The Trumpening?

Fair weather and clear sailing from here on in to November Eighth. Hilary merely wants to stay out of jail. Trump will win. At least some of our old America will return.
This is an unbelievable gift, and cannot be wasted. All summer long, there were numerous instances when Clinton was in trouble for one reason or another, and instead of capitalizing on it, Trump would bail her out with an unforced error of his own.

So, for the next week or so, please Mr. Trump, stick to the message and nothing more. No 3am tweets about fat beauty queens, no arguments with Islamic vermin parents of some soldier, nothing about any Mexican idiots, keep your mouth shut except for talking about the economy, immigration, and national security. In 10 days you will be POTUS.
This is an unbelievable gift, and cannot be wasted. All summer long, there were numerous instances when Clinton was in trouble for one reason or another, and instead of capitalizing on it, Trump would bail her out with an unforced error of his own.

So, for the next week or so, please Mr. Trump, stick to the message and nothing more. No 3am tweets about fat beauty queens, no arguments with Islamic vermin parents of some soldier, nothing about any Mexican idiots, keep your mouth shut except for talking about the economy, immigration, and national security. In 10 days you will be POTUS.
LOL, Exactly!
Trump has been slightly toned down in terms of his typical fiery self - dare I say acting more presidential. His whit, ability to play to the crowd, shoot from the hip, call out the bull **** is second to none. It is really exciting to see and be a part of since I will be voting for him.

Trump is doing a great job utilizing this latest FBI investigation in the last day and it is basically justifying everything he has been saying all along. The media and current power structure have been totally exposed.
Gentlemen, relax, and spread the cheer, Trump is the next president. It is all but made final.

Google Search: 45th president of U.S. Who do you see?

I wish I was so confident! The Wikileaks documents showed that the Clinton campaign has 9 hours worth of video of Trump speaking while being interviewed for the book "Never Enough." They met with the author to obtain the videos and they've been holding on to this footage since March, so many believe that it could feature another "lewd" comment or anecdote denigrating women or minorities...


The hacked email:

If not this, there's likely some other new Trump "controversy" coming later this week.

Of course, there could be more bad news for The Hag as well. One would imagine that Wikileaks strategically planned out their "email dumps" to release the most incriminating material as late as possible.

Nov 1 is supposed to be the wiki leaks dump that will be the worst for Clinton. I'm sure there is some Trump dirt that will hit today. Bumpy ride for the next week.
I wish I was so confident! The Wikileaks documents showed that the Clinton campaign has 9 hours worth of video of Trump speaking while being interviewed for the book "Never Enough." They met with the author to obtain the videos and they've been holding on to this footage since March, so many believe that it could feature another "lewd" comment or anecdote denigrating women or minorities...


The hacked email:

If not this, there's likely some other new Trump "controversy" coming later this week.

Of course, there could be more bad news for The Hag as well. One would imagine that Wikileaks strategically planned out their "email dumps" to release the most incriminating material as late as possible.

Trump said he would put 100 million of his own money and I believe he is half way there. According to the disgusting media he is broke and doesn't have any more cash on hand and in debt. Bull. I won't be happy until he wins. Until then I will just leave hope.
Don't get too confident. THEY will do every trick they can to rig the vote. They have their fixed vote counting machines, postal workers bragging about tearing up many Trump votes, between 3 and 6 million illegals allowed to vote in Calif., selected bipeds voting many times in certain places like Detroit. And then there is the "electoral college"...

Most routes to 270 blocked for Trump, needs last-ditch surge

On top of everything else the old witch is also a drunk. Wikileaks reveals her staff desperately trying to sober the hag up!

The witch and the enemy media are endlessly making a big deal about DT's liking women. Diamond and Silk said they are glad he wanted to grab a p and not a d. If he had talked about grabbing a d there wouldn't have been a peep from the media. JFK, the last real president, was also highly sexed.
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Don't get too confident. THEY will do every trick they can to rig the vote. They have their fixed vote counting machines, postal workers bragging about tearing up many Trump votes, between 3 and 6 million illegals allowed to vote in Calif., selected bipeds voting many times in certain places like Detroit. And then there is the "electoral college"...

Most routes to 270 blocked for Trump, needs last-ditch surge

On top of everything else the old witch is also a drunk. Wikileaks reveals her staff desperately trying to sober the hag up!

The witch and the enemy media are endlessly making a big deal about DT's liking women. Like Diamond and Silk said they are glad he wanted to grab a p and not a d. If he had talked about grabbing a d there wouldn't have been a peep from the media. JFK, the last real president, was also highly sexed.

Gheeez! She the female version of Boris Yeltsin to boot.
The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case

Paul Craig Roberts

Word has reached me from Washington that the FBI has reopened the Hillary case of her violation of US National Security protocols, not because of the content of the new email releases, but because voter support for Trump seems to be overwhelming, while Hillary has cancelled appearances due to inability to muster a crowd. The popular vote leaves the FBI far out on the limb for its corrupt clearance of Hillary. The agency now has to redeem itself.

I myself do not know what precisely to think. Having been at the top of the Washington hierarchy for a quarter century, I have seen many mistaken judgments. At one time I had subpoena power over the CIA and was able to inform President Reagan that the CIA had misled him. He took note and proceeded with his policy of ending the Cold War with the Soviets. On other issues I have been mistaken, because I assumed that there was more integrity in government than actually exists.

However, FBI director Comey did not need to reopen the case against Hillary simply because some new incriminating emails appeared. Having dismissed the other incriminating evidence, these emails could have passed unremarked.

The problem for the FBI, which once was a trusted American institution, but no longer is, is that there is no longer any doubt that Donald Trump will win the popular vote for president of the United States. His appearances are so heavily attended that thousands are turned away by local fire/occupancy regulations. In contrast, Hillary has curtailed her appearances, because she doesn’t draw more than 30 or 40 people.

Americans are sick to death of the corrupt Clintons and the corrupt American media. The Clintons are so completely bought-and-paid-for by the Oligarchy that they were able to outspend Hollywood on their daughter’s wedding, dropping $3,000,000 on the event.

Nevertheless, I don’t underestimate the power of the Oligarchy. As Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury I experienced the Oligarchy’s power. If I had not been backed by the President of the United States, I would have been destroyed.

Indeed, the Oligarchy is still trying to destroy me.

Possibly Trump, as his enemies allege, is just another fake, like Obama who misled the electorate. However, Trump attacks the Oligarchy so strongly that it is hard to believe that Trump isn’t real. Trump is asking for a bullet like John F. Kennedy, like Robert Kennedy, like Martin Luther King, like George Wallace.

In Amerika, dissidents are exterminated.

Trump is up against voting machines over which he has no control. If there are no INDEPENDENT exit polls, Trump can easily be robbed of the election, as the Texas early voting scandal indicates, with the electronic machines assigning Trump votes to Hillary. The “glitch” doesn’t assign any Hillary votes to Trump.

My expectation is that, unless Trump’s popular vote is so overwhelming, the electoral collage vote will be stolen. Because of the absence of any valid reporting by the presstitutes, I don’t know what impact the orchestrated election of Hillary would have on the electorate. Possibly, Americans will break out of The Matrix and take to the streets.

I believe that Hillary in the Oval Office would convince the Russians and the Chinese that their national survival requires a pre-emptive nuclear attack on the crazed, insane government of the United States, the complete narcissistic state that in the words of Hillary and Obama is “the exceptional, indispensable country,” empowered by History to impose its will on the world. This crazed American agenda is not something that Russia and China will accept.

Here is Donald Trump speaking to Americans in words Americans have been waiting to hear:

Notice that Trump doesn’t need teleprompters.

I do not agree with Trump on many issues, but the American people do. For me and for the world, the importance of Trump is the prospect of peace with Russia. Nuclear war makes every other problem irrelevant.

If Hillary is installed by the Oligarchy—this is a word used by former Democratic President Jimmy Carter who said that the US is no longer a functioning democracy but is ruled by an Oligarchy—war with Russia and China will be upon us.

After 15 years the Taliban and ISIS still run wild in the Middle East despite the efforts of the American “superpower.” Unable to defeat a few lightly armed Taliban after 15 years, what prospects does the enfeebled US have of winning a conflict with Russia and China?

None whatsoever.

The United States has had an entire generation of people born into a war for which the purpose is inexplicable. Why these wars? Why this endless slaughter of women and children and endless columns of refugees overwhelming all of Europe desperately striving to escape Washington’s wars of world hegemony. Why do not the total dumbshits in Washington hear when the President of Russia says that “Russia can no longer tolerate the state of affairs that Washington has created in the world.”

The unjustified arrogance of Washington, a washed up Third World State, is likely to destroy life on earth. No greater danger to life exists than Washington. We have to hope that Trump can clean out the Augean Stables.
I early voted today. Filled in the circle next to DT's name. Put it in an envelope and sealed it and dropped it in a box. This is one of the states with voting machines owned by giorgy schwartz (soros). So now what happens? Someone drops it into a Soros computer and the computer flashes numbers on the screen? Oh wow 50 million votes for the hag and only 2 for DT!
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I early voted today. Filled in the circle next to DT's name. Put it in an envelope and sealed it and dropped it in a box. This is one of the states with voting machines owned by giorgy schwartz (soros). So now what happens? Someone drops it into a Soros computer and the computer flashes numbers on the screen? Oh wow 50 million votes for the hag and only 2 for DT!

Apparently they caught one white woman double voting for Trump or something in Iowa. This is all the media talks about. No mention of the postal employee ripping up Trump ballots. Despicable!
Ohio Governor and former Presidential candidate, John Kasich, proudly admits that he filled out his absentee ballot and wrote-in "John McCain" instead of voting for Donald Trump...

Other than possibly Jeb Bush, is there any bigger RINO/NeoCon/Cuckservative/pussy than this gutless, establishment turd? I was glad to see Donald emasculate him so thoroughly...







What a total cuck/back stabber. He will look like a total loser when Ohio goes for Trump. If Trump loses Ohio by a slim margin and causes a Clinton win, he will forever be a "pricksona non grata" to me forever. What is really a shame is that he has been an effective governor for Ohio. He has made many conservative enemies. Including colleges at Fox News like Hannity, Dobbs and others.
Guys nobody is reporting the tightening of the race? Even sites like the Washington Post are reporting the race is becoming close. Clinton is like a fading racehorse trying to hang on at the top of the stretch
Ps maybe somebody has a Mit Romney type tape of Shillary talking about the "little people" or talking about her contempt for working class White males(it's obvious).
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Trump has gone ahead 1 point after being down 12 points just nine days ago! What a surge, and the Hag's head is spinning trying to do damage control. A voter surge on the Trump Train and enthusiasm is taking charge!

We can win this thing! To hell with the NWO!!!
Trump has gone ahead 1 point after being down 12 points just nine days ago! What a surge, and the Hag's head is spinning trying to do damage control. A voter surge on the Trump Train and enthusiasm is taking charge!

We can win this thing! To hell with the NWO!!!

Like I said before, until I see Trump actually win this is all nonsense to me. Many on here were saying these polls are fake anyway. So now that Trump is up we are supposed to believe in them.
Bill Weld, the vice president of the notoriously dim-witted Libertarian presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, endorsed Hillary Clinton on MSNBC yesterday. He savagely bashed Donald Trump and surely made millions of Americans cringe whilst referring to Mrs. Clinton as "honest," "reliable," and possessing "high moral character." Haha, even the most militant "Shill for Hill" surrogate wouldn't dare utter something so blatantly false for fear of being mocked for all eternity...

Weld, who was born to one of the richest, most influential, and politically-connected families in the U.S. (and married the great-granddaughter Teddy Roosevelt) was a colleague of Hillary at the House Judiciary Committee in the early 1970's. Given his mega-cuckservative nature, it makes perfect sense that Weld endorsed John Kasich before Trump was officially nominated. I find the NeoCon Flock to be even more loathsome than their liberal counterparts.
Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are in no way shape or form "Libertarian". I identify myself as a Libertarian and I would argue Trump is more Libertarian than either of those two morons who hijacked the party this election cycle in order to take votes from Trump to help Shillary.
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