The Trumpening?

I cannot help but be nervous given all the shameless criminality in the DNC, the media, Soros, the DOJ, The Imposter, The Jewish Banksters, the illegals voting (more than once!), the idiot females, minority blocks, brain-washed people under 40, and of course the mass of Liberals that have the insight of a dead fish floating downstream. If Trump wins it will be a miracle of sorts.

The people with sense are the ones we need to vote still if they are just getting off work or whatever. None of this garbage about "every American should get out and vote". I don't want dumb media-duped sheep voting for the crooked Hag.
Reports of vote fraud in Philadelphia. Voter intimidation, Trump poll watchers forced out of polling places and voting machines switching Trump votes to Clinton votes. The dirty Democrats at work.

They excuse the machine fraud by saying the machines weren't calibrated properly but they're always switching votes from Trump to Clinton, never the reverse. They're clearly rigged.
Florida close (of course) and people in the Panhandle are on Central time, still voting. Trump has to have Fl. ...
Anybody here with inside knowledge on Ohio? 34% in and the Hag is leading...
There are reports of massive vote fraud in Philadelphia. The hag is far ahead in PA according to THEM.
I was hoping one of our Cfers is from/lives there (Ohio), for a better feel of what to expect.
I can't believe it's this close. I thought Trump would win handily.
How can the witch be ahead 66 to 30 in PA other than massive voter fraud in Philadelphia?
Electoral votes. FOX News says Trump 139 the witch 97. But CA and NY together = 84.
FOX has Trump with a big lead in OH but neck and neck in Michigan. NC tie. Indiana landslide for Trump. Slight lead for T in FL.
Another thing to think about is the GOP looks like it will be in control of the far.
Trump leading the national vote so far 49.5% to 46.5%. What happened to all those polls showing Libertarian Gary Johnson with 12% and Green Party candidate Jill Stein with 5%? I knew they were bogus. When the country is polarized like it is now, Americans don't vote for third party candidates.
It's 9:41 and there still are not any results from PA! This stinks to high heaven of election fraud.

We shall see how the country reacts to election fraud in plain view.

He's losing in PA: 755 000 to 555 000. But looks really good in FL and OH!!
American Freedom News