The Trumpening?

Stupid Paul Ryan and his cuckservative buddies. They have been bitching all week about how Trump has to work to unify the party. Dumb asses don't know that they got their butts kicked and it's the losers that defer to the winners. Typical of Republicans, they think the winners have to kiss the losers ass because that's what they do when they win the Senate or the House. Trump is going to school these pussies. His response (above) was great.
As much as this election is different and defining, because of Trump's attacks on globalism. the reasons for voting seem the same as any other election:

Question: What's the difference between Paul Ryan and a jelly-fish?

Ans: I can't think of any.
The support that this lib fraud receives from White men in the commonwealth demonstrates the state of Amerika. God help us.
The support that this lib fraud receives from White men in the commonwealth demonstrates the state of Amerika. God help us.
God help us? Really, isn't that part of the problem. Christianity, especially in its current manifestation has helped turn men into "turn the other ass-cheek" Cucks. Maybe Wodin help us, especially the castrated "Once was Vikings" Scandinavian beta boys. Simpering Homo Whimpus needs to be clutching his guns, not his bible. It's been a long time since there's been a robust, muscular, confident form of Christianity, say since Richard the Lion Hearted.
Kerry tells Graduates to "PREPARE FOR BORDERLESS WORLD":

These shameless scum openly tell us they are out to destroy Whites nations...

This only helps Trump. Somehow, in spite of all the mind numbing babble that has been broadly casted into the minds of men over the past fifty years most men still comprehend that a nation's borders are the limits to their property which they and their forbears have kept and cared for and are not to be simply abandoned to everyone and anyone.
God help us? Really, isn't that part of the problem. Christianity, especially in its current manifestation has helped turn men into "turn the other ass-cheek" Cucks. Maybe Wodin help us, especially the castrated "Once was Vikings" Scandinavian beta boys. Simpering Homo Whimpus needs to be clutching his guns, not his bible. It's been a long time since there's been a robust, muscular, confident form of Christianity, say since Richard the Lion Hearted.

Only Christianity in its current form (post 1960's) has been this tolerant of deviance and become spineless wussies. You are wrong if you think otherwise. The men who founded this nation were Christian in faith, principals, ethics, and wisdom. They would be ashamed of what modern "Christianity " has become.
Your broadbrushing and ignorance of truth is telling. People who want truth get truth. Those who want to follow the truth can or they can wimp out and succumb to anti-Christian, anti-Christ Leftist crap spewn from the TalmudVision and their k!ke-duped cohort snakes in professorships in Universities that have become nothing more than satanic seminaries for graduating reprobates who are infinitely worse off than before they went in.
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Guys, I will support Trump over any Democrat especially Clinton. But at times Trump sounds scattered brained flip flopping over this and that. Thoughts?
Is there any politician in the history of the world that has not changed what they are saying about a policy depending on who is the audience or what is popular? How is Trump different in this way then any other politician ever?

That's a negotiating tactic. It allows him to flexible in his policies and be more realistic about what he can actually get from Congress. It is typical of politicians to do this because it helps appeal to more people.

If you can be on both sides of a deal then you are better positioned to get what you want. The unpredictability is an advantage. No politician means what they say because what they can actually get will be very different from what is proposed. At least the things he has been consistent about are important. Immigration and the Wall.
My main reasons are: Border control and SCOTUS. Everything else can be worked out. No compromise on my 2 requirements.
My main reasons are: Border control and SCOTUS. Everything else can be worked out. No compromise on my 2 requirements.

Two very good reasons. I add trade to the BIG THREE reasons. Trump says he will stop this self-destruction way the country has been on for the past 30 years.
After two more victories in West Virginia and Nebraska, Trump is now within 102 delegates of 1,237. He should win all remaining states (OR, WA, CA, MT, NJ, NM, and SD), all the remaining delegates (375), and finish with around 1,500 delegates in total. Unfortunately, it’ll probably take until June 7th in California for Der Donald to officially secure the so-called “magic number” and the nomination that he's so thorough earned. The System has really been squirming at the thought of Trump “crashing” their little NeoCon Convention this summer in July and I can’t wait. I noticed a pertinent example of these invertebrates wriggling during this interview with Cuckhold NeoCon God, Max Boot, in which he calls Trump every name in the Marxist handbook (racist, Nazi, xenophobe, sexist, extremist, demagogue, ignoramus, etc) in the most highly-pompous, nauseating, self-righteous manner that is humanly possible. The revulsion these NeoCon parasites have for Donald means he must really be doing something for the sake of normal white people! Boot, by the way, is a Russian-born Jew…

Since winning the PA primary, I’ve noticed a massive increase in “Trump 2016” yard signs everywhere I go in the state. I’ve seen numerous homes that also fly the confederate flag!


Meanwhile, “Bolshevik Bernie” continues to be the axiomatic pebble in the shoe of the “Hilldabeast” and her big bankster donors, earning surprising victories and remaining in the race. If she can’t even defeat an elderly, unexciting, dry, Socialist Heeb, how does she expect to hang with the ultra-energetic, humorous, quick-witted, unyielding real estate mogul?


Hmmm, a Russian-born Jew.
Anybody else notice how the Jewish-controlled "ESTABLISHMENTS" absolutely hate Trump and are scurrying like the vile roaches under the filthiest dumpster in town when they think of Trump winning and shining the light on them?
Guys, I will support Trump over any Democrat especially Clinton. But at times Trump sounds scattered brained flip flopping over this and that. Thoughts?

Here's a better explanation from Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert cartoon. Adams has a very interesting blog mostly about the Trump phenomenon. Anyone interested in Trump would find the blog fascinating. Adams take is that Trump is a "master persuader" and is able to use his skills in that regard to appeal to people on a subconscious level. Some of the stuff he claims is out there but interesting none the less. Adams also has predicted Trumps political success from the beginning. He also predicts a landslide win for the Donald.

Trump is a skilled persuader who understands that people don’t make decisions based on policy details, logic, reason, common sense, or any other illusion of rationality. People are emotional creatures who rationalize their actions after the fact. Science knows that free will is an illusion. Trump knows it too. I say that about Trump with confidence because you can’t be a Master Persuader until you understand that people are fundamentally irrational.So what do you do if you want to persuade voters but you don’t want to give policy details that are nothing but targets for critics? A trained persuader would create a situation in which everyone can see whatever they want to see. Trump literally takes both sides of the issues whenever he can. As a candidate, he’s a human Rorschach test. I might see in Trump a skilled persuader who always makes aggressive opening offers, and you might see a future dictator.
Not sure if this thread is where this should go, but it's PCR's opinion if Trump is not elected (and Hillary is):

A Dire Future

Paul Craig Roberts

Do you remember all the hopes Americans had for Obama when we elected him to his first term? Painful memories. He betrayed the voters on every one of his promises. There was no change, except for the worst as Obama went on to become one of the most vicious war criminals in world history. Despite his horrific record, we re-elected him, only to have US economic policy turn against the people in order to bail out at our expense the mega-banks and the One Percent.

Now Obama is coercing Asia and Europe to turn the governments of their countries over to rapacious American corporations empowered by TPP and TTIP to subordinate all interests to their profits.

Here is Pepe Escobar on how the great and wonderful United States treats its enserfed vassals: “Hardball, predictably, is the name of the game. Washington no less than threatened to block EU car exports [to the US] to force the EU to buy [Monsanto’s] genetically engineered fruits and vegetables.”

Now we face the prospect of electing an even worse president than Obama—Killary Clinton. Killary is the bought-and-paid-for property of Wall Street, Israel, and the military-security complex. She will bring back to power the totally discredited neoconservatives, and the US will proceed with its butchery and slaughter of other countries and all reformist governments everywhere.

The question is: will enough insouciant Americans align with the One Percent, the neocons, the men-hating feminists, homosexuals, the transgendered, and other “preferred minorities” to put the US presidency in the hands of an aggressive, corrupt person with a conscience deficit? That is the goal toward which the presstitutes are driving the brainwashed.

If we end up with Killary, neither the US nor the world will survive the mistake. She will be the last American president.

Killary is compromised with secret agendas, and secret agendas lead to conflict and war. With a crazed President Killary who declared Russian Presient Vladimir Putin, the world’s leading peacemaker, to be “the new Hitler,” with crazed American generals who declare Russia to be “an existential threat to the United States,” and with the insane neoconservatives back in the saddle determined to impose American hegemony on the rest of the world, Killary’s election will terminate life on earth.

I've really got to stop reading articles like this, or viewing disturbing YouTube "conspiracy" videos, before I go to bed. I think I'll start watching old Foghorn Leghorn cartoons about a half hour before I go to bed instead so I don't wake up in a cold sweat anymore.
Nice contrast between the non emotional approach of Jeff Sessions in explaining the consequences of the choices we make, and the rabid, foaming at the mouth, cartoonish caricature of a caricature Paul Craig Roberts. God bless Paul as his heart is in the right place, it's just that, that way of writing can turn off people before they can consider what you said. There's a time and place where over-the-top flourishes for comedic effect are appropriate, and appreciated by the amen choir, but not suitable for the conversion of the unenlighted.
I also disagree, though understand the point he was trying to make, that Obama failed to deliver on his promises. He certainly has brought about fundamental change in delivering, for example the ACA, the first step to the future nationalized socialized health care system.
Trump needs Jeff to be part of his administration especially in an advisory capacity dealing with immigration, taxes, and trade.
American Freedom News