The Trumpening?

Another big win for Donald Trump. Even the Simpsons showed him becoming the president of the usa along time ago. Hope the cartoon is right and that he lives up to his promise about the border and other things.
In SC, Trump is up by about 15% over "Establishment NeoCons," Rubio and Cruz. He's up by about 50,000 total votes. He's far from perfect, but I can't help but feel excited for what The Donald will do or say next to torture The System.

Finally, the ultra-weakling, Jeb, bows out...hopefully Kasich to follow suit. The cure for insomnia, Ben Carson, is certainly gone after coming in dead last.
Jeb's gone. No doubt he will endorse Rubio. Carson says he is not going anywhere tonight. That may change in a couple of days. Kasinch should bow and continue his good work in Ohio and help the Repubs carry the state. The fat lady has sung.
It's like a funeral over at Fuchs News. Megyn Kelly, Charles Krauthammer, Karl Rove and all sorts of other assorted vermin are on suicide watch, trying to downplay Trump's decisive win. Yeb! dropping out is the icing on the cake.

Trump may not be the perfect candidate, but then again, who is? We'll never get that person, but what he has done going after the PC establishment and with SJW heads exploding left and right, I truly believe he's the only chance we have to right this ship and the 2016 election is the most important in our lifetimes. If he gets the nomination, I will certainly vote for him.

Looks the establishment cucks will now consolidate behind Zuckerberg's personal senator Marcobot, who has largely escaped Trump's wrath so far. I hope he goes after him hard and takes him out like all the others. Marcobot worries me more than Cruz, so it is important to derail his momentum quickly.
During Little Marco's 2nd place speech last night, the greasy career politician mentioned how South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley (a white-looking Indian woman) was "the victim of racial prejudice" upon immigrating to America. Yeah, life must be really tough when you're the daughter of a rich Indian doctor/professor who was at the top of the Indian Caste System (actual prejudice) by birthright. In fact, India may be the most racist, prejudice, biased, xenophobic, socially corrupt nation on the planet...but no, Mrs. Haley might have been called a "Ruby Noggin" by a few SC "in-bred rednecks" (sic) while growing up. You know, the same rabid "hate mongers" who pay millions each year to pack SEC football stadiums to watch two all-black teams square off.

As always, Marco mentioned that he's Cuban and surely considers himself to be non-white.
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I am thinking the Establishment vermin are hoping for a scenario like, Bush will drop out for all of the primaries, then when the convention comes hopefully (for them) Trump won't have 50% of the delegates. Because of the way Romney's people rigged the Republican nomination rules in 2012, a candidate needs 50% of the delegates to win the nomination outright. (Trump actually has 61 out of 90, or 67%, of the delegates now). I thinkIf Trump doesn't have 50%, the corrupt RNC will call for a brokered convention. Bush will announce he has re-entered the race at that point. Then the RNC will fix the delegates' votes so that the candidate is Rubio with Bush as the VP. If something like that were to happen I would hope the military would finally honor their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and overthrow the corrupt shadow government we have now.
During Little Marco's 2nd place speech last night, the greasy career politician mentioned how South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley (a white-looking Indian woman) was "the victim of racial prejudice" upon immigrating to America. Yeah, life must be really tough when you're the daughter of a rich Indian doctor/professor who was at the top of the Indian Caste System (actual prejudice) by birthright. In fact, India may be the most racist, prejudice, biased, xenophobic, socially corrupt nation on the planet...but no, Mrs. Haley might have been called a "Ruby Noggin" by a few SC "in-bred rednecks" (sic) while growing up. You know, the same rabid "hate mongers" who pay millions each year to pack SEC football stadiums to watch two all-black teams square off.

As always, Marco mentioned that he's Cuban and surely considers himself to be non-white.
I noticed that as well and made mention of it to a friend of mine. During Marco's speech (which was 100% pure rhetoric), he mentioned the "future of Conservatism" and then mentioned the black Senator from SC, Tom Scott, then he mentioned what he said (and you said) about the East-Indian Nikki Haley, then he mentioned his Cuban self. No mention of Whitey. Does that mean we aren't part of the "future of Conservatism" or maybe the future at all? His audience, which appeared to be almost all-White from what I could see, cheered him on...almost like they were at a South Carolina or Clemson football game, except instead of cheering on their favorite all-black team, they were cheering on their favorite (minority) Republican. Let's see, South Carolina "conservatives" (or should that be "cuckservatives"?) voted for Lindsey Graham, Tom Scott, Nikki Haley, and now a 2nd-place finish by Rubio in that state...
Here's Rubio at the CNN townhall explaining his take on the race question. Blah,blah,blah. Standard stuff for a cuckservative. There really never is a true fact based discussion about race allowed in such settings.

During Trump's speech last night, he mentioned the "terrible mistreatment of our police officers." No doubt he's referring to white cops and their countless run-ins with criminal street Dindus that result in their demise...followed by months of national villifaction by the corp media, liberals, and the "Black Lives Matter" parasites. Trump has already expressed his hatred for #BLM after they stole the microphone from Bernie Sanders and hyjacked his gathering in Seattle this past summer...

. I noticed that as well and made mention of it to a friend of mine. During Marco's speech (which was 100% pure rhetoric), he mentioned the "future of Conservatism" and then mentioned the black Senator from SC, Tom Scott, then he mentioned what he said (and you said) about the East-Indian Nikki Haley, then he mentioned his Cuban self. No mention of Whitey. Does that mean we aren't part of the "future of Conservatism" or maybe the future at all? His audience, which appeared to be almost all-White from what I could see, cheered him on...almost like they were at a South Carolina or Clemson football game, except instead of cheering on their favorite all-black team, they were cheering on their favorite (minority) Republican. Let's see, South Carolina "conservatives" (or should that be "cuckservatives"?) voted for Lindsey Graham, Tom Scott, Nikki Haley, and now a 2nd-place finish by Rubio in that state...

I didn't know that Tom Scott was black, thanks for the info! Rubio managed to find the only non-white NeoCons in all of SC politics and press his lips firmly against their backside. What a ***.
I am thinking the Establishment vermin are hoping for a scenario like, Bush will drop out for all of the primaries, then when the convention comes hopefully (for them) Trump won't have 50% of the delegates. Because of the way Romney's people rigged the Republican nomination rules in 2012, a candidate needs 50% of the delegates to win the nomination outright. (Trump actually has 61 out of 90, or 67%, of the delegates now). I thinkIf Trump doesn't have 50%, the corrupt RNC will call for a brokered convention. Bush will announce he has re-entered the race at that point. Then the RNC will fix the delegates' votes so that the candidate is Rubio with Bush as the VP. If something like that were to happen I would hope the military would finally honor their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and overthrow the corrupt shadow government we have now.

Interesting points Riggins.

Yes, Bush and Christie have only "suspended" their campaigns -not "permanently withdrawn, cancelled, etc." Yes, they can always return at any point.

The Democratic party already is as crazy corrupt as ordinary membership voting is essentially just opinion polling as the "super delegates" are the members who decide who will be the nominee. Everyone I have ever discussed this with draws the same conclusion: why would anyone even bother voting for such a corrupt party? I always reply: "That is what democracy is. It's not Republicanism. There is a difference.

Disagree with you on the final outcome: If Trump has nearly 50% of the delegates but not quite enough I don't think the rest of the party will gang up against him and nominate Julio with JEB as VP. Trump would only have to convince about 5-10% of the remaining delegates to vote for him and there is usually enough that truly want what is best for their party. Dumping Trump at the convention would not only destroy the Republican's chance of winning the presidency but would destroy 30-40% of American's confidence in the party -maybe forever.
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I am thinking the Establishment vermin are hoping for a scenario like, Bush will drop out for all of the primaries, then when the convention comes hopefully (for them) Trump won't have 50% of the delegates. Because of the way Romney's people rigged the Republican nomination rules in 2012, a candidate needs 50% of the delegates to win the nomination outright. (Trump actually has 61 out of 90, or 67%, of the delegates now). I thinkIf Trump doesn't have 50%, the corrupt RNC will call for a brokered convention. Bush will announce he has re-entered the race at that point. Then the RNC will fix the delegates' votes so that the candidate is Rubio with Bush as the VP. If something like that were to happen I would hope the military would finally honor their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and overthrow the corrupt shadow government we have now.

The soldier's oath you are referring to:

"I, (enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

This is an oath to words. How may a man make a promise to words? A man may only make a promise to another man who, hearing him, becomes his promisee. This oath to the constitution is like making a promise to a telephone pole or a pine cone because its a promise to a thing. No wonder why the military men and the politicians just keep on keeping on.
Interesting points Riggins.
Disagree with you on the final outcome: If Trump has nearly 50% of the delegates but not quite enough I don't think the rest of the party will gang up against him and nominate Julio with JEB as VP. Trump would only have to convince about 5-10% of the remaining delegates to vote for him and there is usually enough that truly want what is best for their party. Dumping Trump at the convention would not only destroy the Republican's chance of winning the presidency but would destroy 30-40% of American's confidence in the party -maybe forever.

I see it differently. Rubio and Cruz hang around till the end and prevent Trump from having enough delegates to ensure the nomination, it goes to a ballot and one or the other of Cruz or Rubio gives the votes to the other to move past Trump to the nomination. Doing so ensures a democrat victory because either Trump runs independent or his supporters refuse to back the R candidate.

This is just the scenario the Republicans want, they are scared to death of winning the presidency. That would mean no more excuses for refusing to implement the promises they have made, ie repeal Obamacare, build a wall, balance the budget, etc. They WANT Hillary to win.

You should go to any cuckservative site and see if they care about "what is best for the party", hell no, they just want to dump Trump.
I see it differently. Rubio and Cruz hang around till the end and prevent Trump from having enough delegates to ensure the nomination, it goes to a ballot and one or the other of Cruz or Rubio gives the votes to the other to move past Trump to the nomination. Doing so ensures a democrat victory because either Trump runs independent or his supporters refuse to back the R candidate.

This is just the scenario the Republicans want, they are scared to death of winning the presidency. That would mean no more excuses for refusing to implement the promises they have made, ie repeal Obamacare, build a wall, balance the budget, etc. They WANT Hillary to win.

You should go to any cuckservative site and see if they care about "what is best for the party", hell no, they just want to dump Trump.
Nah, Trump is going to rout Cruz and Rubio on Super Tuesday. One of them, most likely Rubio will throw in the towel. Trump and Cruz will wage a brief battle. Cruz will bow out with no possible road to the nomination. Flint you do not have the common sense once reserved for Jaxvid. Jaxvid please come back.
I see it differently. Rubio and Cruz hang around till the end and prevent Trump from having enough delegates to ensure the nomination, it goes to a ballot and one or the other of Cruz or Rubio gives the votes to the other to move past Trump to the nomination. Doing so ensures a democrat victory because either Trump runs independent or his supporters refuse to back the R candidate.

This is just the scenario the Republicans want, they are scared to death of winning the presidency. That would mean no more excuses for refusing to implement the promises they have made, ie repeal Obamacare, build a wall, balance the budget, etc. They WANT Hillary to win.

You should go to any cuckservative site and see if they care about "what is best for the party", hell no, they just want to dump Trump.

Maybe? But Cruz have trouble finishing the race if the courts kick him in the crotch because of eligibility. This thing could have a wild finish.
Flint you do not have the common sense once reserved for Jaxvid. Jaxvid please come back.

I agree. This guy Flint is ok but he doesn't have the insight that Jaxvid did.
Ann Coulter has really left the "respectable conservative" fold in a major way the past few months. Very impressive. Hopefully Trump is paying attention to her and others and will be emboldened when it comes to racial issues besides immigration. How a President Trump would be on race at this point is unknown. I tend to think he'll end up being a major disappointment to the White racialists who currently idolize him but hope I'm wrong.
Jeb getting knocked out is about as sweet as it gets. And Trump deserves most of the credit for it as he attacked Bush mercilessly and often hilariously.

Yes, if Trump accomplished nothing else, he did traditional America the valuable service of publicly emasculating Senor Jeb, the WASP turncoat who mated with a chupacabra. The entire Bush family has been an insidious pox within the Republican party, claiming to embrace traditional American conservatism, but campaigning and governing more like deracinated Tories.

However, we don't want Jeb, Rubio or Kasich to drop out too soon. The cuckservative vote needs to be divided, their money divided. When only crypto-faggo Marco remains, all the adoring cucks will line up behind him (yeah, in their dreams!) with their votes and money.
I want very simple things from Trump:

1. Close the border. Get immigration under control.

2. unleash free markets. He should do great at this.

3. Bring back corporations to Amerika, with great reductions in corporate taxes.

4. Take care of the American Vets.

5. Rid of us of Obamacare.

His daughter by the way married a very goy looking Jew. He could pass for a Ralph Lauren model. I should know, my cousin's son is a big time model there... LOL
The hatred for Trump by the white liberals and blacks especially is like nothing I have ever seen before. I see at least five anti-Trump articles a day on Yahoo. Even affirmative action professors are writing hate speeches against the guy. He sure has these buffoons upset.
Ann Coulter has really left the "respectable conservative" fold in a major way the past few months. Very impressive. Hopefully Trump is paying attention to her and others and will be emboldened when it comes to racial issues besides immigration. How a President Trump would be on race at this point is unknown. I tend to think he'll end up being a major disappointment to the White racialists who currently idolize him but hope I'm wrong.
His seeming disdain for the BLM movement is one positive. I also doubt that he'd look the other way or support the Ferguson or Baltimore rioters, like the current regime has done. And if he can keep the SPLC from influencing DOJ and FBI policy, then these alone would be a big improvement.
Ann Coulter has really left the "respectable conservative" fold in a major way the past few months. Very impressive. Hopefully Trump is paying attention to her and others and will be emboldened when it comes to racial issues besides immigration. How a President Trump would be on race at this point is unknown. I tend to think he'll end up being a major disappointment to the White racialists who currently idolize him but hope I'm wrong.

Yes, Coulter's online postings are in perfect congruence with what one might read on WN boards across the internet. Almost every one of her Twitter posts over the past year have been openly pro-white (or pointing out the hypocrisy of anti-whites)...

Little Marco's female equivalent, Nikki Haley (that poor, unfortunate "victim of racial discrimination" by SC whites) banned the Confederate Flag from SC state grounds. Here she is ordering the flag be removed...

Given that South Carolina voters supported anti-white, Marxist leeches such as Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott, and Nikki Haley...I'm very surprised they voted for Trump in the primary this past weekend.

It's important to get rid of Little Marco, the racism-bemoaning fairy, ASAP.
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