Ubiquitous Man Hating

I believe in sororities or clubs that are all male or all female. If these godless, satanic gutter whores want to be alone amongst themselves with other hellbound sluts who want to get together in their own hate fests and pay to do so, so what?

All men's clubs should have the right to do so and tell every feminist to go to hell and shut the door in her face. Political correctness has ruined the world...
Classic :D. And, yes, both sexes should have the right to have exclusive clubs. This sh*t started in the mid-70's...I remember hearing it on the "fake news" back then when I was a kid, but now it's flipped. Women can have them, but men cannot.
Classic :D. And, yes, both sexes should have the right to have exclusive clubs. This sh*t started in the mid-70's...I remember hearing it on the "fake news" back then when I was a kid, but now it's flipped. Women can have them, but men cannot.

The exclusive “women’s club” is the kitchen!
Once upon a time. Most girls my age are clueless. Don't know how to clean, cook, etc. All they have to offer is their body.
And they can get away with that for about 20 years...mid teens through mid 30's. Then what? They are going to find out...many already have.

Also, so many of them are going into porn, web cams or selling themselves. I wish I would've saved an article linked from Drudge a couple/few years ago from Variety or Vanity Fair or something...a long article about regular, but pretty (White) girls (16-31, in the article) in NYC selling their bodies for good money with one interviewed saying she "didn't know a girl that wasn't doing it.". Then some people wonder why so many American men are with immigrant women.
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And they can get away with that for about 20 years...mid teens through mid 30's. Then what? They are going to find out...many already have.

Also, so many of them are going into porn, web cams or selling themselves. I wish I would've saved an article linked from Drudge a couple/few years ago from Variety or Vanity Fair or something...a long article about regular, but pretty (White) girls (16-31, in the article) in NYC selling their bodies for good money with one interviewed saying she "didn't know a girl that wasn't doing it.". Then some people wonder why so many American men are with immigrant women.


I still believe there are good young women out there, just harder to find.

I still believe there are good young women out there, just harder to find.[/QUOT

Even though I haven't found my miss right yet I honestly believe most of the good ones
are from the Midwest or Southern States. Most of them I meet have old fashioned morals
and values which is what we are looking for.
I love this quote from Ann Coulter's latest column:

With the impeachment nonsense making TV news unwatchable, I’ve been catching up on “Law & Order SVU” recently. The scripts involve the sort of real-life crimes that are a lot more common since our country has become “diverse,” such as child rape and incest. But the child-rapists are never diverse, as they are in real life. No, the perps are always blond, blue-eyed American men. In fact, the modern American white male is the least rapey, most gentle, protective, chivalrous creature God has ever created. Get ready for a gigantic I TOLD YOU SO when American women realize that, from 1620 to the day Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act kicked in, they never had it so good.

full article: Who's Doing the Raping? Don't Ask 'Law & Order SVU'
Don, Anne must've been reading CF when I mockingly posted this in the NBA thread last spring:

Truthteller Comment: I'm simply stunned. I used to watch Cold Case quite a bit and watched a couple episodes of Law & Order from time to time and was led to believe blacks were not violent? Actually, on these shows it was mostly whites committing crimes, raping and shooting others senselessly?

Jimmychitwood Reply: We did some research when I was in University years ago on media messages, and in the context of that I discovered an interesting bit of information ... at that time, during any single season of Law & Order (there weren’t any of the follow up knock offs yet) there were more murders committed by White perpetrators on the show than during an entire year in reality in Chicago ....Obviously, there wasn’t an agenda of any kind being put forward ... nope, nothing to see here. move along, goy. don’t be racist.

Riggins 44 Reply: I believe it. Law and order is set in NYC. Almost all the murderers and rapists on the show are white. Just about anytime they show a non-white murderer or rapist, either they have been framed by the police, or they had a really good reason to do it. Once they showed an episode where a black man had raped a drunk white woman, but they twisted it around so that a black lawyer gave the audience a morality lesson about how everyone had unfairly assumed the negro was guilty just because he was black, when in fact he was guilty! So it was a double mind-fu$k for the white audience.....It wouldn't surprise me at all if there are fewer actual murders committed by whites in Manhattan in any given year than there are murders committed by whites in Manhattan on Law and Order in that same year. Contrast those numbers with blacks. The same ratio for blacks is probably in the hundreds.

Truthteller Reply: Thanks for the reply, Riggins and JC.... Earlier this decade I used to watch reruns of Cold Case a bit more often. I think it's supposedly based in Philly? Anyhow, I watched reruns from-time-to-time (certainly not regularly) over a three year period, but became bored with their clear agenda to smear whites as the preps 90% of the time. I stopped watching cold-turkey and haven't watched a minute of the show in over 7 years! .... At that point, we are talking about 2009 going forward a bit, I assumed the reason they portrayed whites as criminals so often was because they did not want NAACP/Jesse Jackson types constantly breathing down their backs for portraying reality. Eventually, understanding the amount of hatred Jewish elites have for white goyim, I realized this was not a accident and all by design -- much in the same way almost-97 year old Norman Lear created All in the Family to demonize working-class whites back in the early 1970's.

Right on cue Anne, a naive teenage white girl from the liberal bastion Charlottesville, Virginia was murdered in New York City yesterday by a 13 year old for merely walking through Central Park after dark. She might've been book smart, considering she attended Columbia, but she certainly wasn't wise. Or she was simply brainwashed by the Jewish media that all whites are "white supremacists" and all blacks are scholarly, kind-hearted and benevolent? She drank the Kosher Kool-Aid and paid a vicious, horrible price for it. And, considering the little thug is only 13, he will very likely get a away with murder (literally) and see very little jail time.
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Don, Anne must've been reading CF when I mockingly posted this in the NBA thread last spring:

Truthteller Comment: I'm simply stunned. I used to watch Cold Case quite a bit and watched a couple episodes of Law & Order from time to time and was led to believe blacks were not violent? Actually, on these shows it was mostly whites committing crimes, raping and shooting others senselessly?

Jimmychitwood Reply: We did some research when I was in University years ago on media messages, and in the context of that I discovered an interesting bit of information ... at that time, during any single season of Law & Order (there weren’t any of the follow up knock offs yet) there were more murders committed by White perpetrators on the show than during an entire year in reality in Chicago ....Obviously, there wasn’t an agenda of any kind being put forward ... nope, nothing to see here. move along, goy. don’t be racist.

Riggins 44 Reply: I believe it. Law and order is set in NYC. Almost all the murderers and rapists on the show are white. Just about anytime they show a non-white murderer or rapist, either they have been framed by the police, or they had a really good reason to do it. Once they showed an episode where a black man had raped a drunk white woman, but they twisted it around so that a black lawyer gave the audience a morality lesson about how everyone had unfairly assumed the negro was guilty just because he was black, when in fact he was guilty! So it was a double mind-fu$k for the white audience.....It wouldn't surprise me at all if there are fewer actual murders committed by whites in Manhattan in any given year than there are murders committed by whites in Manhattan on Law and Order in that same year. Contrast those numbers with blacks. The same ratio for blacks is probably in the hundreds.

Truthteller Reply: Thanks for the reply, Riggins and JC.... Earlier this decade I used to watch reruns of Cold Case a bit more often. I think it's supposedly based in Philly? Anyhow, I watched reruns from-time-to-time (certainly not regularly) over a three year period, but became bored with their clear agenda to smear whites as the preps 90% of the time. I stopped watching cold-turkey and haven't watched a minute of the show in over 7 years! .... At that point, we are talking about 2009 going forward a bit, I assumed the reason they portrayed whites as criminals so often was because they did not want NAACP/Jesse Jackson types constantly breathing down their backs for portraying reality. Eventually, understanding the amount of hatred Jewish elites have for white goyim, I realized this was not a accident and all by design -- much in the same way almost-97 year old Norman Lear created All in the Family to demonize working-class whites back in the early 1970's.

Right on cue Anne, a naive teenage white girl from the liberal bastion Charlottesville, Virginia was murdered in New York City yesterday by a 13 year old for merely walking through Central Park after dark. She might've been book smart, considering she attended Columbia, but she certainly wasn't wise. Or she was simply brainwashed by the Jewish media that all whites are "white supremacists" and all blacks are scholarly, kind-hearted and benevolent? She drank the Kosher Kool-Aid and paid a vicious, horrible price for it. And, considering the little thug is only 13, he will very likely get a away with murder (literally) and see very little jail time.
It could be due to gentrification too, in the past only the most naive or people that led double lives as honor student during the day and narcotics users, whore monger at night went into certain sections of Manhattan.

Now Manhattan has been largely cleaned up and people venture into areas that are in flux like sections of Harlem and this can lead to muggings, rapes and murders.
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We can all chill out and shouldn't despair. It's all a misunderstanding:

I'll take a shot here. A lot of women are angry at men for a multitude of reasons. One of those reasons of course is they're being programmed that way by a bunch of feminist Marxists from early childhood. Another point is that by the time women catch on that they've been duped, it's too late for many of them. They're fast approaching 30 yrs of age and are not so sought after anymore. There is the point as well that many young men are not competent enough to deserve a good Christian woman. In my own case, when my daughters brought home a boy I disapproved of, my wife told me to control my facial features and she'd take care of things and she did. She had a quiet talk with my daughter away from me and the boy was no longer seen. I don't give a rat's butt what my wife said to them (I have two married daughters and grandchildren) but it worked whatever it was. My wife agreed with me 100% but you'd never know it from the way she treated those losers. There must be an equal arrangement/division of labor between men and women for a marriage to work. These days, that equal arrangement doesn't exist for the most part.
The New Politics of Sex

by Paul Craig Roberts

Several years ago four of us who were high school and Georgia Tech classmates got together for a reunion to remember the fun times of our youth while we could still remember.A day or two before our reunion there had been one of those massive “gay pride” marches in New York or San Francisco one of us asked where so many members of the Queer Nation had come from as we had experienced high school and college without ever encountering a homosexual.

We poured over our high school class and the people we knew at Tech—in those days there were only 5,200 male students at Georgia Tech, most from Georgia as it was a state supported college—and couldn’t come up with a homosexual.Someone joked that there weren’t enough closets for the numbers of people in the gay pride parade to hide in.We all agreed that we didn’t have any idea where so many homosexuals had materialized from, acknowledged that we in our youth had suspected that homosexuals were a mythical creature like unicorns,and went on to more interesting topics.

Having just finished reading Stephen Baskerville’s book, The New Politics of Sex (https://www.amazon.com/New-Politics...hen+Baskerville&qid=1578436071&s=books&sr=1-1 ), I found myself remembering the puzzlement of our classmate reunion and wondering if Baskerville had given us the answer. Has radical feminism driven men into each other’s arms? Has the relationship between male and female become so unsatisfying and loaded with danger for men that men have developed erotic interest in men?

Perhaps this is a politically incorrect question. It would be impossible to investigate, because, as Baskerville points out, any reasonable, even evidence-backed, criticism of feminism, is regarded as a personal attack on women.

Even in universities where free inquiry and free speech has, in the past, had the widest scope, opposition to feminist pronouncements can mean termination, tenure not withstanding.

In short, radical feminists rule academia.Even areas of science are being politicized. Academic feminists are proud of their power and boast about it in the same way that Israel’s leaders boast about their power over the United States.

The feminists’ power extends into the broader society. The cover of the Atlantic Monthly boasts “The End of Men,” and Hanna Rosin proclaims “women are taking control of everything.”

Unfortunately, this is not a false claim.

Feminists have politicized sex. They teach that heterosexual intercourse is men oppressing women.If the female partner doesn’t understand that she is being oppressed, it is because the “male world” has brainwashed her. Radical feminist Catherine MacKinnon has declared all heterosexual sex to be rape.

Inexplicably, heterosexual male legislators are legislating a radical feminist legal system in which a man who asks a woman for a date can be quilty of sexual harrassment, and a man who shows realization of an attractive woman is quilty of “eye rape.”

Feminists have destroyed marriage and the relationship between men and women, due process for accused men, and they have brought government into the family, endowing bureaucracy with the power to seize, with federal subsidies, children from parents, and to put them in foster homes where they are sedated and, according to some investigators, sometimes leased or sold to pedophiles.

Feminism has degenerated from the vote for women and acceptance in the work place of men –which is what many women who are not paying attention regard as feminism–into an attack on men.Heterosexual men have no greater enemy thanfeminists.Catherine MacKinnon makes that completely clear.

The marginalization of men, and perhaps their extermination, is the explicit goal of radial feminism.

Baskerville wonders if men are so weak and defeated that they will accept their demise.

There's a part of me that's glad I only have daughters. This is probably the worst time in history to be a young white man. The boys of Generation Z are being targeted by globohomo worse than the boys of any past generation.
Boys never were targeted until the onset of the Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution, so there's nothing in the past before roughly 1968 to make comparisons to as boys and men were always respected, as they still are in most countries, especially "non-developed" ones. It makes me so sick when I think of all the young White boys who have been put on Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs in order to subdue them, by taking spontaneity and the sheer joy of being a child away from them. So many unforgivable agendas being followed in this hollowed-out country.
Boys never were targeted until the onset of the Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution, so there's nothing in the past before roughly 1968 to make comparisons to as boys and men were always respected, as they still are in most countries, especially "non-developed" ones. It makes me so sick when I think of all the young White boys who have been put on Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs in order to subdue them, by taking spontaneity and the sheer joy of being a child away from them. So many unforgivable agendas being followed in this hollowed-out country.

My boyhood days fell in mostly right with the 1980s, so it was already happening when I was a kid. But it's of course much worse now.
I got involved in patriotic politics as a young man in the 1980s because the country had gone so far downhill in so many ways, but compared to what's happened since, the 1980s were the last decade of the Real America. Reagan was President, the economy was mostly good and lots of people had money in their wallets to spend, and it was still a mostly happy and free country, big hair on both guys and girls and the girls were still mostly girly girls, good music and cheesy videos and so much more.

In retrospect, if we want to define periods of time by decades, I miss the '80s a lot more than the '60s and '70s.
Don, I would like to personally thank you for your work in politics. I can't imagine the pressure and stress you are under. The 80s were definitely the last great decade for whites in my opinion. I was involved with the WPP in N.C. until all the power of the government came down on us and it was over with overnight it seems. I have a lot more to say but I just wanted to thank you for staying the course.
Thanks for that, Booth. I'll keep doing what I can for as long as I can from my outpost and hope it does a little good.

I remember the group you're referring to. Those marches in NC had to have scared the bejesus out of the usual suspects.
I got involved in patriotic politics as a young man in the 1980s because the country had gone so far downhill in so many ways, but compared to what's happened since, the 1980s were the last decade of the Real America. Reagan was President, the economy was mostly good and lots of people had money in their wallets to spend, and it was still a mostly happy and free country, big hair on both guys and girls and the girls were still mostly girly girls, good music and cheesy videos and so much more.

In retrospect, if we want to define periods of time by decades, I miss the '80s a lot more than the '60s and '70s.

I often think alot about this...the end of America 1.0, what decade was the last good decade to be a red-blooded American - I was born in the 80s and all my memories are obviously remembered through the lens of my childhood but from what I recall everything made sense, there was still plenty of normal patriotism/love of country and "diversity" was only really beginning to take hold as part of the the Great Replacement. Of course I was not at all aware of the great sell out that took place - the hollowing out of the country, the end of manufacturing, processing of raw materials and the conversion of the American market from producer to consumer (my guess a lot of this began in the two previous decades). The 90s seemed to me to carry over alot of those same qualities and I can say I liked and miss the 90s but I was certainly more aware as I grew into my teenage years about things - I feel I caught on to the racial differences around 11 or 12 - not sure if this was early but from pretty early on I had my idea on how I would handle encounters/dealing with blacks and alot of it still stands true as I approach 40 (I have expanded my approach to apply to all other non-Whites as well). That last part is probably more a coming of age thing and developing my world view.

I think a lot of the decline just goes with the turnover from the "Greatest generation" to the misguided/naive Baby Boomers to Generation X who now are now the main power brokers with my generation the Millennials following to **** it up even more.
What gets me is that white liberal parents won't defend their white children. In fact they work with those who seek to harm their white children and attack those who would defend them.

Even animals defend their young; White liberal parents are lower than animals.
What gets me is that white liberal parents won't defend their white children. In fact they work with those who seek to harm their white children and attack those who would defend them.

Even animals defend their young; White liberal parents are lower than animals.
An absolutely despicable example of this is any "parent" at all that would take their child to "Drag Queen Story Hour" at their Public Library. All the pictures I see of these children with these disgusting freaks are White children. What kind of "parent" would expose their children to such an abomination and detestable debauchery? No one can convince me that these adults are not demon possessed. These people shouldn't even have children.
American Freedom News