The Trumpening?

I am praying he delivers.

Did u hear it? It was great, exposing the (literally) satanic Clintons and their accomplices. The trouble is the only people listening to it (or watching it if that's what u did) are people who already hate the evil hag.
Re the female vote above - giving the women the vote was a very big mistake. Wise men, and wise women too, knew that at the time. That is how, along with rigged vote counting, they got the current mulatto ****** in chief and his drag queen wife in there twice. How many happy families have been wrecked by political dissent? Of course that is exactly what they want, and now they have women acting like men and vice versa, which means DEATH, the end of the race, which is of course exactly what they want.

After the Alex Jones show his partner discussed his experience going into a bar wearing his Hillary For Prison shirt. He said that one woman after another came to him and screamed in his face calling him names.
I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan so I don't see many Trump signs, flags or bumper stickers. I don't really see much Clinton stuff either, at least not compared to Obama in 08 and 12. Hell, I still see more Bernie stickers here in SWPL Brooklyn.

This is not to say Trump supporters don't exist. In fact, there are probably a few million in NYC but they are "closeted". I have Trump signs in my most prominent apartment window. I won't however put a bumper sticker on my car. It's a near certainty that a negro, passive aggressive hipster, illegal mestizo or unhinged fagg0t would vandalize my car as it's parked on the street.

That's the situation in the city but today I had a white pill moment when I spent the entire day in the North Fork of Long Island. There were Trump signs everywhere. I made note to point them out when I saw them in front of houses and a few businesses. In total I'd say I saw about 25 to 30 Trump signs or flags compared to 1 Hillary. That's right only 1 all day. The highlight of my day was a large pickup truck driving around proudly flying two large flags; Trump and the Stars and Stripes. Still a lot of red blooded Americans living in this part of the state.

I used to live in the Inwood section of Manhattan (the northern end) and work in the worst black slums of Brooklyn. Nasty commute too. What's the Triboro Bridge (I heard they renamed it) cost now, $25? It used to be 25 cents, and the politicians told the suckers that all the bridge tolls were there only until the bridges were paid for and then they would be free. I never put anything controversial on my vehicle. The only times I see a car with a Hillary sticker on it - and I do so want to go into ramming mode - in fact I saw a big 18 wheeler jam on his brakes at the last second behind such a vehicle just yesterday! - it is almost always being driven by an angry looking older female with close cropped hair, probably a teacher, and I am quite sure that most people here are Trump supporters. I think it is even more important to keep your house low profile. Nobody is going to see a sign or sticker and change his or her mind anyway.
People in a lot of urban areas have to keep their pro-Trump views quiet. As always the corporate media has it backwards -- it's Trump supporters who are being attacked in large numbers rather than being the ones doing the attacking as the corporate media claims.

Trump Surge Freakout: More Violence Against Supporters
As Election Day nears and the GOP nominee rises, attacks on his backers, signs and buildings are escalating

Contrary to all the constant lies you hear about the German "brown shirts", the Sturmabteilung , Storm detachment, SA, the real reason they formed was to protect their peaceful meetings against the attacks of the communist scum, same as you see right here.
I used to live in the Inwood section of Manhattan (the northern end) and work in the worst black slums of Brooklyn. Nasty commute too. What's the Triboro Bridge (I heard they renamed it) cost now, $25? It used to be 25 cents, and the politicians told the suckers that all the bridge tolls were there only until the bridges were paid for and then they would be free. I never put anything controversial on my vehicle. The only times I see a car with a Hillary sticker on it - and I do so want to go into ramming mode - in fact I saw a big 18 wheeler jam on his brakes at the last second behind such a vehicle just yesterday! - it is almost always being driven by an angry looking older female with close cropped hair, probably a teacher, and I am quite sure that most people here are Trump supporters. I think it is even more important to keep your house low profile. Nobody is going to see a sign or sticker and change his or her mind anyway.
Now they call it the RFK Bridge, after another guy they shot down. I don't know anyone who calls it that now but they insisted on changing all the road signs. As you may know, they also named the Queensborough Bridge after Ed Koch but know one calls it that either.
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Obama encourages illegals to vote by saying nothing will happen to them.

Obama encourages illegals to vote by saying nothing will happen to them.

In a sane world that POS would be impeached for suggesting that non-citizens can vote.

How does that even happen? When I go into vote they check a list, see if I'm on it, if not I can't vote, they don't just hand everyone a ballot. Is this different in other places?

And if we don't have to follow the laws on being a citizen for voting, why do we have to follow the rules on poll taxes or voter tests? It's no rules right?
I am unfortunately based in Connecticut which is libtard central along with the rest of New England. With that said I have seen way more trump yard signs, bumper stickers etc than for that joke Clinton. In the last election the incompetent moron Dannel Malloy won by a margin of 50.8% to Foley's 48.2%. With such a close margin in the Gubernatorial elections I have to wonder if Trump will flip this stupidly blue state. I just find it interesting seeing such a display of pro Trump support up here and have to wonder if CT along with other New England states may be in play.

What about everyone else? What have you observed in your neck of the woods?

.....and it's difficult to believe that it's even close! I guess I just live in a small corner of the US, but everyone here in W. NC. are Trump supporters or so it seems. All I see are Trump signs in yards and on cars...and the women here as I've said are supporting Trump. I saw a woman Friday with a huge Trump sign on her SUV and I honked my horn and gave her the thumbs up! The Republican/Trump headquarters in my county is in a huge building with people everywhere! While the Democratic/Hillary headquarters is the size of an outdoor toilet! Our Governor and longest serving Charlotte Mayor ever is a Republican, Pat McCrory and stood up to the LGBT community. In 2008 a once strong Republican state went Obama and in 2012 went with Romney. With all this and they're saying NC is leaning toward Hillary. Hard to believe. From what others are saying here, with the exception of Connecticut, it would seem that Trump would be ahead if not way ahead.
.....and it's difficult to believe that it's even close! I guess I just live in a small corner of the US, but everyone here in W. NC. are Trump supporters or so it seems. All I see are Trump signs in yards and on cars...and the women here as I've said are supporting Trump. I saw a woman Friday with a huge Trump sign on her SUV and I honked my horn and gave her the thumbs up! The Republican/Trump headquarters in my county is in a huge building with people everywhere! While the Democratic/Hillary headquarters is the size of an outdoor toilet! Our Governor and longest serving Charlotte Mayor ever is a Republican, Pat McCrory and stood up to the LGBT community. In 2008 a once strong Republican state went Obama and in 2012 went with Romney. With all this and they're saying NC is leaning toward Hillary. Hard to believe. From what others are saying here, with the exception of Connecticut, it would seem that Trump would be ahead if not way ahead.
Fox News reporting: NC has moved slightly into a Trump lead: 46.8 to 46.0.
In my area of Michigan there are more Trump signs then Hillary but in the city neighborhoods there are a few more Clinton signs, but not many. Many people I know think Trump is a nut and Clinton a crook. I know very few open Trump supporters. If the voting was on the up and up and I would say he would win Michigan but I also know they cheat like crazy in every urban area, and there are a lot of Democraps in the state. So I think the machines can deliver Michigan to the crook.
I haven't noticed a lot of signs or bumper stickers either way around here.

I did see a Clinton bumper sticker recently. Very damn few though. Curious for a college town.

Think I'll take a drive over to the next county where I grew up. Lots of farmers and ranchers over there they always vote red but I'm wondering what effect the growing Mexican element (from maybe 3-4 percent when I was growing up to maybe 30 percent now) might have on the situation.
No F---en charges! AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Just shows how unreliable sites on the alt-right are, and how they jerk their supporters around. So much for the FBI being all in for Trump.

This might be the thing that swings the election her way. Now that there is no danger of her being indicted, and make no mistake this is the end of the FBI/DOJ investigation into anything about the Clintons, under Obama's watch. Obviously there were some other people involved and they all got together to make this happen. When Hillary gets elected this will all go away. It can be filed away with Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, pay for play, and on and on.
I was thinking they might pull something like this. Make all these charges look like poor little Hillary being picked on because certain people don't want a woman president, then "exonerate" her close to the election to give her a nice bump the last couple days. Seems like a set-up to me the whole FBI "investigation" sham.

Well we still have more possible wiki-leaks.

And the hidden Trump vote. I feel it's out there. I don't think there is a hidden Hillary vote.

Am I whistling in the dark?
I was thinking they might pull something like this. Make all these charges look like poor little Hillary being picked on because certain people don't want a woman president, then "exonerate" her close to the election to give her a nice bump the last couple days. Seems like a set-up to me the whole FBI "investigation" sham.

Well we still have more possible wiki-leaks.

And the hidden Trump vote. I feel it's out there. I don't think there is a hidden Hillary vote.

Am I whistling in the dark?
I agree. The question is, is the "hidden" vote for Trump as well as all of the people that have sat on the sidelines over the past few decades, but will finally vote for Trump in this election, be greater than the single White female Jezebels, "offended" Mexicans and Hispanics, and the one-sided voter fraud that will be in favor of Hillary.
Keep in mind that the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation is still pending. As mentioned, this probably disappears too after it's elected. The only savior is Wikileaks, who will hopefully make her life a living hell as POTUS.
The Trump campaign is airing some great commercials today during America's day-long services at the Church of the NFL, telling it like it is about the globalists. One can only hope most of the DWFs can comprehend what he is saying to them.
Unreal that Comey cleared her again when the evidence out there is as clear as day.
The Governor of the state of NC, Pat McCrory, is on Bill O'Reilly in a few moments.
Governor McCrory had some interesting things to say and glad he cleared some of those things up with O'Reilly. NC along with Florida and Ohio will be big for Trump in order for him to win!
Where is the NYPD?? Was that B*ll Sh*t as well?
If Wikileaks is going to drop a bomb, btwn now and tomorrow morning would be a great time to do so. Please drop a yuge one.
American Freedom News