The Trumpening?

Gloria Allred is a serpent among serpents. Another viper to be cast into The Lake (of Fire) one day. It's no surprise at all that she is doing her part to try and ruin Trump. She is what she is. A truly evil political whore.
"Media Will Be Rigged To Proclaim Clinton The Winner On Election Night"

The media is reportedly preparing to rig the voting results on election night in favour of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump is being urged to hold his ground and challenge the fraud.

The U.S. presidential election results will be rigged. Clinton will be declared the winner right out of the bat on election night. Trump will be told to behave and accept defeat and tell his legion of followers not to cause any trouble. The corrupt media are orchestrating the event of the century ..."

A few years ago, I wrote: “If I tell you that there are powerful people who are oppressing you to defend their own interests, you’ll call me a progressive, a liberal, and a reformer. If I tell you who those people are, you’ll call me a Nazi.”

Turns out I was wrong. Those people will tell us who they are themselves.

Donald Trump, not willing to cringe before the utterly ludicrousattempt to smear him with charges of sexual assault weeks before a presidential election, unleashed on the mainstream media in a speech last Thursday.

Accurately identifying political correctness as a tool of plutocratic control, Trump thundered:

The establishment and their media enablers will maintain control over this nation through means that are very well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe, and morally deformed.

They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and your family, they will seek to destroy everything about you, including your reputation. They will lie, lie, lie, and then again they will do worse than that, they will do whatever is necessary.

Those of us who must live under the Eye of Sauron on the Alt Right felt this deep within their bones. The goal of every journalist is to destroy you. They despise you, they want to hurt you, and the hateful malice they hold within themselves must be considered every time one of these creatures is encountered. None of the journalists now whining about being booed at a rally by the Americans they despise could handle what each one of us encounters every day. And the frothing, shrieking, hysterical malevolence Donald Trump has faced from the crawling chaos that is the press defies imagination.

Some say All Cops Are Bastards or that police are “political soldiers” enforcing a certain social order. Nonsense. Journalists are the political soldiers. More than that, they are commissars. Their job is to hunt down dissidents and suppress opposition.

As this election cycle has shown, they will fight fiercely to defend the power structure and lash out against alternatives which undermine the System they are a part of. A soldier or policeman bears far less moral responsibility for the policies he enforces than the journalist who knowingly works to implement those policies.

At least in theory (though rarely in practice in our post-Anglo society), the law will protect you whatever your political views or wealth. But journalists always act with a political end in mind.

But whose end? In this critical speech, Trump identified that as well. After denying the accusations against him, he stated:

Our great civilization, here in America and across the civilized world has come upon a moment of reckoning. We've seen it in the United Kingdom, where they voted to liberate themselves from global government and global trade deal, and global immigration deals that have destroyed their sovereignty and have destroyed many of those nations. But, the central base of world political power is right here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people. Their financial resources are virtually unlimited, their political resources are unlimited, their media resources are unmatched, and most importantly, the depths of their immorality is absolutely unlimited.

Here, Trump is identifying the globalists and international plutocrats who support open borders, the destruction of national sovereignty, the dispossession of working people, and the abolition of traditional identity and morality. They are deliberately harming the people of this country. And who can deny it?

Interestingly, no one really is. Instead, the media is accusing Trump of giving an “anti-Semitic speech dripping with hatred.”

Bill Kristol


Father Trump? Trump goes full Coughlin, attacks "international banks" who "plot the destruction of US sovereignty." …

10:15 PM - 13 Oct 2016

Trump: There's a global cabal involving international banks and the media that's bleeding our...
"This election will determine whether we ... are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system..."

Jonathan Greenblatt


.@TeamTrump should avoid rhetoric&tropes that historically have been used ag. Jews & still spur #antisemitism. Lets keep hate out of cmpgn …

Julia Ioffe


Is it just me or is much of this Trump speech Jew-baiting?

13 Oct
Jon Lovett


Trump is now laying out a grand conspiracy behind his defeat, the source of his bad stories and all job losses in one - his big lie.

Jon Lovett


This is a purely fascist speech he is giving right now. A great collusion of international bankers and the media (subtle) to destroy him.

The words “Jew” or “Jewish” were never used in Trump’s speech. Instead, Trump was identifying the corrupt political class which he believes, accurately, has sold out the American people. Nor was this a “dog whistle.” As with most of Trump’s best speeches this election season, the speech in Florida bears the heavy influence of Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions’s former senior policy advisor and one of the few civic nationalists on Capitol Hill. Despite being memed as the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels, he’s Jewish.

Nonetheless, as with the parentheses meme, Jewish reporters and media figures essentially outed themselves, announcing to the world that yes, they are behind globalism, outsourcing, mass immigration, and the deliberate destruction of the country. Furthermore, while they can identify themselves in this way, it is inherently anti-Semitic for others to do so. And certain provable facts, like Hillary Clinton explicitly praising open borders in private speeches to international banks, are ipso facto banned from discussion.

Trump essentially said there is a small group of people who are deliberately destroying our country for their own gain. And many Jews screamed, “Hey, you can’t say that, because you’re referring to us and what we are doing.” I don’t think Trump is the “anti-Semitic” one in this equation.

What about Mr. Miller? The important thing to remember about Stephen Miller is that his attitudes should be typical of all Americans in government. This includes Jews if we really are supposed to believe they’re just like everyone else.

It shouldn’t be controversial that our government tries to protect our own national interest, guard our sovereignty, and ensure the continued existence of our people. It shouldn’t even be up for debate. Even considering other ends for government is essentially proof of treason. “America First” shouldn’t be provocative, but obvious.

It’s good that Miller doesn’t hate the United States. But it’s perverted that this is seen as a notable exception, rather than something Americans have the right to expect and demand. One Stephen Miller doesn’t change the reality that just about every other Jewish journalist, political figure, and media organization (on both “Left” and “Right”) has been brought to the point of frothing madness simply because a presidential candidate believes his own country should be put first.

A System defined by hypocrisy can only function if the iron fist of oppression is concealed behind the velvet glove of multicultural happy talk. And the lying press is being forced to reveal the true nature of the System which rules us and who it benefits. The astonishingly crude hatred directed against European-Americans is daily made more explicit.

Who, after all, can take this artificial, top-down driven campaign against Trump seriously? We have (((Bill Mahrer,))) whose entire career has been defined by crude boasts about his sexual immorality, earnestly furrowing his brow and asking if Republicans can be good “human beings” because they support Trump. We have the same American Left which endlessly crusaded against the Iraq War and who told us “dissent is patriotic” accusing the Republican nominee and his supporters of being agents of a foreign government. We now have proof Hillary Clinton is essentially the willing puppet of Wall Street bankers in a way that defies caricature, and yet we have the President of the United Statesworrying the corporate media doesn’t have enough control over the public debate. The ruling class is revealing itself as a ruling class which offers us nothing but hatred. And rather than at least offering us a compromise, they’re just demanding we submit and die quietly.

And of course, there are those who are urging us to do just that. Preposterous cuck David French moans:

As the Pew Foundation has amply documented, Americans are polarized in the worst possible way — two tribes not so much united by love for their own as hatred for the other.

America is strong enough to withstand bad policy, but no nation can long endure public panic. The stakes in 2016 are not high enough to burn anything down, nor to sacrifice any element of your character or moral convictions.

Take a deep breath, America. We should be better than this.

What do you mean we, you ridiculous traitor? The American nation-state has been successfully deconstructed and politics today is a zero-sum game of identity politics, not a genteel debate over policy. Contra Hillary’s slogan of “Stronger Together,” every day brings more proof that European-Americans are suffering under the yoke of this poisonous occupying government which regards us as an enemy to be destroyed.

And what twisted version of morality celebrates remaining submissive to criminals? The scribblings of French and other nauseating collaborators is a desperate attempt to keep our people enslaved. Stupidity and cowardice are the most charitable explanations for such conduct.

It’s not that Donald Trump is a “White nationalist,” a fascist, or even particularly right wing. As a civic nationalist, a supporter of affirmative action, and a passionate Zionist, Trump should be well within the mainstream of Weimerican politics. And yet, he and his supporters are being attacked as existential threats to the Republic.

This tells us the System can only tolerate our continued existence when we are utterly degraded and on our knees, that we are only to be permitted to exist when the purpose of our very lives is to fuel a System pursuing our genocide. And the most privileged members of this system, rather than shrinking back, are comfortable telling us exactly who they are and what they are doing.



It is interesting when Trump talks about nation wrecking globalists, Jews assume he is talking about them. Why would they think that?
Very excellent article! One of the best I have ever read, and Trump's quotes are possibly the greatest and most bravely accurate given in an American political speech by a major candidate in American history. No candidate (especially for President) has ever had the guts to say that. No wonder these miscreants despise him so much. He can't be bought. It's unfortunate that it has taken a billionaire to get the conversation this far.

If anyone doesn't think we are already in a war within our borders against these Leftist control freaks they must be in a coma. It is all around us and brazenly coming from the enemy's own talking heads. The war is on. The last thing we should do is surrender. Even if Trump loses, or it is stolen, we should fight back and expose the snake in the room. You can't cut of its' head until you pull back the debris covering it...
Democracy Means Accepting Defeat (For You)
Posted on 2016-10-20by Lawrence Murray

The main soundbyte from the third presidential debate seems to be that Trump would not unequivocally accept the results of the election if he loses. In other words, Trump would reject the “peaceful transfer of power” so sacred to American democracy. At least, that’s what many observers are claiming. Trump, by refusing to say he would recognize a Clinton victory, is implying something “horrifying.”

Indeed, after his recent speech denouncing globalism, hostile elites, and media collusion with the Clinton campaign as threats to American sovereignty, it is hard to imagine Trump “accepting” the outcome. He has called for his opponent to be prosecuted should he win. He keeps calling the election rigged, and in a way he is right. The election is institutionally rigged. Let’s call it institutional racism.

Millions of Hart-Celler Americans are allowed to vote on whether we return to being a Eurocentric country or not. These post-1965 immigrants of color and their descendants, who have been both the majority of immigrants and the majority of population growth since the (((Hart-Celler Act))) was signed, get to decide our future. It would be like if a referendum had been held on, say, American independence from Britain, and soldiers and administrators of the British Empire in the colonies were allowed to vote on it.

That’s not the kind of rigging Trump is talking about though. He claims there will be widespread electoral fraud (which is unlikely looking at only past election trends, but this is an exceptional year). He more credibly claims that the media is working with the Clinton campaign against him to promote her and slander him (they are).

Rigged or not, Clinton is currently favored to win the election. For argument’s sake let’s assume a Clinton victory without widespread electoral fraud (not counting other forms of de facto rigging such as media gaslighting and propaganda, or that people of color are allowed to vote in a referendum on having a White majoritarian society). Why should the losers be required to accept this? What does acceptance even mean? For that matter, what does rejecting the outcome mean?

Here is the full question asked at the debate:

Mr. Trump, I want to ask you about one last question in this topic. You have been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you. Your running mate Governor Pence pledged on Sunday that he and you, his words, will absolutely accept the result of this election. Today your daughter Ivanka said the same thing. I want to ask you here on this stage tonight do, you make the same commitment that you will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election?

This was then followed up after Trump responded that he “will look at it at the time” and added that Clinton “shouldn’t be allowed to run,” with the following:

Sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the primes of this country is the peaceful transition of power. And that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying that you’re necessarily going to be the loser or the winner. But that the loser concedes to the winner, and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you’re not prepared now to commit to that principle?

Trump said “I’ll tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense, okay?” This is typical Trump, refusing to say the stock response. I think they knew he wouldn’t, and at this point are baiting him. They knew he wouldn’t say, “I am okay with being the loser.” The amount of pearl-clutching his non-committal is producing was surely anticipated. It perfectly feeds into a news-cycle about how “dangerous” and “unstable” Trump is. I can’t say how much that will hurt him, but his answer is a free pass for the media to manufacture another controversy.

And yet, for something so extremely important—whether or not the election ends in business as usual—the hostile elites refuse to admit what their concerns truly are. The question wasn’t what Trump would concretely do in the event of a loss, but whether he would “concede” and “accept the results.” If Clinton wins and Trump stays in politics, does that mean he rejected the results? They didn’t ask him if he would take it to the Supreme Court; they didn’t ask him if he would start a media empire to agitate against a Clinton administration; they didn’t ask him if he would spearhead an armed insurrection. All of those are forms of rejection, some more extreme than others obviously. They asked a very vague question, buttressed by platitudes about stable political transitions being what it means to have a democracy, and Trump gave them a very vague answer.

We know what the hostile elite and its press organs really want to ask. Will he start a civil war over the election? Will he incite violence? We know Clinton staffers do. And as a general rule, electoral violence usually comes from the incumbent against the challenger, since he controls the state’s organized instruments of violence. There’s much less risk involved in crushing the challenger than there is in trying to overthrow the government. And Trump is certainly not going to lead an insurrection at 70.

But these people won’t ask Trump if he’ll refuse to incite violence if he loses, because it makes them sound neurotic and insane. And they are neurotic and insane. That’s bad optics. When they aren’t foaming at the mouth about Trump being Literally Hitler™, they make vapid appeals to American civil religion and faith in democracy, neither of which they are particularly attached to. Wasn’t the Constitution written by evil White male racists? Isn’t democracy bad because it leads to populist upsets like Brexit and primary season Trump? Appealing to the Constitution and the idea of democracy makes for good optics though, even if one uses them cynically.

But back to the real question here: Why accept defeat? Committing to unconditionally surrender one’s political capital as a result of electoral defeat is one of the root causes of our decline as a civilization. It’s the principle of being unprincipled—the idea that the loser should give up and try again next cycle while the winner gets to strengthen his lock on the government. The democratic process, for the loser, is about ceding the Overton window. Accepting defeat is also a principle that’s only followed tactically. The left never agrees to give up its ideological planks if they lose at the ballot box. If they had, we wouldn’t have gotten to this point. But here they are, telling the right to yield if things go poorly.

Meanwhile, it’s not hard to imagine how much “civil disobedience” and how many “peaceful protests” there would be after a Trump victory. Will Clinton rein her supporters in and tell them to accept the results? Yet the prospect of Trump so much as grumbling about being defeated triggers a tsunami of shvitzing among the chattering classes.

2016 is an existential election, so there is zealotry on both sides. There is no recognizable United States of America without a border, and one candidate wants a border while the other does not. There is no demographic majority without immigration restriction, and one candidate wants this while the other does not. These are fundamentally different visions of what it even means to have a country. This election isn’t about tweaking the budget, setting up new social programs, or changing the tax code. It’s not about Aleppo and Mosul. It’s about the future of the United States. It’s about whether or not Washington will enfranchise at least 11 million illegal aliens so they can vote left and let in millions more settlers from the global south over the next four to eight years. That is the issue at stake here. Everything else is secondary, tertiary even.

So here we are, with the press sycophants of the Judeo-Saxon elite demanding that the nationalist accept a globalist victory before the ballots are even counted. It’s the right thing to do. Peaceful surrender to existential threats is the right thing to do. It’s the American thing to do. It’s what our republic stands for. It’s what makes our democracy safe and secure. Will you accept the continued plantation of America with non-Europeans, both legally and illegally, if that is what wins by plebiscite?

I’ll bite, no.

We do not accept your program of grand replacement.

We will never accept it.

We will never consent to it.

We will reverse it.

Your semantics will not work on us. No acceptance. No concession. A Clinton victory has zero ideological authority over what we believe in. We will not yield the moral high ground to a band of mercenaries and traitors. We will not abandon our commitment to national rebirth. And we will not be baiting into initiating disaster. Your eagerness to paint rust belt peasants and tech savvy shitposters as the violent unstable ones betrays your own doom desire.

Hail Victory.
They are finally catching on, a little late though, after they helped the world vampire destroy Europe and western civilization.

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."

- Benito Mussolini to Edwin L James of the New York Times, 1928
Hard to believe my own ears when I hear this recent audio piece (at least I think it's very recent) from Michael Moore. I interpret it as though he's voting for Trump. Either that or he's really bipolar and forgot to take his meds.

"Trump's election is going to be the biggest 'F—ck You' ever recorded in human history...and it will feel good."
I just got home from early voting. No wait. No real problems.

I live in Texas now, which should go Trump. Even still, I was a bit apprehensive as I learned my county is all electronic, other than absentee. I have no trust in the system nationally. I believe there is going to be corruption, fraud and anything and everything done for the NWO whore to get in. I had to do my part, though.

This is it or full-on Leftist Fascism/Marxism takes over. As a Christian, my free speech rights are on the line, per the Hag herself saying so. I'll say it now right up front. Death to her and The Imposter, and Soros, and the Jewish-controlled mass media, and their Academia top to bottom, and every damned last one of them against me. I'll fight them to my death, or preferrably...theirs.

Please spread this around as a public service


Nov 8th for Republicans

Nov 9th for Democrats

I think another overlooked aspect of this media is going to be voter turnout. Americans are notoriously lazy and apathetic when it comes to election day. I really think Trump has tapped into the voter base and will get many first time voters or people returning to vote that have been put off by the politics as usual of the last 16 years (probably much longer than that). Trump has stuck a chord with alot of people that are fed up with the status quo - Romney and McCain were not anti-status quo candidates in any way, shape or form. No candidate in my lifetime has galvanized a voter base like Trump and gotten under the skin of the opposition. This phenomenon truly is once in a life time.

After the ******** of Obama's "Yes We Can" presidency in which just about everything his opponents warned us about has come true - Americans are not better off, their is no flow of jobs employing this country, debt is the largest it has ever been, the country's infrastructure is in shambles, the demographics of this country have changed to due amnesty and a sitting president refusing to enforce immigration laws, whites are fair game due to media, ******** social movements and pure ignorance and hatred of the non-white hordes that has been preached and taught to them from the president to their "parents" to their "communities", countries have been destabilized and western white countries are now being invaded, the country is still involved in war mongering and playing world police but is lead by a commander in chief that commands no respect or ability to be diplomatic.

Sure some of the dumb ass white people who voted for Obama will vote for Shillary because they are lemmings but I think quite a few will come out for Trump after getting played by Obama (twice for the idiots who voted for him in 2012). Their is no way in hell the left can win this election fairly, I do think they can win though because of all of the corruption behind the scenes. I also read an article on drudge that Trump may pull in the most black vote since 1960.

The energy, enthusiasm, sheer number of people that have showed up at his rallies as compared to Clinton all scream of a sure landslide victory for Trump. It absolutely disgusts me that the pigs who blindly vote for Clinton because they are "nasty women" and indoctrinated sheeple who would rather be told what to think than even take 10 minutes to go through the wikileaks emails to see the evidence of what an evil woman she is.

Soros, big banks, wall street, large corporations, the biased media propaganda mouth piece (which has been thoroughly exposed thanks to Wikileaks and Trump calling them out) are all out to **** over everyone in this country.

Sorry for the rant - my coherent statements about voter turnout turned into me just doing a brain dump of random election thoughts.
Buchanan lays waste to egghead CNN NWO-Gatekeeper

I watched that and it was typical of the Leftist "anchor" to avoid the major issues Pat was bringing up.

They are liars in bed with a liar. All Leftists are shameless. There is no hope for wilful ignoring of facts that are detrimental to our country. There is something maniacal about these people. Radical pro-aborts, open borders, anti-Bible, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Founding Fathers, anti-Free Speech, free pass to BLM, opening Women's and Girls bathrooms and changing rooms to men, etc, etc,...These people are demonic.
Apparently, Wikileaks also hacked Trump's campaign emails and found that they read very similar to all of his speeches and interviews...

“We do have some information about the Republican campaign,” the Wikileaks founder replied. “The problem with the Trump campaign is that it’s actually hard to publish more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day.”

He's so authentic...America doesn't deserve him.
Trump's support in PA is massive and his base is passionate beyond belief...yet he's "losing" in every poll. All of the pics below are from various locations in PA...






I drove across Pennsylvania and back last weekend for an American Freedom Union Conference, and can vouch for the overwhelming number of Trump yard signs. I saw more "Hillary for Prison" signs than signs supporting her. It was about a 50 to 1 ratio in favor of Trump.
FBI reopens Clinton email caper! The hag is hating life now. LOL
Trump LIVE in Cedar Rapids...
American Freedom News