The Trumpening?




The day has arrived gentlemen. Hope everyone here is able to vote and Trump comes out tonight as the next President. Godspeed!
It was, by far, the longest line I've ever seen at my township this morning when the polls opened at 7 AM. There was nowhere to park and there was an hour-long wait to enter the building. I overheard various poll volunteers expressing their amazement at the size of the crowd. I drove a lot of miles and put a lot of time, money, and effort into "signing" for Trump's campaign (I painted hundreds of Trump signs and plastered them in multiple counties in PA), so I wanted to take a picture to commemorate the only vote I've ever cast (aside from voting for Donald in the primary) for truth, for hope, for goodness, for righteousness, for courage, for light, and for a real man attempting to help the white race...


No matter what happens tonight, I will consider Donald J. Trump to be my president for the rest of my life. I'll never forget his great sacrifice for our cause. He has inspired me and many millions of other Europeans around the planet to stand up for our cause...and against all odds, he's survived the infinite hate machine of our seemingly-omnipotent enemies and is still standing on election day. His strength of will is titanium and, win or lose, that will never change.
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I'm headed out in a little while to go vote. I'll report back what I see. Glad to hear from Freethinker, WA33 and Thrashen already this AM.
Glad I voted for Trump in early voting several days ago. Texas should go Red anyway. Hope so, otherwise I know this thing is rigged.
It's either plan for victory tonight or plan for a serious war against the brood of vipers for the rest of our lives.

Nothing good comes easy, guys.

Go Trump!!!
I'm voting this afternoon when my dear wife gets home from work. My oldest son is also coming over to vote with us, this will be his first presidential election. That will be three more votes for The Donald. Missouri is pretty red. Too bad I'm not a cheating Democrat or I'm sure I could go over to Kansas and vote there, too. And go on over to Illinois and cast another vote or four.
Just voted - overheard the individual who oversees my voting site that he has never seen such a turn out. At about 10:00 he said 825 people had already voted. Hoping it is a turnout for Trump. I can't imagine the typical apathetic voter would drum up enough energy or interest to vote in crooked Hillary.
Just voted - overheard the individual who oversees my voting site that he has never seen such a turn out. At about 10:00 he said 825 people had already voted. Hoping it is a turnout for Trump. I can't imagine the typical apathetic voter would drum up enough energy or interest to vote in crooked Hillary.

Apparently the Hispanics are coming out in droves to vote in Florida this year. At least that's what the media is saying. That could be bad news as Trump needs Florida bad to win. I hear the black vote is down this year though.
Apparently the Hispanics are coming out in droves to vote in Florida this year. At least that's what the media is saying. That could be bad news as Trump needs Florida bad to win. I hear the black vote is down this year though.

Doesn't surprise me as many of the problems in this country can be attributed to that group and they want to do what they can to keep the status quo going. They have replaces blacks as the main minority bloc the democrats want.
Doesn't surprise me as many of the problems in this country can be attributed to that group and they want to do what they can to keep the status quo going. They have replaces blacks as the main minority bloc the democrats want.

With the democrats and other assorted liberal morons preaching to the Hispanics that Trump will deport them if he wins you can see their reason for coming out.
I voted at 6:30 this morning for Trump and of course our Governor Pat McCrory who has not backed down from the LBGT organization, however, I'm concerned he may lose his job. I pray he doesn't. Long lines here in western NC. I know this part of the state is pro-Trump/McCrory. Let's hope we carry the rest of the state!
Apparently the Hispanics are coming out in droves to vote in Florida this year. At least that's what the media is saying. That could be bad news as Trump needs Florida bad to win. I hear the black vote is down this year though.

But a lot of the hispanics in Florida, at least in the Miami area, are Cubans, and I believe they are mostly for Trump.
Cal Red Blue.gif
Doesn't look so out of balance from this map but all the blue are heavily populated areas. I'm from the county just north of Colusa County, and live in Butte County across the Sacramento River from that county. The majority in that red area always have and president and governor they don't want.
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If it's close they will steal it for Clinton. No question. We have to hope that the enthusiasm shown this election season was genuine and becomes votes.

I expect that if it is close they will be able to steal, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. That will be a landslide for Clinton and just what the establishment needs. Expect to hear the witch screeching "Americans have rejected the dark, divisive, message of Donald Trump". God help us if that happens.
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