The Trumpening?

Like I said before, until I see Trump actually win this is all nonsense to me. Many on here were saying these polls are fake anyway. So now that Trump is up we are supposed to believe in them.

Don't get me wrong. I am still very skeptical as long as the snakes can manipulate things. I just think it's harder for them to rig it if Trump is in reality, way out in front, which is what I think a slight lead in the "polls" show.
Don't get me wrong. I am still very skeptical as long as the snakes can manipulate things. I just think it's harder for them to rig it if Trump is in reality, way out in front, which is what I think a slight lead in the "polls" show.

Yes, if they can steal the election they will. But for sure it's a numbers game and if he can build a big enough lead it may be possible for him to win.

I also think that the system may be thinking that Clinton will be too damaged by scandal to push through the programs they prefer and instead hope to co-opt Trump instead. Trump is going to be virtually alone if he wins in the "swamp" of Washington. If worse comes to worse they can impeach him out and get the weasel they want with Pence.

Most disappointing to me has been the big rumors of "bombshell" wikileaks and various other scandals that are going to destroy Hillary. None of that has happened and at this late a date it probably won't. Not one leaked email has been from Hillary? Where are those 33,000 emails if they have actually been hacked? Sure the stuff that has come out will be enough to derail someone that has to follow the law, but unless the Republicans grow a pair, it won't make any difference.
Yes, if they can steal the election they will. But for sure it's a numbers game and if he can build a big enough lead it may be possible for him to win.

I also think that the system may be thinking that Clinton will be too damaged by scandal to push through the programs they prefer and instead hope to co-opt Trump instead. Trump is going to be virtually alone if he wins in the "swamp" of Washington. If worse comes to worse they can impeach him out and get the weasel they want with Pence.

Most disappointing to me has been the big rumors of "bombshell" wikileaks and various other scandals that are going to destroy Hillary. None of that has happened and at this late a date it probably won't. Not one leaked email has been from Hillary? Where are those 33,000 emails if they have actually been hacked? Sure the stuff that has come out will be enough to derail someone that has to follow the law, but unless the Republicans grow a pair, it won't make any difference.

You should be watching Fox News and particularly Hannity. One bombshell after another is coming out today. The big picture is coming into view now. I don't have the time to detail it, but it's far, far, far, far worse than Watergate.
Hannity repeats at 1:00. Everyone who can't stay up that late should be checking Fox News when they can as the rest of the corporate media (the servants of the Democrats and the GOP establishment) still aren't reporting it. Hopefully Limbaugh, Savage and the other radio hosts with large followings are.
This is more good news. This will cause The Hag to hemorrhage even more. Could it be the fatal blow to her candidacy?

If she is pressured into withdrawing, I don't think Kaine will be able to win it.
Wow, there is a God. What a perfect sh*t storm raining down on the Hag.!!! Even if she is elected, the hammer will fall. the FBI agents have had enough of her and Dem corruption. Obama, no doubt will be dragged into it. Wow!!!
This is all good stuff but it has to be made public, it can't be shadowy unnamed sources. It can't be talked about and then forgotten. With Obama in charge of the Justice Dept. it can all go away.

From Fox news.
Fox News Channel's Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton's secret server on Anthony Weiner's laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton's server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.
This is all good stuff but it has to be made public, it can't be shadowy unnamed sources. It can't be talked about and then forgotten. With Obama in charge of the Justice Dept. it can all go away.

From Fox news.
Fox News Channel's Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton's secret server on Anthony Weiner's laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton's server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.

Number 5 alone should be more than enough to sink her. The implication is that some or all five are hostile powers. Remember the uproar when a single CIA operative's name was leaked several years ago? Hillary's 33,000 emails -- plus the ones she didn't bleach -- listed hundreds of names, and undoubtedly many secrets, putting the security those individuals and the country at risk. And there may be hundreds of thousands of emails, maybe millions, on Huma and Weiner's private email, and likely on the computers of many others.

All the uproar about the "evil" Russians hacking U.S. government computers. Hillary's setup must have been incredibly easy for them and others to hack. Her security clearance should be immediately revoked.

She used her private email server, meaning her position of Secretary of State, to line up pay for play donors. She and Bubba enriched themselves by hundreds of millions of dollars and she didn't give a damn about classified material or the national security of the country. And all sorts of other criminals were apparently in on it. Attorney General Lynch is a complete step 'n fetch it for the Clintons. Hillary and Bill thought they had it all under control, but now it's falling apart by the hour.

And it's obvious the U.S. government has little to no protection from hackers, whether individuals or operatives for foreign countries. What a joke of a banana republic Washington has become.
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This is more good news. This will cause The Hag to hemorrhage even more. Could it be the fatal blow to her candidacy?

If she is pressured into withdrawing, I don't think Kaine will be able to win it.

Ha ha Kane couldn't even win a choose up sides vote down at the schoolyard! Neither could the hag for that matter. But then those things weren't done on computerized vote counting machines!
At this point, even if the corporate media continues as they have been (openly campaigning for Hillary) and she wins, the vast majority of Trump's supporters, the "irredeemable deplorables," will never accept her as a legitimate president. Very interesting days are just ahead no matter which one wins (and that's assuming the loser accepts the result and doesn't immediately begin various forms of litigation).
Sean Hannity's show last night was one of the most important TV news broadcasts in American history. The entire show can be seen here...

Yesterday afternoon, we learned from Fox News anchor, Bret Baier, that sources in the FBI have informed him that Hillary's indictment is almost certain to occur...

On top of Hillary Clinton being the focus of two very serious FBI investigations (one centered around her conduct as Secretary of State and the other her "Clinton Foundation") that could both end in her being indicted for high treason, she still likely has the most incriminating Wikileaks emails to look forward to in the coming 24 hours or so. One would think that there is at least one more Wikileaks "bombshell" forthcoming.

Meanwhile, Hillary's team of desperate imbeciles produced a new anti-Trump ad made from some funny comment that The Donald during an interview in 1994. Trump said: "I don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but when I come home and dinner's not ready...I go through the roof"...

Oh, the humanity! Too bad this clip has been used against Donald ever since he announced he was running for POTUS. Nothing new. If they have any more of those "hot mic" tapes of DT saying something mean, they better release them in the next 48 hours.
I don't think any of this results in anything before the election. There are too many Clintonistas at the top of the Justice Dept. not to be able to stonewall it for another week. Liberal media will ignore it in favor of Trump insulting fat women.

The only way anything happens is if in fact the NY connection does an end around the Fedgov. This can happen a couple of ways. The NY prosecuter Preet Bhahara seems to be an aggresive cop that is willing to go after the Clinton crime family and of course they have a long association with Rudy Guilliani, a close Trump confidant.

Also possible is a real bombshell wikileak that cannot be explained away or ignored. However at 4 days before the election it would seem to be late in the game to drop the biggest bombs.
I don't think any of this results in anything before the election. There are too many Clintonistas at the top of the Justice Dept. not to be able to stonewall it for another week. Liberal media will ignore it in favor of Trump insulting fat women.

The only way anything happens is if in fact the NY connection does an end around the Fedgov. This can happen a couple of ways. The NY prosecuter Preet Bhahara seems to be an aggresive cop that is willing to go after the Clinton crime family and of course they have a long association with Rudy Guilliani, a close Trump confidant.

Also possible is a real bombshell wikileak that cannot be explained away or ignored. However at 4 days before the election it would seem to be late in the game to drop the biggest bombs.

I just checked CNN's website and they are completely ignoring yesterday's series of bombshells. I assume it's the same on the sites of the other corporate hate networks. The battle lines are becoming very distinct. Americans badly need a divorce from liberals, communists, corporate and bankster scum, SJWs and the rest.

by Richard B. Spencer

Jesus Christ, it was said, will come again to separate the wheat from the chaff. Indeed, he will “burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Before the summer of 2015, I never would have believed anyone who told me that, one day, Donald Trump—the real-estate tycoon, reality star, and celebrity (in the best and worst meanings of that term)—would come to starkly divide the conservative movement, revealing friend and foe . . . come to transfigure the foreign-policy consensus and the bogus “Left and Right” it implied . . . come to bring a new existential quality to politics, which used to be about meaningless “hot buttons” and now is about nothing less than survival . . . But this is what has happened.

I also never would have believed that such a man would— unwittingly, most likely—advance the movement and ideals to which I’ve dedicated my life, and become a screen onto which we projected our hopes and dreams. But Trump has done this and more.

In 2012, if I learned that someone liked or voted for Mitt Romney, that would have told me nothing important about him. It could have meant he was a GOP goofball, Cuck, neoconservative, or Mormon partisan . . . or it could have meant that he was an identitarian, so worn down he found Mitt’s somewhat decent immigration stands to be admirable in comparison to what was around him.

The same could be said if I learned that someone hated Mitt Romney. For one could hate Mitt Romney for good reasons from a variety of perspectives across the political spectrum.

How different it is with Donald Trump.

To learn a man’s opinion of Trump—or, more specifically, his attitudetowards Trump—is to learn, effectively, everything one needs to know about him. Trump separates the wheat from the chaff. To borrow another Biblical metaphor (this time from the Old Testament), Trump is the ultimate shibboleth. He reveals to us the people who—however confused they might be—care deeply about Europeans in North America and around the world and those who actively oppose us. And he reveals those who, like the Cucks, are willing to sacrifice their race is some Grand Signal of Moral Virtue.

I write this as someone who fears that, were Trump elected, he could turn into a great disappointment, with a hilarious POTUS twitter feed but not much substance. But what’s key is what Trump represents—and that is the dawning of European identity politics in the United States.

Eight years ago, as Barack Obama was poised to become the U.S.’s first non-White president, I attended a private meeting of the Alt Right (interestingly, this was around the time the term was invented).

In a panel discussion, Louis Andrews, my predecessor at NPI, noted that the election of Barack Obama was, from our perceptive, a thing devoutly to be wished. The problem with George W. Bush was not just his terrible policies, like the Iraq war and the “ownership society” that generated the housing bubble and stock-market crash. It was that Bush, as a Texas-accented Anglo-Saxon from a privileged family, gave average White people a false sense of security and a false consciousness:

We are still in charge! We’ve got one of our own in the White House. The liberal media hate him so much, he must be great!

Barack Obama, on the other hand, looks like his policies; indeed, he looks like the racial and cultural dispossession of White people—what Alex Kurtagic memorably called The Great Erasure.

Why not, Louis argued, vote for Obama? Why not do our part, however small, in accelerating an identitarian consciousness among White Americans? This was a variation on the Leninist “the worse, the better” strategy, and I found it quite cogent. (It’s worth asking: Would the Trump phenomenon have arisen were it not for America’s First Black President?)

How different it is with Donald Trump.

Even if a President Trump might disappoint, who could deny that he has been an overwhelmingly positive force in advancing European identity politics? Who could deny that, even if he loses, Trump will have, from our perspective, already won? Who could deny that Trump has been the very opposite of the safety valves and false starts—the McCains and Romneys and Cruzes—that have been worse than the Left in blocking European racial consciousness?

Supporting Trump requires sacrifice, even up to the point of being physically attacked, as we’ve seen in San Jose, Richmond, and elsewhere. I’ve heard stories from people working in corporations, law firms, and even bastions of the “conservative movement” that merely being a Trump fan is a firing offense. And Trump has, Jesus-like, made his campaign a self-sacrifice: after this intense year and half, there will never be another luxury golf course or condominium complex branded with the name “Trump.” He has given this up for us.

It is said that “the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” Trump, too, has come as a shock and surprise, totally unpredictable yet necessary. And he is a savior of sorts—a savior of an older America that, we must be honest, cannot be revived and probably existed only in the imagination. But Trump will be remembered not as a savior, but as a prophet—announcing and barely glimpsing a new politics, a new people, and a new kingdom.

No matter what happens on November 8, it has been Great.
There are two things I want for Christmas. First is Donald Trump as president. Second is Kovalev winning against Ward! Any questions?
There are two things I want for Christmas. First is Donald Trump as president. Second is Kovalev winning against Ward! Any questions?
I originally was not a Trump fan but now my mind has changed. Unfortunately whether it is real or not most of the polls are obviously not showing favorable for him. I am not sure we are ever going to have a Republican president again as long as immigration and the demographics keep going against us year after year.
Sorry whiteathlete33 but as much as I despise Hillary I think you are only going to get one Christmas present this year.
"Keep trolling! You should be ashamed!"

That guy has been trolling here for a long time. What was your original trollname, MD? I can't recall it now.
Friday before the election is typically the last day for any big surprises. I don't think wikileaks has anything else and the tough talk by the NYPD and unnamed FBI agents was probably just that: talk. The Clinton camp probably has some more dirt to unleash on Trump but most likely more of the same. During the World Series yesterday every commercial break had a couple of anti-Trump ads pounding away on the un-PC stuff he has said. They are probably more effective then the continuing anti-Clinton ads on her emails.

Unless something drastic happens the worst case scenario is them stealing the election for her and then Obama pardoning her to make it all go away. There is no fight in the Cuckpublicans, who will be engaged in full scale war on anyone that supported Trump, so the cult-marxists will have free reign to enact their program. Massive immigration, ultra-liberal Supreme Court, full on wealth distribution to the various tribes (non-white). And it will all be blamed on us.
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