The Trumpening?

Boy that was a quick investigation. Usually it takes the government months of shuffling papers before they can even start an investigation. Total bullshirt obviously.
Is anybody other than the folks drunk on the Kool-Aid buying this?
Best comment I've seen about this: "the swamp ain't gonna drain itself".
Oh and I did take a Sunday drive across the river to see what was going on in my home county, and you would hardly know there is a presidential election in two days. I spotted a grand total of two Trump signs (one a Farmers for Trump sign out in the country the only one I saw out there) two Gary Johnson signs trying to split the middle, and zero Clinton signs. I know damn well it is still a Trump county, but nobody wants to risk a rock or maybe a bullet through their front window. Then again, what's the point anyway. Any Trump vote counts for nothing in California.
Oh and I did take a Sunday drive across the river to see what was going on in my home county, and you would hardly know there is a presidential election in two days. I spotted a grand total of two Trump signs (one a Farmers for Trump sign out in the country the only one I saw out there) two Gary Johnson signs trying to split the middle, and zero Clinton signs. I know damn well it is still a Trump county, but nobody wants to risk a rock or maybe a bullet through their front window. Then again, what's the point anyway. Any Trump vote counts for nothing in California.

Democrat presidential candidates start off with 85 automatic electoral votes out of the 270 needed thanks to California and New York. California was a bedrock Republican state until it was swamped by Mexicans and Asians; now because of its size it's the biggest reason Republicans will likely never again win a national election if Trump loses on Tuesday.
Trump is currently speaking at a rally in Virginia; at midnight local time!! His commitment continues to amaze me. How many politicians would've ever done something like this? The most telling thing: Trump still has 10K+ on a Sunday night!
At this point put up or STFU!

I can't disagree with that. Tomorrow is the final day before the big zioelection.

DW above: "California was a bedrock Republican state until it was swamped by Mexicans and Asians"

Many Asians are for Trump. Even a few Mexicans are. There's a Mexican restaurant here that made the news and got a lot of flack because the owner is a big supporter of DT. Other successful Mexicans are too I expect. But of course most of them, the lowest dregs from Mexico, including the many millions of illegals that are illegally allowed to vote in CA, are going to place their vote for the hag, probably several times each.
Boy that was a quick investigation. Usually it takes the government months of shuffling papers before they can even start an investigation. Total bullshirt obviously.
Is anybody other than the folks drunk on the Kool-Aid buying this?

Whatsamatta don't you buy it? They very carefully read through all 650,000 emails and then made their fair and educated decision in 15 minutes in between cocktails and looking at naked children on their computers. Sounds reasonable to me, and the dykes at Huffington Post too I'm sure.
Trump is currently speaking at a rally in Virginia; at midnight local time!! His commitment continues to amaze me. How many politicians would've ever done something like this? The most telling thing: Trump still has 10K+ on a Sunday night!

How does he have so much energy? The evil drunken hag can't even walk up a couple of steps without two big men on each side pulling her.
The amount of support Trump has received has been incredible, to say the least. Almost no one thought he would even get close to the Republican nomination. Many considered his running just a joke a little over a year ago. I don't know if it's enough though. After eight years a white hating imposter and possibly the worst president in history, we will probably end up with a crooked, lying hag.
"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be questioned by Swedish authorities on Nov. 14 at Ecuador’s London embassy, where he has been living for four years, Swedish prosecutors said Monday."

Sgtsnuffy's comment on Breitbart:

The Muslims in Sweden have successfully outraped their negro counterparts in S. Africa to take sole possession of rape capital of the world. Now that's #Diversity !
The Muslims in Sweden have successfully outraped their negro counterparts in S. Africa to take sole possession of rape capital of the world. Now that's #Diversity !

Celebrating Diversity in Sweden. And of course the hag wants to celebrate it here too just like her friend Merkel in what was once Germany, except of course nowhere near her and her friends and relations' giant fortified mansions!
Wikileaks exposes CNN's Wolf Blitzer (Jew) being fed questions that were written by Hillary's campaign...



Another crooked CNN "journalist," Jake Tapper (Jew) was fed questions written by Hillary's campaign...



Dana Milbank (Jew) of the Washington Post was also fed questions from Hillary's campaign for a Trump-bashing article he was writing...

The Muslims in Sweden have successfully outraped their negro counterparts in S. Africa to take sole possession of rape capital of the world. Now that's #Diversity !

There area couple of hundred black africans in sweden now too helping the mohamedans do what they do best. Only 1/4 of 1 per cent of the black and mohamedan "immigrants" to Sweden are working.
Make Europe Great Again

by Guillaume Durocher

European patriots can look to Donald Trump with hope for one reason alone: the basis of his power is his ability to appeal directly to the nationalistic fringe of the American people. Big Money hates him. Big Media hate him. What's amazing is that Trump has gone as far as he has in the face of virtually total opposition. For all his flaws, only a financially-independent billionaire and a reality-TV celebrity could achieve what Trump has.

Western Europe, since the disaster of the Second World War, has been in varying degrees an economic, military, political, and especially, cultural satellite of the United States. As goes America, so goes Europe. If Trump wins, this will simply be astonishing. This would show that the post-national ruling establishment’s cultural power, its ability to dominate public opinion by determining the bounds of acceptable discourse, will have collapsed completely. That alone will have an enormous impact, even leaving the awesome powers of a U.S. president in the late-imperial era. European patriots would be galvanized to the point of hysteria: “The Americans have freed themselves, why not us!?”

No doubt, many European states would, out of principle or opportunism, follow the lead of Trump’s America. Angela Merkel – that willing enabler of rape and terrorism against European men, women, and children – would be hurled from office and Europe would turn towards a “Trump-Orbán consensus” defined by a total shutdown of African and Muslim immigration. This would be no panacea but would certainly put a tourniquet on Europe’s gaping wound, effectively halting further demographic damage.

And if Trump loses, that is no reason for despair. This campaign has shown the unwitting solidarity of all those who, for different reasons, oppose the power of the nation-wrecking globalist establishment: from Trump’s “movement” to Wikileaks, and scores of independent media outlets enabled by the Internet, including the Alt Right. This media-cultural power, this genuine opposition, this genuine civil society, independent of the anti-nationalist and anti- gentile oligarchy can only grow. Every day, the degrees of separation from a Donald Trump to a Steve Bannon to an Anne Coulter to a Steve Sailer to a Kevin MacDonald, grow thinner. One day we shall know union.

In Europe, we have seen comparable gains in the cultural war against the left: Brexit, that appetizer, has reduced the liberals to apoplexy, the French Fachosphère increasingly rivals mainstream media in influence, and patriots have made unprecedented gains in German politics. We have all already been energized by Trump’s successes. Our memetic communities and their ties can only grow. As Europeans across the world speak to one another, from America through Europe to the furthest reaches of Russia, they can only become ever-more conscious of their fundamental identity, and therefore, their fundamental solidarity: that of shared blood and civilization.
Brady voted for the Donald! He's reading a letter now from Bellichek.
Here it is:
"Congratulations on a tremendous campaign," Trump read in the Belichick letter. "You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully. You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable. Hopefully tomorrow’s election results will give the opportunity to make America great again."
It just never stops to amaze me how good Tom Brady and Belichick are at their work at how they continue, season after season, year after year, to dispel the black hoax and damn the NFL board of social destroyers. Today, unlike so many weak whites who cower to cultural crowding, Tom and Bill endorsed Trump. Here is what they said:


Trump says he was just endorsed by Tom Brady and Bill Belichick

"Donald Trump said Monday night that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and coach Bill Belichick reached out earlier in the day to inform him of their endorsements.

“Tom Brady, great guy, great guy. Great guy, great friend of mine — great, great champion. Unbelievable winner,” Trump told a crowd at a Manchester, New Hampshire, rally on the eve of the election. “He called today and he said, ‘Donald, I support you, you’re my friend, and I voted for you.’”

Trump continued: “And I said, ‘So Tom. You voted for me, you support me, am I allowed to say it tonight at this massive crowd in New Hampshire?’ He said, ‘If you want to say it, you can say it.’ OK? Tom, that’s what a champ is all about.”

The Republican presidential nominee then said he received “the most beautiful letter” from Belichick while on his plane to New Hampshire. Trump said when his staff called to ask whether he could read the letter at a rally, the Patriots coach said he would send one “that is a little bit different.”

“So I figured he was going to take all the good things out, like most gutless people do. Gutless,” Trump said. “But he’s the opposite. He’s a champ. So he sent me the new letter and it was much better. It was stronger!”

Trump then read the letter to the crowd. According to the New York businessman, it read:

“Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully. You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable. Hopefully tomorrow’s elections results will give the opportunity to Make America Great Again. Best wishes for great results tomorrow, Bill Belichick.”

A representative for the Patriots did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Earlier in the year, a "Make America Great Again" hat was spotted in Brady's locker, prompting speculation that he supported the billionaire businessman. But, at the time, Brady declined to elaborate further when asked about it.

Brady and Belichick would be among the highest-profile endorsements Trump has received throughout the campaign.
Make Europe Great Again

by Guillaume Durocher

European patriots can look to Donald Trump with hope for one reason alone: the basis of his power is his ability to appeal directly to the nationalistic fringe of the American people. Big Money hates him. Big Media hate him. What's amazing is that Trump has gone as far as he has in the face of virtually total opposition. For all his flaws, only a financially-independent billionaire and a reality-TV celebrity could achieve what Trump has.

Western Europe, since the disaster of the Second World War, has been in varying degrees an economic, military, political, and especially, cultural satellite of the United States. As goes America, so goes Europe. If Trump wins, this will simply be astonishing. This would show that the post-national ruling establishment’s cultural power, its ability to dominate public opinion by determining the bounds of acceptable discourse, will have collapsed completely. That alone will have an enormous impact, even leaving the awesome powers of a U.S. president in the late-imperial era. European patriots would be galvanized to the point of hysteria: “The Americans have freed themselves, why not us!?”

No doubt, many European states would, out of principle or opportunism, follow the lead of Trump’s America. Angela Merkel – that willing enabler of rape and terrorism against European men, women, and children – would be hurled from office and Europe would turn towards a “Trump-Orbán consensus” defined by a total shutdown of African and Muslim immigration. This would be no panacea but would certainly put a tourniquet on Europe’s gaping wound, effectively halting further demographic damage.

And if Trump loses, that is no reason for despair. This campaign has shown the unwitting solidarity of all those who, for different reasons, oppose the power of the nation-wrecking globalist establishment: from Trump’s “movement” to Wikileaks, and scores of independent media outlets enabled by the Internet, including the Alt Right. This media-cultural power, this genuine opposition, this genuine civil society, independent of the anti-nationalist and anti- gentile oligarchy can only grow. Every day, the degrees of separation from a Donald Trump to a Steve Bannon to an Anne Coulter to a Steve Sailer to a Kevin MacDonald, grow thinner. One day we shall know union.

In Europe, we have seen comparable gains in the cultural war against the left: Brexit, that appetizer, has reduced the liberals to apoplexy, the French Fachosphère increasingly rivals mainstream media in influence, and patriots have made unprecedented gains in German politics. We have all already been energized by Trump’s successes. Our memetic communities and their ties can only grow. As Europeans across the world speak to one another, from America through Europe to the furthest reaches of Russia, they can only become ever-more conscious of their fundamental identity, and therefore, their fundamental solidarity: that of shared blood and civilization.

Trump or no, the war has is by no means over. Europe will most certainly decentralize and then the drains will open with all of the most least wanted invaders flushed down them.
American Freedom News