Ubiquitous Man Hating

At first, I thought this was a documentary...but it's actually fiction based on actual events.

Highlander said:
"Paradise: Love" stars Margarethe Tiesel as Teresa, a 50-year-old Viennese single mother of an insolent teenage daughter who needs a break from it all, in a breakout performance cheered by audiences here.

This withered, unsightly, leather-faced, portly old prune is only 50 years old? For being such a “free spirit” actress, Frau Tiesel sure hasn’t aged well…


CAPTION: World’s Oldest, Least-Attractive Pornstar

Highlander said:
She sets off alone to the white sandy coast of eastern Kenya where she falls in with a group of "sugar mamas", fellow middle-aged women who feel neglected at home and seek the attention of much younger local men in exchange for cash.

Right, because financially compensating AIDS-dripping Negroes for meaningless sexual intercourse is an impeccable method for quelling the “neglect” this grey-souled beast feels from the white men in her native Austria (a nation and race she doesn’t deserve to be a part of).

Highlander said:
"It is about female loneliness that takes hold when you reach a certain age and no longer look like someone from an advert," Tiesel told reporters.

“Female loneliness?” [Sniffles, wipes tear from face] Why, those deprived, noble gals suffer so mightily as a result of the male ethos. If only men (those raping, ultra-privileged, oppressive beings) could comprehend their new-age Central-European vaginal “herzeleid” (heartache). If only they could writhe with the same dark intensity as the modern Western “woman.” Thankfully, this film could bring this injustice to light.

Highlander said:
However as their affair continues, his demands for money become more frequent as he describes the plight of his poor "sister" and her baby.

When Teresa finds out the woman is actually his wife, she flies into a jealous rage and beats him in front of the other guests on the hotel's palm-lined beach.

Duped and disappointed, she steels herself to ferociously pursue beach boys with little regard for their dignity, or her own.

So when one disposable Negro-Sex-Toy (who is likely terrible in bed, anyway) lies and cheats, simply find others. Evocative soul-searching, indeed...this part of the script is certainly based on the crude reality of interracial (so-called) relationships. The fetid, fishmarket-esque stench that is now effortlessly-exuded from the sweaty pores of the pustule-ridden ogre that is “modern womanhood” is ever-radiating the ideals of logic, intellect, and spiritual evolution…


CAPTION: Fat-Back-Bacon Swine on the “Prowl”

Highlander said:
"This is about our society in the first place and asking why women like Teresa find themselves so lonely. They go to these places where they think they can get what they need -- their desire for happiness, sexuality and tenderness," he said.

Yeah, evil women can’t ever seem to catch a break. I hope that the real-life person that her character was based off of, along with all the other dead-eyed vultures undeservingly wearing the skin of “white women” discover everything they are seeking in life…drama, fighting, lying, cheating, breakups, sexual promiscuity, divorce, loneliness, childlessness, and eventually, a welcome death from AIDS or drugs.

Highlander said:
"Women from the rich West exploit young African men. But it's also a business, and they (the men) get something for it."

In America, thanks in large part to that delightful rabble of furry, ugly, short, fat, bald, blood-thirsty “white men” with braided sideburns and Yarmulkes resting upon their lice-ridden scalps, “our” “white” “women” don’t even need to “pay” Negroes for hollow sex trade…nay, for the needle-pricked whores have been trained (like the sub-human cretins that they most certainly are) to not only fornicate with the lowliest men on planet earth, but to happily bare his Satan-spawn to present as a living tribute to their dedication to malevolence and exhibit their extreme disloyalty to everything and anything that was sacrificed by their forefathers so that their flesh may one day be formed...


CAPTION: Halitosis Times Two
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Anti-american movies always win the top prizes at the Cannes film festival. It is also a sign that these movies are not worth watching.
Planet of the Bitches

by Matt Forney

I’m going to tell you ladies something that will upset and anger you and cause you to call me all sorts of names, but you can’t deny the fact that it’s the truth.

If he wanted to, any man could overpower you and there’s nothing you could do, on your own, to stop him.

I don’t care if you work out every day and have a BMI in the normal range. He can overpower you because nature has endowed him with a bigger frame and superior musculature by the mere virtue of being born a man. Those womens’ self-defense classes you took at the community center?

Completely worthless. I can defeat any “self-defense method” by simply uppercutting you in the jaw.

If you have a handgun, you might be able to stop him. Unfortunately, you probably live in a blue state like New York or California, where concealed carry is unheard of and getting a pistol permit is nearly impossible unless you live in the middle of nowhere. And even if you were packing heat, he could just get his own gun and put you back at square one. Pepper spray is subject to the same regulations.

Face it: as a woman, you are almost completely helpless in the face of raw male power. Your best defense, your only defense in most cases, is to fight fire with fire, in the form of a policeman, your boyfriend/husband, your brother, or your father.

The only thing that can defeat a man is another man.

Everyone knows that sexual egalitarianism is false. We prove it via our actions, never mind our words. When you need to be protected from a violent, dangerous criminal, what kind of cop do you want: a burly, muscular man, or a frail Asian woman whose cap is too big for her head?

It’s an open secret that the U.S. military’s physical fitness tests are much more lenient for women than men, because most women are physically incapable of performing at a man’s level. If the Chinese were to invade tomorrow, who would you want defending your country on the front lines: men or women?

Girls claim they want “nice guys,” guys who treat them with respect, but the most popular book among American women is 50 Shades of Grey, a BDSM fantasy in which the female protagonist is dominated by her lover in every conceivable way.

So yes, men and women are not the same and not equal. Anyone who claims otherwise isn’t just a liar, they’re a bitch.

“Bitch” is a common insult, but no one really thinks about what it means. The interesting thing about the word “bitch” is that its meaning is different depending on the sex of who you’re insulting with it.
Female bitches are typically combative, mean, miserable and bossy; in other words, they’re masculine.

Male bitches are typically catty, passive-aggressive, whiny and gossipy; in other words, they’re feminine.

So when you attack someone by calling them a “bitch,” you’re accusing them of failing to live up to the ideal of their sex. If they’re a woman, they’re being un-ladylike; if they’re a man, they’re being unmanly. But there are also a lot of similarities between bitches of both sexes:

  • Bitches are untrustworthy and incapable of keeping promises.
  • Bitches have no sense of personal responsibility and always blame their problems on someone else; the patriarchy, their ******* boyfriend, ex-wife, their parents etc.
  • Bitches complain all the time and are unwilling to take any action to solve their problems.
  • Bitches are histrionic and think their emotions are the end-all-be-all of human existence.
  • Bitches are self-absorbed and can’t imagine that anyone thinks differently than they do. See: the eternal solipsism of the female mind.
  • And finally, bitches have no backbone. At the slightest sign of trouble, they fold like Swiss army knives.

That’s the problem with the West today; an overabundance of bitchiness. This is the Planet of the Bitches.

If you were born after the year 1946, you are in all likelihood a bitch. It’s not entirely your fault; our society encourages people to be bitches by denigrating and punishing authentic masculinity and femininity. In order to not be a bitch, you have to go against everything society tells you. The manosphere in part exists to help men extirpate their bitch behavior and cultivate masculine virtues.

If you’re a Millennial man, you’ve been drugged and bound since you were in kindergarten. When you justifiably got bored of your nauseatingly dull teachers and the girl-centric curriculum, you were diagnosed with a phony disorder like ADD and pumped full of pharmaceuticals to turn you into an obedient little drone. You were told by your teachers, professors and parents that being a white male makes you the root of all evil, a potential rapist, a colonial exploiter, a racist. You were made to believe that being a good man entailed suppressing your masculinity, your strength and your intelligence, being “nice” and self-serving and “chivalrous.”

If you’e a Millennial woman, you’ve had it almost as bad. You’ve been lied to all your life, told that you should aspire to be one of the boys, that being an consumerist harpy slut is a good thing, that relationships with men are a chess game in which whoever shows more emotion (or any emotion at all) loses.

Bitchiness is a social disease brought about by too much material comfort.

When you can live cradle to grave without having to struggle for anything, you become soft. You start manufacturing drama to entertain yourself, tricking yourself into thinking you’re on a great moral crusade: anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, blah blah blah. At a certain level, you know you’re a failure, but rather than try to rise above, you attempt to pull everyone else down, reframing your vices as virtues.

For example, the idea that American women are masculine and unpleasant is hardly news to us in the manosphere. When confronted with their numerous defects, Jizzabellers and other “empowered” women retort to the effect of: “Well, you’re just saying that because you can’t handle a confident, independent woman.”

Oh really?

The average American woman is anything but confident; she’s a neurotic wreck, one missed therapy session from committing suicide. She gulps down antidepressants like candy, she shoves food in her face like a starving Ethiopian, she spends hours a week watching mindless TV shows and movies that validate all the bad decisions she makes, she has meaningless sex with men she can’t stand sober to fill the widening hole in her soul, and she derives her self-worth from her makework paper-pushing job. And she has the gall to call herself “confident” when she’s never faced any of the real crises or tribulations that are a prerequisite for developing confidence.

The women from Eastern Europe, South America, China and other places praised in the manosphere (and mocked by the Jizzabellers) actually have faced those tribulations, living in countries that are corrupt, violent and poverty-ridden, and as a result have more confidence and strength in their pinky fingers then the average American girl has in her entire body.

No, Miss Careerist, you’re not strong, you’re not independent, and you’re not confident. You’re just a bitch with a golden chain.

Male bitches abound as well; you usually find them castigating themselves for their whiteness and/or maleness and generally being servile suck-ups. Even female bitches find them contemptible.
Fortunately for us, the Age of Bitchiness is drawing to a close.

Bitches are parasites; they only exist because they rely on real men and women to keep them alive. They need women to rear and raise them, and they need men to fix their toilets, police their streets and defend their borders from invaders. A civilization can tolerate a certain amount of bitchiness, but too many ticks sucking blood and the host dies.

The unprecedented material prosperity that fostered Western bitchiness is drying up. Don’t listen to the mainstream media; the recession is still here and only getting worse. Young Americans are relegated to a life of working menial service jobs and paying off student loans into their thirties. Move across the Atlantic and things are even worse. When the nationalist Golden Dawn party won twenty some-odd seats in the Greek elections earlier this month, bitches around the world wrung their hands in disbelief. How could the Greeks support evil racist fascist Nazi homophobes? As Jim Goad writes in Takimag, however, Golden Dawn’s popularity stems from their willingness to help ordinary Greeks in need:

In last week’s elections, Golden Dawn performed best in crime-addled areas of central Athens, gaining up to a quarter of the vote in some precincts. What could those voters possibly know that might escape some faraway Brussels Eurocrat in their cramped grey hypoallergenic cubicle?

What about reports that in some areas, Golden Dawn serves as a “Robin Hood” agency that provides clothing and food for vulnerable Greek nationals? Is it true that in certain Athenian quadrants, imperiled Greeks are more likely to call in Golden Dawn for physical protection before they’d ever call the police? Is it possible that some Greeks feel that only Golden Dawn cares about their survival and is willing to shed blood to ensure it?

Although media outlets cast a harsh spotlight on Golden Dawn’s immigrant-bashing, they don’t focus nearly so much attention on their fervid criticism of “global loan sharks,” “bailout dictators,” and “international speculators” who are “selling us out and looting the sweat of the Greek people.”

The Greek government, like all Western governments, is a government of the bitches, by the bitches and for the bitches. The mainstream parties have left citizens terrorized by immigrants to twist in the wind out of fears of being accused of “racism.” Since the bitches in charge can’t or won’t help their own people, Golden Dawn has stepped in to do it themselves.

Bitches scatter like ****roaches in times of crisis. As our society crumbles under the weight of its own stupidity, it won’t be bitches riding to our rescue. It won’t be bitches mewling about their “rights” who will save us. It will be men, men of courage and conviction, who will make history.

This applies to the personal level at well. Men are realizing that they don’t want a butch, pantsuit-wearing co-worker; they want a cute girl who will greet them with a smile and a cup of coffee after a hard day’s work, who will be supportive and nurturing instead of belligerent and sulky. Women are realizing that they don’t want a sensitive, effeminate, “respectful” herb; they want a dominant, assertive man who will lead them and protect them from danger.

A bitch will never be more than a bad facsimile of the real thing.

If you’re a bitch, your days are numbered. Bitches get stitches. The future belongs to those who are strong and determined enough to take it into their own hands.

Nice article (above). Probably mostly wishful thinking. There is still a lot of ruin in this nation and the western world. It can be bad for a long slow slide to the point that bitch parasites will regret. But one can always hope!
Wow! Powerful article Don...funny yet very true. I enjoy reading things that stomp on the scourge that is cultural marxism. :thumbsup:

I believe in being a "gentlemen"....to an extent. There's a big difference between having some old fashion manners, and being a neutered, pantywafer doormat.
Great article, with the perfect blend of facts, reality, and humor!

I'm also not optimistic about the end of the planet of the bitches, at least not in the sense that the PTB will all of a sudden change their ways. They are moving closer to the final stages of their agenda which has been on-going since the 1960s, and the toxic mix of cultural marxism, feminism, and political correctness is now too firmly entrenched within western society. The homosexual agenda is their new kid on the block and is being promoted now at an alarming rate.

This rotten system has to collapse within itself, as the average man and woman begin to opt out and go back to pursuing lives that cater to their strengths and more traditional roles. It would be nice if the MRA movement gains even the smallest of footholds and men start to drop out of the marriage scam and women are forced to change their ways. It's starting to happen here and there, but not to the scale that's necessary to bring out real change.

Also, I just saw a report that CNN is in crisis mode due to record low viewership numbers in the past 2 months. No one, it seems, is watching that garbage. We need more people to stop watching TV, so that another of the poisonous mediums infecting people begins to either change for the better or disappear, like many newspapers and print media.

Nature always wins at the end. So eventually, this unnatural, upside-down lunacy will correct itself one way or another.
They are moving closer to the final stages of their agenda which has been on-going since the 1960s, and the toxic mix of cultural marxism, feminism, and political correctness is now too firmly entrenched within western society. The homosexual agenda is their new kid on the block and is being promoted now at an alarming rate.
Their goal is massive depopulation and the promotion and pushing of feminism early on, and now homosexuality, are a big and deliberate part of this agenda. I now feel that it's been in the works long before the 1960's, although that was the tipping point to the point of no return. There was a significant drop-off in birth rates of Western women when "the Pill" was introduced in the early 1960's. Why was "the Pill" really created? Moreover, "the Pill" has other negative psychological side-effects including the stunting of creativity (drone behavior) and natural desires. It's had a "double-whammy" affect that is all-too-obvious to see now.

This, along with the deliberate poisoning of our food supply with GMO's that wreck our DNA and cause sterilization (in rats) after only a couple of generations, forced immunizations that now, admittedly, contain mercury, refusing to fix old nuclear power plants that are now way past their replacement date and are now leaking small but steady amounts of radiation throughout the country makes it clear what their intentions really are. It's only become clear to me recently that one of their goals from their excursions in Iraq and Afghanistan is just a massive training exercise to prepare them for their plans here at "home".


Also, I just saw a report that CNN is in crisis mode due to record low viewership numbers in the past 2 months. No one, it seems, is watching that garbage. We need more people to stop watching TV, so that another of the poisonous mediums infecting people begins to either change for the better or disappear, like many newspapers and print media.

Strange how this time frame coincides with the whole Trayvon Martin episode. Could it be that Whites have finally awoken from their CM-induced slumber? How dare they not believe George Zimmerman is not White! TV is, and has been for a long time now in the U.S., just a medium of propaganda and an outlet that allows Big Pharma to push their drugs to the stupefied, droned masses. It has now become an "older person's" medium, especially for "news", and has mostly been abandoned by the young.

In the last couple of weeks I've seen two different younger (White, under 20) people wearing "I :heart: Haters" clothing (one a baseball cap and the other a T-shirt.) Unless I'm missing something, I don't know of a bigger "F-U" to the CM crowd than that.

Nature always wins at the end. So eventually, this unnatural, upside-down lunacy will correct itself one way or another.
"The end" can be a long way off. They aren't going down without a fight, obviously, with the unleashing of 30,000 drones on their own citizenry, T5A everywhere, and Internet regulation (anti-privacy) coming on fast. They'll continue to run our national debt up into oblivion to support the status quo and then give away all of our natural resources, public lands (including our national parks and forests), farmland, lakes, rivers, highways, everything, away to our creditors (Ch1na) and the Banksters after we default on it. They are counting on that we aren't going to like that much, thus their preparations for our reaction.
This past Saturday, I left the state to attend my second cousin’s wedding in Ohio. Adjacent to the reception hall, there was a restaurant / sports bar in which wedding guests were drinking and watching about a dozen large, flat-screen TV’s. My wife didn’t attend the event, so I was completely alone and didn’t know many people aside from the groom and a few others. I’ve never drank a day in my life (and never will), but I was sitting at one of the tables watching the TV nearest me, which was playing the “2012 Miss Hooters International Swimsuit Pageant” on the channel “FX.” Though I’d never seen it on television before, I have heard of this competition, as Wes Welker’s wife, Anna Burns, won the contest some years ago…


CAPTION: Welker’s Wife, Miss Hooters 2005

Basically, 100 of the “hottest” women currently employed at Hooters Restaurants, both around the country and internationally, are selected to wear bikini-style swimsuits and parade around a stage for two hours while a random panel of “celebrity” judges (the biggest names of which included Chicago Bear, Lance Briggs, and MMA fighter, Stephan Bonnar), along with a mob of boisterous, feral servicemen, DWFs, and other assorted perverts, vote for the winner of the $50,000 prize. I suppose this program was selected by the bar in order to heighten the already-palpable “jock-sniffing ambiance” (which comprised of literally hundreds of photos of black athletes swathing every square inch of wall surface) of the establishment. I sat there, observing drunkards guzzle ale whilst cheering loudly for baseball games and MMA fights occurring hundreds of miles away. A few bar flies were also watching this silly “Hooters Pageant,” shouting and whistling like caged apes as each of the 100 contestants were tasked with stating their name and location into a microphone, then high-heel sauntering their silicone-laced frames down a dark, glass catwalk while “celebrity” host, Mark McGrath (former lead singer of that ultra-wimpy band, “Sugar Ray”), read aloud to the audience each contestants’ accomplishments and personal ambitions for the future.

The dialog and imagery of this “contest” went something like this…


NARRATOR: “Megan is studying theoretical astrophysics at the University of Nottingham. She would love to become an astronaut and explore the moon and other planets.


NARRATOR: “Tasha's studying pharmaceutical sales and nursing. She would love to become a rep for a pharmaceutical company making drugs that cure cancer.


NARRATOR: “Michelle is still undecided about going to college, but she wants to be a psychologist. And although she's from New Mexico, she supports the Denver Broncos.

As is evident from the photos above, nearly all of the contestants had a similar build…around 110 lbs of lean muscle, frail legs, gaunt cheeks, bleached fangs, and devoid of any natural, womanly curves (that is, aside from their imitation mammary glands). Some of the less muscular ones, however, were indeed attractive women. There were 2 or 3 black girls, 5 or 6 Hispanics (white-looking chicks from Guatemala, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, etc), and the remaining 90 or so were white women from the US, Canada, the UK, and South Africa.

Anyway, the whole point of my post in this thread was the narrator's description of the “life goals” of each individual woman. Of the 100 girls, about 50 stated that they aspired to be “Victoria’s Secret Models,” about 20 wanted to own a “No Kill Animal Shelter,” about 20 hoped to be an “NFL Sideline Reporter,” and about 10 longed to become an “ESPN Sports Anchor.” Among this ignoble rabble of plastic, attention-whoring, glorified strippers looking to profit from their looks, there was exactly one contestant who, quite surprisingly, answered the question perfectly.

Her name was “Shabon Foster” of Rockville, MD, and she answered the “life goals” question by saying that she: “Aspires to be a loving mother, a great wife to her future husband, and to have a large family.” Below is her contestant profile…

Shabon Foster
Hooters of Rockville, MD
This blue-eyed beauty was raised in Maryland but North Carolina blood runs through her veins. She enjoys fishing, country music concerts and NASCAR, and also has a bachelor's degree in business. You know what they say - you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.


CAPTION: Shabon Foster

Naturally, this particular woman wasn’t selected to be a finalist, which is unfortunate because she seemed like the only “feminine woman” partaking in the competition. Tis a shame, I thought, since she seemed like the only genuinely nice girl, with thoughts and dreams that far outweigh the financial gains of dressing in a scantily manor for some corporate restaurant chain for the titillation (pun intended) of drunken dullards on their lunch breaks.

For the record, I’ve never been to a strip club, let alone a “Hooters Restaurant,” but it does seem like good, clean fun for guys of all ages. I’ve heard they have eating contests, which is cool because I have a huge appetite and I’ve always been interested in “competitive eating.” Also, I’m not opposed to female beauty pageants, either, as they (at the very least) encourage woman to be “girly,” and to crave attention and affirmation from men that they are indeed physically and sexually desirable. Would I allow my daughter, sister, niece, or female cousin to partake…surely not!

I'm not sure why I took the time to post about something so trivial...but I thought it was rather pertinent to this thread, given that nearly all of the contestants were young white women attempting to showcase but a glimpse of their personality, character, and life ambitions in a mere sentence or two. The fact that only a single woman out of 100 mentioned marriage and children was highly disturbing, even for 2012.
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No, they don't have time outdated things like children and motherhood. Or at least that's not their number one priority. Maybe down the road, but only after they've established themselves in their careers, and then one, maybe two children at the most.

On a related note, I stumbled across some stand-up comedy on TV, just in time to hear a female comic deliver this zinger: "I don't plan on getting pregnant. And if I do...it won't be for long."

At which the audience erupted into applause with laughter and cheers.

Looks like the rot is gaining an unstoppable momentum.
I'm not sure why I took the time to post about something so trivial...but I thought it was rather pertinent to this thread, given that nearly all of the contestants were young white women attempting to showcase but a glimpse of their personality, character, and life ambitions in a mere sentence or two. The fact that only a single woman out of 100 mentioned marriage and children was highly disturbing, even for 2012.
From what I've witnessed the last 10-20 years, I'd say 1% seems about right as far as marriable White women are concerned...maybe as high as 2-3% but that's really pushing it these days. Thirty years ago I'd say about 20-25% were marriable.

Anyway, this "pagaent" looks like it could've been from a DVD extra of the 2005 movie "Idiocracy". Just more social-engineering psy-op propaganda from the jewsual suspects.
From what I've witnessed the last 10-20 years, I'd say 1% seems about right as far as marriable White women are concerned...maybe as high as 2-3% but that's really pushing it these days. Thirty years ago I'd say about 20-25% were marriable.

Anyway, this "pagaent" looks like it could've been from a DVD extra of the 2005 movie "Idiocracy". Just more social-engineering psy-op propaganda from the jewsual suspects.

Indeed, it's slim pickings out there. Even if the number was higher, you still have the corrupt and anti-male courts and family law designed to destroy men, thanks to no-fault divorce. Until the system itself is fixed, or you run into that 1 or 2%'er (like winning the lotto, extremely small odds), marriage to a Western woman is suicide for a man.
Gentlemen, Certainly your numbers are wrong. I was just at a BBQ the other day and all the married young people there are doing well. The women look good and their children look good. They seemed to get along well with their husbands from what I saw. Are you telling me I saw that one-two precent? I'm older now and I know there are problems, but I think your estimates of marriagable women are far too low.

Tom Iron...
Gentlemen, Certainly your numbers are wrong. I was just at a BBQ the other day and all the married young people there are doing well. The women look good and their children look good. They seemed to get along well with their husbands from what I saw. Are you telling me I saw that one-two precent? I'm older now and I know there are problems, but I think your estimates of marriagable women are far too low.

Tom Iron...

Indeed Mr. Iron. There are plenty of moral and classy women out there. I'm married and probably older than most here also, but I see them all the time. You just have to look in the right places. For the men on CF who aren't married and are looking, my advice is to be patient, find someone you have alot in common with, and is or could be your best friend.
I'd say the truth lies between the extremely pessimistic replies and Tom's BBQ. Tom, you must know some good folks over there in NJ.

From my experience living and working in the big city, I'd say the loathsome, appearance obsessed, career driven, man-hating women are in abundance. However, when I venture outside the urban areas, the picture is less bleak.

I've been dating a gal for almost 2 years now who comes from Eastern Long Island, almost in farm country. She's from a big family, lots of cousins, etc. For college, she went to the ultra-Liberal NYU and hated it. Said all the men there were either gay, wimpy or ugly (read Jewish / Asian). Now she just wrapped up her masters from another university and despite all of this is still most concerned with getting married and having children. See the propaganda doesn't work on all of our young women. The icing on the cake might be her recent observations to me about the dysfunction of the black community and their "wild & violent nature". I may have found a keeper. :biggrin1:

To everyone else who thinks finding a good woman is like "winning the lotto", keep searching and never settle for a controlling, soulless, self-obsessed b*tch, no matter how "hot" she is.:ballchain:
Re-posting this here, per FootballDad's recommendation.

Sean Payton
Briffault's Law claims another victim:

Payton's original petition for divorce said that he and his wife hoped to divide their estate out of court and to hold joint custody of both children. Beth Payton, however, filed a counter-petition for divorce on June 26 which requested that she be appointed the custodian "who has the exclusive right to designate the primary residence of the children in Tarrant County, Texas." The petition asks that the court schedule Sean Payton's access to their children "as necessary to protect the health and well-being of the children."

In her counter-petition, Beth Payton also seeks the exclusive right to make decisions concerning the children's medical, legal and educational interests. Her filings request that Sean Payton pay support for the children's care and medical expenses.

He filed the original divorce petition. When men do this, it's because the wife has become a monstrous bitch and refuses to live up to the promises she made in her wedding vows. He wasn't cheating or beating her. She just became incorrigible. He wanted out and he wanted to divide everything equally. Beth, knowing that she has complete control of the situation, countersues for divorce and demands EVERYTHING. She takes his brand new house, the kids become her kids, and he becomes her slave for life.
Here is the picture ad when I signed in for this thread:

Here is the picture ad when I signed in for this thread:

They can "change" alright.....the bed sheets, the baby's diaper, the coffee filter, the linen closet and the table cloth. :biggrin1:


  • date_uni.jpg
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As you all know, for the most part I stand up for our young women. But I've heard most young women support Obama. I wonder at this. Why does it seem that women are so prone to support blacks when it's quite evident that blacks are sub-par at every level of acheivment in this society? I always thought young women selected mates because the prospective mate seemed better able to support and protect them and their children over their lives. What could be the reason for our young women supporting Obama or any other of these poor specimens of manliness? It's a mystery to me. We ahve to continue working on our young women to see the error of their ways, but at the same time, we must be careful not to confront them openly about it. If we do, they'll only dig in their heels harder, even to the point of destroying themselves by having mullato babies just to show their independance. They must seem to arrive at the correct conclusion on their own.

Tom Iron...
As you all know, for the most part I stand up for our young women. But I've heard most young women support Obama. I wonder at this. Why does it seem that women are so prone to support blacks when it's quite evident that blacks are sub-par at every level of acheivment in this society? I always thought young women selected mates because the prospective mate seemed better able to support and protect them and their children over their lives. What could be the reason for our young women supporting Obama or any other of these poor specimens of manliness? It's a mystery to me. We ahve to continue working on our young women to see the error of their ways, but at the same time, we must be careful not to confront them openly about it. If we do, they'll only dig in their heels harder, even to the point of destroying themselves by having mullato babies just to show their independance. They must seem to arrive at the correct conclusion on their own.

Tom Iron...

In my view the problem is women are mentally softer. You can try and tell them the right things in the couple of hours a day you are with them but the system is pounding the opposite into them 24 hours a day everyday. And one of the things they are bombarded with is don't listen to that old guy he don't know shee-ite. So I think its a lost cause unless something changes drastically. Just prepare for half breed grand or great grandkids because that is what the system wants and that is what it will get.
As you all know, for the most part I stand up for our young women. But I've heard most young women support Obama. I wonder at this. Why does it seem that women are so prone to support blacks when it's quite evident that blacks are sub-par at every level of acheivment in this society? I always thought young women selected mates because the prospective mate seemed better able to support and protect them and their children over their lives. What could be the reason for our young women supporting Obama or any other of these poor specimens of manliness? It's a mystery to me. We ahve to continue working on our young women to see the error of their ways, but at the same time, we must be careful not to confront them openly about it. If we do, they'll only dig in their heels harder, even to the point of destroying themselves by having mullato babies just to show their independance. They must seem to arrive at the correct conclusion on their own.

Tom Iron...

There's a huge gulf between single women and married women as far as which of the two presidential candidates of the two permanent monopoly parties they support. Single women support Obama 2 to 1, while married women support Romney by a solid margin. Single men are also much more likely to support Obama than are married men. This is illustrative of the cultural and ideological divide in America. Single women generally fall within one or more of the folllowing -- minorities, feminists, lesbians, urban dwellers, mothers of illegitimate children, White trash, and other elements that back big government and entitlements.

I think the GOP is as awful as the Democrats, but the GOP's base consists of most of what is salvageable in this destroyed-from-within country, rough 20 percent, or what I call the "Salvageable Minority." Quite a step down from the "Silent Majority" of Nixon's day, but the relentless dumbing down of Americans through Cultural Marxism combined with the demographic revolution leaves us in the predicament we have today.
minorities, feminists, lesbians, urban dwellers, mothers of illegitimate children, White trash,

Don, I know there are many problems as I said in my post, but I respectfully disagree with the your above assessment.

Tom Iron...
Tom, I really like your posts, but Don's statements are pretty much statistical fact, although I would probably change his "minorities" to "blacks", because the other minorities have a noticeably higher marriage rate (I believe) than blacks.
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