The Trumpening?

The Godking of Global Zionism, Sheldon Adelson (one of the very wealthiest of the "Evil Billionaire Jew" class) publicaly endorsed Trump the other day. Unfortunately, Donald seems to adore this odious cretin...
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To be successful in business, one has to have a very thick skin; sometimes one has to look through, over, and beyond to see.
The Godking of Global Zionism, Sheldon Adelson (one of the very wealthiest of the "Evil Billionaire Jew" class) publicaly endorsed Trump the other day. Unfortunately, Donald seems to adore this odious cretin...
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One of the key differences between Trump and most politicians is that an endorsement from someone like Adelson means that many shekels are being contributed to their campaign coffers in order to procure political favors. Trump can just take the endorsement at face value, with the positives that it enables in the Jewish community, without the need to capitulate.
One of the key differences between Trump and most politicians is that an endorsement from someone like Adelson means that many shekels are being contributed to their campaign coffers in order to procure political favors. Trump can just take the endorsement at face value, with the positives that it enables in the Jewish community, without the need to capitulate.

It may not be that simple. Adelson recently vowed to give The Donald $100 million...

According to The New York Times, Adelson told Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump in a recent private meeting that he would contribute a sum up to $100 million in order to help elect him.

With his "America First" stance of foreign policy, Trump hasn't catered to the Israel Special Interest Groups, unlike Lyin' Zion' Ted, who stated in every single campaign speech that "America needs a President that will stand, unapologetic, with the nation of the Israel!" I hope that Trump's Israel/Palestine neutrality isn't compromised if/when he receives campaign donations from the vile "Shekel Savant," Adelson. This decrepit, foul Hebrew cretin has long purchased the services of every other member of Corporation R...


CAPTION: Adelson and His Flesh Puppet, Romney
Too long to copy in its entirety here, but worth a read:



Having failed to stop Donald Trump from winning the Republican nomination, the “true conservatives” of the Republican Party are making a bold stand, proclaiming they would rather lose then forego their principles. And the most vocal grassroots leader behind this “movement” is… Weekly Standard editor (((Bill Kristol.)))

Kristol says it’s not Trump’s policies that are the issue. It’s his “character.” “It is clear that Donald Trump does not have the character to be president of the United States,” Kristol intones, without elaborating why.

Of course, this is isn’t the first time Kristol has kvetched like this. In 1996, Kristol moaned that Pat Buchanan was an existential threat to the “conservatism” of real Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich. (Back in The Current Year, Gingrich may end up being Trump’s Vice-Presidential pick or Chief of Staff.)

Kristol says he is deeply concerned about having a candidate “who cares about the Constitution, who cares about limited government.” But when Ron Paul was running for president, Kristol said Paul was “not a good guy,” that it would be betterfor the GOP if Paul left, and that even Paul’s role in the debates was destructive.

Trump’s character has nothing to do with it. Nor can Trump’s supposed heresy from “true conservatism” be taken seriously when Kristol is putting himself up as the arbiter of orthodoxy. Kristol is a self confessed “liberal” on immigration. It was Kristol who lectured conservatives in 2008 on the futility of championing “small government.” It was Kristol who called himself a “squish” on gun control and urged Democrats to push more gun control legislation. The Second Amendment is perhaps the one area where the conservative movement hasn’t proved itself entirely useless over the last half century, but the people who run the Beltway Right don’t believe thepaper worshipping pabulum they vomit up to sustain the “grassroots.”
Not so much the Adelson endorsement, but the contribution could indeed be a problem down the road. This is how politicians become political prostitutes. I hope that isn't the case for Trump. I hope Trump takes the money and doesn't bend on his stances of major importance: the border, America first, economy/jobs, trade issues, and giving the one finger salute to political correctness and the mainstream media, etc.
Kristol is a true died in the wool whore for Jew-first agendas.
To hell with that godless, anti-American snake amongst the brood of vipers that spawned him. Who is this piece of trash to moralize anyone? Utter scum. You can tell a lot about the elites and press core as to who they dislike, and who they have have disdain for. For someone to dislike Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan tells anyone all they need to know. Maybe Kristol would feel safer out in the ocean as shark bait if Trump gets elected. I'd be glad to take him and his puppeteers there.
Kristol is a true died in the wool whore for Jew-first agendas.
To hell with that godless, anti-American snake amongst the brood of vipers that spawned him. Who is this piece of trash to moralize anyone? Utter scum. You can tell a lot about the elites and press core as to who they dislike, and who they have have disdain for. For someone to dislike Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan tells anyone all they need to know. Maybe Kristol would feel safer out in the ocean as shark bait if Trump gets elected. I'd be glad to take him and his puppeteers there.

Like his daddy (Irving), he's a quasi-Trotskyte arch-neoCON who firmly endorses globalism.
When "The Jews" are spoken of as having part control, menacing control, of media/banking/commercial corporations, it's men such as Kristol who make that group. These are the men that use their money to influence millions of men and women, to tinker with other's lives to follow their ideas. Yes, they act in concert with others like them.

Not that we know all there is to know about Trump, but of what we do, who can say that he has invested his time and money into social planning the same way "Jews" like Kristol have?
Not so much the Adelson endorsement, but the contribution could indeed be a problem down the road. This is how politicians become political prostitutes. I hope that isn't the case for Trump. I hope Trump takes the money and doesn't bend on his stances of major importance: the border, America first, economy/jobs, trade issues, and giving the one finger salute to political correctness and the mainstream media, etc.

I'm not worried about Adelson's contributions to Trump. Typical politicians need rich guys to fund their campaigns and more importantly provide cash to be stashed away in Swiss accounts. They have to follow the orders of the donors or the donors can make their lives miserable with negative press and legal complications. Trump has none of those worries. He's already wealthy and impervious to anything Adelson could do media wise and has an army of lawyers already at work. I'd say it's a poor deal for Adelson, he's probably hoping for one last shot at backing a winner before he goes to his richly deserved reward in the lowest circle of hell.
Black kid threatens Trump and threatens violence will occur if food stamps discontinued. Kid's either semi-retarded or someone with a perception of the world that is distorted to such an extent that he may as well be a foreigner from a foreign world?

Trump has been hitting Crooked Hildabeast and Wild Bill very hard on Twitter and in recent speeches. His newest attack ad against Bill "The Spider Monkey In Heat" Clinton uses the weepy voice recording testimony of the various women that Bill molested, groped, sexually assaulted, and raped in his past...

If this is the kind of material that Der Donald and his people are using against the Clinton Crime Family with the election still six months away, they must be planning on releasing some amazing "dirt" on these vermin in the months to come. Should be fun! Perhaps he'll touch on the "Arkansas Murder for Hire" and interview their hit-man/accomplice, Larry Nichols...


Donald will win 44 delegates in Washington State tonight, but unfortunately won't eclipse 1,237 until June 7th when CA, MT, NJ, NM, and SD cast their vote.

I really liked this recent Twitter post...
Trump calls the White-hating neocon jew Bill Kristol a "loser" at a rally in California yesterday:
Adelson is not a neocon. He probably doesn't assume, as neocons do, that US interventionism in the Middle East is necessary for Israel. There's a Jewish faction in Israel that believes the US obsession with human rights and multilateral approaches could prevent Israel from dealing, perhaps once and for all, with the Palestinians, and that it restrains Israel in general. Many of them are Russian Jews with ties to Vladimir Putin. Trump has signalled he'll have better relations with Russia. If so that could help Israel with their main concern - Iran - as Russia is the only country that seems to have any influence in Tehran.

Besides, even if Adelson doesn't think this way $100 million is a small price for him to pay to potentially have some influence. After all he knows Hillary won't hurt Israel so why not hedge and at least have Trump's ear in the event that he wins?
Trump calls the White-hating neocon jew Bill Kristol a "loser" at a rally in California yesterday:

Here's an interesting article about Kristol, the Neo Cons, and Trump. It was written back on Super Tuesday so some things have changed since, including the Adelson endorsement.
The gist of it is the rats may soon jump ship right back to their original home--the democrat party. Will they be welcomed with open arms, or will they be seen as the opportunists they are. They'll be tolerated for the sake of the shekels.


I think the water cannons & tear gas are far too good for those filthy mexcrements & other assorted vermin rioting outside the Trump rallies. No doubt these disgusting untermenschen are quite worthy of some "hot lead distribution". However, they are NOT true Americans (1.0) are NOT equal to the great White race & NOT worthy of our soil!!!
Buchanan simply nails it right here:


Trump: 'The Great White Hope'
Pat Buchanan: Working Caucasian men are becoming alienated from society
Buchanan always knows the scores, and not afraid to put it out to the drone masses. I listen to talk radio, and I can without question that Mark Levine and Larry Elder have put out what Pat states in the article. Man, maybe the masses are waking up. I can only hope.
I respect Buchanan quite a bit. He seems to be the only political pundit telling it like it is. I have read his articles for about 10 years or so and he has absolutely been correct on everything. His articles regarding the Trump phenomenon have been spot on as well.
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