Ubiquitous Man Hating

Tom, I'm wondering what you disagree with in my post. You quoted a fragment of a sentence from a paragraph I wrote. I'm not clear what your disagreement is and why.
Don, Your assessment is harsh. I know our young women are having a very hard time. They're being used and abused. We must find a way to bring them around. There's a way. It's our job to find it and save them. It's always up to the man to save women, whether it be from a beast of some sort or even themselves.

The few times I go up to NYC anymore, wqhen I walk down the street and look into the faces of working women, I see a lot of unhappiness. I want our women to be happy people. They can only be happy when they live as traditional women filling all those roles they used to.

It's like handling a tool with heavy reverse tork. You have to find a way to deal with it while you use it or it'll knock you silly. We do it with tools and we will eventually find the correct manner to help/save our women.

Tom Iron...
Don, Your assessment is harsh. I know our young women are having a very hard time. They're being used and abused. We must find a way to bring them around. There's a way. It's our job to find it and save them. It's always up to the man to save women, whether it be from a beast of some sort or even themselves.

The few times I go up to NYC anymore, wqhen I walk down the street and look into the faces of working women, I see a lot of unhappiness. I want our women to be happy people. They can only be happy when they live as traditional women filling all those roles they used to.

It's like handling a tool with heavy reverse tork. You have to find a way to deal with it while you use it or it'll knock you silly. We do it with tools and we will eventually find the correct manner to help/save our women.

Tom Iron...

Right Tom, there are alot of seemingly unhappy women out there and they should live more traditional lives, but that goes both ways. The men in this country need to act like traditional gentlemen also. There's nothing wrong with opening a door for a lady or complimenting her looks, saying please and thank you. When I meet an angry, hard, unhappy woman I kill her with kindness. It works 90% of the time. They will soften over time and you will form a compatible relationship with her.

I'll give half the blame to the men. They have to understand how to treat a lady. That doesn't mean giving in to every request, just be a gentleman!

Fortunately for me, my parents raised me to be a gentleman and use my manners around people, especially women!
The other day, I was in the grocery store with my family (darling pregnant wife and precious infant daughter) and noticed a particularly repulsive card under the “wedding anniversary” section of the greeting card isle of the store. Being a man and all, I would normally never even set foot in such a non-essential isle, but my wife was looking for a birthday card for my own mother, so I felt obligated to at least blurt out: “Yeah, that one’ s fine…now let’s go!”

Anyway, while she was searching for the “perfect card,” I noticed a truly nauseating card containing an image of a “wedding cake topper” which portrayed a white bride standing erect whilst her white husband crawls obediently beside her on open palms and bended knees, a dog leash lashed around his scrawny neck, his beautiful, powerful “bride” (complete with requisite “malicious smirk” painted upon her dominatrix façade) glaring downward upon this wretched, slave-like being that she has ensnared with her siren’s song. Inside the card read the following abusive “joke”… “Husband - woman’s best friend!” (Or some dog-related insult like that).

I couldn’t find a picture of the exact card itself, but several seconds of searching the internet revealed the source of the ghastly image, which is apparently a plastic “novelty” bride-groom topper available for “decorating” the wedding cakes of new-age couples. The card was essentially a mirror image of the picture below, only with the plastic topper portion cut-out and placed onto a pink background…

Wedding Cake Topper13_Dog Leash.jpg

CAPTION: C-unt Corrals Cuckhold Canine

Notice the premeditated positioning of this “man-dog’s” backside, which is pursed, tranquil, and prepared for acts of unfathomable sodomy for the remainder of what life he is permitted have under the Vaginocracy of the “Königin Reich.” He of fractured masculinity. He who cowers in the face of womanhood. He without a mind, spirit, or body of his own. He the human-wallet. He the walking-doormat. He the emasculated, manipulated, cowardly, weak-minded, laughable, pathetic, gelatin-spine, house-broken glorified animal with occasionally-utilized genitals. He the conquered, callously lead through the bowels of hell by the chains of a society that detests his every atomic particle (from spleen to sperm).

Now imagine the “public outcry” for an analogous card in which a man is treating a woman in such an abominable fashion…and said object is then sold as a “funny joke card” at family-oriented grocery stores around the country. The only realm in which such a lewd exhibition (a dog-woman on a man’s leash) would be tolerable is that of hardcore pornography. The “next generation” of this “hilarious” card will surely feature our hapless, polyurethane groom character in a more precarious situation…perhaps he’ll assume the role of an impaled boar, roasting naked on a spit, a flame-desiccated apple lodged deep into the teeth of his mandible, an orange-red plastic fire basting his flesh in preparation for a feast in which his hell-harpy wife will, quite literally, consume everything that he once was. Or maybe it’s just a funny card…
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Yes, even greeting cards are an entrenched bastion of anti-men, female supremacist hate propaganda. Lots of leering ones too, with naked and near naked men but far fewer ones showing any female skin.

Another little tidbit about them I noticed long ago -- the selections for mother's day cards and for female relatives in general are always larger than the choices for father's day cards and male relatives.

Cultural Marxist totalitarianism leaves no stones unturned. . .
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I wonder when that figurine was created. Does it date back to before the "revolution"? Back then gallows humor for a man entering into the contract, ribbing from his buddies about ball and chain and pussy whipped and all that, when marriages weren't so overshadowed by oppressive laws and the baleful presence of so many modern women.

I guess what I'm saying, up to the fairly recent past the image was more funny that it is now.
And good point by Thrashen about the uproar a reverse image would cause.
A billboard image. Remember, feminism is all about equality, there's no agenda of vengeance or supremacy involved, nor a desire to weaken and emasculate men.

aa-feminism - billboard of woman walking 2 naked men.jpg
They try to make you laugh. That is the whole racket. If you don't laugh at men being humiliated then you are a humorless douche bag and the problem is with you.

What? Can't you take a joke? It's just kidding around. Why so sensitive? A real man is confident enough to be able to take that kind of joking around. C'mon men have dominated women for eons, isn't it their turn to have a little fun?

I get this all the time. Mostly from men. Every insult, every mocking, embarassing, intentionally mean poke at men is supposed to illicit a laugh from me. Especially if it is a White guy, and it almost always is a white guy. I got the joke. I laughed for a while, but when insults keep going without end then after a while you realize they are NOT joking, they're serious.

I kid people, after a while they get tired of it. It starts to piss them off. That's where I am on this issue. I explain that to people. They don't get it or don't want to get it, but they need to hear it. I expect they will be hearing more in the future. Guys are upset. The joke isn't funny anymore.
The Hock said:
I wonder when that figurine was created. Does it date back to before the "revolution"? Back then gallows humor for a man entering into the contract, ribbing from his buddies about ball and chain and pussy whipped and all that, when marriages weren't so overshadowed by oppressive laws and the baleful presence of so many modern women.

I guess what I'm saying, up to the fairly recent past the image was more funny that it is now.

And good point by Thrashen about the uproar a reverse image would cause.

Nice post. I agree that this sort of projectile-vomit-prompting “cake topper” statue may have been construed as mildly humorous in a different age…perhaps in the form of some bachelor party “gag gift” several decades ago. You know, back when the very notion of a wife being considered adequate to make any real life decisions (in place of her husband) was truly a laugh-inducing concept. If this figurine were present during my wedding (even as a “joke”), I would slather every square inch of it in a napalm glaze. Right here, right now, for my (de-)generation (mid-20’s), it’s no longer a laughing matter.

Jaxvid said:
They try to make you laugh. That is the whole racket. If you don't laugh at men being humiliated then you are a humorless douche bag and the problem is with you.

What? Can't you take a joke? It's just kidding around. Why so sensitive? A real man is confident enough to be able to take that kind of joking around. C'mon men have dominated women for eons, isn't it their turn to have a little fun?

I get this all the time. Mostly from men. Every insult, every mocking, embarassing, intentionally mean poke at men is supposed to illicit a laugh from me. Especially if it is a White guy, and it almost always is a white guy. I got the joke. I laughed for a while, but when insults keep going without end then after a while you realize they are NOT joking, they're serious.

I kid people, after a while they get tired of it. It starts to piss them off. That's where I am on this issue. I explain that to people. They don't get it or don't want to get it, but they need to hear it. I expect they will be hearing more in the future. Guys are upset. The joke isn't funny anymore.

Great stuff. Those select few who possess the required aptitude to resist the drug-like habits and new-age societal customs of this insalubrious flock are considered lame, obstinate heretics. Our every mass-existence-moment is more tainted than the former, positioned beneath the metal grate in the floor of a slaughterhouse, submerged in the rising blood of a dying goodness.

By the way, that ghoulish “man-dog” cake topper from the wedding card I saw is sold at a supremely-abhorrent website called: www.BacheloretteSuperStore.com This website also sells some other adorable products aimed at “white” “women”…


Product description...

Meet Leroy....just add air and this ebony inflatable will make your chocolate dreams and darkest desires come true. Plus, he's the perfect size to travel with. One 26" inflatable per package.
Bill Bennett, the neo-con buffoon, is at it again. From The Spearhead:

Bennett Gets It Wrong Again

by W.F. Price on July 26, 2012

Bill Bennett decided to weigh in on the Aurora shootings and accompanying heroics, using a Hanna Rosin article as his reference point. Bennett gets it totally wrong on a number of points, which is about what you’d expect from a guy who relies on feminists to divine the motivations of young men.

First, he talks about what the men who died “believed.” I don’t think people have time to examine their beliefs when confronted by a man with an assault rifle in a crowded, dark theater. In these situations, you don’t think so much as act. The young men who shielded their girlfriends were simply doing what came naturally to them. One man, a guy who ran for it, had different instincts. However, if you asked him what he “believed,” he may well have given the same answer as the dead men. Beliefs don’t count for much in times of crisis, which I suppose is the root of the saying “there are no atheists in foxholes.”

Here’s what Bennett says about “belief”:

As Hanna Rosin so eloquently pointed out in a recent article, calling it chivalry would be a tremendous understatement. By all appearances, these men believed that a man has a responsibility to protect a woman, even to the point of death. They believed that there are things in life worth dying for and the innocent woman sitting next to them was one.
They believed, to put it simply, in a code of honor. They put the lives of the women before their own, an old fashioned notion to be sure, but certainly an honorable one (if you have any doubt, ask the survivors)…

Old fashioned my ass. Take a look at Matt McQuinn (on the right), the Celtic American with the lip rings and earplugs. That young man was no fuddy duddy who ascribed to Bill Bennett’s Victorian sense of propriety. No, he’s a modern-day example of the Gaelic warriors who have earned a reputation over the ages for their scorn for death and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. In other words, it was in his blood, and Bennett insults him in suggesting otherwise.

The same applies to the other young men. They were solid men; the kind that families and communities have always relied on when the going gets tough. It wasn’t because they held some belief or political position, it was because they were men that they acted as they did. It is simply what men do, and that’s why they deserve honor, which Bennett is incapable of bestowing on anyone.

No, instead of honoring these men, Bennett continues to measure them according to their utility to women:

After his death we learned that Blunk had an ex-wife and two children living in Nevada. He was scheduled to visit them to resolve marital issues. This isn’t to take anything away from Blunk or the other two heroes, but to illustrate that, in spite of shortcomings, men can still recognize what it means to be a good man and act like one.

This above words illustrate exactly what’s wrong with the attitude in regards to men in our culture. Bennett suggests that because the man is separated from his ex – through no fault of his own for all we know – he must be flawed. And then, of course, he redeems himself by being useful to a woman — by taking a bullet.

The implication is that women have inherent value, but men do not. This is a cultural issue, and one of the greatest flaws of our society. I’ve been all over Europe and Asia, and only in the Anglo world are men considered to have value only in their utility, like so many tools. It is a toxic attitude, and explains why our women have such contempt for our men. If a man has no inherent value, how could a woman ever love him when he is not providing her some material benefit? Of course, this is not really why women love men, either, so it leads to all sorts of dysfunction and unhappiness in our women, who can’t understand why they don’t love the men in their lives simply for being “useful.”

These people have it backwards. Men are not men because they are useful to others; rather, they have value because they are men. If it were only for our utility that we were men, then why couldn’t a donkey be a man? How about a machine?

More from Bennett:

This is especially important given the state of many men today. Record numbers of men aren’t working or even looking for work. Record numbers aren’t marrying or even acting as fathers to their children. These men need heroes to imitate whom they can relate to in everyday life, not just make-believe superheroes who catch their imagination for an hour or two. They need heroes like the Aurora three.

While much of the media obsesses over the psychology and motivations of this deranged killer, we should hold the Aurora three high. It is only by telling their story that this code of honor will survive for future generations of men.

How are these three any different from the “record numbers” of men Bennett refers to? As Hanna Rosin suggests, Blunk was kind of a loser who couldn’t support his family:

On the Today show interview, Jansen Young, the girlfriend Blunk saved, mentioned that Jonathan was thinking about re-enlisting in the Navy. She attributed that to his undying heroism, but it may also have to do with the fact that he, like a few guys in the theater, was working at Target and surely not making enough money to support one family, much less two. Young, meanwhile, had just finished getting her veterinarian degree, becoming the latest in an onslaught of women who have taken over that lucrative profession, which was not very long ago dominated by men.

These young men who died are the same ones Bill Bennett and Hanna Rosin denounce so regularly, so she is surprised that they would still act as they did. I suspect that Rosin simply sees masculinity as a set of credentials, and when men act according to their nature without going through a “man school” or something like it, she simply can’t fathom it.

This is really what feminists like Rosin and Bennett don’t understand. Men do not need to be taught or pushed to be men. They do not need to be shamed or cajoled into it. It is simply what they are, and it is a glorious thing.

Research finds women feel happy when their husband or partner is upset

The detailed study found that wives or girlfriends were pleased when their partner showed emotion because they believed it demonstrated a healthy relationship.

The survey, carried out by Harvard Medical School, also found that when men realised their wife was angry, the women reported being happier, although the men were not.

It revealed women most likely enjoyed spotting when their partner was dissatisfied because it showed his strong “engagementâ€￾ or “investmentâ€￾ in their time together.

Dr Shiri Cohen, the study’s lead author, said: “It could be that for women, seeing that their male partner is upset reflects some degree of the man's investment and emotional engagement in the relationship, even during difficult times.

Of course, the female author of the study got the conclusions all wrong. However, I was pleased to read the unanimous comments of the English gents who corrected her. One fellow, in particular, seems to have had a revelation:

"So would an implication be that women subconsciously generate upsetting situations for the rewarding buzz it gives them?"
Janet Napolitano-run Homeland Security treated male staffers like lapdogs

Looks like the Department of Homeland Security could be renamed the Department of Hyper Sexuality.A blistering federal discrimination suit accuses agency honcho Janet Napolitano of turning the department into a female-run “frat house†where male staffers were banished to the bathrooms and routinely humiliated.

James Hayes Jr., who now is New York’s top Homeland Security cop, claims Napolitano filled top spots in Washington, D.C., with two of her gal pals who were bent on tormenting male employees.

Soon after Schriro and Barr were hired in January 2009, male staffers were treated like lapdogs, Hayes claims.Barr “moved the entire contents of the offices of three employees, including name plates, computers and telephones, to the men’s bathroom at ICE headquarters,†the suit says.

Barr also stole a male staffer’s BlackBerry and fired off a message to his female supervisor indicating that he “had a crush on [her] and fantasized about her,†Hayes claims.

Sometimes, Barr took a more direct approach. In one case, she called a male colleague in his hotel room and screamed at him using sexually humiliating language, the suit says.

Hayes claims that after he reported the abuse to the Equal Employment Opportunity office, Napolitano launched a series of misconduct investigations against him.

How is this woman not behind bars?
Watching CM-NBC's Olympic coverage tonight, there was a commercial (I didn't catch the name of the multi-national corporation that paid for it) showing several gold medal winning White athletes thanking their moms. Earlier during the Games, CM-NBC had been promoting a segment on the next morning's Today show focusing on the mothers of some of the athletes. Strange, when there would be a shot of an athlete's family in the stands, there almost always was a mother and a father (not always the case for black athletes such as Gabby Douglas). Is it really that difficult to thank both parents for their sacrifice on behalf of their child? Maybe it's just taboo in the feminazi run "Anglosphere."
The Orwellian bull-dyke is a key puppet for the PTB.

This is why you don't put sexual deviants in positions of power. Their main focus becomes the normalization of their behavior, and they bring in their cronies to further their own agenda, at the detriment of everyone else. It becomes a race to the bottom from there, as it's now happening in all parts of this rotten country, whether it's public schools, government agencies, the military, and so on.

Every passing day, it feels more and more like we're living in a cartoon.
FEMEN activists getting bullied by catholics in france:


it was during a manifestation against gay marriage


Outstanding! :yo: I'm very happy to see the French take a stand for traditional marriage and against the scourge of cultural marxism. :smiley:
The War on Men

By Suzanne Venker
Published November 26, 2012

The battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent. For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped, from 35 percent to 29 percent.

Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.

The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.

As the author of three books on the American family and its intersection with pop culture, I’ve spent thirteen years examining social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting, and gender roles. During this time, I’ve spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same.

Women aren’t women anymore.

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.

Now the men have nowhere to go.

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.

But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?

You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren’t happy, it’s men’s fault.

Contrary to what feminists like Hanna Rosin, author of The End of Men, say, the so-called rise of women has not threatened men. It has pissed them off. It has also undermined their ability to become self-sufficient in the hopes of someday supporting a family. Men want to love women, not compete with them. They want to provide for and protect their families – it’s in their DNA. But modern women won’t let them.

It’s all so unfortunate – for women, not men. Feminism serves men very well: they can have sex at hello and even live with their girlfriends with no responsibilities whatsoever.

It’s the women who lose. Not only are they saddled with the consequences of sex, by dismissing male nature they’re forever seeking a balanced life. The fact is, women need men’s linear career goals – they need men to pick up the slack at the office – in order to live the balanced life they seek.

So if men today are slackers, and if they’re retreating from marriage en masse, women should look in the mirror and ask themselves what role they’ve played to bring about this transformation.

Fortunately, there is good news: women have the power to turn everything around. All they have to do is surrender to their nature – their femininity – and let men surrender to theirs.

If they do, marriageable men will come out of the woodwork.

Nice to see an article like that penetrate the feminist iron curtain of corporate media censorship.

One wonders what the system will do if enough men begin going their own way, ghosting, expatting, etc., to put a real dent in lost tax revenues, with government at all levels already under increasing financial strain. The strategy almost always followed is to double down on force-feeding the poison that caused the problem in the first place. But the 53% is already being seriously milked to provide for the 47%, and the GOP at least in theory is opposed to new tax increases.

Just one of the many insoluble problems to keep an eye on during what's sure to be a fun-filled second Obama term. Severe economic decline, spurred on by enough men being fed up with being systematically shat on in this highly warped anti-White, anti-men "culture," is the only way the feminist/CM juggernaut can be derailed. When Big Brother can no longer be a surrogate husband to toxic women, female attitudes will change quickly.
Don, I used to hear the young men in the shanty saying similar things as this woman writer, Ms Venker talks about in her article and I had no idea what they were talking about. But I've come to understand that many young women aren't doing well.

Another thing I've noticed when I go up to Manhattan is the expressions on womens faces. They look unhappy to me. Like they've just dicovered they've been sold a bill of goods.

There's a scene in the movie, "Crossing Delancey" where Amy Adams is in a hotdog joint in Manhattan on her birthday and an old woman comes in and puts a bucket (for change) down on the counter and sings "Some Enchanted Evening." Of course Amy Adams is thinking, here I am in this crummy joint and I'm alone. Alone to a woman is not being married. Anything else stinks.

Tom Iron...
Don, I used to hear the young men in the shanty saying similar things as this woman writer, Ms Venker talks about in her article and I had no idea what they were talking about. But I've come to understand that many young women aren't doing well.

Another thing I've noticed when I go up to Manhattan is the expressions on womens faces. They look unhappy to me. Like they've just dicovered they've been sold a bill of goods.

There's a scene in the movie, "Crossing Delancey" where Amy Adams is in a hotdog joint in Manhattan on her birthday and an old woman comes in and puts a bucket (for change) down on the counter and sings "Some Enchanted Evening." Of course Amy Adams is thinking, here I am in this crummy joint and I'm alone. Alone to a woman is not being married. Anything else stinks.

Tom Iron...

Tom, I agree that many women are unhappy, even many who are "successful" by the standards of the system -- career, nice salary and perks, etc. Unfortunately they haven't put two and two together yet because the younger ones especially have been indoctrinated to regard men as creeps, rapists, predators, and as their enemies. Women tend to be more malleable emotionally than men, and when men are pushed to the background and replaced by the government and talmudvision, it's not suprising that there are so many toxic women who have lost touch with their femininity.

The contrived "gender war" to me is more important even than the race war as it's been a diabolically effective weapon for the Cultural Marxist internal enemy. Without healthy women, the White race is finished.
Tom, I agree that many women are unhappy, even many who are "successful" by the standards of the system -- career, nice salary and perks, etc. Unfortunately they haven't put two and two together yet because the younger ones especially have been indoctrinated to regard men as creeps, rapists, predators, and as their enemies. Women tend to be more malleable emotionally than men, and when men are pushed to the background and replaced by the government and talmudvision, it's not suprising that there are so many toxic women who have lost touch with their femininity.

The contrived "gender war" to me is more important even than the race war as it's been a diabolically effective weapon for the Cultural Marxist internal enemy. Without healthy women, the White race is finished.

Don and Tom Iron, there are many unhappy and angry women out there, especially in the late 20s and 30s crowd because their Prince Charming never came, and never will. They were told they could have it all, but as they reach the age where they need to be married and have a family, there are no prospects. In part because men are opting out in large numbers, and in part due to women's impossibly high standards, they are now faced with a very real possibility of becoming spinsters and a life of solitude. It's a wasted life and a darn shame, and we'll see if the next generation will learn any lessons from this.
So what should we do? Here are some suggestions.

1. Talk about the problem. Talk about the hate campaign being waged against white men. Talk about how white women are being turned against white men in favor of non-white males, by design. Talk to the girls and women in your life about this as well as the boys and men.

2. Start acting like a man. Don't let yourself be walked on or intimidated into acting in ways you find uncomfortable.

3. Don't get depressed. Stay upbeat. Don't despair. If you're depressed find something that alleviates it.

4. If you have a problem deal with it.

5. Don't waste time. There's nothing wrong with watching TV, following sports, playing games, etc. but regard these things as hobbies. Don't let them take up too much of your time.

6. Get into good physical shape. Lose weight, work out, stay fit.

7. Learn. Increase your knowledge. Learn about math, science and other hard science. Learn practical things such as fixing cars and household repairs.

8. Reconnect with your heritage. Read old books. Watch old movies. Learn about how white men thought and acted in the past.

9. Be an example. Speak and act the way a white man should.

10. Make yourself a success. Learn a trade, get an education, start a business. Learn to manage money.

Remember this. White men are the most successful group of people in history. White men are the greatest force for good in history. White men created the modern world. You are part of this group.

Many don't want you to feel any pride in yourself as a white man. You have every reason to feel proud of yourself and it doesn't matter whether or not the anti-white male bigots like it.
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American Freedom News