Ubiquitous Man Hating

The thing that depresses me most about modern "womyn" is their dislike and unease with babies.

I don't deal with young women romantically (or sexually) anymore so what I see of them is in social situations. It is very disheartening to see a young women cringe at the idea of holding a baby, let alone HAVING a baby. When I was a kid the idea was that girls were prepared to be the future mothers of the society and that preperation included things like playing with dolls, home ec classes, and other activities based on getting them ready to raise kids.

Now? It's a freakin joke. The emphasis is to turn them into poor examples of boys==play sports, take shop classes, obsess about sex. And like boys they are afraid to even hold a baby, they cringe at the idea of motherhood and giving birth.

Me and my wife were out with two other younger couples the other night. Both were in their late twenties. No kids of course even after being together for several years. But both women went on about their dogs. They both take their dogs to "doggy day care". Is there anything sadder then young women wasting their maternal affections on animals, and even then not being able to nuture them but having to turn it over to a third party?

Is this what white culture has been reduced to? Maybe the anti-white people are right. Maybe white people are a cancer. What other culture has advanced the ethos of extinction so aggressively and enthusiastically? How is mankind to survive if the most successful social system is one that preaches non-reproductive behavior aided by sexual deviancy and infanticide?
The thing that depresses me most about modern "womyn" is their dislike and unease with babies.

I don't deal with young women romantically (or sexually) anymore so what I see of them is in social situations. It is very disheartening to see a young women cringe at the idea of holding a baby, let alone HAVING a baby. When I was a kid the idea was that girls were prepared to be the future mothers of the society and that preperation included things like playing with dolls, home ec classes, and other activities based on getting them ready to raise kids.

Now? It's a freakin joke. The emphasis is to turn them into poor examples of boys==play sports, take shop classes, obsess about sex. And like boys they are afraid to even hold a baby, they cringe at the idea of motherhood and giving birth.

Me and my wife were out with two other younger couples the other night. Both were in their late twenties. No kids of course even after being together for several years. But both women went on about their dogs. They both take their dogs to "doggy day care". Is there anything sadder then young women wasting their maternal affections on animals, and even then not being able to nuture them but having to turn it over to a third party?

Is this what white culture has been reduced to? Maybe the anti-white people are right. Maybe white people are a cancer. What other culture has advanced the ethos of extinction so aggressively and enthusiastically? How is mankind to survive if the most successful social system is one that preaches non-reproductive behavior aided by sexual deviancy and infanticide?

We live in a very sick world, not much else to it. Family is no longer important to the younger generation. These days tanning, makeup, whoring yourself out, social networking sites, and how much money you have are the only important things in life to most people. Who would have thought that in 2012 having more friends on Facebook than your buddy would be more important than starting a nice family?
It's really amazing what the PTB has been able to do in just 50 years what took almost 350 years to build. From the moment those pilgrims landed in 1620 until about 1960, this country was built, founded, and operated on a few basic set of principles that are the cornerstones of any great society.

It starts with a strong and traditional family unit within a patriarchal foundation where men are respected as leaders, innovators, creators, and basically the ones who move civilization forward. Sure, a lot of islamic countries have this even today and they are mostly stuck in 6th century, but the difference in America was the people who were almost entirely Whites of European descent. You take that formula and add the Bill of Rights, and it's easy to see how we became a superpower following WW2.

But then I guess the master plan was put forward to destroy the country, piece by piece. It started with feminism, civil rights, massive and unchecked non-White third world immigration, complete control of the media, academia, the sports and entertainment industry, the military industrial complex, and the country has been on a ruinous path ever since.

The latest weapon seems to be the homosexual mafia and their radical agenda which is being imposed on us at a very rapid pace. I think the ultimate goal there is to make homosexuality the norm and perhaps dominant lifestyle. So far in early 2012, their big effort seems to focus on legalizing gay marriage at every state as soon as possible, and hoping that eventually the dominos will fall and the whole country will accept this abomination as some sort of equal rights measure. Their tactics have been clever, and by somehow promoting this as a civil rights matter, it leaves the opponents in a very difficult position. You are now a homophobe AND racist if you are against gay marriage. I can totally see how people will eventually grow weary and stop putting up a fight. The attacks are coming from too many fronts.

The divide and conquer is working. Turn men against women, black against White, bring a bunch of non-Whites and put them amongst the natives to further implement social engineering programs, and use the afore-mentioned gay agenda to destroy whatever amount of morality is left. I have no clue what can be done to stop and turn the tide, but it looks completely hopeless at times.
Nice post. Yes, very disturbing stuff. And while it only took about 50 years for this to happen here, it has taken only about 20 years for it to happen in Great Britain, and it's even a more sinister there. We are quickly going the way of Sweden. I wasn't aware until just a few days ago that in Sweden "The State" is now the legal owner of children, not the parents. There's a very disturbing article today at infowars.com about British parents fleeing to Ireland with their children to escape the Social Workers in Great Britain:

"A mother and baby were pursued to Ireland by six social workers and police, who sat in Dublin for 10 days of court hearings, until a judge ruled in their favour (with the social workers seen giving “high fivesâ€￾ on emerging from the court). When the mother again escaped to a remote cottage, she was violently knocked down by a policeman, so that her baby could be taken back to England."

"Vicky Haigh, a former racehorse trainer, managed to escape to Ireland before her daughter was born. But then she was brought to England to be quite bizarrely punished, in a case relating to her beloved older daughter, with a three-year prison sentence – leaving her baby to be looked after in Ireland."

"A 14-year-old boy lived happily with his mother in Ireland for six months until, after an equally bizarre judgment based on evidence neither he nor his mother were allowed to see, he was deported miserably back to care in England."

Understand that a "Conservative" is now the PM of GB.

Although the Cultural Marxist (Continuing) Revolution started back in the mid-late 1960's (in America), I think many of the voters started voting more for economic issues as opposed to cultural ones since the U.S. economy really started on it's overall downward slope in 1974 and manufacturing jobs started to disappear. Unfortunately, the Republicans would adopt a more and more Corporate and free trade business model instead of a more economically-Populist model (like Buchanan and Goldwater) and many of the more culturally Conservative (mostly White, blue collar) voters would, out of fear of their job being shipped overseas (or south of the border), hold their nose and vote for a Democratic candidate instead of a Republican one even though they were more aligned with Republicans on cultural issues.

So, the CM agenda eventually became dominant and eventually codified into law. Once it became legally ingrained, the "New Democrats", led by Bill Cllinton (and Tony Blair in GB) then changed their economic policies to be much more Pro-Corporate and anti-Populist like that of the Republicans and thus GATT, WTO, NAFTA, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the repeal of Glass-Steagal were all enacted.

Of course adopting a Big Business/Pro-Corporate platform also means supporting some of the biggest ones out there, the Defense Contractors, and thus the foreign policy of the Democrats became much more hawkish. However, they were also able to change the very culturally conservative environment of both Corporations (ever see the movie "Trading Places"?...that type of Corporate culture is long gone and that was only 30 years ago) and the Military to become some the most aggressively pro-Cultural Marxist ones out there. It's truly remarkable. The wars in the Near and Middle East are just as much about providing Natural Resources for "our" Multi-National Corporations as it is to promote and instill feminism.

With Ron Paul, the Republicans have now been given a gift (although, I'm aware, not perfect) that they are trying to return to sender. Instead of embracing his ideas of limited government, sound money, and freedom and liberty (as well as adopting his millions of followers), they are vilifying, and ignoring or ridiculing him. Do they no longer agree with the type of platform he espouses? If not, they are flirting with their own extinction within ten years. It appears that they'd rather have a Police State to support their platform instead of adopting what Paul is preaching.

So it seems like we'll have a Police State at home and a dominant CM culture, an amazing convergence of both "1984" and "Brave New World", all in one, at the same time, the worst of both worlds.
The thing that depresses me most about modern "womyn" is their dislike and unease with babies.I don't deal with young women romantically (or sexually) anymore so what I see of them is in social situations. It is very disheartening to see a young women cringe at the idea of holding a baby, let alone HAVING a baby. When I was a kid the idea was that girls were prepared to be the future mothers of the society and that preperation included things like playing with dolls, home ec classes, and other activities based on getting them ready to raise kids.Now? It's a freakin joke. The emphasis is to turn them into poor examples of boys==play sports, take shop classes, obsess about sex. And like boys they are afraid to even hold a baby, they cringe at the idea of motherhood and giving birth. Me and my wife were out with two other younger couples the other night. Both were in their late twenties. No kids of course even after being together for several years. But both women went on about their dogs. They both take their dogs to "doggy day care". Is there anything sadder then young women wasting their maternal affections on animals, and even then not being able to nuture them but having to turn it over to a third party?Is this what white culture has been reduced to? Maybe the anti-white people are right. Maybe white people are a cancer. What other culture has advanced the ethos of extinction so aggressively and enthusiastically? How is mankind to survive if the most successful social system is one that preaches non-reproductive behavior aided by sexual deviancy and infanticide?
Jax, that business of women & married couples referring to their dogs as their "babies" (sans any children) is ultra-annoying. To me, there's something wrong with a "woman" that doesn't want kids. She's either qu33r, totally selfish or a headcase. These White couples that can't be bothered with kids are a large portion of what's wrong with this twisted "modern" society.
Many thanks for another stellar overall post, Jaxvid.

Jaxvid said:
I don't deal with young women romantically (or sexually) anymore so what I see of them is in social situations. It is very disheartening to see a young women cringe at the idea of holding a baby, let alone HAVING a baby. When I was a kid the idea was that girls were prepared to be the future mothers of the society and that preperation included things like playing with dolls, home ec classes, and other activities based on getting them ready to raise kids.

The blasé-sterility of western wombs is the stinging symbolism of this ever-manipulated, permanently-distracted race of yuppie cowards, lazy quitters, apathetic race-traitors, neurotic perverts, anaesthetized addicts, tenderhearted males and violent females. For this generation of white children, in this world, with these “role models,” perhaps their seed will benefit from this dormancy.

Jaxvid said:
Me and my wife were out with two other younger couples the other night. Both were in their late twenties. No kids of course even after being together for several years. But both women went on about their dogs. They both take their dogs to "doggy day care". Is there anything sadder then young women wasting their maternal affections on animals, and even then not being able to nuture them but having to turn it over to a third party?

A few months ago I was parked at a project site (waiting for a client) in a larger town in central Pennsylvania. A woman (maybe 28 or 29) driving an BMW SUV pulled into a spot in front of my car. On the back of her car was a grotesque bumper sticker featuring a picture of a cat, along side of which read: “Forget the kiddies, adopt the kitties!” Among other things, I thought to myself: “Little c-nt, you don’t deserve the right to birth a beautiful white child, let alone to ‘forget’ one in favor of a cat.” The mother and father of this ugly little urchin should have “forgotten” about her and adopted a animal. Unlike her, at least it would’ve brought a little joy to its owners.

Like all childless white women, she appeared to be leading an utterly miserable existance, at least that day…a furled brow, crimson lips bitch-yapping into an expensive cell phone, clown make-up congesting her every pore, sipping coffee from a major chain, dressed up in a black suit like a penis-sporting business man while attempting not to topple over walking in her 6” stilt-shoes. Yeah, “Girl Power!” looks like loads of fun. Being a true animal lover myself (even my chickens live a better life than most humans), I feel sorry for this woman’s pets.

Jaxvid said:
Is this what white culture has been reduced to? Maybe the anti-white people are right. Maybe white people are a cancer. What other culture has advanced the ethos of extinction so aggressively and enthusiastically? How is mankind to survive if the most successful social system is one that preaches non-reproductive behavior aided by sexual deviancy and infanticide?

The vast majority of white children would be far better off if this new breed of “motherhood,” this progressive strain of “womanhood,” was never a part of their lives at all. To a lesser extent, the very same can surely be said for “fatherhood” and for “manhood.” How many white (so-called) fathers leave their families? How many enable their wives to rule (and thus, ruin) their households? How many tolerate their sons and daughters impersonating, befriending, dating, intermarrying, and interbreeding with non-whites? How many encourage the malaise of corporate materialism, NewsJewsMassMedia, rampant technology over naturalism, and Jewdificated-Homosexualized-Feminized religion, politics, and education to imprison their families? Plenty.
Here we go. Yikes! It's like she's spoofing herself.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0edKpsktioE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Actually, in her case, maybe it's best. Would you want something like this for a mother?
The sad thing is that she was socially-engineered to believe the drivel she's stating, and all with that kind of uppity/arrogant/conceited type of attitude so prevalent in many of them today. She's obviously been "empowered" via the public school system of whatever country she's from and with whomever taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, women/girls, especially White women/girls, seem to be so easily susceptible to indoctrination. I think the goal of the system is to get them while they are young and have no other frame of reference...plant the seed early, water and feed it often with propaganda and, you have the instant feminist "chia pet".

This morning on the radio station I woke up to, the subject was about how and why birth rates in the U.S. are at an all-time low. While lying in bed, one female caller said that "it's because we (women) are 'more empowered now', 'we don't need a man anymore'". What a great way for me to start the day, hearing that. Then the mangina radio host proposed the question to her as to whether she felt "marriage was a 'chauvinist' institution". Good god. Glad it was time for me to take a shower.

Then, while cooking breakfast, I was listening to another radio station a Patriot-based radio station and Dr. Stanley Montieff was interviewing someone that was an expert on legal immigration and it was very disturbing. Stuff you don't hear in the Matrix media. I guess there is a newer B1 visa that now allows an unlimited number of visas to foreign workers for any work category and that there are now two million foreign students that graduate from American Universities each year and the U.S. Corporations have it now set up to give them first employment opportunities over natural born U.S. citizens.

The goal from both of these scenarios is to completely replace natural born (especially Whites) citizens. That is also why 0bama said to that East Indian person attending one of his rallies in NYC that "you are the future" while pointing at him.
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The alienation of men and women from each other appears to be the matrix's preferred way of implementing global population control, along with poisoning the food, air and water supplies with various drugs, chemicals, hormones, genetically altered crap, etc. And though feminism is aimed largely at Whites, it has a worldwide agenda as part of Imperial Washington's ongoing attempts to rule the world. Feminism has been very effective in Japan for example, where most young men have no interest in dating and sex. Japan is also saturated with porn, so the mainstreaming of porn (and homosexuality) is also part of the process of feminization and emasculation.
WTF? It doesn't get any more pathetic than this. What's next?

Male Army soldiers must take "Empathy Belly" training to understand how pregnant female soldiers feel when they are trying to do things and get around while pregnant.


"I didn’t want to do it," said Braden, 29, of Everett, Wash.

The 78th Aviation Battalion mechanic said he was ordered to do the training even though he doesn’t have any female soldiers in his unit and doesn’t see himself as the right sort of person to run the aerobics classes that make up a large portion of the PPPT training.

Despite his misgivings, Braden strapped on the empathy belly and spent Tuesday morning learning low-impact aerobics moves like the “grapevine” and the "V-step."

"This whole thing is pretty uncomfortable," he said of the 25-pound pregnancy simulator. But, "body armor is a lot heavier."

The alienation of men and women from each other appears to be the matrix's preferred way of implementing global population control, along with poisoning the food, air and water supplies with various drugs, chemicals, hormones, genetically altered crap, etc. And though feminism is aimed largely at Whites, it has a worldwide agenda as part of Imperial Washington's ongoing attempts to rule the world. Feminism has been very effective in Japan for example, where most young men have no interest in dating and sex. Japan is also saturated with porn, so the mainstreaming of porn (and homosexuality) is also part of the process of feminization and emasculation.

Good points Don. The worldwide drop in testosterone levels may indeed be caused by deliberate environmental factors related to additives in foods.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in many consumer goods as a result of modern packaging techniques, specifically the proliferation of plastic in containers.

BPA is thought to be an endocrine disruptor, which means it's presence in the diet can decrease testosterone in men, while decreasing estrogen in woman.
We live in a very sick world, not much else to it. Family is no longer important to the younger generation. These days tanning, makeup, whoring yourself out, social networking sites, and how much money you have are the only important things in life to most people. Who would have thought that in 2012 having more friends on Facebook than your buddy would be more important than starting a nice family?

Many fathers have raised their sons to be rude, obnoxious, punks. You have to be a gentleman to find the kind of woman you are looking for! Many young men don't even know their father and it has created effeminate boys.

There's not many true gentlemen left out there that know how to treat a woman, so they (women) can't find what they want or have to settle for an adolescent instead of a man, because it no longer exists.

Guys, I agree with much of what you're saying, but there are still many what I call old-fashion women out there who are not lesbians, who want to marry, have kids and are not self-absorbed.

I don't know what it's like where many of you guys live, but many seem to be from up north (above Virginia). There are plenty ladies here in the south.

You just have to know where to find them.
Highlander said:
The sad thing is that she was socially-engineered to believe the drivel she's stating, and all with that kind of uppity/arrogant/conceited type of attitude so prevalent in many of them today. She's obviously been "empowered" via the public school system of whatever country she's from and with whomever taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, women/girls, especially White women/girls, seem to be so easily susceptible to indoctrination. I think the goal of the system is to get them while they are young and have no other frame of reference...plant the seed early, water and feed it often with propaganda and, you have the instant feminist "chia pet".

It’s really no mystery why these modern white lasses feel so artificially “powerful,” as even this nation’s most highly respected “leadership” has cultivated these wretchedly-unfeminine ruminations for over ten decades now. For evidence of such, one need only consider one of “greatest” [snickering], most “vigorous” [chuckling] most “manly” [laughing hysterically] presidents in American history, Theodore Roosevelt. You know, the pretentious imp who once proudly wrote that: “Especially as regards the laws relating to marriage, there should be the most absolute equality preserved between the two sexes. I do not think the woman should assume the man's name.”

Yes, that old “Progressive Teddy Bear” really was some American, wasn’t he? A lifelong-millionaire, a dorky, small-bodied, sickly, distended-bellied, Negro-appointing, Jew-hiring, super-pompous war-mongering bully who was a fake “colonel” during the Spanish-American War, a fake “cowboy” and “Jägermeister” during his time on the “range,” a USA-chanting blowhard who loathed those white Americans that cherished their Irish and German identities, a ruthless executioner of tens of thousands of rare animals while hunting on “Safari,” a hardnosed civil rights activist for non-whites, and a mindless female supremacist that was tremendously undeserving of having his repugnant, rotund, bulldog-esque façade etched upon the mountainside at Rushmore. Then again, Fat-Boy sullied so much of the political landscape during his life…so why not defile a once-beautiful natural landscape in death? That would be so utterly “Rosenfelt.”

This so-called white man, like so many other absconders of our once-great tribe, was not “great,” nor a “leader,” nor “macho,” nor a “hero,” nor a “founding father,” nor a “national treasure.” No, Miss Teddy, like his viscously anti-white relation (Franklin Delano Beelzebub Rosenfelt), was a comprehensive dishonor to the white epidermal tissue he never deserved the right to wear...


CAPTION: “Macho Man” Slays a White Rhino…Highly Apropos
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Thrashen I usually agree with you in all respects but I don't know that I see Teddy Rooseveldt in the same negative light as you indicate in your post. That quote certainly surprises me however I think it was motivated more by the fact that he wanted his daughters to continue his family name then any anti-male motivation.

My reading of his life indicates he was sometimes every bit the bad ass he is often made out to be. He used his own money to raise and equip the "Rough Riders" and went off to battle with them. How many chicken hawk, rich, arm chair warriors of today, can say the same thing?

While campaigning for President he was shot in the chest, and while still bleeding he went on to the give the speech that was interrupted by the assassination attempt. He took that bullet to the grave with him.

The funny thing about Teddt Rooseveldt is that he is so many things to so many people. He is both hero and bum to racialists and anti-whites.

Perhaps what endears him most to me is his painfully truthful comments:

"As a race, and in the mass, [blacks] are altogether inferior to the whites." - As president, 1906

"Laziness and shiftlessness, these, and above all, vice and criminality of every kind, are evils more potent for harm to the black race than all acts of oppression of white men put together." - As president, 1905

Here's what Roosevelt had to say about Native Americans:

"I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth." - from TR's THE WINNING OF THE WEST
The alienation of men and women from each other appears to be the matrix's preferred way of implementing global population control, along with poisoning the food, air and water supplies with various drugs, chemicals, hormones, genetically altered crap, etc. And though feminism is aimed largely at Whites, it has a worldwide agenda as part of Imperial Washington's ongoing attempts to rule the world. Feminism has been very effective in Japan for example, where most young men have no interest in dating and sex. Japan is also saturated with porn, so the mainstreaming of porn (and homosexuality) is also part of the process of feminization and emasculation.

If it wasn't for the decadence and pivotal role of women at the end of most, if not all, civilizations, it could strongly be argued that the powers that be are intentionally creating the scenario, even to the point that it has been argued that Romans sterilized themselves with lead used in food http://www.dartmouth.edu/~toxmetal/toxic-metals/more-metals/lead-history.html. If this is being done intentionally, then the "elite" are making the same mistake again and again throughout history which would be very interesting, especially, considering it ends their power with the coming of a dark age.

Men and women have differing abilities and skill sets that bolster one another and form the bases of the family unit. The family unit in turn forms the foundation of civilization. If the balance of the function of men and women in society is disturbed by one or both not doing their part, the family crumbles and foundation of civilization fails and civilization falls.

We can see an overview of what happen in history but for details we must watch what is happening today.

Many have told of how women will take men in a divorce, but I have seen and heard after the woman leaves she often finds a bad boy that will in turn clean her out and the cycle starts again until she can't find a good man to rescue her and becomes a lonely old bitter woman. The sadness is that if she had stayed with the good boy they could have grown old together in happiness in most cases.

Something has created the break between men and women. They found a hormone that some believe is connect to racial awareness and bonding http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/jan/30/bright-ideas-oxytocin-hormone-racism and add to this the “the liberal gene" http://cofcc.org/2011/02/does-white-guilt-run-in-the-family/ probably very common in both Democrats and Republicans. Bonding to one tribe would make one more like to sacrifice for others of their nation so as the saying goes "the best bleed and the worst breed".

If too many of our people are running low on the bonding hormone then they won't be interested in what is good for their children just what they want. Since divorce is seen as enriching for the woman she jump at the chance to dump the good boy and get a bad boy who wants her money that she got from the good boy. A male with the low bonding hormone would only marry if there was something in it for him.

It may explain why at the end of civilization so many people are selfish and unwilling to sacrifice for the good of their nation and those who would may see that it is not worth it.

Good boys have trouble finding good girls and vice versa, but they do exist but can be hard to identify in mass of bad girls and boys on the prowl for their own pleasure who can hide their true selfishness in order to snare their next victim.
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Thrashen I usually agree with you in all respects but I don't know that I see Teddy Rooseveldt in the same negative light as you indicate in your post. That quote certainly surprises me however I think it was motivated more by the fact that he wanted his daughters to continue his family name then any anti-male motivation.

My reading of his life indicates he was sometimes every bit the bad ass he is often made out to be. He used his own money to raise and equip the "Rough Riders" and went off to battle with them. How many chicken hawk, rich, arm chair warriors of today, can say the same thing?

While campaigning for President he was shot in the chest, and while still bleeding he went on to the give the speech that was interrupted by the assassination attempt. He took that bullet to the grave with him.

The funny thing about Teddt Rooseveldt is that he is so many things to so many people. He is both hero and bum to racialists and anti-whites.

Perhaps what endears him most to me is his painfully truthful comments:

"As a race, and in the mass, [blacks] are altogether inferior to the whites." - As president, 1906

"Laziness and shiftlessness, these, and above all, vice and criminality of every kind, are evils more potent for harm to the black race than all acts of oppression of white men put together." - As president, 1905

Here's what Roosevelt had to say about Native Americans:

"I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth." - from TR's THE WINNING OF THE WEST

I wasn't aware of all the negative aspects about TR (that Thrashen alluded to). I know he was a nationalist...

"We must Americanize in every way, in speech, in political ideas and principles, and in their way of looking at relations between church and state. We welcome the German and the Irishman who becomes an American. We have no use for the German or Irishman who remains such... He must revere only our flag, not only must it come first, but no other flag should even come second."

....but not a White Nationalist...

(Per Wikipedia) Roosevelt appointed numerous African Americans to federal office, such as Walter L. Cohen of New Orleans, Louisiana, a leader of the Black and Tan Republican faction whom he named register of the federal land office.
Jaxvid said:
My reading of his life indicates he was sometimes every bit the bad ass he is often made out to be. He used his own money to raise and equip the "Rough Riders" and went off to battle with them. How many chicken hawk, rich, arm chair warriors of today, can say the same thing?

Being a white “bas ass” and being pro-white can be mutually exclusive. You’re right, though, if Teddy were alive today, he’d likely be idolized by Ethnopolitical whites (he’d certainly be my favorite politician) thirsting for an ounce of manhood among “their” elected officials.

Jaxvid said:
While campaigning for President he was shot in the chest, and while still bleeding he went on to the give the speech that was interrupted by the assassination attempt. He took that bullet to the grave with him.

Yes, and here is the x-ray showing that bullet. Pretty hardcore stuff, indeed…

Jaxvid said:
The funny thing about Teddy Roosevelt is that he is so many things to so many people. He is both hero and bum to racialists and anti-whites.

Well said, I agree.

Jaxvid said:
Perhaps what endears him most to me is his painfully truthful comments:

"As a race, and in the mass, [blacks] are altogether inferior to the whites." - As president, 1906

"Laziness and shiftlessness, these, and above all, vice and criminality of every kind, are evils more potent for harm to the black race than all acts of oppression of white men put together." - As president, 1905

Here's what Roosevelt had to say about Native Americans:

"I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth." - from TR's THE WINNING OF THE WEST

Those quotes are superb, but his worldly actions were saturated with the antithesis of those hollow words. In 1992, Nathan Miller wrote a revealing book called “Theodore Roosevelt: A Life,” which was full of sickening anecdotes, quotes, and speeches exposing his Negro-loving, Jew-fawning, and female-chauvinist political actions and opinions.

Teddy began his anti-white activities while serving as commissioner of the NYPD back in 1895. One story in Miller’s book describes an incident in which a “radical” German preacher had planned to perform a series of “anti-Semitic” public speeches in New York, warning of the evils of Jewish influence upon gentiles. NY-based Jews began pleading with Teddy to do something to stop this man, so Teddy assigned 40 Jewish police offers to “protect” (intimidate) the preacher during his speech, which, of course, utterly ruined the event. Teddy said the following about the incident: Of course I told them I could not - that the right of free speech must be maintained unless he incited them to riot. On thinking it over, however, it occurred to me that there was one way in which I could undo most of the mischief he was trying to do.” In 1903, after whites in Russia began extracting revenge upon Russian Jews (in the form of violence), TeddyGirl forced the U.S. State Department to send a petition to the Russian government signed by his Zionist pals, with Teddy solemnly stating that: “The deep sympathy felt not only by the administration, but all the American people for the unfortunate Jews who have been the victims in the recent appalling massacres and outrages.”

As Governor of New York State, Teddy fought tirelessly to pass a bill which abolished racial segregation of schools in New York State as far back as 1899, writing that his own children “went to school with colored children, and it did them no harm.”

After then-president McKinley (also a Negro-lover) was assassinated in 1901, Teddy took over as POTUS. After being sworn in as president, Teddy made “history” by being the first president to invite a negro (that being his personal friend, Booker T. Washington) to dinner at the White House. Many Americans, particularly in the southern U.S., were outraged by this incident. After Teddy’s embarrassing “black dinner party,” one of the most brazen, truthful, pro-white politicians in American history, James Vardaman, rightly referred to Miss Teddy as: “A little, mean, coon-flavored miscegenationist” during one of his rousing speeches. Teddy again “made history” by appointing several other “black firsts” (Dr. William Crum, Minnie Cox, etc) and employing several black personal assistants (Charles Lee, James Amos, and some others). Teddy also gave several speeches viciously denouncing the lynching of blacks, which utterly incised the pro-white masses.

Picture of Theodore Roosevelt and Booker T Washington.jpg

And, finally, here are some of Teddy’s quotes concerning women’s (so called) empowerment…

“Much can be done by law towards putting women on a footing of complete and entire equal rights with man - including the right to vote, the right to hold and use property, and the right to enter any profession she desires on the same terms as the man."

"Women should have free access to every field of labor which they care to enter, and when their work is as valuable as that of a man it should be paid as highly."

I suppose what I’m attempting to articulate is that Teddy Roosevelt, though courageous, brave, truthful, and masculine at times, was likely seen as the equivalent of “wigger” during his era. For an early 1900’s politician, let alone an early 1900’s white man, he would be viewed as an enemy by many pro-white Americans.

I apologize for slightly “derailing” this thread with my thoughts on Roosevelt.
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Yet another man-shaming article by yet another snobbish, entitled, spoiled, know-it-all American "Princess":

The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men


However, I have never seen more blistering responses (well, maybe except from Thrashen ;)) from so many men. Holy cow.

Here's the flavor of just a few of them I thought I'd share:

"I am in my late 40's and nearing the end of my first and God willing only marriage. I loved my wife dearly for all the years we were together. I treated her like gold, never cheated on her, didn't go out drinking with my friends, didn't sit around the house watching football all weekend, I kept a steady job and provided for her and our children, and what did I get in return? She cheated on me at least 3 times that I know of, she treated me like dirt, tormented me with endless mind games, I had to basically beg for any kind of attention, and then she left me for a complete loser and when that went to hell an even bigger loser. Then she asks if maybe we could try again? Are you kidding me? I'm not playing this game anymore. Stop the ride I want to get off!"

"Are you freaking kidding me?! These so called 'women', the correct word starts with an 'S' and ends in a 'T', are doing nothing of the sort. They start sexing it up will in their teens and they are riding late into following morning with no such thoughts of marriage or children till they are well into their early thirties. Their vaginas are so stretched as to be wide enough to fit a carrier fleet through. They are a joke, not fit to be mothers, wives or moral figures to which to aspire to, but hell, they still feel they can lecture men. Give us a freaking break! Congratulations feminist, you earned this society. Please enjoy it."

"I am 60 years old. I have worked and raised a family, wearing myself out in the process. I work in a dead end job, waiting for retirement. I used to be an interesting guy when I was single, but now I'm just another boring old fart. I can't complain though. My wife hasn't divorced me, and we still sort of love each other. But she hectors me constantly for converting to a different religion than the one I was practicing when we married. I don't see any benefit for young men to follow Ms. Hingborn's advice and become an exhausted old broke down plow horse like me. Stick to your video games. Women aren't worth the effort, and I was lucky enough to get a relatively good one."

"Step 1: Tell two generations of men they are sexist, brutish, scum of the earth who will forever be inferior to women. Step 2: Give women massive privilege in obtaining scholarships and jobs. Step 3: Indoctrinate generations of women into perceiving every man as a vile monster, and that being "strong and independent" requires being hateful to men. Step 4: Rig divorce and child custody laws to make marriage a hideous trap for men. Step 5: Dehumanize men to the point that we believe their only role is to be a servant to women. Step 6: Act surprised when men give women the middle finger. Step 7: Go back to step 1"

"He is a quote: "There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that that have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it." — Martin Luther King Jr. Though this comment was made in a different context it is just as valid today when applied to young men of the western world. The subject of this article applies to and is happening in many more places than the US. Feminists should stop hand wringing and do some introspection. You created this situation."

"Fact is, the "traditional" male path of high stress career, marriage and family simply involve too much effort and risk for far too little reward. We men don't exist just to provide women with relationships, for us to opt in women have to bring something to the table to justify what we are expected to provide. As it stands, video games, porn and casual sex are a far better alternative than a stressful job with long hours that we would require to earn the money to attract a woman, and pay for her wedding, her children, her divorce, her alimony and her child support. Modern girls really need to "woman up" to make the traditional masculine role appealing to men once again."

"What a disgusting article. So modern women are these noble, moral creatures who are just helplessly waiting around for some "nice guy" to marry them ?? What a load of crap! Let me tell you about most of the young women today, they are spoiled, narcissistic, vain, entitled, shallow, superficial and all round horrible human beings with no moral fibre and who care not a jot for any human being other than themselves.They live in a shallow, fantasy based me me me world. No wonder men are avoiding these toxic, amoral creatures like the plague. They are also highly promiscuous, treat men like cr@p, and incidentally have zero interest in "nice guys" either."

"More shaming tactics from a dying society. Don't women and the other sickos realize that men do not care anymore because what they can gain from participating in society and playing its game is bad... that there are no more benefits."
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Yet another man-shaming article by yet another snobbish, entitled, spoiled, know-it-all American "Princess":

The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men


However, I have never seen more blistering responses (well, maybe except from Thrashen ;)) from so many men. Holy cow.

Bravo! Reading through those responses made my day, maybe my month. :high5::beer:

I don't know if we'll ever be able to knock racial common sense into more than a relatively small number of White people, thanks in no small part to the black worshipping brought about by the Caste System in sports which is reinforced in mind-numbing fashion by the corporate media, but at least (White) men are waking up in noticeable numbers to the feminism racket and the numerous ways it's poisoned society.
This back lash is going to be fun to watch. I mentioned this to a couple of "progressive" types at work, comparing it to a pendulum, and they both shook their heads at me. These women with all their fancy degrees and student debt are in for the rudest surprise of all.
This is off topic but related to the feminist article Highlander cited above and all the negative comments that followed it. I went to ESPN's site a few hours ago to see how they were covering the Honda Classic, and sure enough the headline on the homepage was "Tiger Makes the Cut." Silly stuff straight out of National Lampoon magazine. I went to the article, and following it was comment after comment ripping Woods and also ESPN for their over the top Tiger-centric coverage. There were still some Tiger nut-huggers posting, but not many. I just checked ESPN again, and now their lead story is about the actual leaders and the tournament itself, with the Tiger article now the secondary one in the coverage.

Just another small piece of evidence that more people are getting sick of the crap shoved down their throats on a daily basis by the system, and that even the Cultural Marxist fanatics who run the corporate media react to overwhelmingly negative responses to their bs.

Here's the Woods story, with comments following: http://espn.go.com/golf/story/_/id/7638673/tiger-woods-clear-honda-classic-cut-two-birdie-finish
This is off topic but related to the feminist article Highlander cited above and all the negative comments that followed it. I went to ESPN's site a few hours ago to see how they were covering the Honda Classic, and sure enough the headline on the homepage was "Tiger Makes the Cut." Silly stuff straight out of National Lampoon magazine. I went to the article, and following it was comment after comment ripping Woods and also ESPN for their over the top Tiger-centric coverage. There were still some Tiger nut-huggers posting, but not many. I just checked ESPN again, and now their lead story is about the actual leaders and the tournament itself, with the Tiger article now the secondary one in the coverage.

Just another small piece of evidence that more people are getting sick of the crap shoved down their throats on a daily basis by the system, and that even the Cultural Marxist fanatics who run the corporate media react to overwhelmingly negative responses to their bs.

Here's the Woods story, with comments following: http://espn.go.com/golf/story/_/id/7638673/tiger-woods-clear-honda-classic-cut-two-birdie-finish
Looks like they removed the link to the "Tiger Makes the Cut" article, but have another one there now in its place called "Tiger Woods Struggles But Scores 68" and it's 90% about him. So, cannot see the comments you mention...they've been flushed down the Orwellian memory hole.
The other day, my wife (a real woman who loves to bake and cook) was watching a new cooking show on Food Network entitled: “The Pioneer Woman.” The show stars a woman named Ree Drummond, a mother of four and the wife of an Oklahoma rancher who hosts a cooking show from her kitchen…


CAPTION: Ree Drummond’s Cookbook


CAPTION: The Drummond Family

The episode we watched featured Ree preparing a “birthday meal” for her husband, Ladd Drummond. Throughout the episode, Ree gushes poetically about her husband, an Aryan-looking, burly, strong, hard-working, tough, reserved cattle rancher. As she prepares the meal, she describes his many positive qualities, why she loves him, why she appreciates him, etc. As the viewer, I got the impression that she longed to impress him, to show respect for him, to please him by expressing her femininity through the art of cooking for her husband and family. As she talked about getting up early that morning in order to help her husband feed their livestock, video of her helping him on the farm was played.


CAPTION: Hot Farm Hand

At the table, during the birthday meal, the family delights in her edible works, which even included homemade ice cream. The children, all of whom seem very sweet and well-behaved, even made personalized gifts for their father.

The following video features Ree talking about her idea of a “Perfect Mother’s Day.” She discusses the importance of teaching her two daughters the value of cooking, calling it “Teaching them the important things in life.”


Despite the fact that this woman is nearly 20 years my senior, I find her feminine ideals, her pride in country-living, and womanly demeanor to be very attractive. I'll certainly watch this show in the future.
Thanks for sharing this Thrashen. Just imagine for a moment what this country (and Western society as a whole) would look like if we had more families like this, and this type of lifestyle and morals were more heavily promoted on TV and the media, instead of the pro-homosexual and anti-male garbage which is the norm.

God bless this family! Glad to see something good and positive for a change.
Thrashen, it seems those "old fashioned" gals are harder and harder to come by. I've a good wife, my Mom was a saint & my (material) grandmother was "salt of the earth" (I don't recall much of my paternal grandma as she passed when I was 5). These are/were real women of substance, strength, femininity and values. :)

I've got an old HS pal of mine (I've mentioned on CF before) that bounces in the clubs in Atlanta. Up until a few years ago, he (still) had the mindset of a 21 year olde dud (being that he's single w/ no kids). While he's matured (some) in the last few years, he still has that single/childless outlook for the most part. Even so, he talks about how much worse these younger gals (in their early 20s) have gotten...even compared to girls his/my age (late 30s, early 40s). He talks about how shallow & empty they are....(again) even more so than 15-20 years ago. I tell him that generation gaps are obvious w/ most "women"...and the differences not for the better (w/ most younger, sheeplized folks). :eek:hwell:
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