The Trumpening?

One of the many great affects of a Trump victory could be all of the leftists, Jews, neocons, zionists, feminists, black nationalists, homosexual supremacist, et al who may decide to off themselves in anguish. Think about how much better the country would be without this assortment of scum.
The best result of a Trump victory for me would be the opportunity to rub all the never-Trumpers/cuck servatives face in it. A Trump loss and that scum gets to crow about how they were right all along.
Apparently, this morning on the unwatchable MSNBC show, "Morning Joe," vile Jewish NeoCon, Bill Kristol, went on yet another foaming-at-the-mouth Trump rant. He called Trump a "fluke" over and over and screamed "you think it's so funny that the Republican party nominated a really bad guy?!" He then accused the media of not being tough enough towards Trump! This dude is such a warped, jealous, cuckholded, Zionist loser...

Even the ultra-pansy, Joe Scarborough, managed to emasculate Kristol (he accused him of "crying") during this bizarre exchange.

Kristol was in serious meltdown mode. I believe he is in a subliminal panic that Trump will win. Yeah Scarborough made him look like a spoiled brat, buy telling him he was crying. LOL If Trump wins, a lot of cucks will have examine themselves. Lot of their sh*t publications will belly up. I wonder how many subs the Nat'l Review has lost since this prick turned into back stabber No. 1?
I knew he was bad but man is that revealing. Does this nutjob even realize who Trump is running against? Does he want to bring in Fascism tomorrow morning? What planet does he live on? Lock this snake up in an insane asylum along with all NeverTrumpers.
Apparently Joe Arpaio is behind 45 to 31 percent in his re-election bid. Of course, his support of Trump is being blamed. Also, Arizona may vote democratic this year.
An Establishment in Panic

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Pressed by moderator Chris Wallace as to whether he would accept defeat should Hillary Clinton win the election, Donald Trump replied, “I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense.”

“That’s horrifying,” said Clinton, setting off a chain reaction on the post-debate panels with talking heads falling all over one another in purple-faced anger, outrage and disbelief.

“Disqualifying!” was the cry on Clinton cable.

“Trump Won’t Say If He Will Accept Election Results,” wailed The New York Times. “Trump Won’t Vow to Honor Results,” ran the banner in The Washington Post.

But what do these chattering classes and establishment bulletin boards think the Donald is going to do if he falls short of 270 electoral votes?

Lead a Coxey’s Army on Washington and burn it down as British General Robert Ross did in August 1814, while “Little Jemmy” Madison fled on horseback out the Brookeville Road?

What explains the hysteria of the establishment?

In a word, fear.

The establishment is horrified at the Donald’s defiance because, deep within its soul, it fears that the people for whom Trump speaks no longer accept its political legitimacy or moral authority.

It may rule and run the country, and may rig the system through mass immigration and a mammoth welfare state so that Middle America is never again able to elect one of its own. But that establishment, disconnected from the people it rules, senses, rightly, that it is unloved and even detested.

Having fixed the future, the establishment finds half of the country looking upon it with the same sullen contempt that our Founding Fathers came to look upon the overlords Parliament sent to rule them.

Establishment panic is traceable to another fear: Its ideology, its political religion, is seen by growing millions as a golden calf, a 20th-century god that has failed.

Trump is “talking down our democracy,” said a shocked Clinton.

After having expunged Christianity from our public life and public square, our establishment installed “democracy” as the new deity, at whose altars we should all worship. And so our schools began to teach.

Half a millennia ago, missionaries and explorers set sail from Spain, England and France to bring Christianity to the New World.

Today, Clintons, Obamas and Bushes send soldiers and secularist tutors to “establish democracy” among the “lesser breeds without the Law.”

Unfortunately, the natives, once democratized, return to their roots and vote for Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, using democratic processes and procedures to re-establish their true God.

And Allah is no democrat.

By suggesting he might not accept the results of a “rigged election” Trump is committing an unpardonable sin. But this new cult, this devotion to a new holy trinity of diversity, democracy and equality, is of recent vintage and has shallow roots.

For none of the three — diversity, equality, democracy — is to be found in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers or the Pledge of Allegiance. In the pledge, we are a republic.

When Ben Franklin, emerging from the Philadelphia convention, was asked by a woman what kind of government they had created, he answered, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Among many in the silent majority, Clintonian democracy is not an improvement upon the old republic; it is the corruption of it.

Consider: Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November.

If that is democracy, many will say, to hell with it.

And if felons decide the electoral votes of Virginia, and Virginia decides who is our next U.S. president, are we obligated to honor that election?

In 1824, Gen. Andrew Jackson ran first in popular and electoral votes. But, short of a majority, the matter went to the House.

There, Speaker Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams delivered the presidency to Adams — and Adams made Clay secretary of state, putting him on the path to the presidency that had been taken by Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Adams himself.

Were Jackson’s people wrong to regard as a “corrupt bargain” the deal that robbed the general of the presidency?

The establishment also recoiled in horror from Milwaukee Sheriff Dave Clarke’s declaration that it is now “torches and pitchforks time.”

Yet, some of us recall another time, when Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote in “Points of Rebellion”:

“We must realize that today’s Establishment is the new George III. Whether it will continue to adhere to his tactics, we do not know. If it does, the redress, honored in tradition, is also revolution.”

Baby-boomer radicals loved it, raising their fists in defiance of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew.

But now that it is the populist-nationalist right that is moving beyond the niceties of liberal democracy to save the America that they love, elitist enthusiasm for “revolution” seems more constrained.

What goes around comes around.
Apparently Joe Arpaio is behind 45 to 31 percent in his re-election bid. Of course, his support of Trump is being blamed. Also, Arizona may vote democratic this year.

Where did u see that? He is in the Phoenix area of Arizona which is very conservative.
Read the editor's note at the end of that. It sums up where those commie POS's are coming from. It did accomplish one thing tho...I'll try to find the last email I have from Sheriff Joe asking for donations and send him some more dineros.

Trump has gained plenty of support. I hope, if he does lose, he continues and runs in 2020.
Trump has gained plenty of support. I hope, if he does lose, he continues and runs in 2020.

Forget it. If he loses they will be flooding the country with the scum of the third world and ramping up welfare and we will never again be able to win another "democracy" shell game election. Then it will be either revolution or military coup or nuclear war, or just the gradual fizzling out of the Great Race and civilization.
Forget it. If he loses they will be flooding the country with the scum of the third world and ramping up welfare and we will never again be able to win another "democracy" shell game election. Then it will be either revolution or military coup or nuclear war, or just the gradual fizzling out of the Great Race and civilization.

Yes, indeed. This is the last chance to save the country, or what's left of it. That's why the Leftists are pulling out all the stops and shameless in their bias and propaganda.

This is it and there's no coming back if Trump loses. The tilt will be insurmountable and the demographics changing combined with younger voters and the younger population being totally brainwashed by the Leftist ideologies from Grade school to Graduate school are basically irreversible. It's almost over already. Trump's candidacy is the final attempt by anyone capable to end the onslaught. And yes, onslaught is a very fitting term of what is happening to a once great White Christian-values America.
Trump is delivering his "Gettysburg Address" speech today at the battlefield in Gettysburg, PA where he will deliver a major speech detailing his plans for the first 100 days of his administration. It will focus on immigration, regulatory reform, tax cuts, and border security. "One aide says the Civil War battlefield site is appropriate because 'Gettysburg was the moment when the war turned'".

What a brilliant psychological tactical maneuver. He is positioning himself as being on the side of the Union, which all the good leftists identify with as being the righteous side in that war. So he is co-opting the moral high ground from the psychotic left and the NWO, which cuts the legs out of their claim that Trump just represents the "ultra-nationalists" and other alt-right "extremists" like us here at CF. Of course the only kind of nationalists are "ultra-nationalists" according to the psycho left.
Nice speech by Trump - really like his plans to put term limits on congress, end sanctuary city federal funding, stopping govt officials from becoming lobbyists for 5 years and cracking down on immigration. All of these things are very practical and should make complete sense to any one who is not a moron.
Nice speech by Trump - really like his plans to put term limits on congress, end sanctuary city federal funding, stopping govt officials from becoming lobbyists for 5 years and cracking down on immigration. All of these things are very practical and should make complete sense to any one who is not a moron.
The problem is, Amerika is flooded with complete morons who have gladly been brainwashed by the axis of liberalism: academia, media and Hollyweird. A toxic mix.
The problem is, Amerika is flooded with complete morons who have gladly been brainwashed by the axis of liberalism: academia, media and Hollyweird. A toxic mix.

Totally agree - hopefully it resonates with enough people fed up with the status quo though. Trump's biggest appeal is that he is probably the last peaceful option of any type of improvement of our corrupt government.
Here are the things Trump outlined in Gettysburg as his "Contract with the American Voter"
I especially like numbers 5 & 6 but a certain (((foreign government))) won't. No presidential candidate in modern times has ever called out our enemies so directly and with such consistency. To anyone red pilled and paying attention, this is incredible. It also explains why the system is all in to stop Trump. They are clearly terrified of him, just not in the way they pretend to the dumbed down masses. If they can't defeat Trump with the vote, honest or through fraud, then taking him out might be their only option. We should all pray for the safety of this brave man.
American Freedom News