The Trumpening?

We really have no idea what we would get from a Trump administration. He's masterful at not giving specifics, just generalizations.

Just today I heard him advocate waterboarding and other even stronger forms of torture, and he said that IT companies should not be able to provide any privacy to internet users, that the government should have the right to read any and all communications. That fits in fine with the neo-con propaganda line that there are Muslim terrorists behind every bush, always ready to strike anywhere and everywhere in the U.S. and thus we need a totalitarian government (though it's never phrased that way), even though the average American has a far higher chance of dying from a fall in the bathtub than from a terrorist.

There's a lot of hero-worshiping of Trump taking place; ideally he lives up to it should he be elected, but he needs to be viewed as objectively as possible rather than as the "man on the white horse" so many Americans have yearned for seemingly forever.

We never really know what they will do for certain once an administration is formed. We will never know what a man believes and we don't care; we care what they do.

Trump is fun to watch, but, really, he is only a small part of a very big association.

A presidency is only part of the administrative mechanisms this society uses to administer the trust the people grant their trustees: there is Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, Law and Code Executive, and Juries. The people always hold all the power -and not just at election times and not just collectively. Individually the people hold enormous power when they exercise it (and that power is never in the form of a gun). This totalitarian nonsense we hear of imposing restrictions of our liberties such as censoring the internet, threatening torture, forced vaccinations, etc, etc, etc, will stop when man and woman start to be man and woman by learning the law of the land and how to hold it and not by taking up arms like those patriots in Oregon just did getting in jail, or killed. The common law countries have the best law anywhere on this planet but 99.9% of you people will not take the time to learn what it is, how it works, what a court is, how to hold a court, how to move in another's court, and how to seat a jury to try law and fact. Until such a time you people will continue to get pushed around by your trustees administrating your trust instead of you simply benefiting from their services.

Learning the rules of this game ought to be as fun and interesting as football.
Yeah I just wonder how much Trump knows about the inner workings of government and how hard it is to actually get things done. I think one of the debates should involve quizzing the candidates on their knowledge of how the government is administered. Just to see.

Power is never in the form of a gun? You sure?

"You people?" Do you consider yourself some sort of outsider here Ambrose?

By the way Little Marco gained the endorsement of the SC Governer.

Can you imagine Little Marco in the same room with Vladimir Putin?
Yeah I just wonder how much Trump knows about the inner workings of government and how hard it is to actually get things done. I think one of the debates should involve quizzing the candidates on their knowledge of how the government is administered. Just to see.

Power is never in the form of a gun? You sure?

"You people?" Do you consider yourself some sort of outsider here Ambrose?

By the way Little Marco gained the endorsement of the SC Governer.

Can you imagine Little Marco in the same room with Vladimir Putin?

If you listen VERY carefully to Trump, you'll hear things slip out that shows he really knows the game. The man is razor-sharp. His sister is a circuit court judge; whole family knows law like religion. That dummy JEB said in a debate Trump went bankrupt 4 times; Trump jumped all over him, as usual, and said "you know I didn't go bankrupt..." Obviously Trump didn't go bankrupt because he not only knows how to handle a debt, he knows what a debt actually is. Trump said in a speech in NH: "... trade doesn't have to be equitable, it just has to be fare [no, NOT fair]..." (try and figure out what he meant by that...). Yes, I think Trump has game, he's a big boy, and he knows how this country really works -not the pablum everyone learned since elementary school. The brainwashing will get even worse if Common Core survives.

Be careful, I never wrote "...power is never in the form of a gun". I wrote "...that [individual] power is never in the form of a gun." That, implies one man does not take up arms to settle a controversy with his public servants: court them.

Of course I'm "outsider" here.

Trump could very well be overplaying his hand. What is very refreshing about him is his unwillingness to cringe before the thought police, but he can also overdo it if he goes too much in the other direction. I cringed a few times during the South Carolina debate as he continually interrupted and bullied some of the other candidates. Some of it came across poorly.
The rabidly "anti-racist" (anti-white), pro-immigration, pro-homosexual, Marxist Ivory Tower Dweller, Pope Francis, bashes The Donald's immigration policies...

Trump's response is great...

Trump immediately fired back on Thursday, calling Francis' comments "disgraceful."

"No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith," he said in statement. Trump added that the government in Mexico, where Pope spent the past five days, has "made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope."

"If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president," Trump added.

The elderly virgin, "Pope Parasite," proves once again that he is truly evil incarnate. The only reasons this cretin has for attacking Trump is to influence white Catholics around the world to embrace non-white immigration and to sway the precious few Republican Catholics in America to maintain the "NeoCon status quo" by voting for Establishment candidates in 2016...

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Excellent post, Thrashen. I concur 100%. That demonic dirtbag is more like Dope Francis than anything else, and nothing but a puppet for the NWO anti-White brigade.
Tommorrow in SC will be YUGE. If Trump steamrolls the nomination is pretty much his outright. If Cruz wins by the slightly of margins and upset the Donald, the nomination could go on for months. Today there is a poll where the difference btwn Trump and Cruz is 5 points.
I think starting last Saturday that Trump has a major case of foot in the mouth disease and his long term memory is shot. Its hurting him.
Here's a video of Trump supporting amnesty in June of 2016

Here's an interview of Trump saying he supports the war in Iraq in 2002, contradicting his claim of being the only one who was against going into Iraq from the very beginning

None of this matters to his supporters though. They're so madly in love with him that they can rationalize away anything negative about him. I'm amazed at how they're able to spin things about him. I was on a very pro-Trump site the other day and they were all praising him because he said he would be neutral when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But then I listened to his comments and all he did was subtly repeat Zionist talking points about how one side is programmed from birth to hate the other side and how a deal would be difficult to accomplish because of that. This is also the same guy who helped Netanyahu campaign for reelection just last year. The cognitive dissonance his supporters are able to display are reminiscent to that of liberals.
Here's a video of Trump supporting amnesty in June of 2016

Here's an interview of Trump saying he supports the war in Iraq in 2002, contradicting his claim of being the only one who was against going into Iraq from the very beginning

None of this matters to his supporters though. They're so madly in love with him that they can rationalize away anything negative about him. I'm amazed at how they're able to spin things about him. I was on a very pro-Trump site the other day and they were all praising him because he said he would be neutral when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But then I listened to his comments and all he did was subtly repeat Zionist talking points about how one side is programmed from birth to hate the other side and how a deal would be difficult to accomplish because of that. This is also the same guy who helped Netanyahu campaign for reelection just last year. The cognitive dissonance his supporters are able to display are reminiscent to that of liberals.


In first video Trump never talks about amnesty. Why did you put up that video?

In second video, when Trump asked by radio talk show host if invasion of Iraq was good idea, Trump replied: "... Yeah, I guess so? I wish the first time it was done correctly..." The question is, when did he say this? Not during the primaries that's for certain. Is a man supposed to remember everything he says? Do you remember everything you said and believed? A man can always change his mind: vicissitudes of beliefs. Maybe tomorrow he'll change his beliefs again? Probably will. So what? Who cares what a man believes? We care what a man does. Trump has been Nationalistic his whole life, smart in business, pro white, tough and determined. Look at the others: Bush is married to a Mexican and acts like he can barely tie his shoes -he's such a weakling its sickening; Cruz is a falsifier and pro schnookler (says he didn't know he had a Canadian citizenship ffs) and his allegiances are not 100% American -he's a latino lover; Rubio is immature and can't speak on his own -he's another Obama- and he's a latino lover too so he'll sell out on illegal immigration; Carson is a space cadet, a nutcase; and there is no one else. There is no one else to chose if you wish to vote for a nationalist.
I'm amazed so many of you are against Trump. If Trump wasn't in this race - no one would be talking about border walls at all! No one would be taking positions that benefit the working class of America, which Trump is. You don't like him because of some stupid personal issue, he's mean or something?
I'm amazed so many of you are against Trump. If Trump wasn't in this race - no one would be talking about border walls at all! No one would be taking positions that benefit the working class of America, which Trump is. You don't like him because of some stupid personal issue, he's mean or something?

Just because Trump says so doesn't make it true. The idea of securing the border is something that has been talked about in the mainstream for at least the last decade, even a neocon like John McCain ran for senate re-election in 2010 on the idea of building a wall. The only thing I will give Trump credit for is his policy on free trade, but he's not the only one. Bernie Sanders has been a very outspoken opponent of free trade and worker's rights for decades, and he actually has a record to prove it. Bernie Sanders is also against open borders and mass immigration, he's on record opposing those things. Meanwhile who knows what Trump believes, he lies out of both sides of his mouth. One minute he's for helping out the working class, the next minute he'll say something like "wages are way too high in the USA", which he said during a debate. Again comments like that just go in one ear and out the other of his supporters. He's infallible in their eyes.
What I think of politics...


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Here's a video of Trump supporting amnesty in June of 2016

Here's an interview of Trump saying he supports the war in Iraq in 2002, contradicting his claim of being the only one who was against going into Iraq from the very beginning

None of this matters to his supporters though. They're so madly in love with him that they can rationalize away anything negative about him. I'm amazed at how they're able to spin things about him. I was on a very pro-Trump site the other day and they were all praising him because he said he would be neutral when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But then I listened to his comments and all he did was subtly repeat Zionist talking points about how one side is programmed from birth to hate the other side and how a deal would be difficult to accomplish because of that. This is also the same guy who helped Netanyahu campaign for reelection just last year. The cognitive dissonance his supporters are able to display are reminiscent to that of liberals.

A hesitant "yeah I guess so," and then a changing of the subject. That flipflopping rascal.

"Path to succeed" is sugar coating no amnesty.

Guys that call themselves "pro-white" and are against Trump gotta have rocks for brains. Who the hell else are you going to vote for? Cruz? Give me a break.
The thing about Trump is is that he's surrounding himself with smart people

these off the cuff gotchas from 15 years ago are lame
I agree with Don Wassall's comments when he refers to the voting process as essentially a "one party system". On the one hand you have the Democrats (Liberal) and on the other hand Republicans (Liberal Lite). The only real difference between the two being the speed at which the agenda is implemented. There is no genuine mainstream opposition or alternative to this liberal ideology. Well, except voting independent but that never seems to gain any traction among voters. People are caught up in the whole Reps vs Dems debate but its essentially the same sh1t (pardon my French) on all issues just that Reps are saying we'll make those compromises 10 years from now while Dems say we'll make them now.

Of course, this all assumes you believe votes are actually honestly counted in the first place, which I don't.

The best thing that could happen in the USA is if things were just rebooted and started from scratch.

The problem with democracy is that most people aren't intelligent enough to register a productive vote. Because of that, the quality of life on the whole in North America is declining. Things are not going to get better before they get worse.
The primary tomorrow might determine the nomination. It's probably the last chance for the establishment to stop Trump. If he wins as big as New Hampshire then he will be hard to stop. I think they realize this and are going to pull out all the stops against him. I have already seen one poll with Cruz leading, that is way off the other polls, but they have to have a poll that leans that way before they can steal an election. otherwise it's too obvious.
I think if Trump wins South Carolina, that will give him a lot of momentum.
He seems to be making a lot of sense.
Looking at the candidates the two I hate the most other than the commie, are Hillary and Rubio. Both those guys are backed by the Zionist. Rubio is backed by Sheldon Adelson, who wants a war with Iran, and Hillary is backed by the New York Times, who wants to surrnder this country to Mexico.
A hesitant "yeah I guess so," and then a changing of the subject. That flipflopping rascal.

"Path to succeed" is sugar coating no amnesty.

Guys that call themselves "pro-white" and are against Trump gotta have rocks for brains. Who the hell else are you going to vote for? Cruz? Give me a break.

That's some really great spin you've managed to put on those two statements. Here's what Trump said during the last debate. And he's actually said it many times before.

“I’m the only one up here, when the war of Iraq — in Iraq, I was the one that said, ‘Don’t go, don’t do it, you’re going to destabilize the Middle East.’”

That's a far cry away from him hesitantly supporting the war in 2002 isn't ? Again the issue isn't him flip flopping, that would have been okay given the political climate at the time. The problem is him LYING about it so freaking shamelessly and trying to portray himself as being anti Iraq war from the get go. That's inexcusable in my opinion. But you guys are so in love him that you can do all sorts of mental gymnastics in your head and rationalize away everything. Oh and here's more stuff he said about the war in January 2003. It sure doesn't like he was vehemently opposed to it does it ?


Seriously what the hell are you talking about when you say "path to succeed" is sugar coating for no amnesty ? Did you even listen to it ? Here are his exact words

You have 20 million 30 million nobody knows what it is. It used to be 11 million. Now today I hear it's 11 but I don't think it's 11. I actually heard you have 30 million. You have to give them a path, and you have to make it possible for them to succeed. You have to do that. But the bad ones, and there are bad ones, you have to get out, and you have to get them out fast

No reasonable person would come to the conclusion that you came to. It's quite obvious what he's saying is that the majority of those 20-30 million illegals can stay, but the "bad" ones as he calls them will be deported.

I think it's ironic that you say we're the ones with rocks for brains. You guys are the ones who refuse to think critically here. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Trump is a pro-White candidate. All the evidence says that he isn't. You guys are just enamored with his personality. Of course Cruz isn't the answer but it's not like he'd be any worse than Trump. I personally think Bernie Sanders is the best choice out of everyone running, my only worry with him is nominating a liberal for the supreme court, but Trump would probably do the same thing. And it's not like Sanders would really improve things either. The answer is stop looking for an easy solution. No one man is going to solve all of our problems or even come close to it.

You complained about Trump's daughter's choice of religion and change of creed. Really?? His daughter is not running for president.
You complained about Trump's business connections with men you identify as "Jews". Really?? He does business with people from around the world. We all do. So what?
And now you prefer Sanders, a man who identifies himself sometimes as a "Jew". Really??

And now you conclude with: "The answer is stop looking for an easy solution." Who expects Trump to fix everything? Trump is merely the best choice of a bad lot. A president is only the chief public servant. I wrote above a man has to learn how the game is really played if he wants to do better.

Trump is a rich White goy that lives in New York City. Obviously, he's going to have a lot of business dealings with them (including the marrying-off of some of his children), especially the banks where he places his most liquid assets. He's smart enough to not deliberately upset that apple cart. He's proven in the past that he can be a great deal maker.
That's just the world that us goys have to live in now in the West. If we were the mostly homogeneous White, Christian, heterosexual culture that we were 40-50 years ago and before that, there would be little reason to need a "deal maker" like him run for President, because we all, pretty much, thought the same way and believed in the same ideals.

He's certainly not perfect, but as the old saying goes, "Perfect is the enemy of good", and he's the best of a bad lot, which is a lot better than the other practical choices we've had for President over the past 20-30 years or so, maybe since JFK. That's how dire the situation is...
Fox News is calling Trump the winner in SC. Like I said I would be happy with Trump, Cruz or Rubio against any Dem. I just hope he means what he says about the border. Trump is financing his own campaign and is a billionaire. He says he is not beholden to anyone. We shall see. I also really hope his a conservative for the most part. They say he spent 1.5 million in ads in SC. Bush spent 15 million! Wow. He is rewriting the books.
American Freedom News