The Trumpening?

I read something the other day that 24 Washington Post reporters are doing nothing but trying to dig up dirt on Trump. That's undoubtedly just the tip of an army of dirt-diggers and obviously they've been unsuccessful so far. Considering the milieu Trump grew up and prospered in -- high-stakes New York real estate and real estate and business generally -- if he maintained his integrity through all that, that's extremely impressive. His wife and children all appear to be well-adjusted and strong in character as well.
I read something the other day that 24 Washington Post reporters are doing nothing but trying to dig up dirt on Trump. That's undoubtedly just the tip of an army of dirt-diggers and obviously they've been unsuccessful so far. Considering the milieu Trump grew up and prospered in -- high-stakes New York real estate and real estate and business generally -- if he maintained his integrity through all that, that's extremely impressive. His wife and children all appear to be well-adjusted and strong in character as well.

The Washington Post and Huffington post have at least one anti-Trump article a day. They dug up some nonsense on him this past week that he pretended to be a public relations guy on the phone from 1991. Compare this to how they bragged about the almighty Obama in their articles.
I'm proud of his stance on not releasing his taxes. Just because politicians have traditionally been bullied by the hypocritical press into releasing their taxes doesn't make it right. When the press releases their taxes and reveals their political affiliations and Obamas school transcripts are released then they can ask for Trumps tax returns. And then he can tell them to shove it as it's no ones business but the IRS and they audit him "every" year!!!
Trump needs to continue to be vague (sparce on the "details") on the issues so as not to give ammunition for the opposition to disingenuously attack him with.
Trump must continue to ignore and deflect and infuriate the media by keeping his dialogue with the people, by-passing their inquisition.
And over and over and over he must ask out loud, "Where were you guys when Obama was campaigning and now presiding in a dictatorial manner, and where were you and where are you now with the Hillary scandals?!!! We'll talk about me when we see some unbiased non-partisan reporting. Now F... OFF!"
I read something the other day that 24 Washington Post reporters are doing nothing but trying to dig up dirt on Trump. That's undoubtedly just the tip of an army of dirt-diggers and obviously they've been unsuccessful so far. Considering the milieu Trump grew up and prospered in -- high-stakes New York real estate and real estate and business generally -- if he maintained his integrity through all that, that's extremely impressive. His wife and children all appear to be well-adjusted and strong in character as well.
Jeff Bezos, the owner of (who made $6,000,000,000 in one hour a week or so ago due to his stock holdings in that company) bought out that rag and is using it to go after Trump and promote your typical left-wing agenda. He's a big Democratic donor. Trump, in response, is threatening with an anti-trust investigation if he becomes president.
Looks like Ben Carson let it be known who Trump's five choices for VP are:

Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and Chris Christie.

Realistically, Cruz or Rubio would never do it, no matter what, so it's really probably just between Palin, Kasich, and Christie.

I hope Carson is only jesting or estimating, because NONE of those cowardly NeoCon globalists are worthy of the nod. Palin needs to stay home & clank pots & pans, & the other 'men' are gutless pawns of the PTB. Trump needs a true American like Dr.Ron Paul, Buchanan or Dr.Duke.
I hope Carson is only jesting or estimating, because NONE of those cowardly NeoCon globalists are worthy of the nod. Palin needs to stay home & clank pots & pans, & the other 'men' are gutless pawns of the PTB. Trump needs a true American like Dr.Ron Paul, Buchanan or Dr.Duke.

Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are too old and David Duke is too, well you know. Sarah Palin would be the death of his campaign, women hate her, and she has already lost as a VP. I can see how Trump is thinking though. All those people were recently in the public eye so the name recognition is high and it keeps the narrative rolling.

Cruz I don't see happening. Trump might like him because he finished 2nd and it's all about winning to Trump. But other then some appeasement to the #NeverTrump crowd what else? Texas is already a red state and Cruz will have other shots at the Presidential spot. Christie doesn't bring much to the table, he won't bring NJ and he's a bit loud for a VP.

I still think it's Kasich. He can get Ohio, he's a former Washington insider, he appeals to moderates, and he looks like a VP. He'd also jump at the chance. Rubio is a possibility because the GOPe would like it, having their pawn a heartbeat from the Oval office, and Rubio's political career is on the rocks otherwise. Maybe he helps in Florida too.

I would think Scott Walker should be on the list for the same reason. Maybe brings his state, kind of a bland moderate, liked by the GOPe.
If anyone from the list its Rubio for me. He's actually very intelligent and he quit the race and shut his mouth -he didn't suspend it like the others did. He may be of help with the browns and blacks.
I'm amused by anyone who thinks that Trump has better than a popsicle's chance in Hell of winning in November. The Republican Party is coming apart at the seams and the (fake) populism of the Trump campaign will not be able to offset the demographic realities of the American electorate in 2016.

Trump will win, as America is still 70% successful. In spite of whites like you who are in self-destruct mode. I'll bet you don't make 50 posts before you get shot.
I would have to agree with Ambrose on this one. If Trump does win I hope Chris Christie is his VP. Once Trump is assassinated my boy will be the prez. . Odd thing. Trump was going to run 4 years ago and during the roast of Donald Trump comedian Jeff Ross made a joke about him being assassinated. It probably will happen.
I would have to agree with Ambrose on this one. If Trump does win I hope Chris Christie is his VP. Once Trump is assassinated my boy will be the prez. . Odd thing. Trump was going to run 4 years ago and during the roast of Donald Trump comedian Jeff Ross made a joke about him being assassinated. It probably will happen.

Your boy Chris Christie. Lol ok dude . Everyone has tried to slander and discredit Trump, only makes him stronger. People that support Trump

1. Don't trust the media/hate the media.
2. Don't care about the media's opinion!

** PS I loathe the fat Jew, Ross. He doesn't have an ounce of funny in him. He's a beneficiary of the monopoly Jews have on entertainment. Imagine a white man called for assassination of Obama... Oh but a Jew said it about Evil Trump,tell the audience to laugh on cue!!
Your boy Chris Christie. Lol ok dude . Everyone has tried to slander and discredit Trump, only makes him stronger. People that support Trump

1. Don't trust the media/hate the media.
2. Don't care about the media's opinion!

** PS I loathe the fat Jew, Ross. He doesn't have an ounce of funny in him. He's a beneficiary of the monopoly Jews have on entertainment. Imagine a white man called for assassination of Obama... Oh but a Jew said it about Evil Trump,tell the audience to laugh on cue!!

I actually think Ross is consistently funny. He is no Greg Giraldo. The smartest most talented comedian that ever lived though he was coked up on a few of the roasts. I am not trying to slander Trump but the guy offers little of anything of substance. I tuned him out when asked what his plans to reform Obamacare and his answer was " something great " . I am no fan of Hillary but as I have stated earlier, she is the lesser of 2 evils. I loved Christie because he is not scared to speak his mind and say look " if you disagree with me, fine. I am the god damn governor and I'll do what I think is best ".
Trump going after the utterly corrupt and completely Zio-controlled MSM with some tweets. Here's just one:

Says that the report by Washington Post about his five VP picks is false:
The @washingtonpost report on potential VP candidates is wrong. Marco Rubio and most others mentioned are NOT under consideration.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 16, 2016

Part of me wonders if he is deliberately setting up some of these MSM sources to then discredit them later on to make them look even more untrustworthy to many people.
Hillary the lesser of two evils haha I want what you're smoking on bud. She panders to freaks, gays, minorities and women. She doesn't give a flying **** about white males or the middle class shrinking. She wants further destruction of America(3rd world immigration)and for us to be full fledged welfare state. She wants to continue obamacare. Ask anyone who does taxes for a living, they'll tell you Obamacare is a pain in the ass and makes their jobs harder! Not to mention she's a career crooked politician, perfect for those pulling the strings. I'm failing to see the lesser of two evils, and just evil.
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Interesting that there seems to be a couple of tr..., er, I mean plants, um, er, newbies on the site today.
Hey I resent that Beyondfedup. Now could you come over to my house and water me? Thanks a bunch. I pretty much agree with Celtic about Hillary but Trump offers nothing other than being a white male. Do you really think there is going to be a wall built near Mexico? Are we really going to ban all Muslims from immigrating this country? It is just not plausible.
Resent whatever you want. Trump isn't "great" as a choice but he's all that's left. He might even be decent in the long run and he may help a lot of average White Americans to tell the politically-correct police to go to hell where they belong. Screw every bit of that crowd and all their cohorts.
Killary is catering to baby-murdering pro-aborts, anti-male feminist sluts, whores, *******, dykes, wetbacks, and even terrorists. So yes, any male, especially if they're White that thinks Killary is a better choice is being anti-White and anti-heterosexual male.
If you don't want the truth, too bad. You only have to wear the shoe if it fits.
And who said I was even talking about you?...
Hey I resent that Beyondfedup. Now could you come over to my house and water me? Thanks a bunch. I pretty much agree with Celtic about Hillary but Trump offers nothing other than being a white male. Do you really think there is going to be a wall built near Mexico? Are we really going to ban all Muslims from immigrating this country? It is just not plausible.

Sometimes, like all of us, it's ok to stand corrected, and you stand corrected. Trump offers a genuine solution to the Southern border, and, his position(s) on international trade are the only sensible agreements the United States should ever even consider undertaking. One would have to go back to Roosevelt to find an equal nationalist. Is that not enough?
Ambrose, does it snow in the fantasy world you live in? Trump offers nothing but an ego. As I said I hope he wins and Chris Christie is his VP. There will be some liberal d-bag who will put a few bullets in him. Is it better to be pro white or pro American. As pro white as I am I care more for this country because we are always going to have dykes and women and minorities. Who would have thunk it? :)
I see Bill Kristolburger is still trying to make a third party candidate a reality.
Hilarity looks to ensue as the left is begining to cannibalize itself. I am loving this because the radicalized leftist lemmings are being led over the edge. If anything it looks like the Democratic Party is the one that is more likely to collapse as the pandering to loudest most obnoxious leftist losers is catching up to them. That's what happens when diversity meets reality.
I see Bill Kristolburger is still trying to make a third party candidate a reality.


Trump made a smart move yesterday by listing conservative judges for the SCOTUS. In the last week he is playing his cards right. Today he stated that Bill Clinton was accused of rape! Why is the media going after him for peanuts? Brilliant. A lot of "neverTrumps" will jump on the bandwagon mas pronto. This may be a landslide in favor of Trump.
The Godking of Global Zionism, Sheldon Adelson (one of the very wealthiest of the "Evil Billionaire Jew" class) publicaly endorsed Trump the other day. Unfortunately, Donald seems to adore this odious cretin...
Ambrose, does it snow in the fantasy world you live in? Trump offers nothing but an ego. As I said I hope he wins and Chris Christie is his VP. There will be some liberal d-bag who will put a few bullets in him. Is it better to be pro white or pro American. As pro white as I am I care more for this country because we are always going to have dykes and women and minorities. Who would have thunk it? :)

Yes, i lives in many worlds; some are exclusive to i; and, yes, in some it snows.:)
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