Ubiquitous Man Hating

Some updates on the Rush Limbaugh / Sandra Fluke controversy...


Six or seven decades ago, when white women hadn’t yet been twisted into the soulless, selfish, material-driven, obnoxious, heartless, sexually-promiscuous fiends of present-day, 30-year old “women” such as “Sandra Fluke” wouldn’t have been wasting a moment their precious worldly existence lobbying congress to help fund the insipid, loveless penetrations of their sterile little stench-hole. No, in the spirit of true femininity, they’d relish in the beauty of a conceiving children with their husband, in bearing children, in the creation of new white families.

Judging by her homely appearance and annoying FemDom personality, I doubt that Miss Fluke ever need worry about a man’s sperm accidentally fertilizing her dastardly egg…


CAPTION: The Proselytization of the “Butch Harpy”


CAPTION: “Sugar, Spice, & Everything Nice” [Vomits]

And for once, the pretentious, Zionist-certified, negro-fawning, rotund, drug-addicted, white-knighting, cigar-puffing billionaire NeoCon told the truth about a female chauvinist’s objectives. These were his comments…

Rush Limpwrist said:
“Oh, yeah, I'm gonna deal with this. I'm gonna deal with it. I think this is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. The left has been thrown into an outright conniption fit! This is "phony soldiers" times ten. Oh, ten times worse than phony soldiers. The reaction that they are having to what I said yesterday about Susan Fluke -- or Sandra Fluke, whatever her name is -- the Georgetown student who went before a congressional committee and said she's having so much sex, she's going broke buying contraceptives and wants us to buy them. I said, well, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have sex? What would you call that woman? You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute or whatever.

Since Rush's comments, Miss Fluke has “made the rounds” on day-time talks shows, while sponsors are supposedly leaving Rush’s show (despite his wimpy apologies) by the droves.
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This is a VERY depressing issue for a couple of reasons. Firstly the idea that other people should have to pay for someone's birth control is ridiculous. Not only is that a "voluntary" activity but it is a personal matter and should be kept as one. However this will be twisted into a 'pro-woman' issue so that the "right" of birth control can be established as law. The product is also cheap, so it's really not about the money but the ability of feminists to power through another anti-human law.

Then there is the issue of forcing the Catholic church to provide this product in direct opposition to their beliefs. It makes me so freakin' mad that the liberal cult-marxists think they can destroy another part of traditional constitutional law and a once proud religious institution. It's even more maddening that they are going to get away with it.

And finally another CONservative bends over when the going gets tough. Like Limablah has any worries if sponsors drop. More would gladly replace them because he is very popular to a desirable demographic. Yet bend over he does, as always, because he is nothing but a tool of the CM and his role is to play the loyal opposition.

Furthermore the "soulless, selfish, material-driven, obnoxious, heartless, sexually-promiscuous fiends of present-day, 30-year old “womenâ€￾ such as “Sandra Flukeâ€￾ (as Thrashen so accurately puts it) are fully supportive of her viewpoint and this silly wedge issue will ensure that they vote more and more for the people and policies that continue this madness.

I don't hate this poor woman. She's just a poor dupe herself.

This all reminds me of when I first started working as an Iroworker. We had some Godawful pneumatic tools that would beat your brains out if you didn't work them correctly. Of course everyone got a big kick out of watching young guys master them because there were plenty of lumps and bumps to be had while you learned how to use those tools.

Well, it's the same way with these women. There's a way to use/handle them and it's your job to find that answer. Just running around yelling they're a bunch of no good dirty rats isn't the answer. You've got to find out how to gain the upper hand with them.

Tough job, but I know you can do it.

Tom Iron...

I don't hate this poor woman. She's just a poor dupe herself.

Tom Iron...
Well Tom, at 30 years old, she's pretty much a "dupe" for life at this point, so Thrashen's harsh words are probably appropriate.

Incidentally, here is Limblahs "official" apology as issued over the weekend. He apologized for what was construed as a personal attack, but not for the point he was clumsily attempting to make:

A Statement from Rush March 03, 2012
For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.
I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.
My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.

You're a married man I take it. You know what it is to live and fight with a woman. After each argument, you move on and are stronger for it. This woman pictured above has a mate somewhere out there who has the key to winning her. All it takes is fate to bring them together and nature will take its course with them. I firmly believe that. I certainly hope she is able to reach her destiny correctly and cease moving down the road she's on now.

I remember a guy on the radio saying when his father was dying, he asked him to ask his mother for a glass of water. His mother said, "I'll get it, if he asks me nicely." I always remembered that. The guy on the radio said, "what's death in a lifelong argument?" On the face of it obviously, it's horrible. But if you think about it awhile, there she was at the end, still there, doing her best for whatever it's worth. The point is they stayed together to death they did part. No one stays with someone they don't love and respect.

Women are not our enemies. They've been duped. I'm older now and I see women my age who are wonderful. They're true women who love their husbands, children and grandchildren. They're the ones to look at for our template. I love them too, along with my own wife.

Somehow we're going to come out of this tailspin we're in because our people, especially women want to be good and do well. Once we're able to turn this thing around, women will take their rightful place in being the spiritual leaders within the homes we make for them again.

Tom Iron...
The other day, my wife (a real woman who loves to bake and cook) was watching a new cooking show on Food Network entitled: “The Pioneer Woman.†The show stars a woman named Ree Drummond, a mother of four and the wife of an Oklahoma rancher who hosts a cooking show from her kitchen…


CAPTION: Ree Drummond’s Cookbook


CAPTION: The Drummond Family

The episode we watched featured Ree preparing a “birthday meal†for her husband, Ladd Drummond. Throughout the episode, Ree gushes poetically about her husband, an Aryan-looking, burly, strong, hard-working, tough, reserved cattle rancher. As she prepares the meal, she describes his many positive qualities, why she loves him, why she appreciates him, etc. As the viewer, I got the impression that she longed to impress him, to show respect for him, to please him by expressing her femininity through the art of cooking for her husband and family. As she talked about getting up early that morning in order to help her husband feed their livestock, video of her helping him on the farm was played.


CAPTION: Hot Farm Hand

At the table, during the birthday meal, the family delights in her edible works, which even included homemade ice cream. The children, all of whom seem very sweet and well-behaved, even made personalized gifts for their father.

The following video features Ree talking about her idea of a “Perfect Mother’s Day.†She discusses the importance of teaching her two daughters the value of cooking, calling it “Teaching them the important things in life.â€


Despite the fact that this woman is nearly 20 years my senior, I find her feminine ideals, her pride in country-living, and womanly demeanor to be very attractive. I'll certainly watch this show in the future.


I don't know if you are familiar with Schopenhauer at all, but I happen to be reading him and here are some quotes about women from him:

He was complaining about how women were getting out of hand in the 1800's in Europe. Imagine what he would say now.

Here's a sample: "The European lady is a creature which ought not to exist at all: what there ought to be is housewives and girls who hope to become housewives and who are therefore educated, not in arrogant haughtiness, but in domesticity and submissiveness."

Women are " the inferior second sex in every respect: one should indulge toward their weaknesses, but to pay them honor is ridiculous beyond measure and demeans us even in their eyes."
Tom Iron said:
Women are not our enemies. They've been duped.

You’re right, Tom, modern white women certainly aren’t our enemies…but, unfortunately, we are theirs.

Tom Iron said:
I don't hate this poor woman. She's just a poor dupe herself.

Females such as Miss Fluke don’t deserve my “hate,” but they do elicit my pity. Her kind are nothing but well-trained termites, unbridled by our true enemies to collapse all of the profound structures of white civilization (tribal unity, culture, custom, family, femininity, masculinity, religion, politics, fatherhood, motherhood, sexuality), free to gorge themselves (along with all other non-whites) upon the fruits of every white man’s ever-toiling soul. They are merely the progeny of a fully-Jewdificated, Mass Western Existence. For the record, I’m very happily married…but that came as a direct result of being highly selective during my teens and early twenties.

Tom Iron said:
I'm older now and I see women my age who are wonderful. They're true women who love their husbands, children and grandchildren. They're the ones to look at for our template. I love them too, along with my own wife.

Yeah, that “Rosie the Riveter” female “template” worked against the white race about as effectively as the antiquated male “template” of WWII’s “Greatest Generation” (of Zionist pawns, mindless government killing-machines, and senseless race traitors). Make no mistake; Americans as a whole have been exclusively anti-white for nearly 100 years. No other alternative is tolerated by the politician, the policeman, the soldier, the clergyman, the newsman, the teacher, the professor, or the businessman…let alone the white compatriot.
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Here's an excellent article with many equally-excellent responses:

What do Men Want in a Wife, and Why Won’t Wives Oblige?


Here's just one of the many good responses:

"I agree with all of this. I am so sick of living in North America for this one reason.

When I moved here from Europe as a young kid I was so excited to start dating because my notion of a woman was so pleasant and likable. After about 5 years of dating I noticed my interest waning. It’s this widespread misandry that comes out of the tv box and spreads amongst women and men all over the nation (Canada and USA). It doesn’t help that men think this is normal behaviour and accept all the sh*t that is thrown at them. I can not watch American television, I get’s me so angry, I stick to reading books.

I am so upset too because men are treating like scum at the bottom of women’s shoes. And it’s not the ones that are ******** – its ALL the men.

Too many examples to list, but I am in university now, and its okay fro girls to ignore guys that are looking at them, but when guys ignore girls due to being disinterested, they are the ********. I have this happen to me all the time.

I can’t wait to make enough money to move back to Europe."

...and another article:

Beyond 'Slut' And Shopaholic: What Being A Gen Y Woman Is Really All About


"...There’s no love lost among Millennial women for antiquated gender roles, with 75% of women of all ages saying that they disagree that women should return to their "traditional" place in society and two-thirds of Gen Y women saying they "completely disagree" with this prospect..."

"...Millennial women also expect their significant others to be just as success-minded, with 36% of Gen Y women under 35 preferring partners with "prestigious" careers..."

I enjoyed reading this particular response from a reader:

"The twenty-something men, meanwhile, are happier than men have ever been. We get our sexual needs met without having to commit, and we get to keep our disposable income for ourselves. The last three dates I’ve had, the woman paid. We can take you or leave you, and we usually do both. Keep it up, you empowered millennial gals. We love you!"
Another good article from The Spearhead, with the accompanying perceptive comments. The SPLC, the notorious private, pro-totalitarian spy outfit, has for the first time attacked the men's rights movement in its latest so-called "Intelligence Report," a sure sign that the system is getting worried by the number of men getting fed up with the virulent hatred of men that is institutionalized in laws and the media in the U.S. and much of the West.
Revisiting the Misandry Bubble
For those readers who haven’t yet had the chance to read “The Misandry Bubble,” a piece written by The Fifth Horseman a couple years ago, I’d like to point it out again. The reason it’s on my mind is that TFH has often predicted that those who are invested in the current system would double down on their misandry soon, and that appears to be happening right about now.

The Rush Limbaugh forced apology, the recent concatenation of fathers and other men upset with family law and institutionalized misandry into the far left’s official “haters” list, and President Obama’s shameless pandering to the worst elements of radical feminism are all signs that a backlash against a growing men’s awareness is upon us.

For those who are worried about what it all means, The Misandry Bubble spells it out in a compelling, eminently readable piece (I’d like to see a feminist ideologue write an analysis that long that normal people could finish without either bursting into laughter or giving up in befuddlement).

Here’s the executive summary:

Executive Summary : The Western World has quietly become a civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women, where the state forcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This is unfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020.

A passage:

To provide ‘beta’ men an incentive to produce far more economic output than needed just to support themselves while simultaneously controlling the hypergamy of women that would deprive children of interaction with their biological fathers, all major religions constructed an institution to force constructive conduct out of both genders while penalizing the natural primate tendencies of each. This institution was known as ‘marriage’. Societies that enforced monogamous marriage made sure all beta men had wives, thus unlocking productive output out of these men who in pre-modern times would have had no incentive to be productive. Women, in turn, received a provider, a protector, and higher social status than unmarried women, who often were trapped in poverty. When applied over an entire population of humans, this system was known as ‘civilization’.

All societies that achieved great advances and lasted for multiple centuries followed this formula with very little deviation, and it is quite remarkable how similar the nature of monogamous marriage was across seemingly diverse cultures. Societies that deviated from this were quickly replaced. This ‘contract’ between the sexes was advantageous to beta men, women over the age of 35, and children, but greatly curbed the activities of alpha men and women under 35 (together, a much smaller group than the former one). Conversely, the pre-civilized norm of alpha men monopolizing 3 or more young women each, replacing aging ones with new ones, while the masses of beta men fight over a tiny supply of surplus/aging women, was chaotic and unstable, leaving beta men violent and unproductive, and aging mothers discarded by their alpha mates now vulnerable to poverty. So what happens when the traditional controls of civilization are lifted from both men and women?

I’m chuckling a bit about how he predicted Charles Murray’s book “Coming Apart:”

The lower half of the US white population is vulnerable to the same fate as the black community, and cities like Los Angeles are perilously close to ‘Detroitification’.

I highly recommend reading the rest if you haven’t already. It’s good work, and I’d like to thank TFH once again for his stellar effort.

Another good article from The Spearhead, with the accompanying perceptive comments. The SPLC, the notorious private, pro-totalitarian spy outfit, has for the first time attacked the men's rights movement in its latest so-called "Intelligence Report," a sure sign that the system is getting worried by the number of men getting fed up with the virulent hatred of men that is institutionalized in laws and the media in the U.S. and much of the West.

The Misandry Bubble is a superbly written article that is a must read for any man who has yet to take the red pill. Even for those of us red-pillers, it's a good refresher every once in a while to go thru it. I hope some of our resident MRAs @ CF have read it themselves.

As for the SPLC, it's a quasi-government organization who tracks "extremists" who are then dealt with accordingly once identified. It's a busybody lawfirm that gets its funding from guilty, gullible white liberals, and anyone who does not conform to the leftist/feminist/homosexual agenda currently being promoted by our fascist government is a target. I'm not surprised the MRA community has caught their attention, and it'll be interesting to see what happens to the various blogs and forums that promote the cause.
I’m constantly overhearing my co-workers listening to a popular local morning radio program featuring three older (mid 50’s) white DJ’s, and one younger one. The younger one is a white woman in her early 30’s who is single, has never been married, has never been engaged, has no children, lives alone, is a dullard “party-girl,” is a highly-inarticulate wigger who’s constantly utilizing black slang terms on the air, and she also proclaims to love Negro-music. I only know these things about her because she feels no shame in broadcasting them to the listening audience.

Despite the fact that she has a very unattractive face (I saw her on TV once), is incredibly flat-chested (less than an “A” cup), puny, emaciated, obnoxious, untalented, unfunny, and speaks like a ghetto-bred Negress, local men will constantly call into the morning show and profess their love for her...always emphatically referring to her as “sexy” and “hot.” Naturally, the little attention-whore is elated whenever this occurs.

Anyway, a few days ago, she was discussing some of her recent experiences with men “hitting on her,” both in public and online (via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc). She talked about attending a promotional event for the radio station in which she was approached by a guy named “Sean,” which she thought had “An Irish-sounding last name.” She told the listening audience that “Sean” was a big fan of hers, and after talking with her for a brief period, Sean politely asked her out to dinner. She allegedly asked this young man: “You’re Irish, right?” When he replied: “Yeah, I am…” she supposedly then laughed in his face and said: “Wow, tough break, dude, I heard all you guys have little pee-pees…is that true?”

This mean-spirited, heartless, disgusting little FemDom anecdote (which was either highly embellished or completely fabricated) instigated a barrage of feverish laughter by her mindless radio co-hosts. It should be noted that this isn’t some “shock jock” radio show…it’s a very family-oriented program broadcasted in several counties.

Obviously, my issues with this inexplicably-unprofessional, outrageously-rude, racist, misandry-ridden tale, articulated to a large listening audience, are countless. Why weren’t her ”small pee-pee” comments censured? Why did her two male co-hosts, one of whom is Irish, find this so amusing? Why wasn’t she challenged on her evil remarks, let alone reprimanded or fired by the radio station? How did the male victim of the malicious hate-crime respond (I would've at least verbally abused her)? Yes, I could only fathom the “outrage” if a male DJ had announced on live radio that he said the following to a female fan: “Are you an Irish woman? I heard all you girls have smelly, stretched-out vaginas…is that true?”

And to think, this mini-breasted succubus currently embodies the electromagnetically-transmitted “voice” of the contemporary “stench-hole girl,” snickering all the way to Hell’s fiery embrace. If the Lake-O-Fire is real, then it’ll be proper bath water for cleansing such a vagina-toting wretch.
Thrashen, that's one of the main reasons I avoid ALL things "pop culture"...TalmudVision, Faceschnook, video lames & these 2 bit gaydio DJs. Pop phraseology & "celebrity" worship (also) sickens me to no end. :mad2:
The younger one is a white woman in her early 30’s who is single, has never been married, has never been engaged, has no children, lives alone, is a dullard “party-girl,†is a highly-inarticulate wigger who’s constantly utilizing black slang terms on the air, and she also proclaims to love Negro-music. I only know these things about her because she feels no shame in broadcasting them to the listening audience.

Despite the fact that she has a very unattractive face (I saw her on TV once), is incredibly flat-chested (less than an “A†cup), puny, emaciated, obnoxious, untalented, unfunny, and speaks like a ghetto-bred Negress, local men will constantly call into the morning show and profess their love for her...always emphatically referring to her as “sexy†and “hot.†Naturally, the little attention-whore is elated whenever this occurs.
I would've called them and issued a complaint or sent them a scathing email, especially if it's supposed to be a "family-oriented" radio station. It just goes to show how much of a "Bizarro World" we are now living in in the West while trying to export this same paradigm to rest of the World either via gun (violence/war) or gold (Madison Avenue), but all in the guise of "Democracy".

On (domestic) dating sites, "women" that are, at best, a "5", will get dozens if not hundreds of emails or SMS from lonely (and desperate) American men, so it's no wonder she harbors this type of attitude...because she can. There's an endless supply of "White Knights" waiting in the wings for the chance to be verbally and emotionally abused by American "women" like her. It boggles my mind how it has come to this. And I say "domestic" because that's not how it is on International (non-Anglosphere) dating sites. American men like "Sean" are considered a catch and just the opposite happens.
She talked about attending a promotional event for the radio station in which she was approached by a guy named “Sean,†which she thought had “An Irish-sounding last name.†She told the listening audience that “Sean†was a big fan of hers, and after talking with her for a brief period, Sean politely asked her out to dinner. She allegedly asked this young man: “You’re Irish, right?†When he replied: “Yeah, I am…†she supposedly then laughed in his face and said: “Wow, tough break, dude, I heard all you guys have little pee-pees…is that true?â€
What a shameless and ungrateful whore. I'm sure her ancestors are very proud of her. Obviously, being in her early thirties, childless and unmarried, she was busy being "empowered" by "Third Wave" feminism in the 90's in some public school system while this "nice guy" "Sean" still thinks American women embody the same virtues they did fifty years ago.

Time, however, is always the great equalizer; especially for women, and she'll find that out soon enough in the next few years to come as "Father Time" extracts his revenge on her. How misogynist of him!

Several years ago I was listening to a "Progressive" female radio personality on some radio station and she commented on how sad it was that almost all of the American soldiers that she saw coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan (at that time) would get off the train with no wife or girlfriend to greet them and they would just go their own way home, alone. Pretty amazing she actually had that perspective, especially being a "Progressive" (feminist) talk show personality. These men are committing suicide in record rates. What are they fighting for again?...or better yet, WHY? What are they getting out of it? Nothing at home and promoting the same sh*t abroad.
Why weren’t her â€small pee-pee†comments censured? Why did her two male co-hosts, one of whom is Irish, find this so amusing? Why wasn’t she challenged on her evil remarks, let alone reprimanded or fired by the radio station? How did the male victim of the malicious hate-crime respond (I would've at least verbally abused haer)? Yes, I could only fathom the “outrage†if a male DJ had announced on live radio that he said the following to a female fan: “Are you an Irish woman? I heard all you girls have smelly, stretched-out vaginas…is that true?â€
LOL! Classic. But, yes, I can smell the double-standards. However, she was probably taught that this was OK during her "empowerment" indoctrination at whatever public school and/or University system she went to. Also, the so-called "White" "men" that are her co-hosts are no different than the DWF co-hosts on BSPN that smirk like little girls while denigrating some White player...just riding a different shade of the Cultural Marxist rainbow.

I agree with everything you say except the last paragraph, and I may even agree with that if what I think is wrong. At this point in time a White man in that business knows enough to keep quiet and not allow his thoughts to be known. My wife tells me she can see by the expression on my face what I think. She calls it frogmouth. She's probably right. At this point, I'm sure these studios have people going around watching for such expressions as frogmouth. Frogmouth could end a guys career with these people. So not to be "outed" so to speak, they laugh like jackasses.

Just my thought.

Tom Iron...
I’m She talked about attending a promotional event for the radio station in which she was approached by a guy named “Sean,†which she thought had “An Irish-sounding last name.†She told the listening audience that “Sean†was a big fan of hers, and after talking with her for a brief period, Sean politely asked her out to dinner. She allegedly asked this young man: “You’re Irish, right?†When he replied: “Yeah, I am…†she supposedly then laughed in his face and said: “Wow, tough break, dude, I heard all you guys have little pee-pees…is that true?â€

I would have replied "why do you have a big gorilla sized pu**y?" And then reminded her that the Irish are one of the bigger ethic groups on the planet.

I have never heard of the Irish being in the small catagory. Many generations ago the Irish were considered the "nigg*ers" of the English controlled world and had a sexual prowress reputation similar to the one currently attributed to the darker hued group that lives amongst us now.
This article has almost 500 comments as I post this, far and away the most I've ever seen after an article on The Spearhead.

Good Sex, Bad Sex

by W.F. Price on May 2, 2012

There’s been a major shift in the public attitude concerning what is proper sex since the sexual revolution of the 1960s. When I was a kid in the 1980s, it was already taken for granted that sexual mores from earlier times were outdated, and only backwards dinosaurs adhered to them. For example, the idea that there’s anything wrong with extramarital sex has been laughed at for decades now. Additionally, old taboos concerning other sexual activities, despite clear evidence of their danger in the form of AIDS, divorce, etc., were portrayed as out of date and oppressive. Pornography was deemed legitimate political speech and therefore a right, and obscenity laws repealed.

To listen to the supporters of the sexual revolution, you’d think this would have led us to some sexual utopia where everyone’s sexual needs are met with no problem, but the human impulse to control sexuality returned in fairly short order, only in a different form.

The result is that today, we still face a great – perhaps even greater – amount of control where sex is concerned, and a lot more people are locked up for sex crimes than in the bad old days of “oppression.” What compounds this problem is that it’s possible that even more men are sexually repressed now than a hundred years ago.

Today, there are essentially two kinds of bad sex: “nonconsensual” sex and sex with underage people. The bad actors in this regime are overwhelmingly male for a couple reasons. First, forcible rape is far more likely to be committed by males than females, for obvious reasons. Secondly, men generally prefer younger partners and women older. One could argue that prostitution remains in the “bad sex” category, but prostitution is

increasingly held to be an example of male sexual exploitation. Examples from Superbowl sex hysteria and the Secret Service scandal highlight this. Essentially, prostitution has begun to fall under the nonconsensual or rape category. Pioneering Swedish legislation that only punishes johns for prostitution transactions will probably be introduced in the US soon, and then the process will be complete.

While only a few fringe characters have ever argued that rape or pedophilia is justifiable, what’s wrong with all this is that practically no female sexual behavior is currently seen as negative, whereas men are responsible for almost all of what’s deemed bad sex. Not all that long ago, this was far from the case. While rape has always been seen as the most serious sex crime, neither fornication nor adultery were held to be innocent activities, and women were seen as equal participants in these acts. In fact, in the majority of cases, a woman was just as responsible for “bad sex” as a man. Where prostitution was concerned, females were held to be more responsible than their clients, just as drug dealers are held to higher level of accountability than drug buyers, because they profit from the transaction.

However, lest we try to draw parallels, it should be recognized that most of what society considered bad sex was not criminalized until relatively recently. Fornication, sodomy, prostitution and adultery were definitely frowned upon, but they were not typically formally punished until the Victorian era. In the US, it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that these laws were widespread and regularly enforced. Nevertheless, people were a lot more careful about engaging in these activities, because social consequences could be severe.

Since then, aside from a brief period from the late 60s to early 70s when there was a sort of sexual free-for-all in the West, we’ve seen a steady crackdown on male sexuality combined with a loosening of restrictions on female sexuality. What has happened is that the entire burden of sexual control has been increasingly foist upon men, while women’s load has been lightened.

Probably the most important and liberating change for women has been the relaxation of the social prohibition on fornication. In the old days, fornication was definitely seen as bad sex. A loose woman was considered socially irresponsible and wicked for a number of reasons. She could lure a husband from his wife, seduce a young, naive man and capture him in a marriage against his interests, and have illegitimate children who became a burden on the community. Such a woman was not seen as marriage material. In general, men preferred virgin brides. Today, of course, the virgin bride is as rare as the horse and buggy.

A lot of men might say we have it a lot better than in those times, because “sex is easy and available” now whereas it used to be more difficult to obtain. I’m not sure I agree. Fornication is as much a risk for men as ever, and probably more so, because now only men are held responsible for the consequences. Get a woman pregnant and it’s on you. Sleep with a couple women, make one angry and jealous, and you risk a rape accusation.

Sleeping with a married woman is another good way to get accused of rape if she changes her mind and decides to stay with her husband. Sleep with a woman who said she was 19, she turns out to be 17, and you’re in trouble. Visit a prostitute and you could be arrested or, if she tells the press, lose your career. There isn’t much of a difference from the old days, and you’re more likely to face jail time for slipping up. For men, fornication is clearly still bad sex. Possibly even more so than it was when it was generally recognized as such.

For women, on the other hand, the benefits are clear. Fornication has virtually no social consequences and the most minimal of risks. Pregnancies can be easily avoided, and if wanted the man will be forced to pay child support whether he committed or not. Male lovers can be easily controlled and kept in line, and as many taken as any woman pleases. Women even go so far as to proudly march in slutwalks to further demand rights to behave sexually in any manner they please. The slutwalk was actually very clear in demanding more of the status quo, i.e. less control of female sexuality and more control of male. For women, particularly young and attractive ones, this has been a real bonanza. But what has it done for society?

Let’s see…

Marriage rates dropping precipitously, men taking path of least resistance and dropping out, illegitimacy skyrocketing, class divisions hardening, children growing up fatherless and with fewer options. For most of us, it’s been quite negative.

I wish I could say there was a solution to the problem, but it looks pretty hopeless. The alternative to what used to be seen as bad sex – marriage – has been all but destroyed by the liberation of female sexuality and the redefinition of marriage as little more than a federal tax status; a sort of very risky corporation with arbitrary rules. The result is that for men, there is really no such thing as “good sex,” that is, socially-approved sex — it’s a risk no matter what. Furthermore, a society in which the overwhelming majority of women are fornicators gives men no choice; you just aren’t getting a wife in the traditional sense of the word, so why bother with marriage?

I think men ought to realize that we got suckered in this deal, and perhaps we should have listened to the old sages who have warned us over the centuries. We overreached in our naivete, thinking we’d get more of what we desire if we only tossed out the old attitudes, but all we ended up with was more responsibility and fewer rewards.

Don, that was an interesting article and I agree with his point. The war on men continues unabated and with every day that goes by we have less power with which to do something about it. Finding a woman who hasn't been infected by this cultural disease is like finding a needle in a haystack. I regularly thank the Lord for leading me to one!

These poor girls have been fed such a line of sh*t they don't know up from down.

Tom Iron...
I'm finishing up graduate school and I can tell you I have met a number of good, very traditionally-minded women in my classes. It surprises me that they still exist because I work with a bunch of narcissistic material whores. But these traditional women are also damn smart. Yes, far too many women's minds have been colonized by the culture, but all is not lost.
"Graphic" Film of Female Sex Tourism "Cheered" in Cannes

(of course, when Western women partake in this, it's considered "love" and money exchanged for "attention" and "loneliness" along with the quote "I don't judge these women, I understand them and I understand completely what they struggle with." while Western men that do the same thing aren't given the same sympathy or "understanding", but, instead, vilified)

A graphic, unflinching look at the delicate interplay of desire, money and power among European women sex tourists and African gigolos hit the screen yesterday in the Cannes contender "Paradise: Love".

Austrian director Ulrich Seidl, who scandalised cinema's top international showcase five years ago with another take on rich and poor and the sex trade, "Import/Export", this time turns his camera on women as the consumers.

"Paradise: Love" stars Margarethe Tiesel as Teresa, a 50-year-old Viennese single mother of an insolent teenage daughter who needs a break from it all, in a breakout performance cheered by audiences here.

She sets off alone to the white sandy coast of eastern Kenya where she falls in with a group of "sugar mamas", fellow middle-aged women who feel neglected at home and seek the attention of much younger local men in exchange for cash.

"It is about female loneliness that takes hold when you reach a certain age and no longer look like someone from an advert," Tiesel told reporters.

"The exploited begin to exploit in a place where they have power. I don't judge these women, I understand them and I understand completely what they struggle with."

Tiesel, an accomplished stage actress in her first major film role, appears nude through much of the picture and has various on-screen couplings with Kenyan "beach boys" that leave little to the imagination.

She said her faith in Seidl as a director gave her the confidence to expose herself to such an extent.

"Ulrich told me from the beginning, 'Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen, Frau Tiesel'," she said.

Teresa begins tentatively at first, breaking off a tryst with an insistent lover when he goes too fast for her.

But she soon meets Munga (Peter Kuzungu), a dreadlocked charmer and a willing student in the ways of Western seduction.

However as their affair continues, his demands for money become more frequent as he describes the plight of his poor "sister" and her baby.

When Teresa finds out the woman is actually his wife, she flies into a jealous rage and beats him in front of the other guests on the hotel's palm-lined beach.

Duped and disappointed, she steels herself to ferociously pursue beach boys with little regard for their dignity, or her own.

Seidl, one of 22 directors competing for the top prize at Cannes this year -- all of them men, said many Western women were looking for more than a holiday fling, a key difference to male sex tourism in developing countries.

"This is about our society in the first place and asking why women like Teresa find themselves so lonely. They go to these places where they think they can get what they need -- their desire for happiness, sexuality and tenderness," he said.

"Women from the rich West exploit young African men. But it's also a business, and they (the men) get something for it."

"Paradise" revisits ground covered in the trailblazing 2005 film "Heading South" starring Charlotte Rampling and set in a Haitian resort but critics hailed a fresh approach to the rich subject matter.

"Import/Export" dealt with women from the former Soviet Union working in the West as prostitutes and featured a notorious scene in which an amateur actress performed on-screen oral sex on an actor after being made to crawl on all-fours and bark like a dog.
Some critics hailed the work as a brilliant take on the commoditisation of the human body under modern capitalism but the Hollywood Reporter notably dismissed the Cannes competition entry as a "tawdry little film".


Tis no surprise all the depraved, morally bankrupt, "artsy", high-brow wanna-be's at Cannes "applauded" such filth. As usual, vile disgusting minds trot out das juden's favorite pitch pieces of miscegenation and unbridled promiscuity...whilst the garbage is lauded by "Hollyweird". :icon_rolleyes: :mmph:

Tis no surprise all the depraved, morally bankrupt, "artsy", high-brow wanna-be's at Cannes "applauded" such filth. As usual, vile disgusting minds trot out das juden's favorite pitch pieces of miscegenation and unbridled promiscuity...whilst the garbage is lauded by "Hollyweird". :icon_rolleyes: :mmph:

A quick google image search of Margarethe Tiesel gives you a very clear idea on why these harpies have to go Africa and pay negroes to have sex with them, so I'm not too bothered by it. It's yet another gift courtesy of feminism and we're just getting started. Give it a few more years, and these spinsters will be all over the place. Their choices for companionship will be betwen raising cats or traveling to Africa, and that brings a smile to my face because they deserve it.
American Freedom News