have any motivation to attract a man because the kosherized system has systematically manufactured a replacement for them, there's simply no reason for them to keep fit or keep up their appearance. Most women have very little, if any, understanding of "cause-and-effect" so the fact that obesity often leads to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or some other preventable ailment, is not even considered when they are gulping down their second helping of Rocky Road ice cream as a reward for eating an entire bag of potato chips.

The kosher media has been carefully crafted to exonerate or excuse them from any personal responsibility whatsoever, so why not feel like you have license to do whatever you want?

Hardly a week goes by when there's yet another story of some attractive or somewhat attractive White female teacher in her twenties or thirties having sexual relations with one or more of her underage male (or sometimes female) students. Just twenty years ago this was unheard of and thirty years ago it would have been simply shocking. She would've been considered mentally ill. In cases like these, she's usually given a light sentence (especially when compared to a man) and when released from jail (if she even served any time at all) all she has to do is open up a Facebook or Instagram account or create a Tinder account, and if she's been able to maintain some level of attraction, she'll have a few hundred male suitors at her disposal in a short period of time. This is their reality today and they know it, but it's most likely to be short-lived as I read another article recently that said Arabic is now the fasting growing foreign language in the United States.

For the first time last week, I saw a woman near where I live waiting at a bus stop wearing a full burqa. I expect a lot more of this in the near future. Perhaps this is an example of "cause-and-effect" from this article? Do the truly privileged American women think they are living in some sort of cultural vacuum when the country is being invaded by tens of thousands of wahhabi-ists and other Third World aliens? They have no idea what's coming within their lifetime. I hope they enjoy the hijab or burqa that they'll be required to wear in ten to twenty years, as it will be either a choice of that or being beheaded. Of course, all of this is being orchestrated at a higher level by those that understand female psychology and are manipulating them like the lemmings they are for the ultimate goal of their own world order.
Why Women Aren't Getting Loved

by Henry Makow Ph.D

A news story June 7, 2016 said that more than four in 10 US women are obese. Women are getting fat because they're not getting sex and love. They're eating to compensate.

Contrary to popular belief, women need regular sex as much as men and more. Both sexes need regular intimate contact.

Despite the availability of online hookups, women aren't getting satisfying sex. Why would strangers care about their satisfaction? Back in the day when sex was called "love-making," sex was an expression of feelings.

For heterosexuals, sexual intercourse is a woman's act of surrender to her husband; and a man's taking possession of his wife. It symbolizes an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. A woman gives her husband the power to grant her wishes (or not.) She gives him the power to love her. She is not afraid to depend on him.

Women want love; men want power. Marriage is an exchange of the two. If either party reneges, the contract is broken.

For a woman, this exchange requires trust. Trust entails patient courtship and commitment. Sex creates an intimate bond between a man and a woman. Two people do become one.

Anonymous sex is profoundly self-destructive. If a woman gives herself to a stranger, she experiences a profound rejection no matter how much the Illuminati try to convince her otherwise. It is self-destructive for a man as well because it undermines his sense of possession and commitment to a single woman.

The Illuminati hate us. They brainwash women to seek power instead of male love. Power = penis. Essentially they have taught women to neuter themselves and emasculate their men. Heterosexual love is under constant attack. Homosexual and transgender confusion are considered chic.

This Rockefeller-sponsored program is designed to degrade, depopulate and destabilize society by divorcing sex from marriage and procreation and by pretending gender roles are social and not biological in origin. (See also, How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women)


Young women act like sex is the only way to attract men. They try to parlay sex appeal into lasting love and family. This is self-defeating. It is sending men the wrong message.

Ladies, if you want love and family, do not present in sexual terms. Why compete on the same terms as practically every other young woman? No wonder you're dumped! You're interchangeable.

Instead present yourself as potential life partners: wives and mothers. In other words, dress modestly and prepare to be indispensable to the man and children you will love. Learn the skills of a homemaker and helpmate. You will discover a large pool of quality men who are looking for you.


Recently a female cashier shocked me by smiling. I quickly realized that it was part of her job. Female charm (warmth, grace, cheerfulness, attentiveness, modesty) have been crushed under the jackboot of feminism.

Ladies, make sure a man is worthy of you. Don't get involved with sexual nomads who haven't time for courtship and marriage.

Sex is the sacred ritual of procreation. Sex should always take place in the context of love, preferably marriage.

Our children are literally part of us. They represent our organic growth.


Promiscuity is not normal or natural for heterosexuals. It is essentially homosexual because it reflects a failure to form a permanent bond with a member of the opposite sex.

The Illuminist portray traditional morality as "old fashioned." Traditional morality represents the accumulated wisdom of mankind regarding happiness. Our moral conduct contributes more to our health than diet and exercise.

Monogamy is good for men too. A friend wrote: "Men get their sense of self worth from their families, the honest production they create at the work place and they feel good about what they are doing when they believe that they are building a better world for their children. All of this has been taken from us Henry. It is so sickening that very few men have the courage to look at any part of it."

Women also depend on a man (their husband) for personal fulfillment. This is why they obsess about love and marriage.

In marriage, a man assumes a responsibility to fulfill his wife as a woman, i.e. as a life partner and mother. Women are different from men. They are instruments, vehicles. They need to be cared for and used for a higher purpose or they will rot on the vine or explode with frustration.

We live in a bizarre precarious world and we need to choose real people with character and ability to be our mates. Love grows from day-to-day caring over a long period of time.


The proper focus of marriage is not the man and woman, but on God. In particular, the man should have a vision of how he will serve God. The wife should choose a man whose vision she can share.

It is about getting things done, doing God's work at home and in society.

They've tried to discredit God by blaming Him for everything that goes wrong. God is not a fixer: He is a spiritual ideal: absolute truth, justice, goodness and love. Our ability to perceive these ideals is what makes us human.

We are intended to embody these ideals and bring them into the world. If we don't, it won't happen and we will deservedly suffer the consequences. So will our progeny. Most people care about their children but pay little heed to the world they will inhabit.They focus on approved subjects like the environment instead of the insidious war waged upon society by a cruel and corrupt elite.

We can resist their sabotage by upholding traditional sexual and moral values.

The more I learn about black Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, the more I like and respect him. He was interviewed recently by Fox News and said of the riots in Milwaukee: "You know what encourages this? The growth of the welfare state. These are underclass behaviors. Seventy percent of the kids born in Milwaukee are born without an engaged father in their life. So I look at the progressive policies that have marginalized black dads. They push them to the side and say 'you're not needed.' Uncle Sam is going to be the dad; he's going to provide for the kids; he's going to feed the kids.

"Uncle Sam has been a horrible father. Uncle Sam does not love these kids. He might keep a little food in their mouths and that is about it. But we all know the importance of an intact family, what it can do to shape the behavior of kids. . . These progressive policies have hit the black community like a nuclear blast and until we reverse this government dependency, that's what creates all of this and it encourages it by the way, along with some questionable lifestyle choices. Until the black community does a self-evaluation and until they begin to self-criticize about some of the lifestyle choices they are making, this stuff is going to continue to fester."

There's no question that the feminist welfare state has destroyed the black family and brought about the very large increase in black dysfunction and hostility we see today. One can blame blacks for their problems, but that overlooks that black families were more intact and less dysfunctional in 1960 than White families are today. Blacks were the first large-scale guinea pigs for feminism, and now the exact same destructive policies are being implemented full-bore against Whites.

Blacks are more prone to criminality and dysfunctional behavior than Whites and black children need a strong father, along with sure and swift punishment from the government for bad behavior. But Whites are not immune to the same degenerative processes. Outsource their jobs and wreck the traditional family structure, and the White working class today suffers from dysfunction, apathy and demoralization, and, as is finally getting some publicity, are dying at younger ages from drug and alcohol abuse and suicide.

The exact same forces were at work in Russia during the Yeltsin years when the (((oligarchs))) freely plundered the country, and they are repeating the process here. That's why Donald Trump is so fear and hated, because he may be the only man who might be able to stop what until now looked to be the final triumph of the subversive forces that conquered America from within.
Wasn't quite sure where to put this but figured this would be As good a thread as any. Recently media in the UK/Scotland are in the midst of a witch hunt of a young man with Alt Right Views goes by name of Millennial Woes. As Don mentioned expecting people to put their necks on the line is very brave/stupid. The left attacks to kill.

Just to be clear, I am all for smart activism. One of the reasons so many people put unrealistic expectations on those in the public eye is because they themselves live vicariously through the internet. Clever memes and putdowns only go so far. That's why I often mention that the alt-right has to go beyond the keyboard and into real life activism if it wants to gain some real power. Working within the system to change it one learns that endless philosophical "purity tests" mean nothing. Don't throw away your life as a martyr, but get involved at some level if you truly believe in a cause.
Wasn't quite sure where to put this but figured this would be As good a thread as any. Recently media in the UK/Scotland are in the midst of a witch hunt of a young man with Alt Right Views goes by name of Millennial Woes. As Don mentioned expecting people to put their necks on the line is very brave/stupid. The left attacks to kill.


Colin Liddell nails it, both about Millennial Woes and how his plight deserves attention, and the danger posed by the Anglin types. Frankly, the chance that Anglin is an extreme leftist/SJW type trying to make our side look bad is pretty damn high. Last I saw, he had a picture of Ronald Reagan accompanying one of Adolf Hitler, desperately trying to tie those two completely different men together.
Womyn's Protests are Plea for Male Love

by Henry Makow

What's behind feminists dressing up as vaginas and wearing "pussy hats" ? Could it be sexual frustration? Experienced men know women make themselves most unattractive when they are feelingmost unloved. Self described "nasty women" are crying out for male love.

In The Vagina Monologues, author Eve Ensler laments this lack of male attention to her genitals. "My vagina wants to go deeper. It's hungry for depth. It's hungry for kisses, kindness. It wants to stop being angry. It wants everything. It wants to want. It wants."

Women need satisfying sex as much as men. They are not getting it from feminized boyfriends or anonymous hookups.Why would a stranger care about her satisfaction? Having sex is not making love.

The movie "The Business of Strangers" (2001) illustrates what happens to women when they adopt feminist shibboleths. Victims of a diabolical plot, they have mutated, and need a man's love in order to be themselves again.

This decidedly Un-PC movie could not be made today because we live in a de facto Communist (Masonic Jewish-controlled) society which has killed freedom of expression. Without freedom, they can be no genuine culture. The career of brilliant writer and director Patrick Stettner has gone nowhere. Western culture is controlled agitprop. Thanks to the Internet, you can watch this fine movie here. We'll never forgive CIA stooges like Gloria Steinem and Communist Party hacks like Betty Friedan and the mass media for destroying the lives of millions.

An excellent independent movie,"The Business of Strangers"(2001) explores the effect feminism has had on modern women. Writer/director Patrick Stettner illustrates how American women have traded love and homemaking for the sterility, banality and inhumanity of corporate culture.

This is what movies should do: Reflect modern life. Yet this brilliant movie bombed (or was torpedoed) at the box office, making less than $500,000. Fortunately, critics liked it and it is widely available on DVD.

Two women are stranded overnight at an airport hotel while on a sales trip. Stockard Channing, left, plays "Julie Styron," successful divorced 45-ish VP Sales whose best friend is her secretary.

Julia Stiles plays Paula Murphy, a tough 25-ish "writer" who works the overhead projector.

The movie shows how career has supplanted family for women like Styron. Feminism promised that women could have both, but this did not happen.

Forty seven per cent of 40-something women with professional degrees have no children. Only 14% of these women said they didn't want children. ("Creating a Life: Professional Life and the Quest for Children"by Sylvia Ann Hewitt)

Styron is fired without warning. But when she immediately lands an even better job as a CEO, she is strangely indifferent.


In the hotel bar with Styron, Paula recognizes Nick Harris a slick young corporate head-hunter played by Fred Weller. He is the man who raped her best friend years ago at a frat party. She lures him to Styron's suite and puts tranquilizers in his drink.


After he passes out, the two women indulge in an orgy of hatred over his unconscious body. They undress him, cover him with obscene graffiti, smear blood and strike him. Both women clearly despise men. Murphy confides it was actually she who had suffered the rape.

However, later it emerges that Nick is a rapist in her mind only. Styron learns that he had never been to the city where the rape had supposedly taken place.
Talk about hate. Men are "rapists" because they are not giving women the love they need. The result is self-loathing and resentment against men. Feminism first makes women and men incompatible; then it exploits women's frustration and rage. It channels this into support for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.


The great Sigmund Freud was unable to answer this question despite "thirty years of research into the feminine soul."

Chaucer's "Wife of Bath" knew the answer:Woman wants to be loved.She'll do anything for love, even become a feminist.

Many Western women today are dysfunctional because they are getting contradictory messages. Society tells them to be "strong and independent," i.e. successful in a career.

But this behavior is masculine and makes men feel redundant. Men don't like these women. Thus women are doing what society tells them to do, yet are not getting the male love they expect and need.

Women are loved when they put their husband and children before themselves. It is feminine to self efface. Men love these women because they become part of them.

A single friend characterized a typical date this way. He describes his work and seeks affirmation and respect. She describes her work and seeks affirmation and respect from him. They never see each other again. (They are already competing.)

This is NOT how heterosexuals mate. Women arehypergamous,which means they seek men of higher power and status. Nurses marry doctors.

There are over 900 Women's Studies Programs in the United States teaching impressionable young women to deny their biological differences. Men have ten times the testosterone levels as women. Yet, according to"Issues in Feminism: An Introduction to Women's Studies"femininity is "patriarchal mind control." They are told "the best slaves are the ones who don't even know they are slaves." Who authorized this indoctrination in lesbian dysfunction?

This vicious state-sponsored hoax is ruining millions of lives.T he CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation sponsor it. The super rich use tax-exempt foundations to promote Communism, according to the 1954 Reese Committee Report of the U.S. Congress.

Feminism is another manifestation of Communism, which was always dedicated to the destruction of marriage and family. People without stable families are easy to distract and control. Sex starved, isolated, and dysfunctional, the few children they have are also messed up. The U.S. birth rate is at the lowest point in history.


A woman's elaborate reproductive apparatus has a profound influence on her psyche. Each month she produces an egg and she is devoted to seeing that egg fertilized, then to giving birth and raising a child.

On the other hand, a woman is the fertile ground for a man's spirit to grow. First she accepts his spirit. Then she accepts his seed, from which a child grows.

Men need to be lovingly received and affirmed. Women need to be possessed and cultivated. This is wholeness. Their child symbolizes it.

When this connection is stymied, we have arrested development. Many women become angry and psychotic like Styron and Murphy. Men have become detached and selfish. Both are obsessed with sex.

The media makes women appear like remote goddesses but they are passionate sexual creatures that need committed love and direction from a man.

In a true marriage, two people become one. Each complements the other. Women's strengths should not be the same as men's and vice versa.

Independence is the big issue in feminist marriages. They are mergers, a pooling of assets designed to achieve economic and sexual synergies. The two people fail to bond and remain immature. They struggle for power and break up.


Heterosexual society has been under sustained psychological attack designed to arrest human development and decrease population. Feminism is the weapon of choice. It encourages women to deny their femininity and act like men.

Feminine women are characterized by selflessness. They are not hunters. They are not killers. They are a little vulnerable in a worldly sense. How do men respond to them? By wanting to nurture and protect them. This is how men love. This is what women want.

In"The Business of Strangers"both women have become hunters. As a result, they hate men but worse they hate themselves. Victims of a diabolical plot, they have mutated. They need a man's love in order to be themselves again.

Womyn's Protests are Plea for Male Love

by Henry Makow

What's behind feminists dressing up as vaginas and wearing "pussy hats" ? Could it be sexual frustration? Experienced men know women make themselves most unattractive when they are feelingmost unloved. Self described "nasty women" are crying out for male love.

In The Vagina Monologues, author Eve Ensler laments this lack of male attention to her genitals. "My vagina wants to go deeper. It's hungry for depth. It's hungry for kisses, kindness. It wants to stop being angry. It wants everything. It wants to want. It wants."

Women need satisfying sex as much as men. They are not getting it from feminized boyfriends or anonymous hookups.Why would a stranger care about her satisfaction? Having sex is not making love.

The movie "The Business of Strangers" (2001) illustrates what happens to women when they adopt feminist shibboleths. Victims of a diabolical plot, they have mutated, and need a man's love in order to be themselves again.

This decidedly Un-PC movie could not be made today because we live in a de facto Communist (Masonic Jewish-controlled) society which has killed freedom of expression. Without freedom, they can be no genuine culture. The career of brilliant writer and director Patrick Stettner has gone nowhere. Western culture is controlled agitprop. Thanks to the Internet, you can watch this fine movie here. We'll never forgive CIA stooges like Gloria Steinem and Communist Party hacks like Betty Friedan and the mass media for destroying the lives of millions.

An excellent independent movie,"The Business of Strangers"(2001) explores the effect feminism has had on modern women. Writer/director Patrick Stettner illustrates how American women have traded love and homemaking for the sterility, banality and inhumanity of corporate culture.

This is what movies should do: Reflect modern life. Yet this brilliant movie bombed (or was torpedoed) at the box office, making less than $500,000. Fortunately, critics liked it and it is widely available on DVD.

Two women are stranded overnight at an airport hotel while on a sales trip. Stockard Channing, left, plays "Julie Styron," successful divorced 45-ish VP Sales whose best friend is her secretary.

Julia Stiles plays Paula Murphy, a tough 25-ish "writer" who works the overhead projector.

The movie shows how career has supplanted family for women like Styron. Feminism promised that women could have both, but this did not happen.

Forty seven per cent of 40-something women with professional degrees have no children. Only 14% of these women said they didn't want children. ("Creating a Life: Professional Life and the Quest for Children"by Sylvia Ann Hewitt)

Styron is fired without warning. But when she immediately lands an even better job as a CEO, she is strangely indifferent.


In the hotel bar with Styron, Paula recognizes Nick Harris a slick young corporate head-hunter played by Fred Weller. He is the man who raped her best friend years ago at a frat party. She lures him to Styron's suite and puts tranquilizers in his drink.


After he passes out, the two women indulge in an orgy of hatred over his unconscious body. They undress him, cover him with obscene graffiti, smear blood and strike him. Both women clearly despise men. Murphy confides it was actually she who had suffered the rape.

However, later it emerges that Nick is a rapist in her mind only. Styron learns that he had never been to the city where the rape had supposedly taken place.
Talk about hate. Men are "rapists" because they are not giving women the love they need. The result is self-loathing and resentment against men. Feminism first makes women and men incompatible; then it exploits women's frustration and rage. It channels this into support for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.


The great Sigmund Freud was unable to answer this question despite "thirty years of research into the feminine soul."

Chaucer's "Wife of Bath" knew the answer:Woman wants to be loved.She'll do anything for love, even become a feminist.

Many Western women today are dysfunctional because they are getting contradictory messages. Society tells them to be "strong and independent," i.e. successful in a career.

But this behavior is masculine and makes men feel redundant. Men don't like these women. Thus women are doing what society tells them to do, yet are not getting the male love they expect and need.

Women are loved when they put their husband and children before themselves. It is feminine to self efface. Men love these women because they become part of them.

A single friend characterized a typical date this way. He describes his work and seeks affirmation and respect. She describes her work and seeks affirmation and respect from him. They never see each other again. (They are already competing.)

This is NOT how heterosexuals mate. Women arehypergamous,which means they seek men of higher power and status. Nurses marry doctors.

There are over 900 Women's Studies Programs in the United States teaching impressionable young women to deny their biological differences. Men have ten times the testosterone levels as women. Yet, according to"Issues in Feminism: An Introduction to Women's Studies"femininity is "patriarchal mind control." They are told "the best slaves are the ones who don't even know they are slaves." Who authorized this indoctrination in lesbian dysfunction?

This vicious state-sponsored hoax is ruining millions of lives.T he CIA and the Rockefeller Foundation sponsor it. The super rich use tax-exempt foundations to promote Communism, according to the 1954 Reese Committee Report of the U.S. Congress.

Feminism is another manifestation of Communism, which was always dedicated to the destruction of marriage and family. People without stable families are easy to distract and control. Sex starved, isolated, and dysfunctional, the few children they have are also messed up. The U.S. birth rate is at the lowest point in history.


A woman's elaborate reproductive apparatus has a profound influence on her psyche. Each month she produces an egg and she is devoted to seeing that egg fertilized, then to giving birth and raising a child.

On the other hand, a woman is the fertile ground for a man's spirit to grow. First she accepts his spirit. Then she accepts his seed, from which a child grows.

Men need to be lovingly received and affirmed. Women need to be possessed and cultivated. This is wholeness. Their child symbolizes it.

When this connection is stymied, we have arrested development. Many women become angry and psychotic like Styron and Murphy. Men have become detached and selfish. Both are obsessed with sex.

The media makes women appear like remote goddesses but they are passionate sexual creatures that need committed love and direction from a man.

In a true marriage, two people become one. Each complements the other. Women's strengths should not be the same as men's and vice versa.

Independence is the big issue in feminist marriages. They are mergers, a pooling of assets designed to achieve economic and sexual synergies. The two people fail to bond and remain immature. They struggle for power and break up.


Heterosexual society has been under sustained psychological attack designed to arrest human development and decrease population. Feminism is the weapon of choice. It encourages women to deny their femininity and act like men.

Feminine women are characterized by selflessness. They are not hunters. They are not killers. They are a little vulnerable in a worldly sense. How do men respond to them? By wanting to nurture and protect them. This is how men love. This is what women want.

In"The Business of Strangers"both women have become hunters. As a result, they hate men but worse they hate themselves. Victims of a diabolical plot, they have mutated. They need a man's love in order to be themselves again.

Thanks for sharing. That was a great and informative read...I had to bookmark it. I'll have to check out that movie. I keep forgetting to go to Henry's site. I used to go there often, but rarely have time anymore after cycling through the other blogs and vblogs that I now visit in my limited free time.

A couple of weeks ago I was watching some MGTOW videos on YouTube and saw this one on the right-hand side of the screen, so I clicked on it. Wow, what a sensible and well-grounded White woman. From her accent, it sounds like she's from Central or Eastern Europe, so maybe that's why. It's only a few years old, but check out the number of views and the rating...as well as the vitriolic reaction (in agreement with her) from the (mostly White) men in the comments. Bummer there's not more White women like her...

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Did they really think there wouldn't be any consequences for feminism and the demonization of men over the past 30+ years? Karma, anyone? Cause and effect?

Shortage of eligible men has left women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility, experts say.

And, like most MSM online articles, the truth can only really be found in the comment section (if they still allow it). I mean, just look at the title of the article...Shortage of eligible men..."eligible" according to whom?
It's astonishing what many White American men settle for these days just to get laid (and that usually ends after the first kid is born). I know all the critiques of White American men, and a lot of it is valid, but has there ever been a society in which women have let themselves go so much -- and are praised for being pigs! Answer: no, other than it is happening pretty much simultaneously in all Western countries.

What irony -- the communist feminists of the late '60s and '70s loved to call men pigs, but now that they have the run of things, piggies are all over the place, and many of them are not male. The words "feminist" and "pig" should be put out there whenever possible.

by Andy Nowicki

I try to keep a keen eye on the passing pop culture scene, but somehow, this commercial slipped under my radar screen. It seems that it was first put out in January, but I didn't run across it until just now.

And frankly, I'm still rubbing our eyes, doubting that I could actually have seen what I actually just saw.

the discredited "pay gap" canard, it portrays women behaving unconscionably, without even doing much to try to justify their hateful, violent, and unprovoked acts of violence against men.

A trio of successful, attractive women are shown getting angry in their tony workplaces. After all, as the narrator tells us, their haircuts are expensive! Their clothes are expensive! Men don't know what it's like to try to find that perfect pair of shoes to match that perfect outfit... No, it costs a ton for women to live that high life that they so obviously deserve and desire, therefore they should demand HIGHER pay!

So far, so eye-rollingly obnoxious. However, the imagery which accompanies this message is the kicker (literally). The women in the ad get violent. One kicks a hot cup of coffee into her boss's face (which would surely disfigure and perhaps permanently scald him, though we never see this result). Another stomps on the hood of some random "rich" guy's car, shattering his windshield. Another flings a high-heel shoe into the glass outside of his office. All of the incensed ladies scream with full-throated rage as they commit their crimes of vandalism and assault... and it's all supposed to be seen as so incredibly cooland righteous!

So egregious is this commercial in its glorification of female violence for the most ridiculous and asinine of reasons, that the viewer is almost left to wonder if it could be some kind of psy-op in the making... How can a man watching this ad, in which psycopathically entitled bitches go on an unprovoked misandric rampage, and NOT find himself entertaining misogynistic thoughts?

Could the further driving of a wedge between the sexes, in order to further the in fact, be the ultimate goal of this sinister advert, beyond the mere selling of shoes to wealthy ladies?


by Andy Nowicki

I try to keep a keen eye on the passing pop culture scene, but somehow, this commercial slipped under my radar screen. It seems that it was first put out in January, but I didn't run across it until just now.

And frankly, I'm still rubbing our eyes, doubting that I could actually have seen what I actually just saw.

the discredited "pay gap" canard, it portrays women behaving unconscionably, without even doing much to try to justify their hateful, violent, and unprovoked acts of violence against men.

A trio of successful, attractive women are shown getting angry in their tony workplaces. After all, as the narrator tells us, their haircuts are expensive! Their clothes are expensive! Men don't know what it's like to try to find that perfect pair of shoes to match that perfect outfit... No, it costs a ton for women to live that high life that they so obviously deserve and desire, therefore they should demand HIGHER pay!

So far, so eye-rollingly obnoxious. However, the imagery which accompanies this message is the kicker (literally). The women in the ad get violent. One kicks a hot cup of coffee into her boss's face (which would surely disfigure and perhaps permanently scald him, though we never see this result). Another stomps on the hood of some random "rich" guy's car, shattering his windshield. Another flings a high-heel shoe into the glass outside of his office. All of the incensed ladies scream with full-throated rage as they commit their crimes of vandalism and assault... and it's all supposed to be seen as so incredibly cooland righteous!

So egregious is this commercial in its glorification of female violence for the most ridiculous and asinine of reasons, that the viewer is almost left to wonder if it could be some kind of psy-op in the making... How can a man watching this ad, in which psycopathically entitled bitches go on an unprovoked misandric rampage, and NOT find himself entertaining misogynistic thoughts?

Could the further driving of a wedge between the sexes, in order to further the in fact, be the ultimate goal of this sinister advert, beyond the mere selling of shoes to wealthy ladies?


Those dirty advertisement agency h33bs are simply deflecting from the truthful fact that hens belong in the home...clanking pots & pans, cooking, doing laundry & tending to the young'erns.
Timeless and precious wisdom

Love is Woman's Stock-in-Trade

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Western women have been tricked into pursuing power instead of love. Paradoxically, they never have been so powerless. They want to be loved but no longer have love to offer in exchange.

"Any girl who grows to womanhood without knowing that love is her supreme value has been spiritually raped. Feminine spirituality expresses an attitude of spiritual waiting, and tending, and readiness for the meeting with its opposite which is a prerequisite for inner wholeness. Without this she becomes a prey to the masculine within herself, a raging spirit of intellectual or physical activity to which no man can be related, and to which she can in no way relate herself. She is a woman possessed." Irene Claremont de Castillejo, Knowing Woman: a Feminine Psychology.

The movie "WarGames" (1983) illustrates how the Illuminati undermined heterosexuals in 34 short years. In the movie, Matthew Broderick is a computer whiz who accidentally starts a nuclear countdown and races to avert catastrophe. His girlfriend, played by Ally Sheedy is seen in a complementary role, basically helping, encouraging and admiring him. He is the leader. But her presence informs, validates and heightens everything he does. It's as though his actions are dedicated to her.

This is the way heterosexuality works. Woman empowers man by entrusting her power to husband. This is how woman loves, i.e. by "trusting," enlisting as First Mate to his Captain. If this movie were remade today, she would be Captain; he would be emasculated, and they would break up.

From Chaucer to Freud, men have asked, "What do women want?" It's really quite simple.They want to be loved. Specifically, they want the passionate lifelong love of a husband. But what makes a man love a woman in this way? Her sacrifice. By throwing her lot in with his, accepting his leadership, and serving him and their children. In other words, lasting love is earned by deeds. It is not based on sex appeal (which wanes) or witty comebacks. It is built on bonds of GRATITUDE.

By teaching women to be self-seeking instead of self-sacrificing, Feminism has deprived them of their stock-in-trade, love. All they have left to give is sex. Because they won't surrender to a loving husband, they're reduced to giving themselves to strangers.

Cabalist Jews and Freemasons are Satanists. They control by degrading and corrupting. Like termites they eat away at the supporting columns of society. The family is the red blood cell of a healthy society. It provides us with our roles and identity, as well as necessary emotional and material support. It ensures the young are born, loved and raised properly, and the aged are taken care of. Our family is our link in the chain of eternity. So the Satanists have always wanted to destroy it.

They went after the women, who they deemed fickle, vain and feeble-minded. "There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women, Adam Weishaupt wrote. "These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration."

They convinced women that marriage and family were "oppressive." Men toiled in factories and died in war to provide and protect, but somehow women were the ones oppressed.

Satanists needed to interfere in the natural affection and attraction males and females have for each other and for their offspring. Satanists exist to banish love.
A woman's essence is love, the power to generate love, by loving and being loved in return. This is the source of her power. A woman's love for her husband and children is the most precious thing in the world. For a man, this love is his greatest treasure.
By allowing herself to be snookered, by pursuing material instead of spiritual power, she has essentially lost the power to love. She can have power or love. She can't have both.

Women need a man's love like a flower needs sunshine and water. Men nurture women and women empower men by acquiescing to their reasonable demands. This is the heterosexual dynamic.

Men, if you want to discover if a woman loves you, make a reasonable request and see how she reacts.

A woman who gives herself to her husband is cherished and loved by him and their children. A woman who pursues power in masculine terms is doomed to a life of isolation and bitterness.

Western feminist, you've forfeited your most precious gift for nothing. You're vulgar, a real turn-off. You lack personality, charm, style, substance. You can't love. You're not even sexy. And soon you won't have youth. You'll have nothing but your job, your dog and your equally desperate friends.

Western feminists, you've been robbed, betrayed by your society, teachers, and political and cultural leaders; and consequently you've joined their traitorous ranks. You've betrayed your unborn children, your culture, your family and the promise of the future. But worst of all, you've betrayed yourself.

But, if it's any consolation, you were fleeced by the best.

Timeless and precious wisdom

Love is Woman's Stock-in-Trade

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Western women have been tricked into pursuing power instead of love. Paradoxically, they never have been so powerless. They want to be loved but no longer have love to offer in exchange.

"Any girl who grows to womanhood without knowing that love is her supreme value has been spiritually raped. Feminine spirituality expresses an attitude of spiritual waiting, and tending, and readiness for the meeting with its opposite which is a prerequisite for inner wholeness. Without this she becomes a prey to the masculine within herself, a raging spirit of intellectual or physical activity to which no man can be related, and to which she can in no way relate herself. She is a woman possessed." Irene Claremont de Castillejo, Knowing Woman: a Feminine Psychology.

The movie "WarGames" (1983) illustrates how the Illuminati undermined heterosexuals in 34 short years. In the movie, Matthew Broderick is a computer whiz who accidentally starts a nuclear countdown and races to avert catastrophe. His girlfriend, played by Ally Sheedy is seen in a complementary role, basically helping, encouraging and admiring him. He is the leader. But her presence informs, validates and heightens everything he does. It's as though his actions are dedicated to her.

This is the way heterosexuality works. Woman empowers man by entrusting her power to husband. This is how woman loves, i.e. by "trusting," enlisting as First Mate to his Captain. If this movie were remade today, she would be Captain; he would be emasculated, and they would break up.

From Chaucer to Freud, men have asked, "What do women want?" It's really quite simple.They want to be loved. Specifically, they want the passionate lifelong love of a husband. But what makes a man love a woman in this way? Her sacrifice. By throwing her lot in with his, accepting his leadership, and serving him and their children. In other words, lasting love is earned by deeds. It is not based on sex appeal (which wanes) or witty comebacks. It is built on bonds of GRATITUDE.

By teaching women to be self-seeking instead of self-sacrificing, Feminism has deprived them of their stock-in-trade, love. All they have left to give is sex. Because they won't surrender to a loving husband, they're reduced to giving themselves to strangers.

Cabalist Jews and Freemasons are Satanists. They control by degrading and corrupting. Like termites they eat away at the supporting columns of society. The family is the red blood cell of a healthy society. It provides us with our roles and identity, as well as necessary emotional and material support. It ensures the young are born, loved and raised properly, and the aged are taken care of. Our family is our link in the chain of eternity. So the Satanists have always wanted to destroy it.

They went after the women, who they deemed fickle, vain and feeble-minded. "There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women, Adam Weishaupt wrote. "These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration."

They convinced women that marriage and family were "oppressive." Men toiled in factories and died in war to provide and protect, but somehow women were the ones oppressed.

Satanists needed to interfere in the natural affection and attraction males and females have for each other and for their offspring. Satanists exist to banish love.
A woman's essence is love, the power to generate love, by loving and being loved in return. This is the source of her power. A woman's love for her husband and children is the most precious thing in the world. For a man, this love is his greatest treasure.
By allowing herself to be snookered, by pursuing material instead of spiritual power, she has essentially lost the power to love. She can have power or love. She can't have both.

Women need a man's love like a flower needs sunshine and water. Men nurture women and women empower men by acquiescing to their reasonable demands. This is the heterosexual dynamic.

Men, if you want to discover if a woman loves you, make a reasonable request and see how she reacts.

A woman who gives herself to her husband is cherished and loved by him and their children. A woman who pursues power in masculine terms is doomed to a life of isolation and bitterness.

Western feminist, you've forfeited your most precious gift for nothing. You're vulgar, a real turn-off. You lack personality, charm, style, substance. You can't love. You're not even sexy. And soon you won't have youth. You'll have nothing but your job, your dog and your equally desperate friends.

Western feminists, you've been robbed, betrayed by your society, teachers, and political and cultural leaders; and consequently you've joined their traitorous ranks. You've betrayed your unborn children, your culture, your family and the promise of the future. But worst of all, you've betrayed yourself.

But, if it's any consolation, you were fleeced by the best.

Spot on. I like his reference to 1983's "Wargames" movie. Ten years later, in 1993, we'd have Third Wave Feminism, so their transformation happened pretty quickly, and I had a front-row seat to it. It helped that I was always extremely observant of things and would bookmark certain things in my mind for future reference.

The summer of 1983 was fun. Lot's of great rock and hard rock acts and concerts back then, like Def Leppard's 1983 "Pyromania" tour. Van Halen's "1984", although released in January of 1984, was playing some of the songs on the radio well before then, in 1983. Cheap Trick, The Cars, Molly Hatchet, Sammy Hagar, Journey, 38-Special had a good album that year. Many happy, slim and attractive White girls in their tight jeans and concert T-Shirts, with boyfriends, hand-in-hand (something you rarely see today). Boy did things change shortly after that. Within just a couple of years, the tight jeans and hard rock were pretty much gone and I started noticing the "attitude" coming on (as well as the pounds). I kept thinking to myself, "can we go back to the summer of 1983, please?". "Coincidentally", this exact same time frame is when I first started noticing the Caste system develop in football.

"There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women, Adam Weishaupt wrote.

Ironic that this man's name is "Adam" as I think I remember something in the "Garden of Eden" about another man named "Adam" that was "influenced...powerfully" by a woman. The Serpent back then is the same "Serpent" that has infiltrated all of Western institutions today. It's obvious through the curriculum that now exists in all of Public Schools and Universities that it is aimed at reframing the minds of women into the objective of Lucifer. Same with the media and Hollywood (as Henry makes mention of with his "Wargames" reference). They are gripped and possessed by the Jezebel spirit and I don't know of any way out of this short of a massive religious "revival" with a resulting reformation of the serpentine government.
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For the most part, I think, nature will prove too much for feminists to overcome short of a "Brave New World" ( a horrible world where we are all dehumanized). All any man has to do with women is be polite (not overly) and competent. If he is these two things combined, he will overcome the most wretched feminist. Women want men to be competent. If you can't be competent, they won't want or need you.
'The Wing' -- Man-Hating Psychopaths are the New Face of Feminism

by Clint Eubanks

There is a new brand of feminism raising its ugly head among America's female elite. Its undercurrent has been noticeable for some time now.

I caught my first glimpse of it when a woman named Donna Hylton was welcomed to address an enthusiastic and idealistic crowd of women and men at the 2017 Women's March in Washington, DC.

In 1985, Hylton and two accomplices drugged and kidnapped 62-year-old Long Island real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo, and held him prisoner for 15-20 days. While imprisoned, three men and four women, including Hylton, starved, burned, beat, sexually assaulted, raped, and tortured Vigliarolo. Hylton delivered a ransom note and tape to a friend of Vigliarolo, leading to her capture. She was convicted of second-degree murder and two counts of first-degree kidnapping and sentenced to 25 years to life. She served 27 years, after losing appeals. Her involvement in the high-profile case was the subject of a 1995 article in Psychology Today magazine. See also.

Upon learning that this woman was invited as a keynote speaker, I felt immediately that something very rotten had crept its way to the forefront of women's fight for "empowerment". Donna Hylton was its expression at that moment, but it did not start or end with her. She was invited there by people working under the spell of this new philosophy of women's "empowerment".

Last week I came across something that brought back the awareness of how intolerable a certain sect of feminist ideals has become.

While visiting New York City, I came across a company called The Wing. It is a co-working space and self-described "witches coven" that operates under the premise that a "safe space" cannot exist while men are present. As such, men are not permitted to enter the building at any time or attend any events, even as guests of members. This club for privileged women who have $2700 to drop on annual membership dues has already had such notables as Hillary Clinton, NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and NY gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon come to give private speeches and be accepted as honorary coven members. All of these events prohibited men from attending.

The company has grown rapidly due to funding from private investors as well as a large investment by a competing co-working space called WeWork. Total outside investment has been upwards of $40 million to promote The Wing's illegal gender segregation policies. The Wing now has three locations operating in NYC, one in Washington DC, one opening in San Francisco later this year and five others planned in the US and worldwide.

As if the outside funding was not enough, the founder and CEO of The Wing, Audrey Gelman, seems intent on literally summoning the help of Satan to aid her in her quest of "patriarchal" destruction.

Since its inception, The Wing has been described as "a coven and not a sorority". Perhaps this is because these modern "witches" think it is funny to get men tied in knots worrying over trivialities, or perhaps they truly do believe there is some mystic strength to be found in covert sisterhood away from the ears of men. They will find strength of a kind, but it will be of the most corrupting sort, and they will pay a heavy price for the lengths they go to acquire it. Their ideology seems akin to that of the Russian group Femen who tout atheism and complete destruction of the "patriarchy" as central to their philosophy.

Division of the sexes in the workplace seems to be their next line of approach in accomplishing this goal of theirs. It has been reported that members are arranging private meetings which exclude men at their places of work outside of The Wing office to pull more women towards their way of thinking and try to train people into accepting the notion that sometimes the girls are going to completely exclude men from discussions.

This gender division has no place in the America of 2018 that we have all worked so hard to build. Men are not to be kept from their elected representatives, and women are not to have privileged access to their "sisters" once they are in positions of power. That is not how democracy works. The precedent of gender discrimination The Wing is setting will have far-reaching implications for our society if it is allowed to persist.

The NYC Commission on Human Rights has an open investigation of The Wing, but they are not making any progress. I spoke with them last week, and their representative said they are going about the investigation in a "friendly manner". Representatives of The Wing have also expressed confidence that they have the support of Mayor De Blasio in NYC. It makes one wonder why there are so many leaders in NYC complicit with this type of discrimination, and who is putting $40 million into an illegal enterprise that is intent on creating division in the country?

Now, onward to action. If you have the means to contribute to a fund which will be used to take The Wing and other companies like it to court and have them change their discriminatory practices, please do so at www.gofundme.com/mensdefense

Awareness is the first step.

https://www.henrymakow.com/2018/08/man-hating-psychopaths .html
I believe in sororities or clubs that are all male or all female. If these godless, satanic gutter whores want to be alone amongst themselves with other hellbound sluts who want to get together in their own hate fests and pay to do so, so what?

All men's clubs should have the right to do so and tell every feminist to go to hell and shut the door in her face. Political correctness has ruined the world...
I believe in sororities or clubs that are all male or all female. If these godless, satanic gutter whores want to be alone amongst themselves with other hellbound sluts who want to get together in their own hate fests and pay to do so, so what?

All men's clubs should have the right to do so and tell every feminist to go to hell and shut the door in her face. Political correctness has ruined the world...
Fully agreed. However, that’s not the way these things work. They’ll be allowed their safe spaces while every traditional male only space is integrated with women. The Boy Scouts being a recent example.

We simply have to crush all forms of cultural Marxism. There is no bargaining with them and they will keep taking from us until we have nothing left.
Fully agreed. However, that’s not the way these things work. They’ll be allowed their safe spaces while every traditional male only space is integrated with women. The Boy Scouts being a recent example.

We simply have to crush all forms of cultural Marxism. There is no bargaining with them and they will keep taking from us until we have nothing left.

Yes, indeed. It doesn't work that way. I was merely stating how it ought to be.

The Leftist Cultural Marxists will always take, take, and take. They are aggressive like their (((planners, string-pullers, and movers and shakers))). They are a "pushy" bunch.

As you pointed out, we are going to have to fight. Their whole world system is against us...
American Freedom News