The Trumpening?

Friday before the election is typically the last day for any big surprises. I don't think wikileaks has anything else and the tough talk by the NYPD and unnamed FBI agents was probably just that: talk. The Clinton camp probably has some more dirt to unleash on Trump but most likely more of the same. During the World Series yesterday every commercial break had a couple of anti-Trump ads pounding away on the un-PC stuff he has said. They are probably more effective then the continuing anti-Clinton ads on her emails.

Unless something drastic happens the worst case scenario is them stealing the election for her and then Obama pardoning her to make it all go away. There is no fight in the Cuckpublicans, who will be engaged in full scale war on anyone that supported Trump, so the cult-marxists will have free reign to enact their program. Massive immigration, ultra-liberal Supreme Court, full on wealth distribution to the various tribes (non-white). And it will all be blamed on us.

I respond to your depressing, though possible, scenario with this:

Friday before the election is typically the last day for any big surprises. I don't think wikileaks has anything else and the tough talk by the NYPD and unnamed FBI agents was probably just that: talk. The Clinton camp probably has some more dirt to unleash on Trump but most likely more of the same. During the World Series yesterday every commercial break had a couple of anti-Trump ads pounding away on the un-PC stuff he has said. They are probably more effective then the continuing anti-Clinton ads on her emails.

Unless something drastic happens the worst case scenario is them stealing the election for her and then Obama pardoning her to make it all go away. There is no fight in the Cuckpublicans, who will be engaged in full scale war on anyone that supported Trump, so the cult-marxists will have free reign to enact their program. Massive immigration, ultra-liberal Supreme Court, full on wealth distribution to the various tribes (non-white). And it will all be blamed on us.
Jaxvid, you sound like those debbie downers and no hopers on the Rightscoop site. I go there to see the breaking news. But the members are full on Nevertrumpers. Depressing!
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Doesn't look like I'll be able to vote as I moved states and don't have my current state's ID! Frustrating, to get it my birth certificate and SS card are 3 states away..Kinda risky having them mailed.. Stinks GO Trump!
Doesn't look like I'll be able to vote as I moved states and don't have my current state's ID! Frustrating, to get it my birth certificate and SS card are 3 states away..Kinda risky having them mailed.. Stinks GO Trump!
Just vote anyway. The Dems do it all the time. They don't play fair so we shouldn't either.
The 'multiple speeches' in recent years by cultural Marxist Jamie Foxx, where he's really sayin' -- 'White man, if you don't give me your wives, sisters, daughters and nieces, you are racist monsters.. in Perpetually Racist America (trademark)' -- and the hushed response by the MSM, contributed, no doubt, to the rise of Donald Trump.

The mask finally came off.... is it any wonder, then, to see the amount of domestic violence, rape, femicide and infanticide committed by these surly types?
Just saw on OAN (One America Network) the story of the NYPD discovering the dirt on the Clintons and will break it to the country if the FBI does not come forward with a timely indictment. Also, this network I find to be fairer net work than the media cabal, except for Fox News of course. I find myself tuning in more to this upstart network. Hopefully they will not be corrupted.
Earlier this evening, Trump wrapped up a rally in Hershey, PA. Close to 20k in the arena, as much as 10,000 more outside due to overflow. He's been doing this for 15 months now, 3-4 rallies a day in multiple states, 5-6 days a week, drawing thousands and thousands wherever he goes.

Meanwhile, Hillary can barely fill a union hall with a couple of hundred people whenever she does one of her 1-2 weekly appearances. Tonight in Clevaland, she drew 5,000 people with the help of some rappers singing about their bitches and hoes in some "celebrity" concert.

I wonder why Trump isn't leading by 10 points right now and poised to win in a landslide. It doesn't make any sense. I saw a number that so far on the campaign trail, Trump has drawn almost 700,000 people in his rallies. It's probably over a million, knowing the vermin in the media underreport this. Hillary is around 60,000, not even 1/10th! This election shouldn't be this close, it should be a blowout.

Anonymous No.95833740

Over the next few days many new documents will be released. The contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest coverup in American History. Before this happens we would like to explain ourselves and answer a few questions you may have.

Until this month, WikiLeaks and Anonymous have worked together in building an efficient, detailed, comprehensive set of documents that would be responsible for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and 21 individuals ranging from the DNC, FBI, CIA, and Clinton foundation. These documents will show without a doubt, evidence of Treason, Obstruction of Justice, Election Fraud/Manipulation, and Bribery.

This was intended to be the October surprise. But before the release of these documents, we were contacted by a member of the FBI, as well as another from the CIA, and a week later by the NYPD. All with information retaining to something much darker than even we imagined.

Due to the nature of these leaks, we all worked together as efficiently as possible to ensure two objectives.
That all necessary information would be given to the public in an organized, searchable, manageable way.

Those who provided us with this information would be able to find safety before these releases were made. (This concern wasn’t without warrant.)

Anonymous No.95833807

The new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails, pictures, and videos. Within these will be evidence of Bill Clinton, as well as at least 6 other Government officials, taking part in acts with minors. As well as evidence of Human trafficking that also included minors.

We believe these pictures and videos were taken for the purpose of political manipulation. In order to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda.

These documents were given to us by an American Governement official when he had come to learn that this crime had been covered up by Hilary and her staff through methods including bribery and blackmail. He also told us that due to the restricted access to these documents, they would soon know he was the one who released him to us.

We tried to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely, but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out. We are still not sure if this is because they became aware of the leak, or if they were scared that he may in the future. In either case, his identity will be made public in this next set of leaks so that he can be honored for the hero that he was.

We will not only be releasing these documents, but we have multiple memebers of the FBI, CIA, and NYBD who will be publicly verifying their authenticity once their safety is assured.

This hack has not come from Russia or anyone else they may try to blame this on. This is a leak from Americas own Government Officials who fear for their safety had the opposed them directly due to reasons that will be made clear soon.

We thank you for your patience, as well as your determination and assistance in helping us expose the corruption that has infested our own government. Democracy will be restored to America.

Remember remember the 5th of November
Doesn't look like I'll be able to vote as I moved states and don't have my current state's ID! Frustrating, to get it my birth certificate and SS card are 3 states away..Kinda risky having them mailed.. Stinks GO Trump!

I'm not sure but you still might be able to vote. Bring anything with your name and address on it. An electric bill for example. Bring everything you can. Photocopy things such as your birth certificate.

You may be able to vote if you sign an affidavit.

I don't know if any of this is true but show up at your polling place and give it a shot.

This is an important election.
This is going to be the most historic election in american history one way or another. Please
for once let our side win. It's the last chance for this country that i love.
This is going to be the most historic election in american history one way or another. Please
for once let our side win. It's the last chance for this country that i love.
I hear you WL. Tomorrow will be a huge day according to Anonymous. I sure hope so. When I wake up, I expect to see the siren going on Drudgereport and goods against Clinton exposed. We shall see.

Anonymous No.95833740

Over the next few days many new documents will be released. The contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest coverup in American History. Before this happens we would like to explain ourselves and answer a few questions you may have.

Until this month, WikiLeaks and Anonymous have worked together in building an efficient, detailed, comprehensive set of documents that would be responsible for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and 21 individuals ranging from the DNC, FBI, CIA, and Clinton foundation. These documents will show without a doubt, evidence of Treason, Obstruction of Justice, Election Fraud/Manipulation, and Bribery.

This was intended to be the October surprise. But before the release of these documents, we were contacted by a member of the FBI, as well as another from the CIA, and a week later by the NYPD. All with information retaining to something much darker than even we imagined.

Due to the nature of these leaks, we all worked together as efficiently as possible to ensure two objectives.
That all necessary information would be given to the public in an organized, searchable, manageable way.

Those who provided us with this information would be able to find safety before these releases were made. (This concern wasn’t without warrant.)

Anonymous No.95833807

The new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails, pictures, and videos. Within these will be evidence of Bill Clinton, as well as at least 6 other Government officials, taking part in acts with minors. As well as evidence of Human trafficking that also included minors.

We believe these pictures and videos were taken for the purpose of political manipulation. In order to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda.

These documents were given to us by an American Governement official when he had come to learn that this crime had been covered up by Hilary and her staff through methods including bribery and blackmail. He also told us that due to the restricted access to these documents, they would soon know he was the one who released him to us.

We tried to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely, but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out. We are still not sure if this is because they became aware of the leak, or if they were scared that he may in the future. In either case, his identity will be made public in this next set of leaks so that he can be honored for the hero that he was.

We will not only be releasing these documents, but we have multiple memebers of the FBI, CIA, and NYBD who will be publicly verifying their authenticity once their safety is assured.

This hack has not come from Russia or anyone else they may try to blame this on. This is a leak from Americas own Government Officials who fear for their safety had the opposed them directly due to reasons that will be made clear soon.

We thank you for your patience, as well as your determination and assistance in helping us expose the corruption that has infested our own government. Democracy will be restored to America.

Remember remember the 5th of November

Nothing will be released. It's just clickbait. They are leading people on and will up to and after the election if then can. If they had anything they would already have released it. One incriminating picture, heck one email about any of that stuff would be enough.
This is all good stuff but it has to be made public, it can't be shadowy unnamed sources. It can't be talked about and then forgotten. With Obama in charge of the Justice Dept. it can all go away.

From Fox news.
Fox News Channel's Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton's secret server on Anthony Weiner's laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton's server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.

Brett Baier of Fox, who made the above remarks is walking them back. That's not good news.
Yes and Hannity had to apologize too for saying the Obamas removed Hillary from their twitter feeds. Where is this huge bombshell email Assange promised that would land Hillary in prison? I knew it was too good to be true.
Yes and Hannity had to apologize too for saying the Obamas removed Hillary from their twitter feeds. Where is this huge bombshell email Assange promised that would land Hillary in prison? I knew it was too good to be true.

It's hopefully the culmination of the wikileaks along with what was found on Abedin's computer to make a federal case. There was essentially a coup at the FBI so like I have said before plenty of bombs have been dropped over the past month. Perhaps wikileaks is acknowledging the fact that most Americans have short attention spans and want to wait until Monday to drop the "bombshell" everyone is eager about. I just really cannot see her winning at all and do not think the election is as close as they are making it out to be.
There's been enough damaging emails to sink any other political candidate ten times over. Richard Nixon was toppled over a minor burglary and the subsequent cover-up of it. The key to keep in mind is that the corporate media is not just protecting Hillary, they are working hand in glove with her campaign to get her elected. This has been thoroughly exposed by Wikileaks, and the Clinton campaign has never denied the authenticity of any of the emails, rather playing the "Russia card" by blaming everything on Russia and calling Trump a puppet of Putin.

How many voters actually read alternative media sources. Conservative radio has about 20 to 25 million listeners. A show like Hannity's might have a few million viewers. A lot of that is overlap, i.e., many of Hannity's viewers also listen to Limbaugh.

The alternative media might cumulatively reach a few million more. When you consider there will be 100 million votes cast on Tuesday give or take, that leaves a lot of Americans who will know little to nothing of what we've been discussing here. The older generation is for the most part not internet savvy and still relies on the corporate media for its information. Many younger people are politically apathetic. Then there's the huge bloc of non-Whites, single urban female feminists, Jews, etc., who are knee-jerk Democrat supporters and will remain so no matter how much damaging information comes out about Hillary.

That's the biggest problem -- the Democrat coalition continues to grow nationally as the Republican coalition shrinks because the GOP establishment is ashamed of its White base, and because the Democrats and Republicans are equally responsible for the Third World immigration invasion of the past 50 years. This is the last national election the Republicans have a chance of winning. But the good news is that Trump has damaged the GOP establishment enough and awakened enough Middle Americans that politics will never be the same after this election even if Clinton wins. Trump's supporters are way too pissed now to meekly submit, unless Trump totally abandons them after the election. If Trump loses, the only hope for the future is for the Republican Party to become marginalized and surpassed by a party that is unabashedly populist and nationalist.
American Freedom News